The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 09, 1908, Image 1

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Iflje fount? ItcconX . ; VOL XXII KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, APRIL 9, 1908. NO. 14 m See Our :'l Of Dress Goods^ Dry Good /V. I p f ~k NEWSY LETTER FROM GREELYVILLI ft PEBPLE UVE FIITI IN TIEJI IBM SCIBBL WILDING IRB CIUK1 PWWKTcb- BTBEI REVS. Gbeeltville, April 4:?Oi town is enjoying and makin use of this lovely weather. Oi hats off to the ladies for tb bright, pretty yards borderini oar streets. Already quite number of flowers and garden too are looking well. f We are growing numericall; new house or an improved or is constantly in evidence. Dr Haselden is completing hi house and beautifying his yard Mr Venters, a Northern gei tleman who is seeking arbaln ier climate than Connecticut, j building quite a pretty residenc on Boyle's avenue. Our streets are being put i tine order; the old Taylor hous has been moved back from Mai street, which is quite an in provmeut. Mrs Mishoe and Miss Hatti r* n i? J A.i :11: ? lune nau meir uiuunci j upci ings on Thursday and Friday Judging from the enthusiasm c the ladies they must have bee able to satisfy one and all i their tasteful and varied colle< tion. Mrs Mishoe and Mis Tntle are quite popular here a milliners, having served th community satistactorny ic several years. Our graded school closes th 15th of May. Teachers and pi pils are already busy for con mencement exercises. Wespea, for a successful showing unde the capable management of th principal, Prof Smith, and hi efficient corps of teachers. We are expecting next year t have a new building for ou grded school. Our people pro pose a $7,000 house. Mone can be spent no better than fo the education of the children. The Presbyterians are hopinj to have a church building ver soon in the lot next to thei parsonage. The Presbyteriai ? >astor, Rev Mr Grier, has beei - tvtirinp- in his efforts to secur church and expects soon t have it assured. Mrs Keels ol Sumter, who ha been in town for some time fo her health, is, we are glad t say, much improved. Mr J F Register has returnei from a business and pleasure tri to North Carolina and Virginia Mrs Jasper King attended th funeral of her uncle, Mr Salter K Montgomery, at Kings tree las | Thursday. Miss Mellie Ferrell and Hele U Keisler are visiting friends an NewLine Is, Laces, Embroideries, Negligee Shirts and Tan Oxford Shoes. Try Kingan's par excellence ham at 15 cents a ^ pound. eople's relatives in Sumter this week, r Mrs J B Eaves from Ruther- i if fordton, N C, is visiting her daughter, Mrs J A Montgomery. ~ Mr John Clary has accepted a; I position with D W Alderman & Co at Alcolu, S C. We regret! ir to lose our nonnlar townsman.' g but wish him success in his new , ir position. ie Mr Chas Lesesne has returned 1 ? to bis former home near here afa ter having been several years in s Alabama. "There's no place; like home'', he says. Y- Mr S W Boyle visited his ' brother in Sumter this week. Mr and Mrs SI Montgomery is left on Thursday evening's s. train for a visit to the former's j. bother and other relatives in j. Georgetown. s Mr S J Singletary, county su :e pervisor, was iD one day this week, n Miss Boyle of Sumter is visi,e ting her uncle, Mr T W Royle. n Mr R W Spann, Sr, of Sumter , 1* is visiting his brother, Mr E C Spann. ie The town had an alarm of fire ?- this morning. Nelson McFad 7 den's (colored) house was burn)t ed, but the effects mostly were nj saved. It was a narrow escape n from what might have been quite a destructive 6re. By ? hard work it was held in check. .s ? e Read What the Press Says. A G Allen's United Minstrels were in the city last night and ie the audience could not be acu commodated. Thousands of 1# people, white and colored, were k turned away from the door because of the overcrowding of the |e large tent. It was estimated iS that 2,500 were in the audience, ana i,5W or zuoo were turnea 0 away. ir The performance was free 1 from all objectionable features, 1 >' and they who paid the small adr mission fee seemed more than satisfied, if one might judge i g" from the uproarous laughter and I y applause which greeted the ac- i r tors throughout the evening, i i The programme consisted of i Q the usual first part, followed by e buck and wing: dancing, mono- I o logues, banjo playing, contor- I tionist work, etc. Taken all in 1 s all the show could be well re- I r commended as a clean, wholeo some, boisterous production. The above is an extract from d the "Columbia Daily State,'' Colp umbia, S C. l. This company will show at e Kiugstree April the 11. s it Title, Mortgage, Bill of Sale, Lien on Crop, and Lien and Bill of a Sale combined blanks for sale at d this office. 2'*13tf Some shoes the purchaser MfcwWaSi style a-d rery little wear. Others wear but h; <rt little style !fl King Quality ff ^ shoe has all 1/ Let us I these three re- // show >ou 1 ff the new styles j quisites in ri J' M t 4. // that are full of B I snap an(* character!^ I ^ They will surely pleas* ! Portion^ yQU y>n. m jmin. 3B3BB flercai i CLEMSON CADETS TRY \\ TO NUN INSTITUTION.' t FOUR HUNDRED ItSlE GARRISON 61;' APRIL FOILS' 1*1?fill rill- , MTOEtimLO. ! Four hundred out of the corps; of TOO Clemson cadets broke j.j garrison on April 1 for a "lark."; f The cadets have been trying to | ^ run the college for some time j ^ and this insubordination is the 11 culmination of the widely adver- x tised "shirt-tail parade" of last t summer. , The commandant had especial- j ly warned the corps against j April fool pranks and the pre- i concerted action seems to be ( without excuse. ] Action will doubtless soon be | fLran Ktr tha .-Allarra illthAritipc I . and the disturbing* element ex- ( pelled from the college. The ? insurgents, when they left' the i college, marched to Pendleton, j four miles distant, and there j spent the day. They have re- , turned to barracks, but will pro- ^ bably not be permitted to remain there long. 0 * It is understood, but not ] known definitely, that Com- s mandant Minus' report to the t committee contained the names of all participators in the re-u bellion and named the ring lead- > \ I ers. 15 It is very probable that suf-U ncient evidence will be received t by the committee soon for it to t take final action. If, however, ? the members of the committee desire additional evidence sessions will be held daily until the j desired amount is introduced, i The committee intends to sift j the matter to the bottom how- ' I ?CHE i CHEAP! fl TWO r.AR Ifl m WW W vr mm -m \ MUT jfg J AT 8 ? If will arrive Jan y| Finest that has S market this seas g Come in and in before they are a i M. F. H <4 KINQSTRE 86SS9696SS9S9S * ^EKING QUALITY| 4 honest shoe made by the I ^5?^ best workmen for men | WSlSv w^? appreciate good things in foot wear, j all t h ose || itile C r ver long it takes. In the meanime life at the college is as isual. All of the cadets are at ending their classes, drills and o alt of their duties. The members of the committee ire acting deliberately and 'uardingly and it is safe to prelict that a large number of the M) rebels will be dismissed rorn the college. It became nown that day that many telegrams were filed with the Westfrn Union at Pendleton by the ebels while they were out on :heir lark. These telegrams rere addressed to Commandant il D XX XT lira rI^ViACA U111US auu X 1UI IV XX l ine. iu?v :elegrams were quite dictatorial ind were in the main insulting. )ne of the telegrams sent to Mr Fike, and which bore no signa:ure, stated that his services at :he college were no longer needjd. Another to Mr Fike signed 'Under Classmen," read: "Had i big day. Every thing arrived n Pendleton safe and sound and laving one big time. Wish we vould have had time to tell all rnnrl tnall." Another to Capt Minus said: 'Ai rived in Pendleton safely. 3ig day. All doing well. Boys itood march well. Sorry to have lad to rush off so rudely." Another to Capt Minus order?d him to prepare lunch and ;aid that the boys made the trip: >afe and one fell by the wayiide. There were many of these ;eiegrams sent by the boys to :he authorities at Clemson and ill messages were prepaid. A big cutnr a little cut, small cratches or bruises or big ones are 1 ealed qnicklv by DeWitt's Carboized Witch Hazel Slave. It is es>ecially good for piles. Get DeSVitts. Sold by W L Wallace. n I :AP = fl CHEAP! | LOADS 8 * I TO if :>rses j uary II. 1908. / been on the <4 on. 5 look them over g ill gone. ft ELLER / ;E, S. C. yf 3CSCS6SCSC9 8 S h o e s! Shoes! All the latest styles, quality u surpassed. King Quality for Me For Ladies "Star Brand Shoes a; Better." We have just received large shipment of both the brand All sizes and prices the Lowest. nmmin TWO SOULS WITH OUT A SINGLE THOUGHT. TVII E ASTS THAT BUT AS BNE-NIANTIC MAKB1AGE LAST TIDISBAT AT IAN KEUBER BITEL [ If Alfred Tennyson had been in Kingstree on the second day nf Artrii Annn Dnmini 1 QOft inH t bad been asked to revise bis fa* ; mous "Locksley Hall" so as to j make it conform to modern \ times, he would have rewritten j a couplet in that beautiful poem j so as to make it read after this j wise: 1 "In the Spring a livelier iris changes 1 O'er the burnished dove; > In the Spring an old man's fancy 1 aoiemniy turns to tnougnts 01 love. r i For, on the day above men- 1 tionee, in the beautiful parlors 1 of Hotel Van Keuren, there was enacted a love scene unpreced- * ented in its uniqueness, at least 1 so far as this historic town is 1 concerned; and so enshrouded * in a halo of romance, that bad 1 any one present been endowed * with that divine affatus with ? which the Muse sometimes con- < descends to favor mortals, an 1 imniAi*rnl rvA^tn mlrrKf Viotra Knnn T luiuiui wet i pvjL i xi uiigin 11 att wcu | written. U But, lack-a day,the Muse re- c fused to inspire prosaic Kingstree and literature is denied a < gem. ' ( The occasion here referred xto 1 was the joining in the holy * bonds of wedlock of Mr F M f Britton, Sr., of Church, S C., and Mrs Lillian Barrett of Kalama- A zoo, Mich. / For several weeks the con- s fidentiai friends of the groom ^ knew that his life was lonely? s and that in his heart there was a a deep yearning for that com- t panionship that solaces in s cares and makes happy the c hours that are spent at home. t And, moreover, his friends j knew that far away from his \ Southern home, on the cold and | ^ bleak shores of the great lakes, r there lived a fair lady, likewise bereft of her companion, who had grown tired of an un- j protected home and whose heart longed for the sunny n South,and yearned for that love ? which would vouchsafe sweet I companionship and divine bliss 1 in the realization of her dream h of life?an old man's darling. a Through the agency of that most up-to-date of modern jour-, nals, the "Matrimonial Promot- je er," coupled no doubt with j 1 thought suggestion, these two ! j loving hearts found each other, j ^ and through the assistance of ] Uncle Sam's postmen an offer of t marriage was made and accept- J ed. All arrangements were 1 made by letter, and with the as- < sistance of photographs and ? Shoes! 1 *" * Yi , ' 1 ninute descriptions of home, person and daily life, they were \ iach able to picture the other n the mind's eye, and there was 10 trouble for the prospective M-ftAWt 1? 1 ^iuulu iu luvaic me czpecx&m bride when he journeyed to Colimbia to meet Jand accompany lis sweetheart to Kingstree. When the morning train from CJolumbia arrived at the station i large number of the groom's friends were at the station \ to welcome him with a rice ?hower. A carriage was waitngfor him and his affianced ind they were driven to Hotel Van Keuren, where a large numoer of his friends were gathered lw **nuc3s ma nappy union aaa to wish him a path of flowers for the remainder of his journey through life. At 12:80 o'clock Mendelssohn's beautiful wedding march * plaid by Mrs Curtis of the Goodwin Stock Co., announced the idvent of the bridal party. En:ering in front were Master Jlaude Barrett, son of the bride, ind Miss Britton,granddaughter >f the groom, this couple being :he only attendants. The cerenony was performed by the Rev I E Mahaffey, of the Methodist , :hurch. In the afternoon the happy :ouple left for their home at Church, S C, having received nany and feTvent felicitations rom the groom's hosts of riends. o Original Old-Time Minstrel Sliaw. A G Allen's New Orleans Min itrels, clean, refiued and up to late; everything-new this seaon. Clever comedians, comic md artistic cake walkers and he greatest galaxy of sweet lingers ever assembled in one :ompany, all presented under a nammoth canvas theater,seating over two thousand people. IVatch for the imposing street >arade which takes place at loon onNjlay of the show. Hay Abandon Trip Abroad. Trenton, Aprilfi:?Senator Tillnan left today for Atlanta. He eems very feeble and looks badly, le was, however, very cheerful, ?he senator says that if he does no t mprove in Atlanta he will abandon proposed trip abroad. ? The State. "Health Coffee'' is really the cloast Coffee Imitation ever yet produced ?his clever Coffee Substitute was _ ecently produced by Dr Shoop of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee in it either. Dr Shoop's Jealth Coffee is made from pure oaited grams, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert?who night drink it for Coffee. No 20 ir 30 minutes tedious boiling, 'jliade in a minute'' says the doctor, i dd by People's Mercantile Co.