She Count]} fkrotd.j: KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS suKS< RIPTK>N RAXES: One copy, one year $i 25 One copy, six monrlis 75 One copy, three monts 5<' One copy, one year in advance? 1 oo j Obituaries, triouies 01 i\espvti. Resolutions of Thanks, < ards of Thanks and all other reading: notices, not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for eaeh insertion. ________ THURSDAY. AUG. 13. 1908. 'vS I Help Elect Bryan. The Democratic National Com- j mittee is iu need of money. It is impossible to conduct successfully a political campaign of this magnitude without the "sinews ^ of war''. The people of Wil- , liamsburg seemed to be over- ( whelmiugly in favor of Bryau's j nomination, now the thing to do . is to get to work and help to|( elect him. In the "Solid South" * talk ( ? does little good, if any. Show your faith by vour works- and go ' . . . t down in jour pockets to aid tne cause. Show jour lojaltj to the grand old Democratic partj by giving as much as jou can spare to promote Bryan's success. Mr. Bryan has appealed direct^ lj to the people and if they fail him his defeat is a foregone conclusion. Every little bit helps and small contributions will be 8 gladly accepted. ^ The Record will start the ' 8 ball rolling with a contribution ^ of one dollar; also we will receive 8 and forward to the treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, Governor C. H. Haskell, of Guthrie, Oklahoma, any other sub- 1 BCriptions that are left at this * office, or they may be forwarded direct to Governor Haskell. A list of contributors will be f published weekly in The Record, ihould the people respond to this appeal. t ___ t Mr Grace and Mr Rhett, t If Mr John P Grace,candidate for the United States Senate, is ambitious to advertise him self as a 1 politician of the gad-fly variety he 1 must be well pleased with himself. ' The wonder is that. Mr Rhett, the target of these insect-like onslaughts, , is possessed of self-control to endure . calmly the gadfly's furious attacks, j Mr Grace's position is utterly indefensible in that he charges Mr Rhett with being a Republican, when 1 he does not deny having supported Mr Rhett since this alleged apostasy from the ranks 01 jcemocracy. Tne truth is that Mr (Trace is so disgruntled because of repeated defeats at the hands of the people of Charleston in his efforts to be elected ^o office, that hej seems to consider himself about the only simon-pure Democrat in the "City by the Sea." So, evidently, if 1 Democracy means a government by the majority, Mr Grace's brand of politics might invite ) adverse criticism. As he franklyjl t admits, Mr Rhett did not vote e for Bryan in 189t>, because he could not conscientiously believe in "Free Silver," and time has proved the fallacy of the 16 P to 1 idea. Even Mr Brvan a himself tacitly admits that bis |n pet hobbv in 1*9G is practically ju i a dead issue now. Be it re men:-11 berd that Mr Khett is not ac- 11 cased of voting the Republican ticket by his jxilitical mentor, but because he did not vote at 11 all in lS'JG, then, forsooth, c tlie man twice elected Demo-! ( ratio mayor of Charleston, and i who in 1D04 was unamiuouslv t chosen by the Democrats of I u South Carolina in convention assembled as .delegate at large toi the National convention?along I I n with Tillman, Heyward and r Latimer?this man is a Repnbli-j can. So says Mr (Jrace. While of course there is not h-1 ing to Mr Grace's silly and1 ^ malicious charges, their re-; f iteration at every meeting is not' ^ only exceedingly annoying to Mr L Rhett, but also places him atjei a decided disadvantage before f the voters who go out to hear y the candidates discuss the issues {, of the campaign. The time j] allotted to each candidate is only about twenty minutes and it intakes at least half of this to brush aside Mr Grace's charges C! The other candidates?some of j V) them at least?try to still further | y\ liau-iicap Mr Rhett by joining n Mr Grace's attacks; so :hat here we have the spectacle b< )f the candidate who has a good hi speech prepared for the cam- hi laign?one that competent critics ~ 1 1 -L- lL.,1 _J. | v ui judge superior to mat ot uuj )f his opponents?virtually tie- 1L irived of his right to deliver it u? jy having to explain a lot of dii ;ommy-rot utterly irrelevant to his :andidacv for United States senate. d? South Carolinians are prorerbially found of fair play and vill not stand for such tactics cc is aie employed by Mr Grace iu lis desperate effort to defeat a clean ind honorable citizen of his J iwn town, one of high ideals ind staitiless character. v< sc 6' Yes, the weather has been pret- rt y hot here lately, but just think ^ low it make3 the cotton grow. s* pl Before he gets through with fc he preachers Candidate Blease will ^ irobably be sorry he spoke. i? ? di We believe that there is not * it- Xl- _ 1 X i town on me map wim a uet,er health record than Kingstree ( his summer. d< t>1 If Candidate Blease is so ter- pi lbly opposed to negro education tl ivhy did he accept a position as trustee of a negro college? We have known some very J1 3rood people who care less for V p ibout heaven for themselves than a bell for their enemies. \ ===== a: Next to an optimist comes the man. who keeps his troubles to himself. Every man thinks his | particular brand of misery the j . ; t most poignant. >> ?? I When a candidate for office selects his private secretary before the election, it's a pretty sure sign he won't need one after the primary. e i.? South Carolina's immigration 0 e experiment has proved a costly tl failure. If the legislature really r< wants to save the State money |r' it would be a good idea to start P by abolishing this superfluous and xpensive office. Judge Alton B. Parker did he gallant act recently by stoping a team of runaway horses nd rescuing two helpless felales who were being dragged nderneath the wrecked vehicle, low unfortunate that he did ot thus ccme come into the ime-light four years ago. The Columbia State has re> rodneed from its files reports of ampaign meetings several years go describing ;i tilt between Mr ilease and the preachers of Xew>erry, in which the Senator came fi second best. ft's cruel to ake up all these things from he dead ashes of the past against , candidate who refers to the teachers for a certificate of charter. Candidate Grace swears that Canidate Rhett?both of Charleston? > not a Democrat. This is a erious charge and if true Mr. irace conlu have the State excutive committee bar Mr. Rhett rom the campaign. Why doesn't Ir. Giace prefer his charges be:>re Chairman ^ Jones and ask liat Mrj Rh^'U - expelled from :ie I "because he nows ridiculous ) sensible men and h hopes t.? itch the unthinking or ignorant Dter by ' playing upon prejudice, [r. Grace has all the arts of ie unscrupulous demagogue, but te people of South Carelina have ion fooled too often by men of is stripe to take seriously his at air diatribes. Candidates' Cards. [Announcements in this column will be imbibed until the close of the campaign at the folwlng rates, provided the announcement does >t exceed seventy-five (75) words: State and HiKressionnl candidates$5.00; County candiites s3. 00] Clerk of Court I hereby announce myself a candiite in in the primary for reelection to tee office of Clerk of Court of Wiltmsburg County, subject to the rules : the Democratic party. With a high jpreciation of tfieir support. I ask the intinued assistance of the friends who tve heretofore supported me, II 0 Britton. Kingstrek, SC., August 4, 1908. PorSolicitor 3rd Circuit The undersigned offers himself to the )ters of Williamsburg for the office of licitor, subject to the rules of the imary. He was appointed to succeed on. W. H. Wells, who was transfer d to another circuit, and he now asks ie suffrage of the people for the full i- - 1? I J,, ;rm, Deneving ue imo aucauj ucmvu-| rated that he is fully qualified for the lace. J. B. Mclaughlin. I hereby announce myself a candidate >r Solicitor of the Third Judicial Cirlit, subject to the rules of the l)emo atic primary. A B. Stuckey. I hereby announce myself a candiite for Solicitor of the Third Circuit, lbject to the ruies of the Democratic riiuary, Philip II Stoll. 3ounty CommissionerWe hereby announce Mr G G Haselen candidate for county eonnnission , believing that be will faithfully srforin the duties of the office, being ?ber, honest and well qualified tor le position. His candidacy is of course ubject to all the rules of trie Deiuoratic parts. Friends. Having been solicited by friends I erebv announce myself a candidate for ie olfice of Countv Commissioner for /illiamsburg county in the Democratic rimary election, and pledge myself to bide by the sime. Having had three ears experience in the otlice 1 feel that am ijualitied to fill the position, and sk the support of all Democrats. J. X. Hammet. July 1, PJ08. Probate Judge. 1 hereby announce myself a condidate or re-election to the office of Probate udge for Williamsburg county,subject o the rules and regulations of the >emocratic party P. McCluxk Hrockinton. For Road Engineer I hereby announce my candidacy for ppointment to the position of road ngineer, subject to the primary eleclon. Under the recent Act of the legdature, I did not undei stand that any ne could fill said position but a civil ngineer, but since it has been put in he primary and no civil engineers re running, I am a candidate on my ecord, and if elected will fill said posiion to the best of my ability. Thankig niv friend^ for their favors in the ast. 1 am Respectfully. S. J. Singletary. I hereby announce myself a candidate 1 for the office of Road Engineer for Wilj liamsburg county, subject to the rules I of the Democratic primary election, , and respectfully ask the endorsement of delegation and Clerk of Court I i pledge myself to abide the result of the j primary election. If elected I promi>e ! to do my full duty as I see it. Jno. E. Godwin. h. \r tp-.ij.. ?. mnn lui juiiii ivi i^cmuv, a man ciiuucu% fitted in every way for the position, is I i hereby proposed for the office of road i engineer at the approaching primary j 1 election?the result of which he will abide. voters. i by solicit ition of my friends^herehy j announce my-elf a candidate ^for the | office of road engineer for \Silliams-j burg county, pledging myself to abide by the rules and regulations of the l> mocratn* party. 1 earnestly crave the endorsement of the delegation and clerk of court. I have had several years' ? xpericnce in road building and, I if elected, will di-cliarge the duties of I ! the office to the very best of my ability. J.J.Graham I hereby announce myself a candidate I in the coming primary f?>r the ollice of Road Engineer for Willimsburg county, subject to the rules and regulati??s of ! the democratic party. and respt ully ' ask the endorsemen' of delegate, ind \ | clerk of court. I pledge inys' to! abide the result of the nrimar elec-1 i r '. .1 I iion. u eiecteu. 1 promise i scnarge: the duties of my oltice. 15. b. < handi ER. ^ . * _ " RailroadConunissioner I hereV-y announce myself a candidate for railroad commissioner of South 1 Carolinia, subject !o the rules of the Democratic primary. James A Som?, ! mersett, Columbia. S C. United States Si ...v. i I beer t<> announce mv candidacy for the United States in the approaching democratic primary, and I | respectfully solicit the support of the I Democratic voters of this State. R C. Rhett. For Coroner1 hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Conner of Williamsburg county, subject to all the ' rules of the Democratic primary. W. J. Godwin-. The friends of II. M. lUirrows an- I nounce him a candidate for the office ( of t oroner for Williamsburg County ' subject to the rules of tha Democratic primary. Friends. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of coroner for Williamsburg county, subject to the regulations of the Democratic primary. M Buffkin. Thanking all my friends for theii support in the past. I recpectfully an- ( nounce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of coroner, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. I am an old veteran, having served four years in the war, and during the term of my office I have tried to do my duty. I respectfully ask your support in the coming primary. R K Gamble. For Sheriff 1 hereby announce myself a candidate in the coming primary for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party and pledge myself to abide the result of the primaries. I earnestly ask the support of the 1 'emocratic voters, and if elected, pledge my constant efforts to discharge the duties of the office to the satisfaction of my fellow-citizens. Geo. j. Graham. For Auditor. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of j. j. B. Montgomery for re-appointment to the office of county ' Auditor, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. For TreasurerThe friends of R B Smith announce his name as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Williamsbunr countv. subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election. We are authorized to announce the candidacy of J. Wesley Cook for re-appointment to the office of CountyTreasi urer, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. For Supt. Education. We are authorized to announce the! c andidacy of Mr J G McCul lough tor re-election to the office of County Superintendent of education, subject to all the rules of the Democratic primary election. For the Legislature1 hereby anrounce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives subject to the rule- of the Democratic primary. w Abbie Fitch. # For the house of representatives, J no S Graham, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Jno S Graham. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the house of representatives, subject to the rules of the primary election. Respectfully. J Davis Carter. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Theo. R Gourdin. Upon earnest solicitation of many friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives subject to the rules and regulation* of the Democratic primary. My past experience will enable me to better serve my constituents and I promise, if elected, to discharge my duties to the utmost of my ability without fear or favor. I thank my friends for their support in the past and again solicit their votes in the coming primary. VV. I*. (iAUSE. Believing, as I do, that with two years' experience in the Lower House, 1 can now better serve my constituents, I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democrati?* party. Thanking you one and all for the liberal support given me two year- ago, I promise, if elected, nu best service- in behalf of my fellow-citizens. W. I>. Bryan. I announce myself a candidate for re-election to the House of Representative. If elected I will do my full duty as I see it to the best of my ability. Thanking my friends for their past support. I will abide the result of the :@:?:?:< III LIEI 1 DRY ? :?:@:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:? FRUIT Extra Frui and Ri HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NI % FINEST 0 TT 1 nainiiioc&Si ICE CREAM Refrige ZINC LINED AND WHI1 Screen Doors Everything to be found i St COFFINS BIG STOCK HOUSE A KiNGSTREE HARD Organized, Developt Principle of Con Along Progres: BANK OF WI tVINCSTREE. - ~ Solicits a share business, feelin our ample res( rior.facilities v ciatiou with i agreeable and ] C. W, Stoll, Pres. E. L. Montgomery. Asst. < Democratic primary and will support the nominee thereof. June 2. 1908. R H Kellahan. Congress 6th District. I hereby annonce myself a candidate for Congress from the 6th Congressional distr'ct, pledging myself to abide the rules of the Democratic party. J W RagsdalE. We are authorized to announce as a I cancidate for Congress in the Sixth .Congressional Distriet, James R i Ocggeshali., subject to the rules of the Democratic primary election. I announce myself a candidate for Congress from tlie Sixth District, sub- fl| ject to the rules of the Democratic ! primary. P. A. Hodges, w Bcnnettsville. S. (1 May 30, 1008. ~ J I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to Congress from ! the Sixth District subject to rules of the Democratic primary. [ J E Ellf.rbk, " ?> :?:@:@:?:?:?:@:@:?:? IT 11 ulUlilj. | GOODS. | ^ \ ? s \ ? ? /I i r * 1 -17 y c; > ? id ) i Shoes. j | \ ? i[ ? CKL EY, I RELIABLE. ? s>:?.@:@:@:?:?:?:?:@:? JARS it Jar Tops > nbbers. 3W PATENT FRUIT JAR? N EARTH; Hammocks. FREEZERS. rators. TE ENAMELED LINED. and Windows. n a First-class Hardware ore. JD CASKETS. ND CARRIAGE PAINT. WARE COMPANY. id and conducted on servative Banking sive Lines, the r T T A H/rCDTTDn JLlUlAlUUiJ U J>VV7 SOUTH CAROLINA S $150,000 | of your banking ? confident that flBj jurces and supevill render asso- ^Hj is permanently arofitable. E. C. Epps, Cashier, Cashier, F. Rhem, V. Pres, r :.A r>a