FV-~. * < I * Wyt bounty BecariY j ' ? ^ * VOL XXII KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 13, 1908. NO. 22 l ' r? aWMAMMMWAAAAA - THE OPENING GUN OF j COUNTY CAMPAIGN J; FIRED AT KINGSTREE?TWO HUNDRED [ VOTERS USTENED TO CANDIDATES' jj SPEECHES. About 200 people listened to 1 the county candidates yesterday (when each presented his claim < for preference over his competitor for the respective office to which he aspired. The meeting-, ' i u A~~i- "'"'-a in eTip rnnrT which luun piuvt 111 luv w ?. j bouse, was called to order by \ County Chairman Williams at ( 11:30 A.M. The occasion was marred by no unpleasant inci* dent. All the candidates seemed to be in good humor and on pleas^ ant terms with their opponents, the common claim being that each was running on his own merits and not the short-comings of his competitor. The candidates for all offices were allowed live minutes, except those for road engineer ana soncuor, the engineers being allotted ten 1 and the solicitors fifteen min- 1 jV utes. The speakers were presented in the following order: J, J. B. Montgomery, a candidate for reelection for auditor without opposition, briefly thanked the people for past support. G. J. Graham, who as a candidate for sheriff succeeds him. self, expressed gratitude for the support accorded him in the past. I\ M. Brockinton, who is unopposed as candidate for anoth er term as probate judge, in a \ graceful little speech thanked i 4 the people for the confidence i shown in him and pledged his best efforts to serve them during the next four years. < H. O. Britton, another fortu- i nate office-holder without oppo- < sition, explained that he was filing out an unexpired term ! as clerk of court and asked to be elected for the ensuing lull term.Thanked the voters warmly for past favors. J. G. McCullough, for superin- i tendent of education,in addition to returning thanks for the support given him two years ago, I which thanks are all the more j fervent by reason of the fact that his re-election is uncontes- j ted, gave some interesting fig- ] ures showing the development < of the county in an educational way during the period of his incumbency. Two years ago there was only one school building (the one at Kingstree) valued 1 r?YTYy??Yy?wmvwtW PEOPL Watch for thei MMAWMAWMMMWMV it $1,000 or more, now there are twelve. Total value of school property,$20,OOOtwo years ago,is now $60,000?an increase of 200 per cent in valuation. Williamsburg has also won two prizes of $100 and $50, respectively, for rural school improvment. The first candidate for a contested office was M. S. Buffkin, who merely announced his candidacy for the office of coroner H. M. Burrows, as candidate for coroner, was absent, on account of the illness of bis wife, it was explained. K. finmhie. the Dresent coroner, who offers for re elec-j tion, thanked the voters for their suffrage two years ago. Referred to war record of four years and to his valiant service in helping to maintain white supremacy in the parlous days of J6. "Bob'* evoked applause and laughter by his naive assertion that he "served two years when he could have kept out of the war . W. J. Godwin, another candidate for coroner, was absent on account of sickness, as was announced. J. W. COOK, wno iouoweu, wants to be elected to a second term as county treasurer, or as he expressed it: "When the people have a good Cook they had better keep him". R. B. Smith, who is also in the race for treasurer, referred to close race 2 years ago, therefore he is running again, giving other reasons why it was fitting that he enter the campaign this year. B. B. Chandler was introduced as a candidate for the new office of road engineer. Stands on record made by previous service. rrr . ?J j. 1 warns endorsement uy uic pcuple as well as by the legislative delegation. Explained method of road building. Roads need drainage; under present conditions road plow costs county ?3,500 a year. Many useless bridges. John Al. Eaddy, who is running for the same office, finds delight in his heart,after a small canvass ol county, at development of county and enlightment of people. Time was when a half dozen men could write most of the tickets in a primary. Now times have changed. Tells who he is and why he is running. Thinks motive of road law a good one. Approves of drainage and explains his methods. John E. Godwin, also a candidate for road engineer, said he comes to Kingstree on a dif Yy^TMvyyyyywwvyTVwwyv ' *> E'S JHERC* \ \ ir fall announce! V iMWM- ? UMWMMMMMVv ferent mission from any here- t to-fore. If people will vote for c him they will never regret it. j J J Graham announced his i candidacy* for road engineer and referred to past record. Tried i to do duty as supervisor. 1 Drainage important factor in: road building.Talked about clay ] roads. Money spent on roads not i wasted. ' Mr. Godwin asked Mr. Gra- 1 ham to explain report that he c (Godwin) was brought out to 1 beat Singletary' Mr. Graham:'T 1 knew nothing about Mr, God- 1 win's candidacy until I saw his ( announcement in the paper*'. t S. J. Singletary, the last ot ( the road engineer candidates, I said he was on trial before the 1 voters of Williamsburg. Supervisor is bound to be "cussed", < whether he d/>es right or wrong. Has done as much in two years ; as any of his competitors did in < same time. Believes new road ] law a good one. 1 Next came J.N. Hammet, a J candidate for county commis- 5 sioner. Doesn't look like a race t horse, but is in race for county < commissioner. Had three years 1 experience and feels* qualified. G. G. Haselden, the other can- < didate for this office, was ab- J sent. ( The legislative candidates, < seven in number, came next. 1 Mr.^W. D. Bryan stressed im- s portance of good roads and, if 1 elected, promised his best efforts < to bring about improved high- ] ways.Defended new road law.In- < tention of delegation was to take the office out of politics, but ' he will endorse the man nomina- i f BUGGIES . = I THEY HAVE I jf\ To make roor m JjJ GOODS. W /fit Buggy in the ! ^ percent, abovi Come in an< f self some mon m w 2 iv?. or. tx If? ? This spz ENTILE CO I nent. :ed in tL o'ther :andidat ?s the legislature pledged themselves to do likevise.) Mr. Bryan defended appropriitions in reason for State coleges. J. D. Carter said that as a tax aayer he feels that something s needed in our government. 'Economy" is the subject lie vould discuss. Glad whiskey is mt of this campaign. Taxa Die property 27 millions, legisature exceeds entire tax levy )y $200 000 in appropriations. Colleges could get along- on less noney without crippling their ?fficiency. Denies rumor as to jeing in clique or ring. Opposed co immigration bureau. W. A, Fitch announced his :andidacy for the legislature. W. P. Gause said he was igain a candidate at solicitation :>f friends. Stands flat-footed for prohibition. Wants to make the world brighter and better. Doesn't favor immigration. Has >ix boys and each boy has six sisters. Taxes high, but so is ;very thing else. Opposed to lien iaw. John S. Graham's conception }f a legislator's qualification is ntelligence, common-sense and :haracter. Has had four terms' experience in the general assembly and feels better prepared to >erve the people than ever before. Opposed to creation of new offices, also wants lien law repealed. Not in any ring or clique. Jpposes compulsory education. Messrs. R. ,H. Kellahan and j r "R riniirdin the other two lee X. X-9 W slative candidates, were absent, CHEAP! | IT TO GO | n for FALL ff\ III sell any JL house for 10 (f\ i COSt. J save your- ff> ey. jft EIjXJEES | " # vyyvvvwvvvyvyvyvvwvyyv^ ice belongs to VIPANY. WAAMAAAMAAAAMMMAAAMA, Mr. Kellahan being out of town T and Mr. Gourdin unwell. Two candidates for solicitor were present,Messrs.McLauglilin and Stoll. Both made excellent U speeches, but lack of space forbids even an attempt at a synopsis of what they said. The audience was generous E with applause, all the candi- & . . . . ... . :i dates receiving1 it in greater or " smaller measure. Those identi- S ' A/ fied closest with Kingstree were ? naturally favorites. v At the close of the meeting a Mr Bryan took a "hand pri- r< mary" on whether or not ^ those present preferred the c road engineer appointed by the d delegation or elected by the peo- B pie. Fifty-four voted for the ap- u pointment by the delegation and A 20 for election by the people. s More than 100 people present did not vote at all. c We ask pardon for any errors c or omissions in this hastily writ- ij ten report, prepared late yester- M day afternoon and rushed into p type to get it printed this week, tl Certainly we hive tried to be p fair to every candidate, although we are able to report ^ what was said only in the briefest way on account of the num. I ber of speeches made, and tnef> short time we have to get the 11 type set. ^ o Bids Wanted, o T Bids for the installation of Steel fixtures and Concrete floors and c< Fireproofing of offices in Base- o ment of County Court House at o Kingstree, S C., will be received at a the County Supervisor's office in Kiagstree, S C., on or before 10 A M, August 21, rjus. riaus anujjr specifications are on inspection at fc said office, and at the office of Ernest V Richards, Architect, Bennettsville, S C. Supervisor to re- \\ serve all the usual rights. a, S J SlNGLETARY, ^ Supervisor. 8-l3-2t. " b< Special Notice- at residents of clubs who have not di yet forwarded lists of managers for tl: their respective precincts in the ^ ensuing primary election will ap- m point managers at once and send m in their names to C VV Wolfe,Se'c't'v, h( Kingstree, S C 8"( - A H Williams, ^ County Chairman. 8-13 2t to Trespass Notice- j* All pesons are hereby warned against , , hunting, fishing, cutting timber, or in any other trespassing on the lands of A the undersigned in AndersonTownship. Any one disregarding this notice will be vigorously prosecuted. fp W A MOOBB. tu 8-6-3t % M 'wwvwwwwww^ || 1 J AAMMAAMMAwjl 1 0P1GS OF THE TOWN TERSELY TOLD/ ? IKE CITY SADDENED DY DEATH Of 1 NODLE YOUNG WOMAN-OTHER NEWS. , ~*Jm Lake City, August 12: Miss Ilia Morris died on last Saturay, the 8th instant, after an lness of about four weeks, he was the eldest daughter of lr J J Morris, and leaves suriving her, her father,one sister * nd two brothers, besides ot her slatives. The funeral services, -ere held in the Methodi st, S [lurch Sunday morning, conucted by the pastor, Rev S J ethea, and the interment imlediately thereafter was in the skins cemetery on Church treet. Miss Morris was an exeptionally fine and influential haracter and a sketch of her fe and an estimate of her rorth will appear next week, t was impossible to complete ie article in time to have it . ublished in this issue. Mrs A H Williams, Miss Ruth filliams and some of the otfcer hildren have gone *to, Saluda. Mr H G Sheridan, the superltendent of our school, was prp last wppk arran^inc fnr the pening of the next term, which pening will be on September 7. here are two vacancies in the orps of teachers, the second ne being- made by death. One f these vacancies will be probbly be filled in a day or two. Mr and Mrs W T Askins leave , riday for Hendersonville, N C, >r a few weeks. Messrs J C Young, B W Moore, r A Fitch and C F Stuckey are wake to the importance of rainage and have organized intn n rnmnanu tn .V?WV..VW r J ? ; known as Moore-Young rainage Co., and will proceed t once to build a system of tches and drains that will loroughly drain their planitions. Xo wiser or more sigficant move for the improveent of farm lands has yet been ade than this one, and it is )ped that the example of these intleraen will be followed iroughout the country. y Judge J H V Gaskins has gone Charleston this week. f Rev S C Morris, who was here veral days at the bedside of s sister who died Saturday, is returned to his home in nderson. tDr A H Williams was in Collem a portion of last week. W. L. B. ' M . > v*