The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 16, 1908, Image 5

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F" & SUPERVISOR'S REPORT FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER 1907,COML HEWING OCTOBER I, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,1907. W W Barr, lumber for bridges, t 4 Mi J Wesley C?ok, treasurer, 25 00 contingent. 12 30 J F McClary, poor farm, 7 50 . S >1 Askins, chain gang. 30 61 F Poston, road4, 4 00 J S ???e, 6 oo R K GamMe, coroner, ;>7 50 J D Wilson, roads, 20 72 Eppe&Epps, chain gang. 13 7] J -Ljiaseldon. road plow. 40 on biwzard Hdw Co. chain gang. 12 00 Cox, roads. "> uO J t! Tallevast, roads, y 60 J B McCants, & TG McDonald. roads, :;fl 50 V E Lifrage. roads, 2 50 J M Barrineau, " .*? 4<> | S M Lradshaw, magistrate, -o To W T Wilk.ns. chain gang, v? TT H Fox worth, bridge^. 2 00 J 6 McC'ullough, supt ed., 150 00 J B Lemmon, chain gang, 2 % J J B Montgomery, contingent. 3 54 I H Joyner, chain gang, 35 12 S J Singletary, supervisor, ??2 5o ' " contingent, S 80 J C Everett, commissioner, T 5o .1 B Files, magistrate, -33 To J G .McCullough. contingent. 4 <0 Farmers Sup. Co. chain gang. 45 s* R F Rodgers, constable, 50 Oo i M L Webster, " 4 oo S D Hanna, bridges, 12 00 W T Philips, * 35 00 44 44 roads, 12 72 J H V Gaskins, magistrate, 75 2-5 W V Brockinton, M D.chaingang.24 05 J L Monxon, magistrate deputy, 15 00 8 G McDonald, magistrate, is 75 G I) Thomas, roads, 15 is R K Wallace, magistrate. To 00 F E Johnson, roadi. 17 HO T. P Kinder oommi?inn??r. 7 50 Geo .1 Graham, jail report, :h) 10 " '4 constable, 50 00 , ' 44 sheriff, 375 <K) 14 4' contingent, 3 00 W 1> lames, chain gang. 3o 00 J L> Hasgld on, roads, 30 25 L) B Knight, bridges, 8 27 S 3 Cameron, roads. 3 84 J H Blackwell, chain gang, 8 25 S-W Boston, bridges, 4 40 W J Godwin, road plow, 6 40 J T Catkins, 44 . 44 4 5 00 roads, 13 00 W 3 Smiley, clerical work, 1 50 JYMcGilf, 14 - 160 S W Mills, roads, 3 00 Kartell Bros., chain gang, 11 75 Henry Johnson.courthouse janitor.8 00 H O Britton. contingent, 4 55 Nat~i Office Sup (k>,o<Wsupplies, ? 80 Dr I K Boyd, poor, 5 00 F A Buckles, roads, 5 08 A ? Hinds, contingent, 5 G "W -lohnson. bridge\ W 28 P I) Bradham, roads, 1 50 J Wesley Cook, juryani witness tickets, 773 77? J Wesley Cook; contingent, 3 35 W RKirby, roads, 38 70 J T MeElveen. roads, J1 50 L J Stackley, chain gang, 5 75 / a; cu io K McQ Montgomery, clerk, 16 07 J'J B .Montgomery,"auditor, 33 33 Jp V Brockington, M P chaingang.15 75 ' poor, 5 <X) P H Sroll. expert to grand jury, 2<J 00 T > Smith, roads, 6 oo SB W Courtney, pos1 mortems, 20 0j I W 1> James, chain gang, 20 ou ] .1 H Joyner, 4 " 30 00 J Dr J 1) Whitehead, chain gang, 18 00 j C M Matthews, roads, 4 00 R B Keels, " 8 00 Chas C Burgess, grand jury, 5 no j V M Player, coroner's deputy, 2 00 | K ingstree Hdw Co., chain gang. -To 00 , ' road plow. 6 03 j Lake City Hdw Co., .chain gang 70 30 W T Wilkins, ' ' L25 78 j A B Burrows, bridges. 2 00 j Scotti:Miller, chain gang, 4 15 B L Gordon, roads. 7 0o! 4 i 501 8 P Cooper ** 10 00 ] 22 10 i F E Johnson, roads, 13 00 S W Mills, 44 .17 ho A-E Mr- ullough-4 23 -'o Peoples' Mer Co. chair, gang. -0 6<? IV E Joyner, road plow. 5 4H H A Altrnan roads, 3*: 75 H O Britten, clerk of oourt, Ml H7 C T Hutchinson, returning prisoners. 25 00 C ETomlinson, road plow, 16 00 Geo J Graham, jail report, 10:80 R L Bass. roads. 4 00 Geo W Davis, magistrate, 12 $o J L Haseldten, road plow, 40 00 I> J Jacobs, roads. 29 50 W I) Daniel, bridges, 2047 ; 44 4* loaup.ow, 34 70 *4 roatls, S 00 H Prater, 4* o 25 DJ Johnson, * 15 60 R A Thompson,44 12 00 V A Sedgwick, public building. 73 15 ; JJ, 50 00 : LJ Cunningham "4 17 29 j S J singletary, supervisor, <12 50 j S S Mitehum, bridges, 25 00 < G W Owens, road plow, 30 78 V A ."edgwicK. puonc ouuuag. i? 0/ StoU&Stoil^ attorney?, ]25 85 \V J Singlerary, poor, 12 (X) 5 00 D W Courtwv, roads, 5 75 W DBvrdic, 44 14 88 10 GO 31 50 L >1 McClam, bridges, 0 32 G F Williamson, roads, 0 00 J L Thomas, roads, 14 25 2 00 R B Hinnant, lumber, 5 76 W A Parker, roads, 24 42 G W Camlin, " 3C 00 F1I Hodge, *4 H do J BTallevast, " 4 00 FJohnson, ** 8 00 G>Graham. Jr, " *6 00 J M Rodgers, " 20 50 Bartow Smith, " b 97 " B Burrows, " 22 00 j&JLMcElveen, roads, 14 25 J SWilliamson, 44 E L Matthew*, 4' *5 -50 D C Rodgers, 44 13 20 M G McMillan. 44 ^25 D F Baxley, " 27 42 J E Sportc. 7 50 D E Cantey. " tMO (< ontinued next week. > A big cut or a little cut, email scratches or bruises or big ones are healed quickly by DeWitt's Carbolized "Witch Hazel Slave. It is especially good for piles. Get DeWitt's. Sold by W L Wallace. L TEXT OF THE FISH UW. The Close Season?Floe for Violation | Divided with Informer. A subscriber asks us to pub 1 lisli the ti-sh law as it applies to Black river and other streams, in Williamsburg county. We J j have looked up the statutes and j the iatest legislation on the subject, Act of lh02, is as fol-p lows: \ . !' Section 524, Code of Laws of j South Carolina 1902, says: "It shall not be lawful for any person in the counties ol Horry, Marion, Darlington, Clarendon. Chesterfield, Georgetown, Marl- j boro, Williamsburg, Florence j and Richland to lish with nets i or gigs, or set traps, or shoot \ lish with any kind of gun,in any J of the fresh waters,rivers.creeks j lakes or other streams in said I ^ counties between the tirst day j of May and the tirst day of ^ep-!. tember in any year hereafter. And it shall not be lawful for any person to lish with hook J and line or otherwise in the wa- 1 tersof Black river, in Williams- ( burg county, in this State, be- \ tween the fifteenth day of June , and the fifteenth day of August 1 in any year hereafter. One half all fines collected f f\r l'i.tlot! t^r\ i,f tj,ic tprt'nri ivi * ivm wivn vi <rv. v ?<\/u shall l*e paid to the informer by the magistrate collecting the same, and the other half shall!1 be paid into the county treasury. Sec. r?2.r). Any person violating the provisions of the foregoing section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof oy a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be lined in the -sum of twenty dollars, or imprisonment an the county jail for a period of thirty1 days. Abool Bws and Insects Editor couvty Record: Mr James, in your last issue, wishes to know how it is that the "science*'which was brought to bear in a previous article of aiine i does not seem to conform with what 1 heclaimsas his piactical knowledge 1 in r^orjirrl thpine<vr in : h- irprnelii *" *v v% 'v v"v ~ of Indian corn. The explanation is simply this:! There is only one insect commonly ; occurring iu this section which1 buries itself in the keruals of corn, and that i-s the small beetle., popu- : larly known as the corn weevil, or i; si! mil us, and technically nsWmww^ $uriua/iie?**\ There may be one or tW'? other species nearly related ^ and of similar habits, but in no case :i do any of these accompany the grain jj to the soil and there attacks the ; growing plant. If, therefore, Mri James has in mind any of the weevils he is wrong: if too he refers to j the insect which plays gieat navoc ji with the young plants early in the: season, commonly known as the bud worm, then his conclusions iu regard to the hot water are also! i wrong, since this insect spends its wiuters in the larval grub stage, or as pupa*, in the soil, and begins[ foraging when the warm weather I -sets in and about the time the corn i crop is in its infancy. A lit'.le later in the season the game insect ?p-! pears in the adult form and is then j generally known as one of the dia~ ^ hroticas, or cucumber beetles. The i most common species, and that responsible perhaps for nearly all in- i jury to com as a "bud worm" is dinbroiua longicarai* and sometimes D ; duod&:iu\vrenclata* the latter being j? the common spotted cucumber j beetle. j Hot water, therefore, can have no j effeet on such insect life. Now, Mr Editor, if the type- j setter finds trouble with the techni- j cal terms herein I at least hope he J may be able to set up the common vocabulary employed. Very truly yours, j Laurence H McCullough, Rose Hill, March 10, 1908. j [In getting in type the sesquipedalian verba m the foregoing article i both the compositor and the proof | reader have depended largely on: guess-work, as we happen not to have j a latin lexicon handy, and in some! instances the copy was ratker indie-i ????? tiuct. To insure it's being coneelly set up a foreign word or phrase should be printed out letter for j letter in the copy submitted. Ed. j The County Record ] y ? onml.mi.nfpir Ill DctU&l U U In the district court of the United ^tates. for the district of South Carolina, in bankruptcy. In the matter ot A Coh-n. bankrupt To the creditors of t ie above bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on :he 11th day of April. A D. 1!>08. the [ above named bankrupt wa- duly adjnd- j cated Bankrupt, and that the first f meeting of his 'Teditors will be held at J the office ot Kicken, Hughes & Ficken, i Mo IT Broad street. Charleston. s C., ! an the 23 day of April, A D. 190S. at 12 | a'clock noon, at wrnch tim- the saidi creditors may attend, prove their, rlaims. appoint a trustee, ex.tmoie the Bankrupt and transact such oth'-r business as may properly ''ome before said meeting. It is proposed to consider the | mmediate sale of the bankrupt's prop- ; ?rty, or a proposition for comp sition. . Kdwakd W Hughes. Referee in ftankruptcv. It April i:j, 1908. Note -The proof of claim must be in , iccordance with the form prescribed by :he supreme ~>urt of theunited States. PrnnAcc 1 r\f T.innnr Pllr L 4VJ#VOi & VI Ml^UVA A ?a chases KixgstreE, S<.\ April i:j,l9i>8:? Bids ire hereby requested from responsible iealers in accordance with the terms of the law of the dispensary now in force for the following kinds and quantities I :>f liquors, beer and other articles here enumerated, to be furn sued the State of South Carolina for the use of ; the county disp-nsary board of Wil-1 liam>burg county, to wit: 100 Drums *??> per cent Corn ; Rye I 70 " * " ' Gin! 10 " 7 j *' * Rum 10 " 87 * " Corn Rye 25 " 7") * " I' brandy. Bids will be received for ca9e goods including rye, corn, malt. Scotch whiskey.1 brandy, gin. rum, alcohol, wines and beer. All goods shall be furnished in compliance with and subject to the ' terms and conduction of the dispensary law of 1907, and bidders must observe the following rules: , 1, Bids shall be sealed acid there shall be no ssgn or mark upon ihe envelope indicating the name of ihe bidder. 2. All bids must be sent by express or by registered mail to J W Cock, treasurer of Williamsburg courtly, Kmgstnee. S C. -on or beHJe the 12th day of May, 19' & 3. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, the board r?*serving the right to reject any , and all bids, or parts of any bids. The | hoard reserves the i jght to increase or decrease the above quantities at the same prices as the bids submitted. 4. All bids to be delivered FOB Kmgstree, s C. to ke paid f< >r within 9'^days, and subject to regauge at our warehouse. Bids will be opened in the oftice of the board at Kingstree. S C. \iav 14. l'JOS. at 12 o'clock noon. The successful bidders to aire a competent bond. should the boird require same. William-burg County Dispensary Board. Dk J L Bass, chairman W E Snowden. secretary I M Parker. NoticfiAll t-erson-are hereby warned against employing or harboring my son, Johnny Oiraham.w lio left my home on bunday afternoon, April 12. without leave and is still absent. He is a minor and IEH-1 __ Si; MM Eli are generally dull and culatinjr: but that <lli makes a threat pile. Why? NEW ACCOUNTS FARMERS & ME1 LAKE CH RESOURCES $110,000. 2 Tom Watson's js Are Read By A R THE WEEKLY K J EFFERSONIA K Price $1.00 BOTH TOG * Per Year. $2.00 Per r> While these have the sam pC different in make-up. They n k ing and advocating true Jeffer contain choice stories, serials 3 interest every member of the J At the time, when a Presi< 5 and all citizens are keenly ii questions, no one should be wi 5 Address THOS. E. WATSON f / ft and has no right 'o be employed without permission from roe Any i"f"rmation as to his whereabouts will be thankiuliy received. SG Gkaham, Vox, n (,\ HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS. Royal Roman Hippodrome?Mammoth Menagerie and Museum?A Word or Two About Elephants. "There is sometimes as strong an attachment between the elephant and his keeper as between husband and wife, and should the keeper be a.tacked by man or beast, the ekphunt will pull up his sfakes or break his chain to come to the rescue. It is also olten true that an elephant will foi ni such an attachment for another elephant that lie will brooK no abuse of his favorite. "In nearly every instance where a keeper has been killed by his elephant the crime was preceded by some act of cruelty or fool hardiness on the part of the man himself. "The elephant's trunk is one of the wonders of the world. Cuvier, tlio orrAut PVpiipVi naturalist, f.stima ted that there are 40,000 muscles in this wonderful organ. One does not wonder at this after seeing the many wonderful movements of the elephant's trunk. He can, by means of the little linger at its up, pick up very small objects, perhaps not a pin ar needle, as has been sometimes staged, but certainly oh* jects that are quite small. He can also use it to lift a very heavy weight or strike a mighty blow. It is through the ti ink that the sonorous and far-reaching noise known as trumpeting is made."' The largest and smallest elephants in the world are included in the herd carried by Howe's Great London Shows, to exhibit at Kingstree Tuesday, April 21. lXi.MK.-I IC :i VMl\ h> R.-?t ?.n th- market for t> i"< m*y. Jf rot want a liitli t'raiK' t'laehin' at l"iv ) tioe rail ot L. C. Hontgomery, at Kftiue ly-Maatfoiuny OV?. kingstrke. ''. MONTHS very little money cirttle'' of many people Our pile is growing. EVERY WEEK. RCHANTS BANK, [% s. c. 00. ! wmmmm OOOOOOOOOOOOj i Periodicals 5 II IM#-/i III/vn M # V iff f/uui/^uit g i/e Q fW* WATSON'S O JEFFERSONIAN X ETHER MAGAZINE Price X Year. $1.00 Per Year. Sr e purpose they are wholly X lake a specialty of explain- X sonian principals', but they V acd general literature to V family circle. O iental campaign is opening O iterested in governmental X thout the Jeffersonian. X THOMSON. GEORGIA. X ooocxxxxxxxxx s f \ - 1'' ,'T:. \ HOWE'S GREAT AT KIN( TUESDA Y. The Show this year is i _ .. . I riore Commanding posmoi tain their unrivaled st Amaze and Delight Their MANY ENTIRELY NEW AN I I??~ A FEW OF THE MANY F MARION SHERIDAN AMI HER PRCE. BECKEEVS HERD ?> hiclitdinsr 1H ? HKS*. lU?- la ROSE DALE, The K enfucky Horse. M I A l/p THE I Ak?j^ J/\IVCr, HIBITJD IS he is Five Feet Te" Inchc* Pounds, has Tremendous : ity; and his Powerful Arm A Truly Wonderful Display inn n i_ nrn n _ 4uu mpie. zou nurses an PROF. WHELERS The Flower and Pick of Feature Pal aram Extant, startlino struggles ar spectators by storm and wildly app! BRING THE O A LITTLE ONES Zi TO SEE JL#ZjLJ An Endless Program SEE THE FREE SPEC I AC Starting from the Sho> 2 PERFORMAh Afternoon at '2 o'clock. . - w-yrspjl 'f' LONDON SHOWS USTREE APRIL 21, Bigger and Better and in a n than ever before to mainandin? and rank, and to Thousands of Patrons. D EXCELLENT FEATURES mm rou will m r?OITR OK PERFORMING LIONS ! n^?R?!l\G Ef7EPII 4NTS ri I!!* pliam iu fh'* nor Id. .. 'u. 7c'. Thousand Dollar X ->T~iO"l| :.A iiVI-k EX ; A \ ->i v in Mcijiht a?ui Weighs 150-trength. Marvelous Agil? . are :: wonJer t? behold. of IKAI NED ANIMALS si Ponies. 20 Funny Clowns. MILITARY BAND formers from ail nations, in Proid iudicrojs revelries, carrying the auded bu ail. n M ci rnuiVTc ? cLLrun.^io V CAMELS O I LION'S m MONKEYS of Startling Events ;ULAR STREET PARADE v Grounds at 10 a. m. ICES DAILY 2 N]?rht at 8 o'clock. IS m toiiTViftr.v'ir .-.**$1