The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, July 09, 1908, Image 2

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AR UHKHOVR IEGIO KILLED Muisii Clalns fee lai Atteaptw la Assault lis Vtfe. UJRAXGEBCRG, July z.?jama Johnson, a white man living on th< plantation of Mr H M Stevenson near Norway, surrendered to Sherif Dukes yesterday. Johnson yesterday shot and killed an uuknown negro. Claiming that he had attempted ai assault on Mrs. Johnson. Mr Stevenson gave him employ jnent and he had been working ir the fields with Mr aud Mrs Johnson who also worked for Mr Steven son. The story told by Johnson i that on Thursday morning the negr< and Mrs Johnson were wor iing ii the same field, and that about l: o'clock Mrs. Johnson started foi her home, some distance away, ac compained by her little 7-year ?1< son. After going some distance, Mrs Johnson turned and and sav the negro running after her. Shi then commenced vanning and scream ing and just before she reached th< house the negro stopped and turnei back. Johnson savs that his wife tolc bim of the occurrence when he cam< to dinner, but having no shells foi bis gun, he did nothing at the time. He returned to work after dinnei and that evening procured shells. On Friday morning he loaded hit gun and took it to the field with bim. He was plowing near Mi Stevenson's and daring the morning be saw the negro talking to Mi Stevenson near the latter's house. He theQ got his gun and started for them. As he approached he heard Mr Stevenson tell tbe negro to leave the place at once. The negro saw Johnson abont this time and started to run, and Johnson shot him in the back. The negro fell and Johnson shot him again in the stomach. Mr Stevenson says that on learning of the trouble he had discharged tbe negro, who claimed he was only running to get out of the rain. It appears that Johnson did not request assistance of his neighbors. Highest is the World. New York, Special: Plans for a gigantic building, to be the loftiest in the world, overtopping by ovx ?r 200 feet the Metropolitan Tower, were filed yesterday with Burn ham A Co, architects, of Chicago, acting for the Equitable Life Assurance lociety. The new building will be . . the new home of the society, taking the place of the present edifice, and occupyiug the same site. With * A tit 17 . * It 1 f rt 1\ 1 /1 Kll 11/1 1(4 tUWfl j IUC lien uuuuing will have sixtv-two stories and will be 909 teet above the curb, 209 feet higher than the Metropolitan tower, with its forty-six stories. This will be exclusive of the flag pole, which will run up 100 feet higher. It is said the construction will be begun within a short time. The building will cost $10,000,000. According to the plans the main building will be 489 feet high. Above this main building the towei will run up 420 feet, making the total height 909 feet. Tbe Editor's ReverieThe orh'tnr aat in hia nffipp wheilCf all but hint had fled, and he wished that every last dead beat was in his grave?stone dead. His mind then wandered faraway to the time when he should die, and his royal editorial soul go scooting to the sky; when he'd roam the fields of paradise and sail o'er Jasper seas and all thing! glorious would combine his everj sense to please. He thought how then he'd look across the great guli 3?1. 1 J UW& auu uicm, iuat 11 jonu w tween his happy soul and those wh( swindle here, and when for watei they would call, and in agony they'c caper, he'd shout to them: "Jusi quench your thirst with the du< that's on your paper"?Ex. It is time to drop the "take-the cbildren-to-8ee-the-aniraals" on circus day joke when the children gel so big you have to dig up the price of adult tickets. Just about the time a man begins to think he is "it" somebody comes along and slips an "n"in front of it I 6 > \ Amumnrr >. ) SKlliamabui 1 J $mnm?r dlnatitul s ) J i 3uly 27th to . r 1 190 7 0 a 1 * : I s.?. a. 3 (Em ' HtfOB. M. ' Arab* Jfantl Jtarg <L % taOjraji 3??m CUpabuupn ?1 |Jttagagg, ?hrtr*, fonrrtrt Prof. (9. M. 9afford <Ej OUtlfrmalUa, Ctriwauu: M\bb ISaggif < Angabnrg Ira* framing and frti at- i wiutdi ?uni The Williamsburg County Sum be held in the Graded School build ning Monday, July 27th, 1908, and It has been our endeavor to ma prehensive that it will not be ne< county to go elsewhere for what he unusually large attendance is expec Pedagogy, Civics, Drawing, Events and possibly other subject desired by a considerable number < probably be given. A series of lectures on various work will be given. Conferences i be held, in which all teachers will t The main purpose of this Institi of imparting information and instri of knowledge from the books studi< The text books adopted by the be used, but only as a basis for the All teachers will be required t< agement that has been recently a Education for the Reading Circle < be obtained at boarding houses o: $7.00 to $8.00 for the term of two v Please come to the Institute. f make this one of the best Institi 1 county. t All teachers attending this scl ! examination at the close, will be e: t renewed without an additional exai I will gladly give any further ' ing it. Very I Principj i Columbia, S. C., June 19, 1908. r f Endorsed in Lee County, f \ > Mr. Phil. H. Stoll, son of the d r late Presiding Elder of the Meth- I [ odist Conference, a graduate of S t Wofford college and a prominent c > young lawyer of Kingstree, is p out in a card announcing his can- t didacy for Solicitor of the Third Y J circuit. g Mr Stoll was principal of the p ' Bishopville graded school several \ * years ago, consequently is no 1 stranger to Bishopville and while a here made many warm friends. S His career as an educator was 6 - very successful, but his chosen 1 tttfltt of g (?ountg it for ulrarljrrs August Bit?, 8. N ioarh: / * tfcri of fLtouutim. Ifts I turf, {fritiripal, til (ToUfgr. mmrr frrbooi. loud* *ni Crrtarr*. ? MitrlpU, gilrgr, - ? E tno vLmapomnan. % Sarlmgtmt, ing ftrifiuiL |lfl frtngitwu . * t I ormatum. . mer Institute for Teachers will ing at Kmgstree, b. u, Deginwill continue for two weeks, ke the course so broad and com- P :essary for any teacher in the \ or she may need, therefore an ~ :ted- ^ Mathematics, English, Current s will be taught. Any subject of teachers attending will very phases of school improvement md round-table discussions will 8 )e free to take an active part, ate will be to emphasize methods iction more than the acquisition - ed. : State Board of Education will work. ) buy Seely's New School Man- 1 .dopted by the State Board of . :ourse for 1908-09. Board can r in private families for from reeks. With your co-operation we can ites ever held in Williamsburg iool, and passing a satisfactory \ ntitled to have their certificates t nination. information to any one desir' truly yours, i MARY T. NANCE, il County Teachers' Institute. >rofession was the law and he yas admitted to the bar with listinction and settled down at ! Cingstree. The firm of Stoll & Itoll, his brother being assoiated with him, is one of the irominent and. leading firms at he Kingstree bar. Mr. Stoll las the reputation of being a 1 :ood criminal lawyer, quick, >rudent and aggressive and it is vith pleasure that we introduce. iim to the voters of Lee county is an aspirant to the office of ! Jolicitor and well qualified to fill luties of the same.?BishopviUe deader and Vindicator. NoticeDuring the absence of the editor for several weeks any communications for publ^^^BL business should be addret jeu Bounty Record, otherwi? will be occasioned v v >lfe. 6-25- tf. 9 Title, Mortgage, Bill of Sale, Lien on Crop, and Lien and Bill of Sale combined blanks for sale at this office. 2 13tf The Largest and Most C Establishment South geo. s. urn 8^ ; -MAM'FACTiy.Rg OFSash, Doors, \ Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, 8. C. pwf m | PATRONIZE DOME INDUSTRY Build up Home Enterprises Buy Brick From Greelyville Brick Works. Correspondence Solicited* E. 0. TAYLOR, Prep. S. V. TAYLOR, Sec. & Treas. i-21-tf. W. Leland Taylor, DENTIST. GREELYVILLE. - - S. C. i-21-tf. *. E. & E. N. B EATY ENGINEERS AIO CONTRACT'JR? Georgetown, - - - 5. C. Civil Engineering Land surveying Railroad Surveys and Construction tompt attention on out of Town Work. 3-19-tf V. L. Bass A. C. Hinds | O A CO D_ UIMIM? I DAJJ ol ninuo, Attomeys-at-law KNGSTREE, S. C. L20-tf. M. D. Nesmith DENTIST. LAKE CITY, ---SC. W. L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr B J McCabe Dentist. UNQSCSEE; - s. c. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP ?in the? ?ai Keiren Hotel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service. C ompetent workmen. 5-8-08. W. P. TENNSNT A K \/ n I -1 I \J I General Contractor and Builder Solicits vour business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all : ; kinds of. work. : : 126 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work on U. S. Post Office and of John McSween Co, stores Timmonsville and Beulah and residence at National Cemetery. : : : : : ' * ' ' C * * A Guarantee! JOHN BRADEN, the Handsome,, Standardbred Stallion, is now to be found at the stables of J. PH. 1KULUIK, k GUARANTEE, - - - $ 20^00 Lake City Horse Go., LAKE liTF, S. C. COTTON ?AND THE PRF TOBd There will be a number of s Fall and we are ready to serv splendid crop prospect we are r enlarge our floor space, and rati Queen Stoves and Ranges from price 2? Pe: We have just received a car fered at a low price. Remembe rain Moore & Co's Paint. Also, Cutlery and Razors. The Robei preciate our friends' patronage traued confidence. Lake City I LAKE C "A dollar is a doll There is no better wa> dealing with J. L Stuckey, the o man. I have a splendid line Bun Win that in view of the hard time above cost. A nice bunch of HORSE at prices to suit. * J. L Stu BANK OFK Kingstree. Soi P A DTT AT a on oaTT" UaXAIflLiit <P UVIVVV ===== DIREC Jas F Cooper D C Scott Collections made promptly LOANS, large or small, mi NEW Of the reliable at cock, Piedmont, D and Carolina One and Two-Hon , The Famous Russel and Webber McCormick Mowei A new lot of nice, and double. A pretty assortme YOURS T The Wiiliamsbur KINGSTREE AN SOUTH C /^"Out-of-doors" with a STEVENS? ft 7^ best thing foragrowlng boy I K jf Learning to shoot welt and ' T V acquiring qualities of I SELF-CONTROL, DECISION, AND I' an all da* to STEVENS VI REARMS EDUCATION, ig Ask your Dealer for Stevens Kffies? I _ | Shotguns?Pistols. Insist on our time-1 VV honored make. If you cannot obtain, I \ we ship direct, express prepaid. upon I Wl receipt of Catalog Price. I Everything joa want t? know abo >t the STEVENS [J ia found in 140 Pa<r* Illustrated Catalog. Ma led N for four cent* in stamps to pax po*t gr. Beautitul Ten Color Hanger? fine decoration for your ?W or club room?mailed f rd cent* in ftinipa J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. O. Box 4097 > j Cblcopee Falls, Mass., U. S. A. . IS KING ICE REGENT 18^.CCO. i ubjects of both in Lake City this e them. In anticipation of the epairing our warehouse so as ta ler than remove the stock of O.K. warehouse we have [reduced the c Cent. load of Wire Fence, which is ofr we are headquarters for Benjawe offer exceptional values i? \ son Razor can't be beat We apand will try to merit their conA Co,, ITT, S. C saved ar made" f ' to save your dollars than by i Id reliable live-stock of - - y J is ill flnss, s am offering at 10 per cent S and MULES always on hand ckey, Lake City, S.C. JNGSTREE ^ nth Carolina, SURPLUS, 8 7^800 TORS ===== R H Eellahan J A Kelley r# ide on approved security. * z-? w r I MUtK \ 1 id warranted Baburham, Barnesville G- X 2E2 se Surreys. * 1 Waggons. hi rs and Rakes. JT select Harness?Single i nt of Summer Robes. 0 PLEASE, g Live Stock Co,, D GREELYVILLE, . ,-i i ' I '/ i . . 2