fill f Supervisor s < For Sort nJ Quarter, 19< Endir ?-lal 111 ljV,.r 6 J i> Cii.umi, t 141 (.' M Gamble, r 203 K I> radons, ]i 207 W F EO-e, c 20S Cuai.dKr Bros., 1 225 .1 Wesley Cook, j jfifr*:- 220 FS Courtney, t n. ?r?Tr,4 TfT\*? , ? J.I 'I u r $j?y j>os v E Lifrage, r H' \ 229 .J E Baker, r 230 J J Steele, Jr., r idfc 2:31 " '' " fnjJr1 232 Miss L J Cunningham, K 233 " " B 234 Mies Geitrude Walker, 235 J C Nelson, b 236 H D Reddick, c 237 " u c 238 Nesmith Bros., p ' 239 C M Riehburg, ri 240 Kennedy-Montg'y Co., c - 241 WmsburgLivestockCo., ' 242 A F Graham, ri 243 H Fox worth, b . 244 W M Vanse & Son, c r K ftnmhi*. c 246 C D Cottinghan:, ri 247 Henry Johnson, c 248 J Wesley Cook, ti ^ 249 41 '* c 250 H 0 Britton, c 251 44 44 c 252 P M Brockinton, li 253 W D Ricb, M D., P 254 S G McDonald, n 255 Geo J Graham, c 256 257 44 s 258 " c 259 44 c 260 44 c 261 44 j 262 J Z Duke, r 263 T D Gamble, 264 Blizzard Hdw. Co., r 265 Kingstree Tel. Co., r 4# 266 Xat'l Office Supply Co., o 267 W V Brockington.M D, c 268 44 1' 269 L M McClani, b 270 Farmers' Supply Co., c 271 J B Tallevast, " r *>?? I. .1 Staeklev. V 273 FH Hodge, r 274 J P Wheeler, 1 265 People's Merc. Co., c 276 J C Everett, c K ? 278 L P Kinder, c 079 J W Barnes. r ij* 2*0 T P Graham, 1 K 2S1 M L Webster, 282 J 0 McCullough, s R 284 M F Faddy, b 285 S M Bradshaw, ? o86 1) F Edwards, c - 287 L M Belk, c 288 S W McCounell, r 289 J M Williamson, b 290 " c 291 Walter Poston, b . a T T IT 11 %. 2TZ J L, naseiaen, * 293 W W Lynch, 294 W D James & Guard, c 295 S T Godwin, b 296 R A Thompson, r 297 C P Snowden, 298 E C Pendergrass, r( 299 J T Carter, r< 300 H J Barfield, c 301 S D Snowden, r< 302 M F Heller, n 303 J T Carter, b 304 R K Wallace, n 305 Walker, E. & C. Co., o 306 E R Rowel 1, 307 J W Browu, r< 308 J H Eaddy, r< 309 C K Eaddy, p 310 Alton E Salters, vs 311 H S Nesmith, ri 312 J W Dennis, ri 313 W W Barr, li 314 W T Wilkins, ri |k* 315 J G McCullougb, c< 316 E D Epps, b 317 J B Files, n SR'' 318 " b 319 S W Mills, r< 320 Scott & Miller, c 321 J P Huggins, r< 322 Jeff Matthews, b 323 J J Graham, c 324 J H V Gaskins, n 325 E D Baker, b 326 Nat'i Office Supply Co., si 327 C A Hines, ri 328 D E Cantv, 329 " 330 J W Cook, ji 331 A E McCullough, li 332 333 J J B Montgomery, c< 334 Farmers & Merc Bank, r< 335 ^ 336 " 337 " 338 ooo ct ? V 340 II McKnight, 341 J C Everett, c P 342 W W Lynch, n y 343 W B McCullough, u 344 News & Courier, a jr 345 Hugh McCutchen, g 346 Dr W V Brockinton, p 347 L J Stackley, 348 J W Dennis, ri 349 S J Cameron, I 350 Jno S Fulton, 351 Thos W Epps, r 352 V A Sedgwick, c 353 S M Askins, agt., c 354 H J Barfield, b ( CONTINUE l.yr i r 4 Quarterly Report. 08, Commencing April I and ig June 30. Nature of Ani?>nnt Amount claim claituc'l allowcu vpe writer, 1*0 00 00 oads, 10 00 00 io:?r, 7 00 7 00 onsrable, 4 00 00 um^er, 14 39 14 39 urvt&wit tkts, 772 80 772 SO owDship btl, 0 00 6 00 oor, 10 00 10 00 ' oI in 9 1 In oau |)10W, 01 IV VI TV oaUs, 11 00 11 00 e-indexing, Feb., 08 33 08 3d 44 Mch., 5117 5117 Feb., 24 89 24 89 Mch., 30 00 30 00 " # 1 57 1 57 ridges, *35 00 35 00 ourthonse, 3 00 3 00 ourthouse & jail, 12 39 12 39 oor, 00 48 00 Dads, 7 50 7 50 hain gang, 22 03 22 03 " <4 8 50 8 50 Dads, 8 00 8 00 ridges, 3 00 3 00 hain gang, 9 00 9 00 oroner, 37 50 37 50 Dads, 6 00 6 00 ourt house, 4 00 4 00 reasurer, 25 00 25 00 ontingent, 3 66 3 66 lerk of court, 91 66 91 66 ontingent, 12 35 12 35 unacy, 3 50 3 50 ost-mortem, 10 00 5 00 lagistrate, 18 75 18 75 ontingent, 5 31 5 31 44 7 01 7 01 heriff, 375 00 375 00 ontingent, 5 75 5 75 onstable, 50 00 50 0 l * i uiuiugeni/, i i" ' ail report, 51 -10 51 40 oads, 1"! 50 14 50 " 4 75 3 00 oadplow, 1 70 1 70 ent, Mch Apr., 4 00 4 00 flice supplies, 45 40 45 40 hain gang, 0 $5 G 85 unacy, * 0 25 6 2.) irid^es, 3b 51 3b 51 haingang, 221 10 221 1G oads, 15 GO 15 GO ioor, 10 00 G 00 oads, 20 42 20 42 2 00 2 00 liain gang, 4 80 4 *0 oniunssiontr, 7 50 7 50 ham gang, 1277 12 77 ommissioner, 7 50 7 50 oads, G1 55 G1 55 iridges, 0 50 9 50 1 1 50 11 50 upteducation, 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 ridges, 14 25 14 25 uagistrate, 33 25 33 25 onstable, 10 00 10 00 onveyingprisoners, 8 10 8 10 ouds, 40 04 40 04 ridges, 14 50 14 50 hain gang, 22 97 22 97 ridges, 229 84 229 84 oad plow, 25 00 25 00 35 00 35 00 bain gang, 60 00 60 00 ridges, 26 25 26 25 oads, 4 50 4 50 30 50 30 50 Dad plow, 40 80 40 80 Dads, 5 40 5 40 onstable, 15 00 15 00 Dads, 7 70 7 70 iu#3, 700 00 700 00 ridges, 49 85 49 85 lagistrate, 75 00 75 00 ffice supplies, 205 45 164 36 jnce, 21 00 21 00 Dads, 9 75 9 < 5 Dad plow, 10 00 10 00 ocr, 10 00 10 00 ?nce, 100 00 75 00 Dads, 71 80 60 00 Dad plow, 16 50 16 50 jmber, 4 47 4 47 Dad plow, 69 40 6^ 40 ontingent, 5 25 o 25 ridges, 7 00 7 00 lagistrate & cons, 33 75 33 75 ridges, 3 50 3 50 Dads, 6 30 6 30 bain gang, 5 85 5 8c Dad plow, 23 04 23 04 ridges, 12 00 12 00 hain gaug, 1 45 1 45 lfunatrata. 178 10 1<8 10 ridges, 2 75 2 75 tationery, elk ct, 2 30 2 30 Dads, 12 97 12 97 ? 3 00 3 00 ? 3 00 3 00 ary & witness, 93 50 93 50 amber, bridges, 7 00 7 00 ? 31 98 31 98 antingent, 4 15 415 Dads, 6 00 6 00 ? 5 22 5 22 ? 2 30 2 30 " 5 10 5 10 " 0 20 6 20 " 35 00 35 00 " 6 00 6 00 ontingent, 2 45 2 45 oads, 36 00 36 00 lule, 200 00 200 00 dvertising, 9 00 9 00 rand juror, 5 00 5 00 oor, 36 00 00 " 10 00 10 00 Dads, 2 00 2 00 iridgei, 25 00 25 00 " 15 00 15 00 oads, 3 50 00 ontingent, 2 00 2 00 hain gang, 33 25 33 25 ridges, 8 50 8 50 ;d next week. ) Sour No appetite, loss of strength, nervo?ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol relieves Indigestion. This newdiscov? ery represents the natural Juices of d!ge> tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonia and reconstructive properties. Kodol for i ayspepsia aoes noi onyy roiicvo indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bait, of Rarenswood. W, Va.. aayr : " I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years, Kodel w*ed me and wo are now using It io milk for bab \ FC ACKACHE--WEAK KIDNKY8 ^ TRY DoVI ,EY and BLADDER PILLS two mt Mb Vre d by E. O. OoWITT * CO.. OhJcafl* . tor Sale by W L Wallace. To Think About. "She seems like a very nice girl." "One whom it would be safe to mar... ry? "Oh, no. No girl is safe enough for that. But she's nice enough to think aba'^^*rrying If you only know when ' tc' *-Life. Cupid's Hearty Appetite. "\ uknow," said the soulful youth, I "musl^^ve prefers lobster salad, terrapin and \her expensive fodder." Philadelphia . "ess. r Comforting. "Will my husband live, doctor7" "Well, madam. If he doesn't he'll come mighty close to It"?Judge. is what Hon. Jake More j State \en of Georgia, says of j Kodol ^?Dyspepsia: "E C| DeWitt & "hicago. 111.?Dear | ! Sir?I haxe c. .^ered more than ! twenty years from indigestion | About eighteen months ago I had i grown so much worse that I could'nt 1 digest a crust of corn bread and could I not retain anything on my stomach. I lost 25 lbs; in fact I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time,when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I consented to try it to please him and was better in one day. I now weigh more than j I ever did in my life and am in 1 better health than for many years Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that 1 humanity may be benefitted. Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10, 1904." Sold by ?\ L Wallace. f.' I ! Vcf+Ire =:r 1 KJiiii's mother when : rrivisl home from the tea . " ! ! yu have a good time?" "Y<>. thank you, mamma." "d\.l ti:?f you play nice games?" " Y c -. :mma." J d .i you have a nice tea?" , * ^ , ? ; c-, v.air r.a. "I hy\ Ivdith, that you behaved ixir-cif like a little lady. You did not take any liberties, did you?" "Xo, mamma. There wasn't any on the table.' There i9 one preparation known today that will promptly help the stomach. This is Kopol. Kodol digests all classes of food, and it does it thoroughly, so that the use of Kodol for a time will without doubt help anyone who has stomach /l!o/v?/lA?a O^AmonVl Klo Tfllfft uiouiucio vi obuuiavu bivuvivt A M?V Kodol today and continue it for the short time that is necessary to give you complete relief. Kodol is sold by WL Wallace The 8eot'a Gratitude. An old fanner coming home from the Paisley market lost his pocketbook, containing a considerable sum of money, in the station. He looked for it, but could not find it, and had given up all hopes when a newsboy said to nim: "Here, mon. A've fun' yer book." The guidman was overflowing with gratitude and expressed himself thus: Thank ye, ma lad. If ye happen tae be passin' oor farmhouse, 6tep in, an' A'll gie ye a guid drink o' soor milk." Dundee Advertiser. Campaign Assessments. The following campaign assessments for candidates offering tor the various county offices j have been fixed by the county executive committee: House of Representatives, $3.00; Clerk of Court,$7.50; Sheriff, $7.50; Treas urer, $5.uu; Auditor, $o,UU; superintendent of Education, $3.00; Probate Judge, $3.00; Coroner, $1.00; Road Engineer,$7.50;Commissioner, $2,00. These fees may be paid to Chairman A H Williams or to the secretary at any time prior to the first campaign meeting, the date of which will be announced later. 6-25-tf ; / s Departure of Passenger Trains at kin?:stree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which b?came effective Sunday, April 19, 1908: north boundno 80 7:40 a. m, *Xo 46 11:42 a. ni. No 50 6:36 p. in. ? SOUTH BOUND? No 51 10:52 a. m. *Xo 47 5:4G p. m. No H9 9:13 p. m. * DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. The Largest and Most f ^mplete Establishment South. GEO. S. HACKER I SON, ?MANUFACTt B :RS OFSash, Doors, Blinds '-.fAtilrlJni. and RiiiMlncr Mutprifll. iUt'UIUlUg UIIU ?/unv....0 J j Sash Weights and Cords' CHARLESTON, S. C. .j/ IfffflfV ___ \ t PATROkIZl ^iflL inuuOllil' Build up Home Enterprises Br" rick From Greelyviiio Brick Works. Correspondence So.icited. E. O. TAYLOR, Pres. S. V. TAYLOR, Sec. & Treas. 5-21-tf. 1A/ I olnnH Tavlnr WW LVIUIIU IWI 9 DENTIST, GREELYVILLE. - S. C. 5-21-tf. R. E. & E. N. B EATY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Georgetown, - - - S. C. Civil Engineering Land Surveying Railroad Surveys and Construction Prompt attention on out of Town Work. 3-19-tf W. L. Bass A. C. Hinds BASS & HINDS, Attorneys-at-law KNGSTREE, S. C. 9-20-tf. M. I). Nesmith DENTIST, LAKE CITY, ---SC. W. L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr H J McCabe Dentist. KINSSTJ1EE, - S. C. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP in thecal Keuren Hotel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service. Competent workmen. 5-8-08. W. P, TENNENT A R C H I T E C T General Contractor and Builder Solicits your business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all : : kmds of work. : : 126 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work on U. S. Post Office and of John McSween Co, stores Timmonsville and Beulah and residence at National Cemetery. : : : : : mmm.... That hacking c Because your i your powers of re Take Scott9, ^ It builds up and streng -g, It contains Cod Liver C Z ,'f 1C AftCYT f j^gi pi cpai bu uiuh a v 10 vuv^ a a all druggists 'Hereafter we positively re-' fuse to publish any communication received at this office later than Tuesday, noon, except local and personal items, which willnot be available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying to be accommodating we are thrown late every week and we are tired of it. This notice applies to EVERY BODY. 4-25-tf. Read tbe Farmers & Merchants Bank's ad. this issue. Week End Rates. Beginning May 30 the Atlantic Coast Line offers week end rates to Charleston for $1.95 round Tickets sold for all trains rday and Sunday forenoon 5, good to return on Tuesiollowing date of sale. These fcets will be on sale each lek up to September 6. tf. Don't jWait! TILL YOUR PROPERTY IS DESTROYED, BUT INSURE NOW, Against Loss By lire or lycionc. If you want the best, get your Insurance in a strong "Old Line" company. 1 represent several of the largest Fire and Cyclone Insurance Companies. L. H. FAIREY At Bank of Kingstree. 7-24 tf. Always That I can save Remember you money on SASH, DOORS AND RLINDS AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS. Wholesale Prices Direct from Factory. Everything Guaranteed to come up to Specificafinnc D. J. EPPS, Kingslree, !i. C. Representing Cberaw Door I Sash Co. jTirisTSFj r Applied by skilled mechanics j ? is worth a fair price. Cheap ) ? mixtures slopped on by cheap 3 r painters are dear at any price, j f We expect to receive a reason- i r able equivalent for our labor. } r But we give an honest dollar's r ' /^aIIqi* rvck oraf r iwunu I.UI CYCIJ uuuai "^ ? and we endeavor to permanent- J ly satisfy our customers. ) ALFRED WELLS, Painter and Paper Hanger, ) KINGSTREE, S. U. f Leave orders with j j Kingstree Hardware [Co. j m w h mam i h _ PROCURED AND DCFCNDCD. drawing or photo, for expert search and free report Free adrice, how to obtain patents, trade marks, copyrights, etc., jN ALL COUNTRIES. . R Business direct with Washington saves tims,W money and often the patent. B Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. I Write or come to us at E U Hlnih Btrsst, opp. United Btates Patent Offlcs.B ^^^^WASHINGTONjD^CJ^^^^J m > i Li :ough continues system is exhausted and A . sistance weakened. A j Emulsion. thens your entire system, g )il and Hypophosphites so X o take and easy to digest ? : 50c. AND $1.00 A aaaaaaaaA6A6A VVVVVvrw ? BUILDING DONE At Your- | Own Price. C. E. HARRIS, General Contractor and Builder - - Greelyville, Sooth Carolina M6-tf. - ,tfl tKingstree W CAMP NO* 27. \\ ihcui mm>M til lit and 3rdMond?y II Nights In e*?h fyj Visiting choppers corJj dially invited to com* " up and sit on a stump or hang about on tM limbs. Philip stoll, 9 27 12m. Con. Com. Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. Registration Notice. The office ot the Supervisor of Registration will be opened on the 1st j day of July and wi'l remain open coni tinnously every day. except Sundays, i through the months of July ana August for the purpose of the re-regisj tering of any person who is qualifledas j follows: who snail nave oeen a resiaeni 01 the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vott four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars Of more. J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board, fzzn Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance, Plate Glass Insurance Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Accident Insurance, Burglary Insurance. We represent only ? A# I1TI/111AC. V;UUJ|'aUlEO U1 uu^uva tioned* reliability'and r a policy is as good as , a gold bond. Well | Bond You.. As Cashier, Treasurer or any position of trust in any of the largest companies in America. Th<> ll/illtamchnrn 11 iiu n hiiuiiiuuui y Insurance & Bond- I InoflQency, 1 OFFICE OVER L STACKLEY'8 I STORE, 9 Kingstree, - S. C. | KILLTHI COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS w Dr. King's i New Discovery 1 FOR Colds'8 JEk. J I AND ALL THROAT AND LUNO TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED.