NoticeA recent ruling1 of the post- | oriice department requires pub- j lishers of weekly newspapers to 1 discontinue all subscriptions that are one year or more be-i i hind. We are allowed until April, 1 to comply with this require- ( ment, after which time all sub-jc scriptions not paid to April 1 1907 (or beyond that date) will be cut off. We have no choice a in the matter, being compelled c to conform to the regulations of t the postofflce department. Now, "weask all our subscribers who are in arrears and want o the paper continued, to come up > and settle their accounts be- t fore April 1, while those delinquents who do not care to have the paper any more will confer d a favor to notify us and at the p same time pay what they owe for past service. We ask that prompt attention be given to this matter, as there is but lit- a i-IC LI LUC 1UI UCldy. -I j .Local and Personal t I Slead "Notice to Democrats." j What is the matter with the candidates? j See notice of examination for t "\\ iuthrop College scholarship. I Mr J A Gee of Single called yesterday and renewed his subscription. < Hrn J Davis Carter favored The Record with a pleasant call Monday. Mr J R Ilairof Greelyville was a w^lonme visitor at THE RECORD office Mouday. Here it is almost the middle of may aud euly five announcements from caudidates. Our friend, Mt J W McCutchen fit Lake City found time Tuesday to pay us his respects. Mr J L Thomas, of the Cades section, paid us his respects Monday while iu town. Mr R J Parrott of Lake City was among the number of our pleasant visitors Monday. Mr A E McCullough of Trio gave us the pleasure of his company a brief while Monday. Mr John Tilton of Scranton was in town Monday on business and called at our sanctum. Mr \V l> V. mu'n nnc nf nnr Invul I fri* n Is at Leo, remembered to call ?>:i the editor Monday. Mr L E Burkett, our friend of many years, was here Saturday and favored us with a visit. Mr A C Stewart, one of our valued Laae City subscribers, visited us Monday while iu Kingstree. After May 15, the price of the papei Jvill be advanced to $1,25. Those paid in advance get it for $1. Among our friends who called to the office Monday we were pleased to see Mr I H Sauls of Lake City, i >?.. w t> r? r it^ i all >> u diuouui ucv caucu iui see us Monday and bestowed com- : fort on us of the"eart-wheel'* varie*y i Mr M S Buffkin of Cades an- ' nounces his candidacy for the office 1 of coroner'in this issue. See his ' card. * 'v. SPRW ^fr* i? i : ?,i ,1 i\liuu? litis urru ussi^iil-u iui uiocussion the following subject: "Tc What Extent Should Newspapers Give the Free Use of Their Column: to Candidates?'' Two aspirants for congress in tin sixth district were "in our midst' this week, Mr P A Hodges of Ben. nettsville and Mr J R Coggeshali of Darlington. Both these candidates are vigorous campaigners and will doubtless make things livel) for their competitors. fir_ _ 11 ? _ l a...r it. vv e can special auenuon 10 mt Southern States Trust Co., which appears iu this issue. Full information as to the working of the company may be had by applying to W Carlisle Furse, General Agent, Columbia, S C., who invites the fullest investigation as to their methods. This issue of The Record is printed one day late. In fact it has been extremely difficult to get the paper out at all, One of our printing force has been sick for the past :wo weeks and up to this time we / / ft Hg ICl aagaaatt? Tjj d see^'i h new new t. CLOT.ij^j^ JRN & \> ir?r?i aii i/^O^ A c^irtLur rlANY QOOv e?*e ,aX>'1 e m >ed : v -^ya i liave not sue v substitute. ?** wlU liculties of has been sic! lowing .nf f\ and is at tlii OUt. rt?t ?W.ttt1UiC I Several D? ; county were , , J I hereby ak egates in thedidate fur r. presumed tb; ^ idiamsburir regulations c? re-organize. ^ gives notice t Thank in i5t onncht nhrvn w?UDoort r wuouinnvu ? r. /lll(l . nounce nr 1 izes lUmemotion to tCoUN another club -he rule; . , , * iTD ftl) ^ J ihis is rcgu hope- to hare0*. ] club aot represents . tioD. ure of Vf bru ihe baby is ero^- ^ you worried and wo*" ill i dan thai a nub* ? well known remedy for babies aud ehiliiieu, will quiet the little one in a short time.The ingredients are printed plainly on the bottle, contains no opiate. Sold by W L Wallace. Death of a Child. firm* fin Vfrmdnc \1uv .1 IQflft A fi/l VU WAVUMUJ ) kMMJ My A WW j at 11 o'clock p m, Philip, infant son of Mr and Mrs P P Bethea, aged ten months. The remains were taken to Mallorj,Marion coun> ty, on Tuesday evening, accompani' ed by Mr and Mrs Bethea, Mr E B 1 Hall man and Rev J E Mahaffey. Tenderest sympathy is felt for the ; bereaved parents by every one in town. 1 Mr John Riha: Nining, la., says . "I have been selling DeWitt's Kid?q? onH nilla fnr aHnnt n I UV.J aiiu uiauuwt puiw mw%.? .? year and they give better satisfacB tion than any pill I ever sold. There 1 are a dozen people here who have s nsrd them and they give perfect j satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results. Sold by W L Wallace. t OVERTAXED. - Hundreds of Klngslree Readers Know ; What it Means. The kidneys are over taxed; have too much to do. They lell about it ia many aches and pains?Backache ' sideache. headache, early symptoms : of kidney ills. Urinary troubles, . diabetes, bright's disease follow. , i Mrs M E Pipkin,living on Church , !street, Manning, S C, says: "I suffered from dull, nagging backaches ?, and had distressing pains through i my kidney regions. I was very restI Jess at night and in the morning J felt tired and languid, having no strength or energy. I was greatly, annoyed by the kidney secietions, 1 they being verv frequent in action and when allowed to stand contain 1 ^ T .1 _1 1 11 the said Estate will make payment to MargaRkt E VanKkuren. 4-:*0-4t Qualified Administratrix. y pnsm: f \ \ everything FROM THE BEST 0! j ciny lmel} Sugge Fr( GALE < A new line of the Mer rure suk ana nsie nos Puie lisle vests, 3 for Black, brown and whi 1 Hand-embroidered, pi Long- and medium lenj Merry Widow bows a neck fixings. GALE i I I Ju | Rece A full line c Spring CI Oxfords for and childre a trial be elsewhere vinced. r?r Iu ER Read the Farmers & Merchants Bank's ad. this issue. * best thing for a growing boy I . S Learning to shoot well and acquiring qualities cf 8 SELF-CONTROL, DECISION, AND MANLINESS " ;! an-allto STEVENS FIREARMS EI?t CATION. | As!: your Dealer i'or Stevens Hides? ji shotguns?Pistols, Insist on our time|j honored make. If you cannot obtain, !; we ship direct, express pi-one.M. upon l| re. eipt of Catalog I'm e. ' Ij I rA?rTth:ii|{ j?m want to kn>w ? -. t tli.- STEV ENS! [j |{ |'? found in 111) Illustrated ataln*. "I* U IJII i ! cvi.U in stampc to pay pu :*>r )o.;r! U I " ' ??>" orrlnh room?mailed f? r < tfm-? in u:-tp* | ;i J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. j :! P. 0. Box 4097 j Chlcopee Falls, Mass., I'. S. A J \" ^~l / # , , t . A \ X aim ?wiet v\ ?_ "*? * ??, "??* ??., ? t?m?. W fc. rat I nmnmiiii^zizi . stions r )m k GALEV Ty Widow sailor jnst in. >e, 3 for a dollar, a dollar, te sleevfr ribbon. ire linen handkerchiefs, 15c each. ?th silk gloves. nd Gibson collars, the latest in j k GALE V lived | >f up-to-date t othing and V men,women in. Give us I \ fore buying and be con- , I s! I ON 1 NoticeThe "Agricultural Depaitment" is issuing some very excellent Bulletins and I am very anxious for every one in the district to secure one of these papers or a few of them that will be most helpful to him, and to that end I am sending to ev ery one whose name I can gel one of these "bulletins" on the back jfc which is a list of the things treat**} upon. Anyone can select a few of these and send me the numbers selected and I will send them as long as my quota of them lasts. I will be glad to hear from anyone who dees not get one of these bulletins, that I may send one to him. J E ELLERBEr -w"' House of Rep., 5-7-lt. Washington, D. C. FOR SALE. Brick in any quantity to suit purcha9 er. The Best Dry Press Machine-made a: BISXCXZ. v Special shapes made to order. Corre* pondence solicited before placing your orders, W. R. FUNK, ; vj I