The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 09, 1908, Image 8

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MILLIN Cot r wi Wc Our buyer is just bac town. We respectfully in = 1 , < \ * j Noticei ir C *-U ^ nncf a recent runny ui mc office department requires pub-1 lishers of weekly newspapers to discontinue all subscriptions that are one year or more behind. We are allowed until April, to comply with this requirement, after which time all subscriptions not paid to April 1 1907 (or beyond that date) will be cut off. We have no choice in the matter, being- compelled to conform to the regulations of the postofflce department. Now, we ask all our subscribers who are in arrears and want the paper continued, to come up and settle their accounts before April 1, while those delinquents who do not care to have the paper any more will confer a favor to notify us and at the same time pay what they owe for past service. We ask that prompt attention be given to i this matter, as there is but little time for delay. Local and Personal * ' ;TjOO:k out for the circus, April ( 21. Mr Bishop Burgess spent Sun- ; day in Georgetown. 1 1 Have you paid for your pa- , .per? If not, why not. ^ fThe "editor had a birth-day ( last Saturday. Guess how old? JMr S B Poston of Johnsonville ] bad "business in Kingstree yes- j terday. Mr A J Kagin of Salters Depot , was among our pleasant visitors this week. Mr J Eddie Godwin cailed pieasaDtl}' at The Record office yesteiday. Mr and Mrs W H McGee of Greelyville spent the day in town Wedndsday. Mr B B Epps passed through town Saturday en-route from Mouzon to Florence. Mr and Mrs E J Barker and little son, Whitfield, of Lane were in town Tuesday. Mr Bartow Smith of Hebron dropped in pleasantly to see us yesterday for a brief call. Cotton is "off" again. Mr Smith s advice to the farmers seems to be rather futile. Mr Walter Poston of Leo found time while in town Monday to pay us his respects. t \x U'illlnmcftn. Of the IVir tl iVJ f? aimwv v, vicinity of Cooper postofflce, j was noted in town Tuesday. Messrs C L and R S Burgess and Sam Epps of Mouzon were in town on business Tuesday. On May 1 all of our subscribers one year or more behind will be cut off. This is business. Mr J J Gowdy, one of our Lake City friends, paid us an agreeable visit while in town yesterday. * Mr J II Reardon of Mouzon ga vs us the pleasure of a short visit while in Kingstree Saturday. Allen's Great Minstrels Sat*V., ?'Vv ... . IERYAI nmencinj HDNESD; ! Will 1 :k from the markets. Aft vite the ladies to attend ou Gngstrei urday. This show has exhibited I here before and is good for th e price. Capt W R Funk is erecting a brick ice-bouse on his lot next the office of Messrs Gilland & Gilland, Rev W S Martin of Richburg, Chester county, visited relatives in Kingstree several days this week. Mr S Atkinson of Vox favored us with a pleasant visit yesterday and advanced his expiration date to '09. Mr J A Scott, who lives a few miles across the river, was a pleasant visitor at our sanctnm on Saturday. Don't forget the Teachers' association next Saturday, the 11 inst., at the Kingstree graded school building. Mrs Nita S Jones of Brunswick, Ga, is here on a visit to her little daughter, Miss Olauiia DuRant Jones. Miss Emma Burgess of Mouson returned home Monday, af ter spending several days in town as guest at the home of Mr D J Epps. There were heavy frosts Frii ay and Saturday nights of last week, but so far as we can learn ao damage was done to growing crops. An alarm of fire Thursday caused some excitement, but it turned out to be only a pile of burning trash in the rear of The Record office. The new railroad rate went into effect April 1, reducing the fare to 2 12 cents a mile. There is also a reduction on mileage books. See advertisement. The Goodwin Stock Co. departed from Kingstree last Friday. The}' failed to make good in this neck of the woods and the sudden folding of their tents caused no general sorrow. Dr Isaiah TisJale, the popular assistant at Dr Gamble's drugstore, has resigned his position and returned tq his home near Benson postoftice. His many friends regret his departure from Kingstree. Miss Sunie Burgess of Mouzon spent a few days in town this week at the home of her brother, Mr E C Burgess. She was enhnmp from a visit to her i V/Ufcv *. v, sister, Mrs Charlie Carraway, in Georgetown. Mr W E Snowden was suddenly stricken with paralysis last Monday while at work and for a time was speechless. We, in common with his numerous friends, are glad to learn that he is improving and, unless a backset occurs, will soon be able to be out. Rev J W Bishop and family have removed to Blackstock. Mr Bishop has been a resident of Kingstree for several years, having served this and Lake City charges, and during his ' 1 / .ii -..-.-ftfe ND PRE ir Anril I - W/THUK lave Ou er careful and pains-taking 5 r opening April 1, 2, e Dry C pastorate in this county he gained many friends. We wish him much success in his new field. Mr L H Fairey, cashier of the Rank- nf Kinp-stree. visited his family at Brancbville Saturday and Sunday. Mrs I P Mouzon and Miss Kate Cargile spent Sunday very pleasantly with friends at Salters. Misses Lena Severance and Lillie McElveen, two of Lake , City's attractive young ladies, were in town one day last week. The ACL railroad's fine vestibuled trains, the New" York ! and Florida Specials,Nos 87 and 88, will be taken off the run on April 13, No 87 will make its 1 last trip South on Sunday morning, April 12, and No 88 will leave Charleston on its last trip North Monday evening,the 13th. The vestibule, or Florida Special, ^ has done the largest business that it has ever done since it was inaugurated by the A C L some fifteen years ago, and the g trains have been kept on the run for ten days longer than any previous season. Every train going South this season has been filled to its capacity. * v Read the Firaers k Merchants Bath's ad. this issae. fc c ; New Advertisements. I i, Gale & Gale?Easter Hats. S Farmers and Merchants Bank, 18 Lake City?The .Place to Put ic Your Money. J S Eron?Clothing and Ox- a - i loras. Howe's Great London Shows ^ ?At Kingstree, April 21. t A G Allen's Minstrel?Kingstree next Saturday night. ' Read the Farmers k Merchants Bast's ad. this Issie. Get Eastei Pro] GALE 6 AND BE / That you have the PRE STYLE in head dress. I Our line is complete, fresh, COME a Our display: new hats 01 Hair goods. GALE 6 !SS GO' - - For' ichav ~. ;jL?rtr ai r Sprinj election, we are prepared ioods C Monthly Statement FOR V Dispea?arf No. f/jcatio Kings tret* I Academ; Lake ('ity 2 Acline A Scran ton 3 E. R. R. Total, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Williamsburg County. PERSONALLY APPI Dispensary Board, who being each dul correct. Sworn to and subscribed before a ROVE'S GREAT LONDON SIOVS flat Brail aid looey VUI DtAckievledged By CoBMtitors To BeVartlyTlelr laltatloa. Acts, many and novel, have been tdded to the repertoire of Howe's Treat London Shows this season, >nd as the management registered a ow to equal any tented show, the eoult is a plethora of attractions tlted to eroke an enthusiasm from a performance where hundreds of killed performers rie with each othr in friendly contests for snpremay and pnblic appreciation. So uccessful has this effort been that isitors from other shows acknowldgethata competitor has entered he lists that demands their recogliticm. Although* this has cost a - ' ? - -LI!. tL. ot or money, ine puoiic are me piners, and Howe 'a Great Loudon rhows will be classed at the outset tmong names more familiar to oirMis goers in the past. This great show will visit us,with >11 its attractions, U please and ed?cate the old and young alike. In case of inclement weather the vater-proof tents insure perfect proection and comfort. Don't fcrget the date, Kiugstree Tuesday, April 21. Real the Faraers & Merehants (task's at. this issue. Your r Hats Ill c GALE ASSURED TTIEST and most advanced -51 1 1 1 attractive and suitable for all nd SEE it every day. Notions anc t GALE } OPS OP fhree Day nd rKlDA % Openiit to show one of the tinest and Company. ??????i of the Dispensaries io Wit : THE MONTH OF MARCH. 14 All Stock Is Gives at CoBsumers' Prices. \ Total Invoice Includiog Operatin o Stock on Hnn<l First Total Sal? of of Mouth Disp f St. 7,290.35 3,105.45 16 ve. 5,782.27 4 2,261.72 1< St. 2,544.38 739.01 1 $15,617.00 >6.106.18 ~~$U } EARED W. E. Snowden and J. M. Parker, n y and severally sworn, depose, and says that le this seventh day of April, 1908: L. fl. Fair MINSTREL5 Kingstree,Satu Afternoon a \ ? ANNUAL 1 A. G. ALI BiirMinst I? The Oldest and Larges zation in the Ui ['eased aU ap-!o-4ate, iaclaiia* Stagers ever asseaMel la aae Walkers, Caatartieaists, Til ratals, Staging aal Daac aralaorhe ?f thrilling under a Hannotb (j \ Admission within the Humble C Admission is 25 )) Jui Recei A full line of u Sormtr Cloth L U Oxfords for m( and children, a trial befor | elsewhere ant vinced. I J. < ER( 7 X ' 1 i V . r ENING . \ . . """A 1 v. , I ^ \ 4 most up-to-date stocks \p \ ? ?jf * ' 1 j" liamsburg County its. '"1 | a Expense- Stock on Hand Each Breakage Lant en-ury Day of Month *.74 10.35 4,004.85 *8.80 18.30 3.404.05 . r&.41 4.70 1,722.00 1.95 $38.35 $9,220.90 M lembers of the Williamsburg County ; the foregoing statement is true and i ?Y, Notary Public. [L. >.] COniNGH rday,April 11 nd Night. ) m rosi OF LEN'S rel Show t Hmstrcl Organilited States. 1 the greatest galaxy ef Sweet coapaay. Artistic Cake ick Bicycle Riders, Aclag feaediaas, an features presetted ibtus Theatre. i reach of the most itizen. and 35 cents. . ___ it ""1 ved i p-todate ing and j i in,women ' Give us e buying- ^ J 1 be con)NJ