The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 08, 1908, Image 2

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The Sf By REX E i' Copyright. 1005. fc [ -"uMtinued t: o "SIcNaTnara. with apparent candor, broke In: "Yon thought you were doing right, of course, but your action will have terrible consequences. Now we'll have riot, blooiohed and heaven kuows 1 what. It was to save all this that I wanted to break up their organization. A week's Imprisonment .vould have done it, but now they're armed and belligerent, and we'll have n battle tonight." "No. no!" she cried. "There mustn't be any violeuce." "There* Is no use trying to check them. They are rushing to their own destruction. I have learned that they plan to attack the Midas tonight, and i I'll have fifty soldiers wuitlng for then) ' there. It Is a shame, for they are de cent fellows blinded by ignorance and misled by that young miner. This will j be the blackest night the north has j rer seen." With this McNamara left the bouse and went In search of Voorhees. re- i marking to himself: "Now. Miss Helen. ; tend your warning the sooner the bet- : tsr Tf I know those vigilantes, It will aat them cratv, and yet not crazy enough to attack the Midas. They will strike for me, and when they hit my poor unguarded office they'll think bell has moved north." "Mr. Marshal," said he to his tool, "I want yon to gather forty men quietly and to arm them with Winchesters. Tbey miut be fellows who won't faint at blood. You know the kind. Assero- i bit them at my office after dark, one ' at a time, by the back way. It moat i be dooe with absolute secrecy. Now. ! Vte If yon can do tbia one thing and Dot get balled up. If yon fall, I'll ?i"ke you answer to me." "Why don't you get the troops?" ventured Voorhees. "If there's one thing I want to avoid, 1ft aoldlera, either here or at the lnee. When they step in, we step | out, and I'm not reedy for that Just yet" The receiver smiled slnlsterly. x Helen meanwhile had fled to her room and there received Glenister'a note through Cherry Malotte's messenger. It rekindled her worst fears and bore out McNamara's prophecy. The more she read of it the more j Certain she grew that the crlfels was , enly a question of hours and that with j darkness tragedy would walk the ftreets of Nome. The thought of the wrong already done was lost in the lonely girKs terror of the crime about i to happen, for It seemed to her she had been the instrument to set these forces In motion, that she bad loosed this awift si>eedlng avalanche of greed, hatred and brutality. And when the crash should come the girl shuddered. It must not be. She would shriek a warning from the housetops even at coet of her uncle, of McXamara and of herself. And yet she had no proof that Althniiffh it all lav Clear in her own mind, the certainty i f It arose only from her intuition. I It only she were able to take a hand i If only she were not a woman. Then f Cherry Malotte's words anent Strove recurred to her, "A bottle of wine and woman's face." They brought back the lawyer's assurance that those documents she had safeguarded all through the long springtime journey ; rtally contained the f>roof. If they ! did, then they held the power to check this impending conflict. Her nncle : end the Doss wouia noi aare roauoue if threatened with exposure and prosecution. The more she thought of It j the more urgent seemed the necessity j to prevent the battle of tonight. There i vis a chance here at least, and the j only one. Adding to her mental torment was tbo constant vision of that face in the ; curtains at the Northern. It was her brother, yet what mystery shrouded ' thla affair also? What kept him from her? What caused him to slink away Uke a thief discovered? She grew dlszy and hysterical. Struve turned in hla chair as the : door to his private office opened, then leaped to his feet at sight of the gray eyed girl standing there. "I came for the papers," she said. "I knew you would." The blood went | eat of his cheeks, then surged back up j k. VI. "If. . K.mln I w iUV V/W?. *? ? . She nodded. "Give them to me first." Be laughed unpleasantly. "What do | tou take me for? I'll keep my part of | . ? the bargain If you'll keep yours. But j this Is no place, nor thne. There's I * riot lu the air, and I'm busy preparing far tonight. Come back tomorrow ,*hen Its all ?ver." Bat It was the terror of tonight's doings that led her Into his power. II uwrer. tvuie use*, wc saiu. n , Jf iny whim to know today?yes, at i met." Be meditated for a time. "Then today It shall be. I'll shirk the fight. W sacrifice what shreds of duty have ftjtxng to me, because the fever for ?00 Is Id my bones, and It seems to me ' Y& 60 murder Vy it. That's the klDd ft a man I am, ^r.d I have do pride In ' tayself because of It. But I've always | psen that way. We'll ride to the Sign at the Sled. It's a romantic little roadbouse ten miles from here, perched bight above the Snake river trail. We'll ; take dinner there together." "But the papers?" jTll have them with me. "We'll start "..v <* ' I < toilers. :. BEACH. iy Rex E. Beach. s' m last week. ] .. -he echoed lifelessly i ... ...el uriirdy and seized the ui j ; . "?* tilrai mil the Sled j ; i. . riojjs on the Snake !'i"> M* 1 Hello! That you.: short/, r TI.js is Struve. Anybody at ; the houseV tlotxL Turn them away if they cuiue and say that you're clo<ed. None of your business. I'll he out about dark, so have diuuer for two. Spread yourself and keep the place clear, (loodhy." Strengthened by Hlenister's note. Helen went straight to the other woman and this time vns not kept wait- j lnjr nor greeted with sneers, hut found Cherry cloaked in a shy dignity, which she dawned tijrhtly about hereeif. Uu- | der her visitor's incoherence she lost ! her diffldeuce, however, and, when j Helen had finished, remarked, with de j cislon: "Don't go with hfm. He's n bad man." * j, "But I must. The blood of those roen | will t>e on uie if I don't stop this trag- ' edy. If those papers tell the tale 1 think tbey do. I can call off my ancle and make McNatnara give back the ! mines. You said 8truve told you the whole scheme. Did you see the proof?" "No, I have ouly his word, but he , spoke of those documents repeatedly, saying they contained his Instructions to tie up the mines In order to give a foothold for the lawsuits. He ' bragged that the rest of the gang were j in bis power and that be could land ! them iu the penitentiary for conspiracy. That's all." j, "It's the only chance," said Helen. 1 "Tbey are sending soldiers to the Midas j to lie In ainbnsb, and yon must warn the vigilantes." Cherry paled at this and ejaculated: "Good Ix>rd! Roy said he'd lead an attack tonight." The two stared at ! each other. "If I succeed with Strove I can stop It all all of this injustice and crime everything." "Do you realize what you're risking?" Cherry demanded. "That man ; Is an animal. You'll have to kill blm to save yourself, and he'll never give up those proofs." "Yes. he will," said Helen fiercely, "and I defy hIm to barm me. The 81gn of the Sled Is a public roadbouse with a landlord, a telephone and other I guests. Will you warn Mr. Gleuiater about tbe troops?" "I will, and bless vou for a brave girl. Walt a moment." Cherry took ! from the dresser her tiny revolver. ( "Pou't hesitate to use this. I want you to kuow also that I'm sorry for j what I Raid yesterday." * As she hurried away Helen realized I with a shock the change that the past few months had wrought In her. In truth. It was as Glealster had said, his northland worked strangely with Its denizens. What of that shrinking girl who had stepped out of the shel-1 tered life, strong only in her uutrled honesty, to become a hunted, harried j thing. Juggling with honor and reputation, In her heart a half formed fear that she might kill a man this night to j gain her eudV The elements were molding her with Irresistible hands. Roy's contact with the primitive had i not roughened him more quickly than had hers. She met her appointment with Struve.aud they rode away together, he ' talkative and elated, she silent and Icy. : Late la the afternoon the cloud banks to the eastward assumed alarming proportions. They brought with them an early nightfall, and when they broke j let forth a tempest which rivaled that j of the previous night During the first of It armed men came sifting Into McXamara's office from the rear and were ( hidden throughout the building. When- . ever he descried a peculiarly desperate ruffian the boss called him aside for private Instruction and gave minute , description of a wide shouldered, erect : youth In white hat and half boots. : 1 Gradually he set his trap with the men Voorbees had raked from the slums, and when It was done smiled to hkn- j self. As be thought It over he ceased to regret the miscarriage of last night's j plan, for It had served to goad his enemies to the point he desired, to the point where they would rush to their own undoing. He thought with satisfaction cf the role he would play la the United States press when the sensational news of this night's adventure < came out A court official who dared to do his duty despite a jawless mob. A receiver who turned a midnight attack Into a rout and shambles. That Is what they would say. What If be dM eiceed his authority thereafter? What i If there were a scandal? Who would question? As to soldiers no, decidedly no. He wished no help of soldiers at < this time. The sight of a ship In the offing toward dark caused him some uneasiness. for, notwithstanding the assurance that the course of justice In the San Francisco courts had been clogged, he knew Bill Wheaton te ba a resourceful lawyer and a determined man. Therefore It relieved him to note the rising gale, which precluded the possibility of Interference from that source. Let them come tomorrow If they would. By that time some of the mines Hyould be ownerless and. bis position ' strengthened a iunaredroid. He telephoned the mines to r~ ont guards. although he reasone/" none but madmen would tb* striking there In the face of the w In? which he knew must have !>? transmitted through Helen. I'utfvT on his raincoat he sought Stillmnn. "Bring your niece over to my place tonight. There's trouble in the air n^jf I'm prepared for it." "She hasn't returned from her ride yet. I'm afraid she's caught in the , storm." The Judge gazed anxiously f into the darkness. ' D aring all the b ug day the vigilanW*^ Jay in liming, impatient ar moir n. ness and wondering at the hick of* fort made toward their discovery, i> dreaming that MeNaniarn liad mo cleverly hidden plans lx-hind. When. Cherry's note of warning came they gathered in the hack room and g:i/*' voice to their opinions. "There's only one way to eil atmosphere." said the cha5cma*\ "Yon het." chorused the o(2 ., "They've garrisoned tlie mines. go through tlie town and make a job of it.'s hang the whole fit to one post." This met with general nppro\-.* Clenlster alone demurring. Said he:v "I have reasoned it out differently, anu I want you to hear me through liefore | J dec iding. Last night I got word from ' i "Whenton that the California coerrs J are against us. He attributes it tr^*Influence, but whatever the reason, we are cut off from all legal help either* hi this court or on appeal. Now. sup- ; pose we lynch these olflclals tonight. L what do we gain? Martial law in two : hours, our mlues tied up for anotbet*' year, and who knows what else? Maybe a corrupter court next season. Suppose, on the other hand, we fall, and somehow I feel that we will, for that boss Is no fool. What then? Those of ws who don't find the morgue will end . In jail. You say we can't meet the " a \r? owners. 1 8aj we cbu auu uiubi. *. must carry this row to tbem. We nywt Jump It past the courts of Alakka. past the courts of California, and up i to the "White House, where there's one 11 honest man. at least. We must do something to wake up the men In Washington. We must get out of polltics, for McXamara caD beat us there. Although he's a strong man he can't corrupt the president. We have one shot left, and It must 'pach the Poto- . mac. When I'ncle Sam takes a hand ' well get a square deal, so I say let us i strike at the Midas tonight and take her If we can. Some of us will go" down, but what of It?" Following this harangue, he outlined | a plan which In Its unique daring took I away their breathe, and as he filled In detail after detail they brightened with excitement and that love of the long < chance which makes gamblers of those who thread the silent valleys or tread the edge of things. His boldness stirred them and enthusiasm did the , rest. "All I want for myself," be said, "Is ?- >lab Tt'a , ine CllllIRT IU TUU UJC 1/J0 lira. *? ? , mine by right." Dextry spoke breathlessly to Slapjack In the pause which ensued: "Ain't he a heller?" "We'll go you," the miners chimed to a man. And the chairman added: j "Let's have Glenlster lead this forlorn hope. I am willing to stand or fall ou j his Judgment." They acquiesced with- j out a dissenting voice, and with the firm hands of a natural leader the ( young man took control. "Let's hurry up," said one. "It's a long 'mush' and the mud is knee deep." | "No walking for us," said ftoy. "We'll go by train." i "By train? How can we get a I traiu?" "Steal It," he answered, at which " Dextry grinned delightedly at his 1 loose Jointed companion, and Slapjack showed bis toothless gums in answer, saying: "He sure le." A few more words and Glenlster,-accompanied by these two, slipped out Into the whirling storm, and a half hour $ later the rest followed. One by one . the vigilantes left, the blackness blot- < ting them up an arm's length from I the door, till at last the big, bleak j warehouse echoed hollowly to the voice of the wind and water. Over in the eastern end of the town, ( behind dark windows upon which the ! sheeted rain beat furiously, otber armed men lay patiently waitingwaiting some word from the bulky shadow which stood with folded arms close against a square of gray, while over their heads a wretched old man paced back and forth, wringing his bands, pausing at every, turn to peer " ont into the night and to mumble the name of his sister's child. r CHAPTER XIX. j 1 EAJRLY In the evening Cherry Ma- " lotte opened her door to find the Bronco Kid on her step. He entered and threw off his rub- 1 ber coat. Knowing him well, she waited for his disclosure of his errand. His " sallow skin was without a trace of color, his eyes were strangely tired, | deep lines had gathered about his Hps, I while his hand* kept up constant little nervous explorations as though for days and nights he bad not slept and . now hovered on the verge of eonse hys- ? terla. He gave ber the Impression of ^ a smoldering mine with the fire eating - " < r\A*p/1flr Rha tn/lflred UVDC U^ IV IUV JTV mvi . vuv that his bod; had been racked by ev- ery passion till now It banc jaded and weary, yielding only to the spur of his reetless, revengeful spirit ( After a few objectless remarks he ' began abruptly: "Do you love Roy Glenister?" His voice, like his manner, was Jealously eager, and he watched ber carefully as I she replied without quibble or deceit: "Yes. Kid, and I always shall. He Is <. the only true man I have ever known, nnd I'm not ashamed of my feelings." 1'or a loug time he studied her and [Continued on pape 3.] % it puirh'jf1 >ine-ma<le * %* i rr. torrc I u iiiir v?u r j INK. icey 12, at 12 m. the, - ommissi'uiers will re-1 > ieir office to put in J ?:l?5i* of court prid audrecover jail. ?th Rh sothe n bony iposslble. jd pepoof - ot iTedieuv with aedy vu made ^floo. Without . Wtraftted many. f.n: J.fti last, it uniform thie heretofore s ^"saas remedy u e water. ?ji wartee $ CftUM Of -ooer no TWtt?ir i Rlkuim Remedy rC ?00TT. _ . The Largest d Most C ..mplete inent South. 3E0. 8. . JGKER i SON. % ? tt -MANUFACTl 1 :E8 OKSash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON. S C. PROFESSIONAL US R. E. & E. N. B EATY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Georgetown, - - - S. C. Civil Enaineerinq Land Surveying Railroad Surveys aud Construction >rompt attention to out of Town Work. 3-19-tf iV. L. Basi A. C. Hinds BASS & HINDS, Attorneys-at-law KNGSTREE, S. C. -20-tf. or rats Lake City, S. C. irown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed as Represented. W, L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr RJ McCabe Dentist. UN3ST1EE, . - S. C. J. D. MOUZON'S | BARBER SHOP ?in thecal Keirei Hate! s equipped with up-to-date apiliances. Polite Service. ? orapetent Vorkmen. 5-8-08. W. P. TENNENT A R C H I T E C T Seneral Contractor and Builder Solicits vour business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all : : kinds of work. : : 26 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work on U. S. Post Office and of John McSween Co, stores Timmonsville and Beulah and residence at National Cemetery. : : : : : ISloTl alcoholic I Snrznrsnrma W ?WW If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think j yo^*?ed something for your bi i^our doctor. If you yould like to try alcoholic Sarsapaai jur doctor. Con' him often. Keep in close touch with him. 1 We publish our formulas j a _ We banish alcohol i Jal f from our medicines / I f/Z> 1*0 We urge you to A a a ^ M .J consult your ^ V dootor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick-headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. c. _ -?.l. Itass.? JflTTM ?AND THE PRN TOBi j There will be a number of s Fall and we are ready to serv splendid crop prospect we are r enlarge our floor space, and rati Queen Stoves and Ranges from i price 2? We have just received a car fered at a low price. . Remembei rain Moore & Co's Paint. Also, Cutlery and Razors. The Robe! preciate our friends' patronage ; t'nued confidence. Lake City I T AFV P UtXOkJU \J "A dollar is a doll There is no better wa) dealing with J. L. Stuckey, the o man. I have a splendid line Rik Will ?' "DO 1 " -Othat in view of the hard timi above cost. A nice bunch of HORSE at prices to suit. J. L Stu BANK OF * Kingstree, So CAPITAL, $ 30.000" 1=^== DIREC Jas F Cooper T> O Snntt. I 1 1 Collections made promptl 1 LOANS, large or small, rr MOW Ar RAH GIVE U! ORDER McCOt HOWER A Do not wait uutil your oat A CAR of HcCormick Howers an Yours for THE WILLIAM Kingstree & Creelyville, bj. '^^"'^t-of-doors" a S7lVEN3^^^^ I | fiiLP-CONTROL, DECISION. ANDI I! A+k your Dealer for Stove :s Ib'f!c? 1 * A i'% ?.iOU:uns Pistols. Insist o:?. our -1 H | Si'om rod make. If you cannot obtain. [i ve ship direct, ox^rr^ ? UjMM HHfl |{ r^roipt of Catalog I'mo. j J v'*r>fl] ugyoa v*ant t kuowaU; I Si*.VLN> . ff | i *.' .n<\ in S10 Pag* llhutratc.l '*;.?! >g. Ma !? \ c( n in stamp* to pay put Bra at i j r llaagrr w . f ? HI W | l? vr">?j?--ri-iV f r o '-in t STEVENS ARMS & 70CL CC ?Bfl P. 0. Box 4>,97 }| . hicopce Fills. Mass.. U. S. A -JME. IS KING 1 fCE REGENT IS- - M ubjects of both in Lake City this- I e them. In anticipation of th& Bj epairing our warehouse so as to ier than remove tbe stock of O.K. warehouse we have ^reducedthe A c Cent. flj load of Wire Fence, which is of-H r we are headquarters for Benja- V we offer exceptional values in son Razor can't be beat. We ap- I and will try to merit their con? 1 Co., ] t w ITY, 8. c y saved ar made" r to save your dollars than by >ld reliable live-stock of 4 os if tavj is am offering at 10 per cent I :S and MULES always on hand 1 ickey, Lake City,S.C I 1E = l 1 NGSTREE I uth Carolina. | SURPLUS, S 7800 ] /TORS ===== R H Kellahan T | J A Kelley y. . lade on approved security. I ERS j MD I CES I 5 YOUR M FOR A * | in IC K I ND RAKE J s and hay begin to waste. I LOAD J n 1 ?? concit U l^ttKCS 1IUW 111 UHUOIk. M business, G LIVESTOCK CO., J South Carolina. V