The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 06, 1908, Image 3

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Supervisor's < For 5 o :id Quarter, 19( Fndiri No of In . . * j-aui .j'. .r ( CONTINUED r.r, .1 G McCuiiough, su 350 II D Keddick, ru; 357 W T Britton, ch 358 W \V Burr, l?i 359 J J B Montgomery, hu v- 360 B McQ Montgomery, clt 361 L P Kinder, coi 362 S G McDonald, 363 W D James and guard, ch 364 J Wesley Cook, tre 365 44 coi 366 J C Everett, ch -367 <4 coi 368 Kingstree Hdw Co, ct 369 " ch 370 G G Haselden, rot l 371 A L Garter, rot & 372 W T Phillips, rot W 373 J Wesley Cook, jui F 374 J S Terry, ro? 375 J B Tallevast, 376 Saiith-Williams Co, rot 377 J B Tallevast, ro< L- 378 W W Lyuch, ft 379 Farmers & Alerc Bank, Kfl 380 Allen Bros, rot *V' 381 J A Til ton, rot Sfc 382 H P Tallevast, 383 S J Godwin, lui 384 S J Singletarv, sn 385 " ' co! 386 Kingstree Tel Co, rei 387 J W Dennis, rot 388 M L Webster & drivers, ?. 389 C P Snowden, rot 390 A E McCullough, lui 391 H A Smith, 392 S B Poston, 393 G W Camliu, 394 D E McCutclien, 393 J Ed Godwin, li'i >> 396 K Barfield, br: 397 J L Hiselden, ro* 39S C D Cottingham, ro; 399 W \V Lynch, ro. 400 D F Kdwards, co 401 J L Thomas, ro; 40:< J W Barnes. 103 J* H Grumbles, lu: 401 J J M Graham, e<j 405 J C Montgomery, ro; 400 1'copies Merc Co, ch 407 Dr C I) Jacobs, lui 40S Lake City Hdw Co, cli 409 S A Graham, br 410 W M Vause& Son, ch 411 George J Graham, jai 413 Farmers Supply Co, ch J~ 414 W M Browder, br TT 415 Geo W Davis, nu "V 416 SA Graham, lui 417 B L Nesmith, ha fc., 416 Nesmith & Nesmith, ch fa-' 410 Dr \V G Gamble. ex R&-., 420 C P Snowden, br ??* 421 John I> Evans, ro; 422 W M Browder, ro: i *423 W W Johnson, bri ff?r 426 Nesmith & Gamble, eqi 427 J M Truluck, rw 428 S E McCullough, Co 429 " 430 S W Mills, m 431 Jno L Marshall, br 432 E D Epps, 433 Philip Shaw, pu 434 S E Green, bri 435 W W T..vnrh. TOl 436 ~ ' 437 The State Co, ad 438 B S Smith, ro< 439 VV J Godwin, roi 440 S J Singletary, coi 442 L J Stackley, coi 443 J F McClary, po< 444 L C Floyd, ros 445 4i 446 W W Lynch, 447 Walker,Evans&Cog Co, sta 448 S E Mouzon, bri 449 John T Bryan, lui 450 J J B Montgomery, am 451 Jas A Ferrell, ch< 452 W L Wallace, M D, ex 453 A D Ivey, chi ^ 454 J E Baker, ros 455 L P Kinder, coi 456 J Wesley Cook, coi 457 " tre 458 H F Covington, ros 459 W M Vause& Son, ros 460 J M Williamson, ros 461 H F Covington, 462 S J M Tisdale, . ros 463 H P Tallevast, res 464 George J Graham, lui 465 44 jai 466 J L Haselden & driver, ros a TIT T n.j 401 W J UrUUWlll, 468 John C Everett, chi 469 R F Cox, br 470 J G McCulleugh, suj 471 W B Brown, roa 472 H P Tallevast, 1273 H W Goins, tT 474 Scott & Miller, chi & 475 H P Tallevast, roa ft 476 J S McClain, chi * 477 W E Allen, bri 478 J G McCutchen, elk 479 R F Cox, roa 480 J G McCullough, sta 431 R F Cox, roa 482 P II Grumbles, bri 488 J C Everett, coi 484 C W Wolfe, ad' | 485 M L WebsterA drivers, roa [ 486 J B Tallevast, roa i 488 H P Tallevast, (CONCLUDE '2* / Quarterly Report. )8, Commencing April I aid ig June 30. Nituiv of Amount Amount claim claimed allowcu FROM LAST WEEK. ) pt education, $50 00 $50 00 ul plow, 11 55 11 55 ain gang, 10 10 10 10 tuber, 11 64 11 64 * AA on r,n tmor, [ ot bd, 16 6? 16 67 mmissioner, 7 50 7 50 igistrate, "00 7 00 ain gang, 05 00 65 00 lasurer, 25 00 25 00 itingeut, 1 55 1 55 aia gang, 33 95 33 95 mmissioner, "50 7 50 hs iron fence, 425 00 425 00 gang & ct hs, 24 55 24 55 ids, 36 00 36 00 id plow, 25 00 25 00 idi&bridges, 16 40 IS 40 ry & wit tkts, " 00 7 00 ids, 8 00 8 00 " 13 85 18 85 id plow, 27 12 27 12 ids 20 85 20 85 ? ' 40 00 40 00 39 62 39 62 id plow, 13 50 13 50 ,ds 9 00 9 00 ? ' 21 73 21 73 aiber, 21 07 21 07 pervisor, 62 50 62 50 ntiugent, 13 15 13 15 it, May, 2 00 2 00 id plow, 20 00 20 << 80 00 80 00 xds, 20 50 20 50 nber, 15 00 15 00 u 4 15 4 15 x 18 45 18 45 tt 47 83 47 83 ' r\ AA O I " t> zv o _v r* lumber, - GO -00 i, .e3i a oo 3 oo i plow, 25 00 25 00 { 3 75 3 75 td work, 42 50 42 50 nstable, 5 00 5 00 mis, 9 13 9 13 " 4 50 4 50 inbt-r, 1)72 13 72 uuliza, bd, 0 00 0 00 ids, 2 00 2 00 j aiu gang, 0 05 0 05 tiacv, 5 00 5 00 jrang & rd pi, 80 55 60 001 idgts, 40 00 40 00 uin gang, 0 30 9 30 1 report, 9 00 9 00 ain gang, 129 58 129 58 idges, 5 (55 5 05 lgistrutc, 6 25 6 25 mber, 20 25 20 25 uling lumber, 1 50 1 50 ain gang, 4 10 4 10 & vac lunacy, 6 00 G 00 idires & hler. 9 00 9 00 ids, w' J 2 00 12 00 id work, 10 00 10 00 idges, 25 00 25 00 ual bd, 12 00 12 00 id plow, 47 75 47 75 i bd equal, 6 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 ids, 12 25 12 25 idges, . 3 12 3 12 ? 6 00 6 00 blic bldg, 5 00 5 00 idges, 6 50 6 50 id work, 76 50 76 50 ? 59 90 59 90 vertising, 13 50 13 50 ids, 3 00 3 00 id plow, 5 00 5 00 itiogeut, 8 33 8 33 En, pauper, 10 00 10 00 or farm, 22 00 22 00 id work, 9 75 9 75 11 25 11 25 ? 78 00 78 00 .tionerv, 4 05 4 05 dges, 10 00 10 00 P ' M . *> Ai nber, i 24 i 24 ditor, 25 00 25 00 ain gang, 107 96 107 96 lnnacy, 20 00 20 00 ain gang, 25 00 i* 25 00 id work, 15 00 15 00 nmissiQaer, 7 50 7 50 itingeut, 1 35 1 35 asurer, 25 00 25 00 ids, 20 00 20 00 id plow, 6 90 6 90 id work, 35 50 35 50 " 5 50 5 50 ids, 10 00 10 00 id work, 25 50 25 50 lacy, 16 30 16 30 1 report, 16 20 16 20 ui plow, 45 00 45 00 6 00 6 00 ain gang, 12 43 12 43 idges, 13 96 13 96 pt education, 50 00 50 00 id work, 3 00 3 00 16 50 16 50 " 12 00 12 00 ain gang, 3 80 3 80 id work, 8 25 8 25 ain gang, 32 83 32 83 dges, 3 00 3 00 ; bd, 16 67 16 67 id work, 29 50 29 50 tionary, etc, 6 65 6 65 id work, 46 12 46 12 dgea, 24 74 24 74 iimiMioner, 7 50 7 50 rertieing, 66 26 66 26 id plow, 85 00 85 00 id work, 26 44 26 44 27 89 27 89 18 75 18 75 D NEXT WEEK.) 1 Campaign Assessments. The following campaign assessments for candidates offering lor the various county cilices have been fixed by the county executive committee: House of Representatives, $3.00; Clerk of Court,$7.50; Sheriff, $7.50; Treasurer, $5.00; Auditor, $5.00; Superintendent of Education, $3.00; Probate Judge, $3.00; Coroner, $1.00;"^ad Engineer,$7.50;Commiss; -5, $2,00. These fees may ^aid to Chairman A H Williams or to the secretary at any time prior to the tirst campaign meeting, the date of which will be announced later. 6-25 tf Couoiy Campaign Schedule. Editor County Record: Please pub*""" .he following schedule for info, .ation of candidates who are expei >d to address the voters of the county: Kingst *e, August 12. Greelvvi.'e, August 13. Johnsonvi e, August 11). Lake City, August 20. All pledges must be filfd and dues paid on or before noon August 11. A. II. Williams, Co. Ch. 190S. We ^ Kidneys Cause more trouble than any other organ of the body. The funotion of the kidneys Is to leparate Inorganic salt and water In the process of circulation, and to remove them and I their attendant poisons from the body through the bladder. Therefore when the kidneys ! become diseased and weak they are naturally unabla to perform their work properly, ana pains In the back. Inflammation of tne bladder ! and urinary disorders are tbe result. It Is I Imperative that a prompt relief be afforded, > which la impossible unless you remove the | ceuse. DeWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills promptly nllmlnate poisons from the system and at the same time make the kidney* well I and strong. | For Wesk Kldneya, Backache, ln: flammatlon of the bladder and all I urinary troubles Do Wiifa Kidney I and Bladder Pilln are unsurpassed. ! A Week's Treatment for 25c. ] * Money back if they fall. For Sale by W L Wallace. Departure of Passenger Trains at Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Sunday, April 19, 1908: ?north boundNo 80 7:40 a. m. *No 4G 11:42 a. ni. No 50 6:36 p. m. ?SOUTH BOUND? No 51 10:52 a.m. No 47 5:46 p. m. No 89 9:13 p, m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. A ' Guarantee! JOHN BRADEN, the Handsome,, Standardbred Stallion, is now to be found at the stables of J. M. TRULUCK, A GUARANTEE, - - - $2000 Lake City Horse Co., i ii;r nrr c r lilKb VI II) cti t# 4-16-tf A Basket Picnic. On August 8 there will be a basket picnic at Mr S R Ogburn's place in the Suttons neighborhood, near Rowe's Mill creek. The public one and all are expected to attend and bring their baskets well-laden with something good to eat. Candidates especially are cordially invited. Committee: Mrs C B Ogburn, Mrs S P Cooper, Mrs W C Gordon, C B Ogburn, W C Gordon, S P Cooper. Speakers will be introduced by Mr R D Blakeley. Rea4 the Farmers A Merchants Bank's at. this issne. / ! OVERTAXED. Hundreds of Kingstree Readers know What It Hears. The kidneys are overtaxed; Have too much to do. They tell about it in many aches and pains? Backache, sideache, headache, Early symptoms of kidney ills. Urinary troubles,diabetes, Bright's disease follows. Mrs M E Pipkin, living on Church S1-., Manning, s U., says; suffered from dull, nagging backaches and had distressing pains through my kidney regions. 1 was very restless at night and in the morning felt tired and languid, having no strength or energy. I was greatly annoyed by the kidney secretions, they being very frequent iu ? i!? .... J ? aHahto/I f a cfunrl ttCllUIl, ctliU WLICU iliiuffcu w 0MIHU contained a dark sediment. I read about Doan's Kidney Fills, procured them and began their use in accordance with the directions. I have derived great relief from this remedy as the secretions from the kidneys have become clear, the backaches and pains have all vanished and I can rest well at night. I have no hesitancy in recommending Doau's Kidney Fills to anyone suffering from backache or a kidney weakness." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 j cents. Foster-Milburu Co, Buffalo, New York, sole ageuts for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no other. J FOR F ilEi/ KM'll'K III ?*? ? er. The lie.*' * % a :e. Special shaj ;s , ?,ru&.. vurre(N>n?lt'iic<! M?I??-itecj .ore placing vour orders. H\ R. FL'XK. liiiirsr PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Build up Home Enterprises Buv Brick Prom Greelyville Brick Works. Correspondence So.icited. E. O. TAYLOR, Pres. S. V. TAYLOR, Sec. & Treas. 5-51-tf. W. Lcland Taylor, DENTIST. GREELYVILLE. - S. C. 5-21-tf. r* n e. r: VT D CATV K? c. a c, i"% u un i ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Georgetown, - - - S. C. Civil Engineering Land Surveying Railroad Surveys and Construction Prompt attention on out ot Town Work. 3-19-tf M. D. Nesmith DENTIST, LAKE CITY, - - - S. C. W, L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr EJ McCabe Dentist., - s. c. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP ?in the? ?aD Kenren Hotel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. rolite Service. (. ompetent Workmen. 5?8-08. W. P. TENNENT A [R C H I T E C T General Contractor^and Builder Solicits vour business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all : ; kinds of work. : : 126 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work on U. o. Post Office and of John McSween Co, stores Timmonsville and Beulah and residence at National Cemetery. : : : : : .. . \ ?J> "31 Consumption is less c $ Certain relief and us |9j will result from the folio Hope, rest, fresh aii fl1 Emulsion. 4? Q ALL DRUCCISTS j 5i Hereafter we positively refuse to publish any communication received at this office later than Tuesdav, noon, except lo cal and personal items, which willnot be available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying to be accommodating we are thrown late every week and we are tired ol it. This notice applies to EVERY BODY. 4-25-tf. Read the Farmers & Merchants Bank's ad. this lssne. Week End RatesBeginning May 30 the Atlantic C' t Line offers week end rates 4j harleston for $1.95 round t>. Tickets sold for all trains .urday and Sunday forenoon lins, good to return on Tuesday following date of sale. These tickets will be on sale each week up to September 6. tf. The Largest and Most C ^mplete Establishment South. \ GEO. $. HAGKER I SON, -MANUKACTl'H IRS OK? Sash, Doors,' Blinds t Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, S. C. Always That I can save Remember you money on SASH, DOORS AND RLINDS AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS. Wholesale Prices Direct from Factory. Eyerything Guaranteed to come ur> to Soecifica """ ? a tions. 0. J. EPPS, Kingstree, S. C. Representing Cberaw Door 4 Sash Co. r Applied by skilled mechanics 3 ( is worth a fair price. Cheap 3 i mixtures slopped on by cheap 3 painters are dear at any price. 3 We expect to receive a reason- j able equivalent for onr labor. J But we give aa honest dollar's ? worth for every dollar we get, ? and we endeavor to permanent- J Iv satisfy our customers. 3 ALFRED WELLS, 2 Painter and Paper Hanger, ) \ KINGSTREE, S. C. f f Leave orders wi th j ? I/I?ii J ir~ f j nmysirKH naruwarcjiu. ^ rree adrlae, haw to obtain patent* trade mark*, oopTrtgfaa,etc., |N all COUNTRIES. . Btubus* direct with Washington saves hme,U money and efts* the patent. I Pitat art bfrtanoMBi PrictJc* Exclusively. , Write or eone to oa at . B , . HINQTON, O. C. B - leadly than it used to be. J sually complete recovery o wing treatment: jr r, and?Scott's Oc. AND $!.00. 1$, f BUILDING^ DONE A* /TlL Your- <- ' Own ' J* Price. C. E. HARRIS, General Contractor and Builder - - Greelyville, South Carolina. 116-tf. 3 Kingstree CAMPNO,2?bucui minvM i?> i W and 3rd Monday I roBHiiilrl II Mghts ln ? ?a nVa3SS5 I mouth. V?A5$?jBjg Wx/jJ] Visiting choppers corV\ ^?WrSar>y dially invited to com* VvVY>^.ctT15 /!&// up and sit on a stomp "V TZ' or hang about on the ^ limbs. Philip stoll, 9 27 12m. Con.Com, \ v3 Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Pest Salve In The World. Registration Notice. The ofllee of the Supervisor of Registration will be opened on the 1st day of .July and will remain open continnously every day. except Sundays, through the months of July and August for the purpose of the re-registering of any person who is qualifledas follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and sliali have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars of more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board. ' I I insurance. Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance, Plate Glass Insurance Life Insurance, Health Insurance, ' Accident Insurance, Burglary Insurance. ^ , We represent only Companies of unquestioned] reliability^and a policy is as good as a gold bond. We'll Bond You,. r 1 As Cashier, Treas Iurer or any position | of trust in any of the I largest companies in | America. I The Williamsburg Insurance & Bonding flgencu, OFFICE OVER L STACKLEY'8 STORE, Kingstree, - S. C. 4 i KILLthi cough - awp CURB TH? LUNC8 w,th Dr. King's Mew Discovery fir C8usy$ jsh. AND ALL THROAT AH 6 LOMTBOUBLEt. lasaSSSSSSBF55? . ^i^^aw^kAaKaSIBHHK^. . Jm