The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 30, 1908, Image 1

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K - ' . \ F " **' T"T-;;r;j7Mj j I 1M, | fpjc (Eon: t|) liecotb. J VOL XXII KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, APRIL 30, 1908. NO. 17 m See Our f &? Of Dress Goods, Dry Goods, !. n A VARIETY OF NEWS ! FROM GREELYVILLE. | Modern school building assured- j a marriage?clubs re organize -local and personal items. Greelyville, April 27:?Mrs L J C Josey iias returned home after spending- several weeks with relatives at Johnsonville. Mr and Mrs W H McGee went to tungstree last Tuesday to see some body's children see the animals at the show. Dr E 0 Taylor came home last Monday from Charleston Medi-; cal college to spend his vacation , Mr and Mrs Rodgers returned I to their home in Marion last Tuesday alter spending several months with their daughter,Mrs F Mishoe. Your correspondent heard it suggested by one of our enterprising business men that the town buy several acres of land at old Mt Hope church and use same for a cemetery. We think this aught to meet the approval: of all right thinking men in the: community,as we have no place to bury our dead now, ex:ept small grave yards wh ich are not ^kept as they should be. The fake moving picture man was in town the greater part of last week with his show(?). It is not safe to mention it to the ladies and gentlemen who are of ill /^orrtri n rr li/*lrofo f At* eo i/1 ouii van jfiu^ ivi oaiu show that did not show. Miss Kittie Boyle and little Henry Louise Johnson, the pet of Greelyville, are spending sometime with friends and relatives at Lynchburg. Mr S V Taylor left last Wednesday for Atlanta to be pres ent at tne commencement ot tne Atlanta Dental College, where his brother, Dr W Leland Taylor,will graduate, also to attend the marriage of Dr Taylor to a charming young lady of Atlanta, which happy event will be April 29. Miss Helen Keisler, who has ' been teaching near here for several years,returned to her home at Chappies last Friday, to the regret of the many warm friends she has made while here. We i .hope to see her back again next \^session. ^ In accordance with a call of county chairman, Greelyville Democratic Club >io 2. met and re-organized Saturday. Capt D J Bradham was elected chairman and A McD Burgess secre tary. The following were elected to represent this club at the county convention: Capt D J Bradham, Messrs J F Register, NJewLine Laces, Embroideries, Negligee Shirts and Tan Oxford Shoe*. Try Kingan's par excellence ham. jople's J R Hair and J W Kennedy. | Capt D J Bradham executive committeeman. Our town and the surrounding country are thoroughly awake along educational lines. A mass mo<*fincr tetjjc hplh in tvia tr?nm hall immediately after the organization of the Democratic club for the purpose of considering means for the improvement of our educational facilities in the way of a new building. Mr J G McCullough, superintendent of education, was present and made a nice little talk and offered some valuable suggestions. After some discussion it was decided to vote to bond the district to raise $7000.00 with which to build a school house. Mr J P Register was appointed as a committee of one to carry out the plans of this meeting. Mr J N Browder and Miss Bessie Windham were happily married Sunday evening at the home of Rev R W Spigner, who officiated. MrBrowder is one of our most progressive business men and the bride is a daughter of the late Judge J G Windham, Both parties are deservedly popular here and at Manning, the home of the bride, and will carry with them as they embark on the matrimonial sea the best wishes of many friends for a "bon voyage.* A Surprise MarriageHarpers, April 25:?A very unexpected marriage took place here on Sunday, 19th inst., the nrincinalc Kpinor Mr DnnslH (/..uv.j;?.0 Camlin of Harper and Miss ltaline Boyd of Trio. Mr Camlin drove up to the gate with a spanking team of horses, where Miss Boyd met him and before the family was aware of the fact th# young couple was going down the road in a cloud of dust. They were pursued but it was too late. O. T. Democratic Club Meeting. Pursuant to the call of the county chairman Salters Democratic club met and reorganized on Saturday, April 25th. The following officers were elected: T ESalters, president; Jas A Ferrell, vice president; J H L Chandler, secretary and treasurer; Jas E Davis, member executive committee. A R Mosely, E T Hamer and Jas E Davis were elected delegates to county convention. Alex Spivey, John C Everett and E T Hamer were appointed committee on registration. the purchaser style and very little ^^:;'*J^|| wear. Others wear but have little style Egtjgj6 ! or comfort. The TMKSsfc^" ; King Quality // \ shoe has all 77 Let us | these hree re- // show you quis (esin // .the new styles just thc.^ >? are iuil of H . . // sn?p ar\d charact< II rignt pro ~ijwj[j su-,-]v p|, [{Portion^ you. rierca Death of Nr. G. W. Arms. Sunday afternoon, about f o'clock, at Mr Eaddy's boarding house, Mr George W Arms passed away, after a long illness during which he suffered greal pain. The funeral and burial took place Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Williamsburg cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev J E Mahaffey, Mr Arms had been for many years a laminar ngure in ivings. tree, having served as deputy sheriff, jailor and court crier at various times. For the past year or two his health had failed and a few months ago he was attacked with paralysis of the tongue, which interfered with his articulation. During his last illness the people of Kingstree kindly ministered to his wants and Mr Eaddy and his family did all in their power for his comfort until the end came. Mr Arms was 68 years old and leaves a wife and one child. Hiss Nance Is Coming. As will be seen in the notice of the county superintendent ol education, Miss Mary T Nance State organizer of the Rura! Improvement association, wil soon be here and will visit anj school where an invitation is extended her. Miss Nance is a young lady ci charming personality and her work for the betterment ol country schools has attracted attention even beyond the borders of our State. She has de ? A - j i 1 ? i-i ? i. u:, vuieu ucr spieuuiu idicui iu urn cause and her visits are at inspiration not only to the schools, but to the communities that she visits. I = CH 1 CHEAP! S TWO^OA jjj MT TT M 8 ? A will arrive da y| Finest that ha 5 market this sec Come in anc jR before they are M. F. I <? K1NGSTC honest shoe made by the J best workmen for men wbo appreciate good ; things in foot wear. ? The King Qual- j %\ ity shoe is the i nitie^C .. JJ Union Graded School. J Rome, April 20:?On March28 "; the C.eorgetown Teachers' association mpt at TTninn uraded ' school for the list time for this season. This meeting was indeed quite interesting,even more so than the preceding ones. The following interesting programme was carried out: ' Discussion: Parts of Speech? Prof W C Bvnum. Discussion; History?Prof V C Daniels. ' Music: Duet?Misses Bessie and Marie Rivers. Discussion: Reading?Miss Annie Workman. Discussion: Literary Society I ?Prof 0 M Mitchell. , Music: Duet?Misses Rivers. I s I As Miss CoraHuggins.whohad been placed on the programme to discuss Geography,was neces sarily absent, she had arranged for two of her third-grade pupils, little Misses Daisy Collins and Ethel Johnson, to model re; lief maps of North and South I America made of sand and paste. In their clear and sim| pie explanation of the art of I "map-making" these little girls r aroused great interest, and they ? and their teacher received many compliments on ^beir work. Mr McUullough, superintendI ent of education in Williamsl burg county, kindly consented to deliver an address,which was " greatly enjoyed by all. This * being Mr McCullough's first visit to our school we were ail i delighted to have him among us and appreciated the complimenEAP === 8 UntAf! 8 RLOADS 8 :s I AND X VAT1 C1T71C1 7a inuary II, 1908. ft is been on the * ison. U I look them over W all gone. ft 1ELLER % (EE, S. C. 4? Shoes! Shoes! All the latest styles, quality surpassed. King- Quality for 1 ' r n . .n i n j oi .tor baaies "star oranu oiiues Better." We have just receive large shipment of both the bra All sizes and prices the Lowesl ompan tary terms which he used in regard to Union graded school. Mr Josiah Doar and Mr B B Chandler also made short addresses. Mr Doar has been with us often and is loved by every pupil in the school. A unanimous vote of thanks I was extended by the members of the association to the people ot Rome for their "hospitality and kindness during this and the previous meeting. The Georgetown court house was elected the place of next meeting of the Association, which will on the last Saturday in October. After the meeting had adjourned dinner was served in the erhnnl hnildinar bv the ladies of W?..WW. ^ O - J Rome. Among the teachers and other visitors present were the following: Mr and Mrs Josiah Doar, Mr J G McCullough, Mr Wattie Snowden, Prof W C Bynum, Prof V C Daniels, Misses Annie Workman, Hazzard, Smith, Poe, Lessie Beatty, Mellie Brockinton, Labruce, Ford, Marj\and Sadie Snowden, Bessie and Marie Rivers, Prof 0 M Mitchell, Mrs William Chandler, Mrs Mattie Price, Mr and Mrs Edgar Beatty. The trustees met on April 2 for the purpose of electing teachers for the session of 1908 9. All of the present teachers were reelected and we are glad to know that at least three will return. Prof Mitchell and the Misses Rivers have accepted their positions for another year. We are sorry to say that Miss TJTs-vsv?hop nr?f fn TP uu^giuo uao uwviuvu MV?. ? turn. Prot Mitchell was called fiway Friday evening-, April 10, to the bedside of his father, whojwas very ill. However, we are glad to say that his father is somewhat betterand that Prof Mitchell was with us in school again on Thursday. Our sympathy has been with him and we hope that his father will continue to improve. The honor roil for the sixth month is as follows: Distiniruished, 90 to 95: 1st Grade?Harris Cribb. 2nd Grade?Winston Eaddy, Belle Chandler, Lucy Robbins, Anna Cribb, Helen Wilder, D I Wilson. 3rd Grade?Docia Bruerton, Ethel Johnson. 4th Grade ? Myrtle Cooper, Bennett Waldron, D D Rhem, Durant Rhem, Peace Snow, Albert Waldron. 5th Grade?Charlie Thomas, Pressley Thomas, Annie Wilson, Marie Eaddy, Belton Brockinton. 6th Grade?Maxie Hemingway, Laura Rhem, PaulineMun Shoes! ly. i nerlyn. ' 7th Grade?Emmie Brockininton, Emmie Snow. 8th Grade ? Pearle Eaddy,. Daisie Munnerlyn. 10th Grade? ? Highly distinguished, 95 to i 100: 1st Grade ?Louise Snow. 2nd Grade ? Martie Owens, Lillian Cribb. 3rd Grade?Daisie Rollins. 4th Grade ? LeRoy Robbins, Edna Eaddy, Mary Goodwin. 6th Grade ? Leta Carraway, Rosa Bruerton, Alice Chandler. 7th Grade?Florence Hemingway, Annie Eaddy, Louise Wilson. 8th Grade?Daisie Brockinton, 10th Grade?Eva Eaddy. Capers Marshall. Omitted through mistake from last month?Alice Chandler, distinguished, 6th grade. Mucin?T?lr?rpnrp Hcminirwav. Emmie Snow, Ammie Eaddy, Louise Wilson, Daisie Munnerlyn, Iva Eaddy, Walter Robbins, Pauline Munnerlyn, LeRoy Robbins, Leta Carraway, Annie WiiSon, Eddie Munnerlyn. Edita Literae. k Plea for toe Monument. Williamsburg chapter, Daughter^ of the Confederacy, is intending to put forward every effort this year to raise money to aid in the erection of the monument to the Confederate soldiers of this county. Some time ago the president of the chapter sent out letters to prominent ladies in all sections of the county, asking- them to join in and use their influence in raising the necessary funds for this worthy object. It should interest the whole county, and each community should take pride in assisting. ^ This duty should have been performed long ago. Williamsburg is one of the few counties tnat have not expressed their appreciation of the heroism of her sons by commemorating it in a suitable monument. Cedar Swamp responded liberally to the appeal, contributing S60.00. raised bv one fes 0 tival. It is to be hoped that the ladies will take up this work in their respective communities and send in their contributions as soon as possible, that the order may be placed for the monument in the near future. The chapter will bestow crosses of honor upon eighteen veterans during the exercises at the opera house on Memorial day. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. Sold by W L Wallace. 4