Sbr CouBtp Sffflrd. KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE. EDITOR AND .RAORRIBTOR. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: NOne copy, one year, ? ? ? fi.yo Oue copy, six month*, ? ? - .50 t>ne copy, three months. ? ? .25 Subscription payable 11 vlvaacc. OBITUARIES. Obituary notices will be published free up to 100 words, except poetry. AO obituary poetry will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word. When obituaries are extended beyond 100 words count the words and enclose money or stamps to make up the difierRSMEMBfiR, we publish free only one hundred words obituaries, tributes of Respect Resolutions, etc., free. Also, wis one obituary of the same person WilJ be published free. This does not apply to news notices of deaths sent us as news. This notice will be strictly adhered to. THUR8DAY. APRIL 2 .1006. NOTICE. tu; nmnor with Mar 1. 1908. I -"-"6" D J - r the subscription price for The Record is as follows: One year in advance $1.00. One year on time $1 .25. Six months in advance 60 oents. Three months in advance 40 cents. No paper will be continued after May 1 that is one year or longer in arrears. C W Wolfe. 3-26-tf ' FUZES FOt mill SCHOOLS. ieMiicoaeot ly liral School ( ormicot Society (or MS. The South Carolina School Improvement association offers thirty-five prizes to the schools of the State for the most decided material improvement made during a given length of time. Five of the prizes are to be $100 each, and thirty are to be $50 each. KegulatiOns concerning tbe thirty-five prizes that are to be awarded by this Association are as follows: 1. Improvements must be made between November 1,1907 and December 10, 1908. 2. Prizes will be awarded to schools where the mostt decided material improvements have been made during the time mentioned. 3. Under material improvements are included local taxation, consolidation, new buildings, repairing and painting Old ones, libraries, reading rooms or tables,interior decorations, beautifying yards, and better general equipment. 4. No school can complete for any of these prizes unless it is a rural school. No towm with more than 500 population shall be eligible to the contest. 5. All who wish to enter this contest must send names and descriptions ot schools, before improvements are made, to the president prior to October 1st. 6. All descriptions, photographs and other evidences 6bowing improvements must be sent to the president before December 15th, 1908. The chairman of the board of trustees of any school that is completing for a prize must approve all de scriptions before and after im provements are made. 7. Prizes will be awarded in . checks at the annual meeting of the South Carolina School Improvement association, December 31st, 1908. The prizes are to be used for further improvements in the schools receiving them. Mary T. Nance, Pres., Columbia, S. C. "Weak women get prompt and lasting help by using Dr Sboop's Night Cure. These soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories, with full information how to proceed are interestingly told of in my book "No 4 For Women." The book and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Simply write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis,for mv book No 4. Sold by D C Scott. Kb? i I \ St/. . Si n? DCT 1 Ijoy iu^A j Copyright. 1903. TContinued fr died tbe cards In bis box Intently and that bis Augers caressed tbe top one er so softly daring tbe instant tbe eyes of tbe rest were on Glenister. The dealer looked up at last, and Cherry saw tbe gleam of triumph in bis eye. He could not mask it from her. though bis answering words were hesitating. She knew by tbe look that Glenister was a pauper. "Come on," Insisted Roy hoarsely; "torn tbe cards." "You're on!" The girl felt that she was fainting. She wanted to scream. Tbe triumph of this moment stifled her?or was it triumph, after ail? She beard tbe breath of the little man behind betrattle as though be were being throttled and saw tbe lookout pass a shaking band to his chin, then wet bis pare Deo lips. bdc saw UK uia u cue had helped to rain bend forward, hia leao face strained and hard, an odd look of pain and wearlneee In hit eyes. She never forgot that look. The crowd was froaen In various attitudes of eagerness, although It had not yet recovered from the suspense of the last great wager. It knew the Midas and what It meant. Here lay half of It hidden beneath a tawdry square of pasteboard. With maddening deliberation toe Kid dealt the top card. Beneath It was the trey of spades. Glenlater aald no word nor made a move. Some one conghed, and it sou ruled like a gunshot Blowly the dealer s Angara retraced their way. He hesitated purposely and leered at the girl, then the three spot disappeared and beneath It lay the ace as the king had lain on that other wager. It spelled utter ruin to Qlealsttr. He raised his eyes blindly, and then the deathlike silence of the room was shattered by a sudden crash. Cherry Malotte had closed her check rack violently, at the same in stant crying shrill and clear: That bet Is off! The cases are wrong!" Glenlster half rose, overturning his chair; the Kid lunged forward across the table, and bis wonderful hands, tense and talon-llke, thrust themselves forward as though reaching for the riches she bad snatched away. They worked and writhed and trembled as hftimti In Hnmh fnrr (h* nulls slnklnc Into tbe oilcloth table cover. Hie face grew livid aod cruel, while his eyes biased at her till she shrank from him affrighted^ bracing herself away from the table with rigid arms. Reason came slowly back to Glenister and understanding with it. He seemed to awake from a nightmare. He could read all too plainly the gambler's look of baffled bate as the man sprawled on tbe table, his arms spread wide, hi6 eyes glaring at the cowering woman, wbo shrank before him like a rabbit before a snake. Sbe tried to speak, but choked. Then tbe dealer came to himself and cried harshly through bis teeth one word: -Christ!" He raised his fist and struck the table so violently that chips and coppers leaped arid rolled, and Cherry closed her eyes to lose sight of his awful grimace. Glenlster looked down on him and said: "1 think I understand, but the money was yours anyhow, so I don't lnlnd." His meaning was plain. The Kid suddenly Jerked open the drawer before him, but Glenister clinched his right hand and leaned forward. The miner could hare killed him with a blow, for the gambler was seated and at his mercy. The Kid checked himself, while bis face began to twitch as though the nerves underlying it bad broken bondage and were dancing iu a wild, ungovernable orgy. "You have taught me a lesson," was all that Glenister sa{d, and with that he pushed through the crowd and out into the cool night air. Overhead the arctic stars winked at him, and the "That bet 5 . ) I [ Walk-C < anc i Brown's ! i ih, ST*C jg THE OLD RE S Complete | Latest Im] | Farm Imp * I * i Qantt Guano I Coles * K. P. O Cox Cotton 8 Eclipse lS Cole Cole Cotton and Corn Planter and ? Cole $ Cole '4 44 44 44 ^ Disc Plows Dixie Plows & $ Shovels, Spades, Rakes, I ili JJ Traces and everthing Uii Agency New Home S? jjj * Coffins and < U/ |kingstree haroh Organized, Developed ; Principle of Consen Along Progressive BANK OF WHJ KINCSTREE. : - < RESOURCES I Solicits a share of; business, feeling a our ample resourc rior facilities will ciation with us agreeable and prof C. W, Stoll, Pres. E. E. L. Montgomery. Asst Cas Announc I ??? I Having purchased the stoc Thomas' Stables I invite all i trons to visit me and let me Buggies, Wag( I also will conduct an upto-dal and willTieep good Teams foi "wTpThj KINGSTRE ' i '. .. ...v-Vaw?r. 1 [ SHE. | OODS. i ? j S -4 \ $ > ver f f | |* Shoes. J ? i 2" J w i 5 JKLEY, ?1 LIABLE. f V ^ Line I ' proved | dements.I Distributors 4< ^ I Dl*n4*?a X Hill^VI O Guano Distributor Combined X ii vlr * 1 (ft Two-Horse Plows ? ioes, cllais, Hi ires, m needed on Farms. ^ -f. >wing Machines. (ft Caskets. ^ I J 'ARE COMPANY.! and conducted on native Banking > l.inpc fhp ~ JAMSBURG SOUTH CAROLINA ! jq $150,000 4 your banking snfident that es and superender assopermanently itable. : : C. Epps, Cashier, hier, F. Rhem, V. Pres. j ;ement! :k and good will of F. C. my old friends and pa- j give prices on ins, Harness.]/' -v te Liverj and Feed Stable hire at living prices. ! awkins E, S. C. ?