INVESTIGATION OF WILLI COUNT V AUDITOR W. B. WEST AKO SOLICITOR W. THE NAnER OE ALLEGED GRAFT I PESSARIES- TBE OF I Continued from Dr Bass sworn says: (Examined by Mr Wells) Q. Doctor, have yon been a o member of the Wiiliamsburg county fi dispensary board since it was made a County J institution? A.- Yes sir. Q. Were yon present at a meet- 11 ing of the board on November 18 that made awards for a quantity of t< Old Joe? h A. Yes sir, I think I was pres- r< ent at all the meetings. * Q. Did you take part in making these awards? a A. Yea sir. ci Q. What did you consider &n t ward to be? w A. I understood that ire Oauld ' V _ make an award for any amount we c desired. A thousand dollars worth 11 or any amount. We had not been advised so, at first we could not un- 0 derstand that and we ran short and b we asked about it and were advised, P so next quarter we ordered enough P no we would have a plenty for the ^ next quarter. Our ord^f w44 for ^ forty-two thousand dollar* worth u and we did not need any thing like that. . k "1 n . .. .r, v Q. Doctor, do you recognize that a member ot the county dispensary e board, who if he were disposed to be a designing member, if be should ^ desire to do so after the awards were made and had been published to the world, could cut down the awards to 11 one concern in far or of another? Do you recognize that? u A. I do not understand. Q. Doctor, you buy $ 1 0, 0 0 0 ^ each from Qrabfelder and Blutbenthai & Bickert and publish to the world that you had bought ten thousand from each of these con* onrl offer nilVilifiVlincr it, thp WCiUO UUU W*VVt v? you or did you not? A. Not that I remember. b Q. I take it from your books and p from the records that on May 16 you a ' bought from I Trager & Co five i drums of whiskey and had delivered; ^ to you thirteen drums in excess of! what you ordered from those people.1 A. Mr Gilland ordered it without anything from me. Q. Who signed the ordei? a A. Mr Gilland. , m Q. Did you authorize him toj sign the orders? ] MIIR6 ! DISPENSARY BOARD. H. WELLS PROBE THOROUGHLY INTO! N WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY DiSFIC1AL REPORT. i last week.J A. Yes sir. Q. Did you instruct bim not to rder out more than was oidereu| i. ! . 1 v ruin in is nuubc; A. I thick so. Q. Did you examine the records!" A. No sir; we did not think it ecessary. Q When yeu met with the board ) make orders for whiskey what as the babia of purchases as to the slative and commercial value of hiskey? A. Well, we took all the bids nd opened them and looked over bem and would make notes of what ver houses we run over and see if e could find any better bid and to certain extent we would buy beau se the dispensers had asked for If tbej especially requested anything and we conld get it we would rderthat. We tried to do it in a maw ?nd fnr the cood of the ~ -j ? ? n dop\e ami the county. It vu imBe jMtteftpei to boy oerfiain j4fct beonofc It was cheap. iDd it say be we would not want > buy from one of these houses. Q. Was Blutbenthal and Bicert one of those houses? A. I do not remember that we rer bought from them. Q. Do you know the proof of Md Joe whiskey? A. No, sir. Q. Are you in the habit of buylg stuff without^cnowing the proof? A. No, sir. But the proof was sually iu thlbid. Q. There is bo proof on this. A. I don't know. Mr Redgers 10m Lake City was up there and lid the people wanted Old Joe and e ordered it for them. Q. Do you, or do you not, re- , lember what you sold Old Joe for? A. JNo sir. 0 Do you rememoer tne cost per alf pint? ( A. No sir, I don't remember , lany prices. i Q. Had yon ever used Old Joe , ?fore this time in the dispensary? A. I don't know that we had. I ] jn't remember. ^ Q. On whose recommendation id you buy? , A. Mr Rodgers of Lake City, I link. Q. Did you use Silver Brook rye 1 ;wic vuic iinit. 11 A. I don't remember. Who sells lat? ( Q. Grabfelder & Co. Had you ( Ferhadanv complaints about the lality of Silver Brook rye at this me? ( A. No sir. Q. As a geneneral business prop- , ition would you thiuk it good jsiness to pay seventeen cents for ?lf pints and retail it at 25 cents ] id then pay fifteen cents for half nto arwl rofail if of SO PAtltU? livg UUU 4 VVMIt AW W V WV wasvw. j A. Yes sir, it would be somem^s* ( Q. When would it be? A. I don't remember a8 i stated j to Old Joe but sometimes we , jught whiskey that cost us eleven or ( velve cents and we would sell it at , 5 cent 8,then we could afford to sell thers and make less profit on them, ] ut there was no particular brand. , Q. The records show thai Blu- ( ithal & Bickert's stuff cost 17 ;nts per half pint and you sold it ^ 9*? oonfa Thp remrHft ftlan show aat you paid 15 cents pei* half pint )r Silver Brook aud sold it for 30 ?nts. A. It might be that Old Joe had een previously sold here at that rice and there would have been a kick. Q. Do you know what proof lobile Buck Gin is? A. I do not. Q. Did you have it analyzed? A. I do not remember. Q. When you were first appointil on this board did you read the rhole act? A. Not at first. Q. Have you ever read it? A. At different times I think I have read it all, but I never have read all of it at once. Q. In looking over the bids I see that Big Creek Distilling Co. of Savannah offered von a 90 proof stuff at $30, will you explain why yon purchased Mobile Buck Gin at $32 $33 and $34 when you could have purchased a 90 per cental $30, and at the same time no proof was submitted with Mobile, buying a pig in a poke? A. I do not know; I think we must have had the proof at the time of purchase. Q. There is no proof here now!' A. I do not kuow; we usually had proof unless it was something we knew about. Q. Well, had that been used before that time? A. I do not remember. Q. Had you ever deklt. with Blnthenthal & Bickert up to this time? I don't remember; I don't ftiAt crv . Q. I notice from the records thai you awarded Blutftentha) & Bickert the contract to furnish yon 75 drums of Koyal Arch at prices $35,$36 and $37 for qts. pts. and half pints; at the dole this award was made there was a bid on die from Grabfelder& Co. offering Silver Brook rye, 100 proof at $30? Do you consider it good business to pay Bluthenthal & Bickert $36 and $37 when you coulu have bought a higuer proof at $30? A. We might have over-looked it; I don't remember. ^ Q. Do you think there was a possibility of you overlooking many bids? A. No sir. Q. Did yon ever buy any 6tuff without bids? A. No sir. not that 1 know of. Q. The records show that you made an award of 300 cases of Stokes countv corn to Myer Pitts & Co, and that you paid for that $8,18.50 and $9, whereas the bid that i6 now on file for the quarter beginning November 18 makes the prices $8, $9 and 9.50. The old bid, or the bid preceding thifc one, is in exact j accordance with the order you sub- j mitted on November 18 and the order you submitted on November 18 is not in exact accordance with the bid that should have been entered at; the same time. Can you explain this? A. No sir, I do not know. May- j be they had gone up on it from the previous quarter. Q. If it had goue up why didn't wu buy it at that price? A. Well,didn't we? Q. No sir, you bonght in accord- j *nce with the bid accepted the quar;er before. A. I cannot tell you from mem-! >ry. We had the other bid before! is, that is all. How can I tell? I lon't remember anything about it. Q. Was the proof of Stokes! jounty corn submitted with the bid? A. 1 suppose the proof was submitted. Q. It. is not in the bid. A. I think it is an established' arand. Q. Do you have any idea it would rnalyze more than 100 per cent? A. No sir, I never have thought anything about that. Q. At the same time there was mother brand called White Rabbit with a guaranteed proof of 100 per ;ent and yet the award for 72 drums was made to Stokes county which amounted to $2,550 which had it been awarded to White Rabbit would have amounted to $$2,374, a difference of $176 in favor of "White Rabbit Why was the preference given to Meyer Pitts & Co.? A. 1 don't know. No reason that 1 know of. Q. Have you ever had any communication by letter or otherwise with People's Distilling Co? A, No sir. Q. Have you ever seen any person called their representative? A. No sir. Q? Have you ever seen any person that was a representative of a whiskey house that you know? A. No sir, I saw one man before I was qualified. Q. Did you ever suspect Mr Parker of any wrong doing? [Continued on page 3.] Rev Train Schedule. The following schedule of the I ne?v train from Lane to Florence, which went into effect Monday, December 17, has been furnished us by Mr J P Taylor, the courteous and efficient agent of j the Atlantic ( oast Line railroad at Kingstree: North Bound Arrives No. SO 7:37 A. Al, *No. 46 11:42 A.M. No. 50 6:36 P. -M. South Bound Arrives No. 89 9:18P. W *Xo.'47 5:46 P. M. No. 51 10:52 A.M. \ ?. Dailj' Except Sunday. Cough Caution Hotor, tooMoptr nortr potion row ham. ; finollr eome ebool Portvnir im* wTfboop buMaMuilr vusedpioyliMittA kiidvl mlituTM or pr?rlptlono eoeklokj Opium, Chloroform, or kmtkr poiMM. had aft- rte httk lata tboupb?Conpiom on "fot Hoa.hi kbit, If pobo&j mo la ran Cough HUppra." Moll Tin i in ill >i fin Pi in ii i iitim; ondelfceTo. ahonld iaalaloa boring pz. flmhl Cough Cure. No Polaca kork? 90 W. fttHi kbelt??Dd senate** aaeifciae. oka M PW* t>i kw tooa tho label. And tegaolafipiHtwmft g?Mtebobr?hoMttn?fc*?lrf^etepteik xsssg&TX&isi ate? pr. tboep'a Cmti Cure. ComiPte aarofett fM Br. lb oop mmm w? cc># the iitfOfoneo. Ko poiaon wru wn mm olvayi bo on the *! Georgetown, - - - S. C. Uvil Engineering Land Surveying Railroad Surveys and Construction Prompt attention to out of Town Work. W. L. Bass A. C. Hind. BASS & HINDS, Attorneys-at-Iaw KNGSTREE, S. C. 9-20-tf. Dm rain. m Lake City, S. C. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed aa Represented. W. L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY. & C. Dt RJ McCabe Dentist. EINGSTSEE, - S. C. I J. D. MOUZON'S RARRFR SHOP h#f 1 I 1 V M mm v . . ? ?in the? Vim Keires Hotel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service, <. ompetent Workmen. 5-8-08. W. P TENNENT A R C H I T E C T i General Contractor and Builder Solicits your business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all : ; kinds of work. : : 126 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work on U. S. Post Office and of John McSween O, stores Timmonsville and Beulah and residence at National Cemetery. : : : : : I \ Nou -alcoholic I Sarsaparilla I If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your i blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer*s non-alcoholic Sarsapa rilla, ask your doctor. Consult him often. Keep in close I touch with him. M W? publish our formulas ? Wo boaloh aleofcol MmM V from cur modieiaoa ixyers sapAsk your doctor to nsme some of the results of conttipetion. His long list will begin with sick-beadscbe, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bed skin. Then ssk him if be would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. Xado bj tko J. C. Ajn Co? LowoU, Kaoo. GOTTOM -ut Tit rn\ TOBi There will be a number of si Fall and we are ready to serv splendid crop prospect we are r< enlarge our floor space, and rath Queen Stoves and Ranges from i .. We have just received a carl fered at a low price. Remember rain Moore 6 Cd's Paint. Also, Cutlery and Razors. The Robes predate our friends' patronage a traued confidence, L,ake City "A dollar is a doll; There is no better way dealing with J. L. Stuckey, the oi man. I have a splendid line < Bik fti that in view of the hard time: above cost. A nke bunch of HORSE! at prices to suit. J. L Stui BANK OFK Kingstree. Soi CAPITAL. < 30.000 ? uiKbu ! JasF Cooper ! D C Scott Collections made promptly LOANS, large or small, mi Headqua 11 For Buggies and l| Whips, Lap Robe 11 every thing in the I 3 Th#? Famnns 01iv( and repair parts fc A Wood Disc Harr< Clark's Stock Food, Instant Louse Kill ders and Worm Po\ stock and poultry health by using onl of Dr Hess &Clark's ders. Yours to pie THE WIIJJAMSBUR Kl ngstree & Creelyviile, I ? ^l_ HOES in camp or ficld-at mountain or shore There lialwaytaehinc* to enjoy tome shooting J TO SHOOT WEU YOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH M A RELIABLE FIREARM: the onlv kind we hive M been making for upwards of fifty years. Our um: RIFLES, PfSTOLS. SHOTGUNS. ffl RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. . 9 Aek your Dealer, and Insist on ths STEVENS. Where not sold hy Re* tailers, we ship direct, cxpresi preSild. nnnn rpr.tnf nf r.t.i.. ? em* for 14* I?mre tll??u-at? tef ( hMHrii MallN fbr 4 emit li >UBMlocoT?rfMtai?. BMatifal I Tea Color Haa(fr Ibrw?r4e4 for all eaata ! itaaiiw. <-> J. STEVENS ARMS * TOOL CO. P. O. Box 4097 V / Chicopoo Falls, QLSA Man., U.S.A. ?' abjects of both in Lake City this e them. In anticipation of the pairing our warehouse so as to ier than remove the stock of O.K. warehouse we have Ireduced the : Ceiit. oad of Wire fence, which is of-. r V1,V9 we are fieadqu^rtepfor Benjawe offer exceptional values ih on Razor cant be beat Wfc aptnd will try to merit their con- W '4 * ? ' lard, ware Co., i.i.,,, ? - => | saved 1 ar made" 1 to save your dollars than by Id reliable live'Stock f ' a jf - * ' i! Hi IIIKS, 7 s am offering at 10 per cent S and MULES always on hand j 1H ckey, Lake City, S. C. J iNCSTOEE ^ c"oUwL | STJBPIU8,17,800 TORS ===== t R H Kellahan J A Kelley ' I ' r. ide on approved security. rterS Wagons, Harness, I J s, Saddles, and I I larness line. I J er Chilled Plows I j >r same. Walter I j?J 3ws. Dr Hess & I ijfM r?? | ^ rouiiry rauacca ^ mm er, Healing pow- ' H vders. Keep your H fat and in good V y a small quantity ? guaranteed powase. . G LIVESTOCK CO. South Caroliua. *3 '