INVESTIGATION OF VILUAHSBUIG . I COUNTY DISPENSARY BOARD.' 8 ~ I '[Continued irom page J j j t vA. i cannot say that I did. ? ' * Q. Did you ever tell anybody ^ that you did? ti A. When I fir3t went into this * thing I naturally auspicioned every- 1 body and I had had a little intimation made to me from the outside of c >^bi8 being certain places and I heard f< of him in Florence and Charleston. s Q. Did you ever make an agree- J meat with MrGilland to go to Sa- # " vanuah? ti A. No sir, I did not. t Q. Did von advise him to go? 11 A. No sir, that was left optional * .jrith him. t Q. Did you or did you not award lj a contract to a New York house af- a A ter Mr Parker's visit there? ? A. I don't know whether'it whs after his visit or uot f > Q. Up to that time had yon ? bought any stuff from W P Ives Sc v A. No sir. ? Q. Did you buy any stuff from c Rosen eg k Brewing Co about that . time? a A. No sir. . ^ Q. After that1 trip you appear to J have made several awards to Rose, oegk Brewing Co. ?l A. ?aa*r. V Q. Also to Bluthenthal & Bic- ^ Wert who are now in Baltimore. * ' A. Yes sir. g, Q. Did you promise Mr Gilland o you would pay part of his expenses ?> UO P w oavauuaii; A. No sir, when we talked about j this I do not know that Savannah t was mentioned. t Q. Did vou tell him about if any * thing was coining you would be will- ? ing to share with him? # A. We talked about what we sua- u ' pec ted and that if there was we li would like to find it out. Uilland d epoke of going somewhere?I don't ^ know where?and I told him if he ^ found out anything I would pay part of his expenses. V Q. But as to any agreement, you i?ii_ ? 11.. " OlUUiy IBCUlUg Ull Hie luiuuiu VUU9 of an algo. These rhizopods suddenly drew in their hairlike filaria and sank to the bottom, to all ap- . pearancea dead. The cauae waa found to be the presence of a water , loose, an animal which feeds on ^ these animalculae. it likowise sank . to the bottom and Wter looking at ! the rhiropoda awam away, evidently regarding them aa dead and unfit for food. I f This waa not an accidental occurrence, for the observer haa seen the seme wonderful performance wice since. Through the agency of s what sense, he asks, did these little L creatures discover the approach of their enemy? Is it poeafble that they and otfeer microscopic animals 1 have eyes and ears so exceedingly small that lenses of the very highest power cannot make them visible, or are they possessors of senses utterly unknown to and incapable of being appreciated by man? Science can * neither affirm nor deny either of * these suppositions. ? Most animals are slain for food by other animals. Most of the car- * nivora and inaectivora prefer fresh- j ly killed food to carrion. They will * not touch tainted meat when they * can procure fresh; hence when they j come upon their prey apparently ^ dead they will leave it alone and go | J in search of other quarry unless < they are very hungry. Tainted J substances are dangerous to get into * the stomach. Certain ptomaines render it sometimes very poison- e ous. Long years of experience hare ( taught this fact to animals, and ' therefore most of them let dead or ' seemingly dead creatures alone. Toaat to Laughtar. * Here's to laughter, the sunshine " of the soul, the happiness of the 1 heart, the leaven of youth, the privilege of purity, the echo of inno- 1 cence, the treasure of the humble, the wealth of the poor, the bfead of ^ the cup of pleasure. It dispels deiection. banishes blues and mangles * melancholy, for it's the foe of woe, the destroyer of depression, the en- l emy of grief. It is what kings envy | the peasants, plutocrats envy the poor, the guilty envy the innocent. J It's the sheen on the silver of smiles, the ripple on the water's delight, the glint of the gold of gladness. Without it humor would be dumb, wit would wither, dimples would disappear and smiles would ^ shrivel, for its glow of a clean con- ] science, the voice of a pure soul, the j birth cry of mirth, the swan song of^ ^ sadness.?Life. Qfethes and Seasons. ' Like the blessed wild goldfinch, f who sometimes stays with us all winter, I feel a stirring ere February is out to shed the gray outwalk J disguise my soul has all along been ^ wearing and to come forth in bright k aureate splendor of full summer t Elumage. I wish to wear a green irtle when the grass burns emerald ? and even the sunset dues assume \ chrysoprase. In the wBer were it ^ ft\T ctftrfftnc t.hft ffood folk I $ o D | would go everywhere in the hibernal < attire of the wise little ermine. In 5 autumn ? no; there the analogy 1 itops?I would not array me in car- { mine or imperial orange, though na- { ture is thus minded to do. In the f autumn, 6ven in the late summer, a < psychic revulsion, from this rule of ; sympathetic or protective coloring i is experienced.?Atlantic. ; 8poilod th# Metaphor. ^ A very self confident young bar- < rister was once introduced to Sir ; Henry Hawkins and throughout his ' conversation boasted of what he \ hoped to do in the future. \ "Ah," said his lordship at last, < "so you hope to be famous some ' day, eh?" < "Yes," replied the barrister, "some j day I hope to have the world at my i feet." $ "Why, what have you been doing all this time," inquired Sir Henry? \ "walking on your hands ?" j \ That hacking cc Because your sj your powers of resi Take Scotf s ? It builds up and strengtl a It contains Cod Liver Oil J prepared that it is easy to A ALL MUGCISTSt XxAAAAiLAAAAAA/ J09W999WW Wilting to Exchange. The man who hud purchased some jurraut buns at a bakery vaa dia- , tressed on starting to eat one to . Snd that it contained a Hy. Return- . ?g to the bakery. he made ati in- / iigusnt complaint, demanding an)ther bun in place of the inhabited >ne. "I am sorry, sir." scid the saleswoman. "1 can't gire you another i >un, but if you will bring me back ;ha fly I will give you a currant for t."?Kansas City independent. ' lotlce to Far Mrs' Loyil Otitis of lillfaaskin Cmty A County Union will be organ ^ zed at Kingstree on Wednes- 1 lay, April 8, at 12 o'clock. A ull delegation from each local ' mion is desired. Anyone desir- 1 ng a local union, organized in 1 lis community can arrange the ] natter by calling on the writer < it the hotel between the hours >f 9 and 11 o'clock on that day. [ Respectfully, T C WILLOUGHBY, ] Member State Ex. Committee. t-26-2t Kei4 the Faraersi Merchnts ink's H. thie isaie. c Wmm. \ Everybody in Sontb Carolina is eligible. Did people stooped with suffering, Vliddle age, courageously lighting, if oath protesting impatiently; { Children, unable to explain; ] Vll in misery from their kidneys. 1 Daly a little backache first. 1 Domes when you catch a cold. t 3r when yon strain the back. c Vlany complications follow. c [Jrinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's y lisease. [ Doan's Kidney Pills cure backache, j Dure every form of kidney ills. i J W Powell, proprietor of a gen- J >ral store a> d coal, wood and ice < lealer of Waverlv, living at 2010 i ^landing St., Columbia, S C, says: i 'My son has beeu afflicted with kid- ' ley and urinary trouble from childlood. beins? unable to control the rcretious especially when asleep. miu* using Doan'3 Kidney Pills he jas entirely recovered.'* For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ;ents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffao, New York, sole agents for tha L'nited States. Remember the name?Doan's? ind^take no other. \lways That I can save Remember you money on SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS. " Wholesale Prices Direct from i Factory. Eyerything Guaran;eed to come up to Specifica:ions. 9.J. EPPS, Kingslree, S. G. ^presenting Cberav Door * Sasb Co. Title, Mortgage, Bill of Sale, l?ien on Crop, and Lien and Bill of Sale combined blanks for sale at his nffiop. 2-13tf I THE BEST PAINT , ^ Applied by skilled mechanics 3 ' is worth a fair price. Cheap } il * mixtures slopped on by cheap j * J * painters are dear at any price. J * We expect to receive a reason- 3 ' able equivalent for crar labor. J ' But we give an honest dollar's r I ' worth for every dollar we get, r ' ana. we enaeavor u> jwiuaucut- ^ * ly satisfy our customers. ) I ALFRED WELLS, | Painter and Paper Hanger, ) \ KINGSTREE, S. C. \ ^ Leave orders with) | Kiogstree Hardware [Co. I 4* i -V 'vr ugh continues I rstem is exhausted and A stance weakened. 2 Emulsion. 4 UCUI JVUI oumv K I and Hypophotphites to A take and easy to digest A M*. AND $1.00 A / I Tha rtialariaw'a Siaa. Macanlay was deatituta of bodily iccompliahmonU. He could neither iwim uor ride nor drije nor f?ij$a aor-ahoot. ' But ha viewed hia d?Irienciea with indifference toteM junior. l"' When in attendance at Windier i? a cabinet miniater the historian ras informed that a hone was et lie diepoeal. "if W majesty wiahee to aee ae fide/' eaid he, *%he mwt order Ml in elephant" " ' Hereafter We positively re Fuse to publish any communication received at this office later than Tuesday, noon, except lo? :al and personal items, which fvilljnot be.available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying to be ac :ommodating we are thrown late ;very week and we are tired of it. This notice applies to EVERY BODY. 4-25-tf. FOR SALE. I Srlck In any quantity to suit purchsa ir. The Beat Dry Press Machine-made Special shapes made to order. Corr* jondence solicited before-placing ysur >rders, W. B. PtJKK, Registration Votiee. Theofflce of the Supervisor of Beg stration will be opened on the' Ant tfonday in every month for the par>ose of the registering of any person oho is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of he State for two years, and of the :ounty one rear, and of the polling product in which the elector offers to rote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six nonths before, any poll tax then due ind payable, and who can both read ind write any section of the constituInn nf ?nhmitfx) tn him hv th* Supervisors of Registration, or who :an show that he owns, and has paid ill taxes collectable on during the jresent year, property in this State issessed at three hundred dollars or nore. J. T. McGILL, Clerk of Board, $9 iMWHMaMMI I ILJJfLJil 1 f IimjM 1 iJ ftwadvtM, how to obSte vumm, state coppifb*.*^ IN ALL COUNTNIM. , Button direct -with W a* tog to* t*vu Hme,m money and often the potent. M Pttoirt ind Infrispmsfrt Parties Exclusively, I Writ* or ooim to