IP ' ' .y' K . : * [ VOL XXII Kr \ROLINA, MAY 8, 1908. NO. 18 i Bee Our P Of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, I Pe I BANQUET OF KINGSTREE \, NUMBER 91 IN TIE SECOND DISTIICT CONVENTION NENU AND A NUMBER OF ELOQ M e SBakad SB lack &n*nch &nie< Olive* Sftic* &ield Or rSliced *!Tomato*s yVeatpkc ?a /n I Vienna. t/Cotts {Roast San nipple Sauce Stressing ?! jr. of &. Sattii Jfssontea bruits in cImported SBnou ^ iDeep {Rock ^ (Eomrn H. A. Meyer L. H. Fairey C. D- Jacobs J. W. Cook M. H. Jacobs Thos. McC nmimiuur I IrmjuKAnmc H Seventh Serai Annual Convention F Second District Knights of Pythias. I TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 5I I Opening1 Ode. , L Prayer Rev J E Mahaffey. Address of Welcome Mayor Gilland. A Welcome by the Masons R K Wallace. A Welcome by Woodmen Philio Stoll. * B Welcome from Kings tree Lodge ^Tno. 91 K of P A C Hinds. Hy^Juartette. Hi Response to Address of Wei kme W E Lea, D D G C. ^^Buartette. BHE Si-CRET SESSION', 3 P M. ffigfci Call of Lodges and ReSfllBL by Delegates. R^^^Btiiianism in 190S lion T G i "JewLine Laces, Embroideries, Negligee Shirts and Tin Oxford Sh Try Kinjfan's -^ar excellence ham. N > iople's HfiE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LAST TUESDAY EVENING AN ELEGANT UENT TOASTS RESPONDED TO. n u Iver Sled 68re as t d ^Potatoes Florida Celery rkey an berry Sauce tickles ilia CTlafn a. mcaio xjacciu t tee Goose 5Beets Cream 6Breae/\ Coffee net f Cakes Season r>. /9, '/t cftnger Singer vf/e rrs tttpp P. H. Stoll A. C. Hinds F. W. Fairey J. C. Graham p s flottrtney lUTCHEN McLeod, Our Duty as Pythian Knights Hon J A Summersett. The Carolina Pythian E H Auli. Suspensions CD Brown, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, The Symbols and Mottoes of the Order Hon Hartwell M. Ayer. A mtt ^1 /I rPU ? v* rr WT Ilrrvvi C* xi.ii y viu niiauu v/ Harvey, Grand Master of Exchequer. Celebrations of Lodge Anniversaries Hon Philip Stoll. Good of the Order General Discussion. General Business. 9:30 p m Banquet. Title, Mortgage, Bill of Sale, Lien on Crop, and Lien and Bill of Sale combined blanks for sale at this'office. 2-13tf 4 ? V * the 4 ; sty3^^nc \ wear. Ot. J|| | but haveJ; ^ #0, I or comfor \ :^oi I Kin-r IS I shoC i JIthw' i ,1 J "St *1 1 right pre ^ || portion ./J ^ Her zan ^, 1 >.. ? JSrapntt ?? TOAS! Frank P. Cooper, Charle: Kingstree: With a historic past looks hopefully toivafc ? * South Carolina: My Country's good wii More holy and profoun lt. G Our Order:- t The rainbow tx The evening beam tha And tints tomorrow w J. Friendship: Should auld acquaintai And never Drough Should auld acquaintai And days o' lang 2 The Press: It reflects while it fas! Our Guests: You are as welcome as And we love you in th The Goat: Life is a joke, and all I thought so once, but Woman:Like dew on the gowai Is the fall of her fai And like winds in sum Her voice is low anc And she is all the wor J. A H. A. Meyer, M. H. Jacobs, J. W. Cook, C. D. Jacobs, F. W. Fairey, S. Marcus, W. I. Tisdale, t = CHEi d AiiPPam s uneflri 8 TWO_GAR_ | MULES J AN! 8 HC 5 will arrive Jani g Finest that has market this seasc Come in and Jj before they are al 8 M. F. HI f) KINQSTREE ^tKING QUALITY is an j honest shoe made by the [ best workmen for men ; w^? appreciate good > things in foot wear. yuaiiltle C StB I :s 3ton, loast*aster. and prosperous present she I the future. P. H. Stoll. I do love th a respect more tender, ,d, than mine own life, ov. Mcleod, Bishopville. ) the storms of life! t smiles the clouds away ith prophetic ray! E- Martin, Charleston. nee be forgot + fn minrl ? V tv lillftiu ice be forgot, syne? L. D. Lyde, Marion. lions the life around it. H. M- Ayer, Florence. the flowers in May; e same old way. E. H- Aull, Newberry. things show it, now I know it. E- D. Smith, Sumter. n lying ry feet, imer sighing, I sweet; Id to me qiiuupdoptt f nlnmhio UUilllUUlWUA 1) VVIUUlMiOl '0 - - - C. C. - - - Vice C. - - - M. of W. Prelate. - - - M. of A. - - - I. G. - - - 0. G. f\r = f) GKEAPt 1 _LOADS J ? l jxvojiio a jary II, 1908.5 been on the ^ 3n' fl look them over U II gone. 5 ELLER J? !, s. C. I) 9S969S969S9 (I S hoes! Shoes! All the latest styles, quality surpassed. King- Quality for 3 For Ladies "Star Brand Shoes Better." We have just receive large shipment of both the brai All sizes and prices the Lowest ompan K. OF P. CONVENTION A GRAND SUCCESS, THE LARGEST AND HOST SUCCESSFUL DISTRICT CONVENTION EVER HELD . IN THE STATE. Owing to the fact that we were unable to be present at the C iVi rt V /\f D J?AH1TATt CAC1L13CS U1 IIIC AX ?il X WIA volition by reason of sickness, we clip from the News & Courier the very interesting report of the proceedings sent in bv its Kingstree correspondent: "The old historic town on Black river was in gala attire Tuesday in hon>r of the eon\ ention of the second district Knights of Pythias. From the the fall of the gavel in the hand of Bro F W Fairey, V C C, when be called the public meeting to order at noon in the Thomas opera house, until the sweet strains of 'Nearer My God to Thee,'which wound up the proceedings at the banquet board at 1 o'clock Wednesday morn ing, there was not one untoward incident to mar the perfect success of what is said by visiting Knights to have been the most successful district convention of K of P's ever held in South Carolina. Indeed, some of the Knights say that the Kingstree convention was equal in appointment, in the perfection of the work done and in detail of arrangement to the Grand Lodge itself. This is very hign praise, but it does not come from any [resident of Kingstree. It is the testimony of some of the visiting* Knights. The proceedings of the con vention were opened in public meeting at 12 o'clock with a prayer most appropriately delivered by the Rev J E Mahaffev, of the Methodist church. Then followed the address of welcome by the mayor of the town, Mr L W Gilland, by Mr R K Wallace, on behalf of the Masonic fraternity, by Mr Philip Stoll, on behalf of the Woodmen, and by Mr A C Hinds on behalf of the Kingstree Lodge, K ot P. Mr W E Lea, D D G G, then made response to the various welcomes* About this time Lieutenant Governor G T McLeod, who I had come in on a late train, was ! recognized, and called upon for a speech. The genial lieutenjant governor was equal to the ! emergency and made a most happy and amusing response. ' After this Brother Fairey, VC C | of Kingstree lodge, who had pre' sided up to this point, resigned the gavel to Bro W E Lea, D D Shoes! v t ^ iyv V G C, of Timmonsville, who" annOnnced that the convention was now ready to go into secret session, upon which the inner r 'guard, with his sharp sword, soon cleared the hall of all but true and-lawful brother Knights. The work of the secret session was then promptly entered into, * ... r? n> nr.. _ r m- > i? witn uro n & oea 01 rimmousville president of the convention and P H Stoll secretary. Every lodge in the second district, twenty-one in number, with seventy delegates, was represented on' the floor of the " ; convention. This secret meetJ ing lasted from about 1 o'clock uutil 7 pm, with one hour's recess for dinner. After the roll call of lodges and reports of delegates the the regular business of the convention was taken up and the following subjects discussed: Pythianism in 1908 ?the Hon T G McLeod. Our uuty as ryinian ivnignis the Hou J A Sumraersett. The Carolina Pythian the Hon E H Aull. Suspensions G D Brown, grand keeper of records and seal. The Symbols and Mottoes of. the Order the Hon Hartwell M Ayer. Any Old Thing In the absence of Mr Wilson G Harvey, grand moster of exchequer, this sub* ject was handled by Mr F P Cooper. Celebration of Lodge Anniversaries the Hon P H Stoll. Good of the Order General discussion. Before adjournment resolutions were adopted thanking _ the people of Kingstree for their unbounded hospitality. Also resolutions were passed endorsing the retiring D D G C, W E Lea. The Carolina Pythian was also endorsed. .. On an election being held to elect a successor to Mr Lea the choice fell upon Bro P H Stoll,of Kingstree, as D. D. GL C. It is quite an honor to Mr Stoil and his lodge and Kingstree Pythians are proud of it. The town of Conway was selected as the next meeting place for the second district . ,;convention. Thomas' opera house, where the convention was held, was tastefully decorated for the occasion, the Pythian colors and emblems being everywhere conspicuous. Over the stage intertwined, showing respectively the symbol and mystic letter of the Masonic craft, the Knifrhts nt Pvthias and the - j Woodmen of the World, the three societies represented in the public welcome. In many stores and public places the colors of the K ofP's were to be seen. Altogether it was a great day for Kingstree and for the K of P's, and the old town did her very best to entertain the stranger within her gates, and she succeeded beautifully." ' -^ll