BF I, 1 g. r 8. C. DEMOCRATS~ MEET IN CONCLAVE j BRYAN ENDORSED "FIRST, LAST AND ALL THE TIME" AS THE PRESI DENTIAL NOMINEE. " | The State Democratic convention met in Columbia 011 Wednesday, May 20, at 12 m. The convention was called to order by State Chairman j Wilie Jones, and after pi aver by K G Fiuley of Columbia, the! if roll was called and the order of I Vbnsiness proceeded with. Mr C A Snm^pf Tiuimonsville was elected temporary chairman aud Mr M L Smith of Camden president of the convention. The convention did not finish its i business till after miduight Wednesday. The only real contest was for choice of delegates to Denver, the fight centering about the person of Editor W. b*. Gonzales, of The State, who was beaten first for a place as delegate-at-large and then as alternate delegate at-laige. The four delegates at-large chosen are: Senator R R Tillman, Senator F B Gaiy, both by aeclamation. State Wilia Tahoo nf pAlnmViio VUail Ulau ?T lilt UU?"V3 VI VVIMIU VIWJ H H Watkins of Anderson. These were chosen on the first ballot. Mr Gonzales came ont third and Mr J P Grace of Charleston last. The I faction fighting Mr Gonzales cheerto' ed when this was announced. In the race for four alternate delegates-at-iarge Mr Gonzales was defeated, being last m the race with five. The alternates chosen are: W F Stevenson of Chesterfield, J P Grace of Charleston, R F Smith of Easley, and T B Crews of Lan rens. The convention at its morning session adopted a resolution instructing its delegates to vote solidly for Bryan, "first, last and all the time." The district delegates to Denyer selected by the various districts are: First District?T B Waring, Charleston; S Julian Cairoll, Dor/"chester; alternates, A E McCoy. 1 Berkeley; Dr W A Kirbv, Colleton. ' Second District?J E Harley, Barnwell; LJ Williams, North Augusta; alternate, Niel Christensen. Third District?Keuneth Baker, 1 Greenwood; J B Stribling, Pendleton; alternates, H CTillman, Greenwood; Pope B Mann, Ninety-Six. Fourth District?B F Townsend, Union; Dr W C Black, Greenville; S J Nichols, Spartanburg; Clarence Cunningham, Laurens, FJVt-k Tliofrint T C HiVkutds _Tr 1 llbll X/iOVl JVIT V V* mivuwi uwt v *| Kershaw; J M Cherry, Rock Hill; alternates, W W Dickson, Winns, boro; N W Hardin, Blacksburg. Sixth District?J H Manning, Latta; W J Andrews, Georgetown; D A Spivey, Conway. Seventh District?Thomas F Brantley, Spartanburg; J S Wannamaker, St. Matthews; J H Clifton, Sumter. Permanent vice-presidents were chosen as follows, each going in withEout opposition: First district?C M Wiggins. Second district?D S Henderson. Third district?H A Thompson. Fourth district?Howard B Car? lisle. Fifth district?J Harry Foster. Sixth district?Dr Olin Sawyer Seventh district?R I Manning. The first business of the night session was the reading of a report on I constitution and rules by Chairman F ML Bonham. The two resolutions directing theState executive committee to provide a separate box in the coming primary for expression as between prohibition and the present dispensary system, were reported without recommendation. They were tabled by Jthe convention without debate and a resolution by Senator m r Rlaou f/->V? antra thp /law nf JC/V1C JLJ U1VWOV, wr vumu^v VMV v* thejprimary from Tuesday to Saturday was unfavorably reported. It was championed by him and others in the interest of the cotton mill vote but was finally tabled by the convention. The resolution calling for two campaign meetings throughout the \ counties this summer one for congressional and solicitor candidates and the other for State officers, was I adopted, also without debate, i Dr J C Mace's resolution requir ing voters in the primary to b'j en- j rolled five days befoie the primary was adopted. The resolution of Col U B Watson of Saluda, forbidding members of the county executive comfrom being candidates for co in offices provoked a lengthy debate. The convention finally adopted a substitute bv Mr Ragsdale which forbids ^ executive com mitteenien passing upon the returns of their own elec tioii, this being the point sought to be remedied. In the convention the committee appointed to draft a resolution instructing the delegation for Bryan, reponed the following: "We heartily endorse as the can-*didate of the Democratic party for president of the United States William Jennings Bryan, and hereby insist and direct that the vote of South Carolina in the national convention at Denver be cast as a ^j^X^hia^ nomination until the sai cured." This resolution was adopter. Florence Man still Missing. Florence, May 25:?Nothing further has been heard of the where ' abouts of Mr. R. Lee Brunson, who disappeared last Saturday night. Every one is at a complete loss toaccouut for his actions. The prevaliug idea is, however, that he has become mentally deranged aud wandered off. The statement of the officials of the Bank of Florence that all of his books and his accounts aie perfectly straight removes any idea of defalcation on his part in the bank. He was one of the most popular meu in Florence, both socially and in business. He was not embarrassed in auy way financially, and was surrounded by ail the comforts and the pleasure of a beautiful home and a devoted family. He is prominent in local Pythian circles, having been K. tf IL and S. of Harmony lodge, No. 8, K. of P., for a number of 1 1 aL. AC yean- aim wbs aiso one 01 tue uiuoere of Florence lodge, No. 1020, B.P.O. E. For several years he was captain of the Calhoun Light Infantry of this place, and was highly respected and esteemed by the officers and men of bis command and bis regiment, the Third South Carolina. Mr. Brhnson is a man of very striking appearance, having a very decided military carriage, is about, aix feet in hJght, is clean shaven, has gray hair, is rather bald on the front of bis head, walks very erect and with a firm tread and is heavy set. Mr Brunsou belongs to one of the oldest and most highly respected families in this part of the State,and is widely connected throughout the State. Every effort has been made and his friends are still making effnrfo f a Iaao to Kim Kut qa fui? nrif K. 4.1/1 WO t\J IVA/Ctl^ 111 III j UUt OU 1(11 TU'Uout avail. Late?Since the above was put in type it develops that Mr Brunson was short in his accounts $5,000. Brave South Carolina Boys. Elizabethton, Tenn\, Special?Saturday afternoon about ^o'clock, while two South Carolina lads, W. J. Brockington and Talley Fulmer,were out on a stroll along Doe river, they herd the crying voice of a woman calling "Help! help!" Suddenly looking around them, the boys discovered two little girls,who had fallen from a foot bridge Al. _ 1_ * 1 ? J inio xne wuirung waiers. Off with their coats they plunged into the swift stream,which was rapidly carrying the children to the junction of Doe and Watauga rivers,where the water was deep and strong. The stalwart young men soon reached the children and brought them safely ashore. There is no doubt if the South Carolina lads had not been pres ent, the two children would have been buried in the waters of Watauga river. Mr John Riha. Nining, la., says "I have been selling DeWitt's Kidney and bladder pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have nsed them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results Sold by W L Wallace. QUITE A VARIETY j OF NEWS MATTER from scranton and winki^our ] correspondent, "m/- t ' coned . -r scijantox, may 25:?' a ( w kc po i' \^les / , W;ia 'iiv 10 ' breat ** 'ig , he dil- ^ bles & wen ? * jus-;.3. the h, was burh ing t\ know tary or -:rbe^ on ses / ohoo: the gradual j liessie E Gruhan. .auton'6 popular aw tctive young ladies. ^ - uu tod Bank. MERCHANTS TY, S. C. ctors: C M Kelly Young B W Stewart she seemed better, but it became evident finally that the inroads upon her constitution were too great to be repaired and the young couple sadly returned to their native State, knowing in their hearts that the gallant fight for life had been made in vain. Mrs Johnson was a daughter of Mr J T Kellahan and a granddaughter of Dr W L Wallace, of* our town. She leaves, besides* her husband and two children,, two sisters?Mrs V A Sedgwick of Kingstree and Mrs Singletary of Lake City?and a number of other relatives. The remains were brought here Monday and at 11 o'clock a. -M tn , in the midst of a crowd of sympathizing relatives and friends, laid to rest in the Williamsburg cemetery, tne fun- ' eral services being conducted by Rev J Mabaffey. fob sale. 1 Brick in any quantity to suit purchaf r. The Heat Dry Press Machine-made XBBI GHZ.X 'pedal 8hnpe9 made to order. CorreMUMifiice solicited before placing your rdert., vv. R. FUNK. '?1 1 KILL the COUCH* and CURE thi LUHC8 w,th Dr. King's | New Discovery 1 for ColS!18 JEku 3 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES, M GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. .5 PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY j Build up Home Enterprises Buy Brick From r 1?.HI- ll-l-l, I1/A.I,A urmyvwe onun irunw. Correspondence SoiicltedE. 0. TAYLOR, Pres. S. V. TAYLOK, Sec. &Treas. 5-21-tf. J W. Leland l>vlorv 1 DENTIST. GREELYVILLE - - S. C. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Weak | Kidneys Oaoso more trouble thaa u; other orfaa tt the body. The funotloa of the kldaeve Is to> operate laornsle salt ul water la the preoeee of drculattoa, sad to remove theaa sa# their sttendaatpolsons from the body throofh the bladder. Tbererore wmi whiv become dlMaeed aid weak they ere neutrally enable to perform their work properly, lei peine ^athe beck, lnflammatioaof tnehladde* , and urinary dleordere are the reeult. It la laperetire that a prompt relief be afforded, , which in taapoeelbf# amleee you remove the cauee. D?Witt*? Kidney ind Bltdder PiUa promptly eliminate poteona from the eytem and at the same time make the kldneya well and atronf, For Weak Kidneys. Baokaohe, ln> flammatton of the bladder ana all urinary troubles De Witt'a Kidney and Bladder Pills are unsurpassed A Week'a Treatment for 25c. Money bask If they fkU. For Sale by W L Wallace. I tfduti/lBF-r I