The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 19, 1908, Image 3

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Sheriffs Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA I COU NTY OF F LO RKNCE. Court of ' ommon Pleas. A Hardy yilcox and H Willard Silcox, co-partners in trade as Silcox & Company, Plaintiffs. -vsElla P J one-, Defendant Under and pursuant to the? decree of the Court of Common Pleas; in the. above stated case, made by his Honor, Judge C G D&ntsler, on the 12th day of February. 1906, 1 will sell, at public auction, before the court house in Jfingstree, S C, on Monday, the 6th day Va April, 1808, within the legal hours jl tor making public sales, the following v described tracts of land:? 1. One tract of land containing nine hundred and ninety three (998) acres of land, being the tract allotted to Holly L Brown en the partition of the real enwce amoog tne cnnaren 01 tne me W J Brown, having such shape and form and boundaries as is shown by a plat thereof now on file in the Clerk's sici, Williamsburg t eunty, designated oneaid plat as lot no 1, saving and eautUiagihe timber on said ?aod and ad right, title and interestk to sack limber lately sold to the Midland Timber Ompany, which rights art excluded foam said sale and are not intended to he hereby covered. *- One tract of land containing four hundred (400) acres, more er lam. and bounded North by lands of Thomas R Qrter, on the East by Thomas R Crier, "Sooth by lands of Ofi Wiban and West bg lands of H J McFadden, saving and, exsepting the timber on said lands and all right, title and interest to such timber, lately sold to the Midmd Timber <Mmpany, which righto one excluded isom said sale and are nut intended to ba hereby covered. 5. One tract of kmd containing cue 'hundred and fifty-emht 4158) acres, more or less, boundesMorth by lands ofJE Baker, East by foods of Kennedy, South by lands ?f ? W fouoe, and West by lands of T W Asking 4: One mast udfomhuautauduf -ninety-seven (V7> actui.v- mart . or.-lese, bounded North and Bast by lands of 6 W Jonas, South hf fonda <m D Wilson, ^ndWest by linda <rf the ia>aleof Mc6. One tract of fond<confeeining fiftyseven (57) acres, moseor foes, bounded North by lands ?f Jack C noser. East bvl lands of F 0 Hana*, -Sooth g lands of James H Hanns, and Wast by lands of William Cooper. 6. One lot in the Town?of Lake City containing sixty-dour 04 tUet m depth and forty one sad enodulf 41-1-2 aeei front, bounded North by lands of Grier and Hewooc and-M A McAlister, East by the Northeastern Railroad, South by lands of C C BrisSon and M E McAlister and Wost by land6 of M ? Mo Ahster. 7. One tract ?f land containing two hundred and aewenty-floven (277) -acres, k more or less, hounded North bv lands B of Jack9on Humphrey and R N FeaH gin, East by laDds of S L Rodgers and H Paddy McLaia, South by lands of Davn is Graham and Jacob firaveboy and B West by lands>of James Brown And J Bf ' A Green. 8. One tract of land containing fifty (60) acres, more or less, hounded North by liuid< of R f Jordon, East by H lands of J M Hicte, and A J Fiorens. H South by lands of W R Singletary and West by lands of R J Jordon. H 9. One tract -of laud containing five I nun area ana ameiv-six , o^oj a<rz?es mare or less, being made up of two tracts of land N us. 1 and 2 as will mure fully appear in the case of .1 M Thomas 1 Executor. et a! vs: Ida Frierson et al for the partition of the real estate of Stephen Jones and having such shape, ana form and boundaries as a plat in said case will represent. 10. One tract of land containing fifty 50 acres more or.less bounded North ??y lands of D E Canty, East by Jands oi L J1 Matthews, South by lands-of S C l>uBo6e and West by lands of Thoma* Gra>. 11. One tract of land containing one hundred and twenty-two 1122.1 acres, ^anore or less, bounded North by Georgetown road. East by lands of Alary J Northcutt, South by lands of J E Williomonn U/oof kv ionric nf ^ II 1 ctfinc VJ <?MtViO V* v- ? *?oauiO and W W Kennedy. 12. One tract -of land containing seventy (JO) acres, more or les<bounded North by lands of Allen Lang, East by lands of tbe eatate of Stephen Jones South by Long Branch and West by lands of J E Williamson. 13. One lot in the town of Lake City containing one (l)acre bounded North by lands of B W Jones, East by Jones street, South by Thomas street, And West by lands ofH J J effort Also one other lot in town of Lake (Sty containing one-fourth (1-4) of an Acre in the shape of a ' V' conveyed to Byrd, September 55, 1885, by H J Jeffords. 14. Also one lot in town of Lake City .frontingon Railroad street eightyfive (85) feet, running back to the depth of two hundred and ten (210)feet bounded North by lands of S R Rodgers, East by Railroad street, South by lands of S E McMillan and West by lands of J A Green. 15. Two lots in town -of Lake City, containing one and one-half (1 1-2) acres more or less bounded North by Jaiids of Banna Thomas, East by the Northeastern Railroad, South and West bv tbe lands of J H Blackwell. 16. One tract of land containing seventy-five (75) acres more or less boundJ ed North by lands of B W Moore. East W by lands of 8 M Askins, South and West by lands of John McKenzie. 17. One tract of land containing three hundred and twenty-five (325) acres more or less and bounded North by the lands of W J Brown, East by * * * * 1 r\ O 1.L L_ Dy tanns 01 Aorauam wwptr, ouuui uv lands of Jennie H Daniels and B W y~\'r Jones and West by lands of W.J Lj?wn. t 18. One tract of land containing seventy-five (75) acres more or less bounded North and West by lands of Columbus L Lee and D B Knight, East by lands of T L McClam and Eliza Cockfield and South by lands of W J Nettles. IV. One tract of land containing two hundred and fifty-seven (257] acres more or less bounded North and East by lands of J E Baker and H C Godwin, South by lands of J E Williamson and West by I V Bardin. 20. One tract of land containing sixteen [16] acres more or less bounded North by lands of Adam Atkinson, on all other sides by lands of C W Cade. 21. One tract of land containing fifty-four [54] acres more or less bounded North by lands af H 0 Cameron. East by lands of New Gaskins, 1 South by lands of S J Miles and West by lands of G A Tilton. 22. One tract of land containing one hundred and thirty [130] acres more or less bounded North by lands of G H ] MeDaniel East by lands of Enoech McBauiel, South by lands of L ' 1) tfaxley c and West by lands of T and W S A f Huggins. 28. One tract of -land containing 1 seventy-five (76] acres * more or less i bounded North add Sooth by lands of i J Headley Brown, East by lands of B W Jonee and West by Travis Pate t 24. One tract of land containing i twenty-one [21] acres more or less, bounded North by lands of John D Rodgers, East by lands of Jack Humphreys, South by lands of Aaron Peritt ana West by lands oi J M Knight?all t of the above tracts of land being the ? same as was conveyed to George VV " Eg&n and Alvin J Pittman, co-part- i uers in trade under the firm name of Pittman Bros, in liquidation by S T Pittman by deed dated 5th March A D i 1896 and recorded in R If C office wy. : llsmsburg County on the 16th day of March AD 1895 in Book "W" page v 25. Abo all that certain tract ol land | situate, lying and being in the town ol 1 Lake City, in the Oountyof Williams t burg, set aside unto B Wallace Jones ? as lus homestead exemption under the J laws of the State of South Carolina t containing twenty-one [21] acres with the exception of one-half [1-2] acre, c mere or less, the same being traded to t C M Kelley, bounded on U?e North by . Main street; on the East by McAlister 1 street, South by lands of B W Jones, | and lands of M J Rodgera and on the Wert by lands of M A McAlister,?the ( aame being the tract conveyed to Geo < W Egaa and Alvin J Pittman, co-part- , neram liquidation by B Wallace Jonas, 1 deed drted l7th day of Anil, A D 1915, j and recorded inRMO office Williamsburg County on 26th February, A D 1 1896 in Book "V" page 419. | Tfernts of sab, one-third [l-S] cash, i balance jn one snd two jmn, vwith in- .. teres t frtro date of eaie at the cat# of i seven i> r cent per annum payable semi-annually u?o the whets or the ' by VI OUVU pii VO MIX4WI M WWII from time to time remain eopaid, until the whole thereof, both principal and interest be paid in ful; purchaser I to have the option to pay all cash should he so elect The credit portion of the purchase to bo eeenred by the i Bond oi the purchaser and Mortfa?e of the premises; parcbooei to pay all taxes payable in HOB, and the Sheriff for the papers for the several parcels so sold. Per hasers to pxy for all necessary papers. Gcoskte J Graham, :5-5-4t s. w. c. filbert E. lee Id lis Boie. i "From Wed Point Before the Warf by Gen & W Ferguson, Fitzhtigh Lee's room mate, in the April Metropolitan, Magazine. Soon afterward, Colonel Leei was relieved from duty at the Military Academy and took command of a legiment of cavalry of which he was made col* TTT , , L I I onei. we were iruiy sorry wnen j he left, for his almost perfect character could not fail to inpress all who came in contact with him. I saw him but once after he left West Point. I will digress a little 1o tell of it. 1 , was at home in Charleston on furlough during the winter of , 1859, when I received from his son, William Henry Fitzhugh.. Lee, an invitation to be one of , his groomsmen at his marriage , to Miss Carter, .at Shirley, oil the James River. Most of the . wedding party went together by , steamer from Richmond two orj three days before the ceremony . and were all entertained in tnie Virginia style at the plantation ^ mansion. The young men were t lodged in several outbuildings. I had a rare opportunity of seeing the great soldier an bis home life among relatives and friends. One thing which I noted particularly was his extreme modesty ?I might almost say bashfulness. His older brother, Mr -Carter Davis Lee, told a capital story, sang a good song and was the life of any party of which he happened to be a member. After dinner, when the cloth had been removed and the old Madeira brought on, the ladies did not retire, as the custom was, Knt ramainprl In r Mr Pa rfflr ( uuw avuiuiuv.u wv uv?? vui w& ^ Lee's songs and stories. He . would invariably toast the i ] army and call upon Colonel Lee, ( the senior officer present, to re- 2 spond, and everyone would re* s peat the call. The colonel would raise his glass of Madeira, bow to the company and take a sip of the wine, but never a toast 1 would he give. I watched him t closely, and upon my word he blushed like a girl, yet there was no one present but rela* ^ tives, except a few young of- ^ ficers, who had been under him at West Point. 1 MA TEMPEST 111 1TEAPIT." Irfter fren Lake City U Styles Bispenury Meddle Lake Citt, March 14:?It is earned from the members of the! tounty board and et the county del-] gation, who are accessible to the eporter for the Times, tna: tne stir u tbe county dispensary matters is ikely to be nothing more than a empest in a teapot, and that tbe ?oard will come out all right. From those seen, it seems that the charges against the board were made >y Attorney Gilland, who was fornerly the clerk, and who was disnissed, the board claims, because of i letter that they received from an Atlanta whiskey house,written them, t is claimed by Mr Gilland, asking vhat inducements could be offered lim to hare purchases , made from bat bou This letter was sent to he boar* , the whiskey house, so the rimes m m is told, replying that bey could not make arrangements >f the sort by mail, but that they nustcome in person to Atlanta. i?hen Mr Gilland was discharged le weuv before the Williamsburg lelegation in Columbia to prefer charges against the board, baaed on ? . l . i? J :ne same doom mat ne so aoiy aefended against the attacks of Attorney Stoll a short while before. The board had sent the letter of the At. Lanta concern to Auditor West, who ippeared with, the < delegation when Mr Gilland put in the charges, aud be gave no explanation of it, at that time, the members of the delegation say* The investigation was asked tor and Inspector Ha at was sent down. He has not yt* reported. The board bas asked that Mr West come him self and he is expected tn Kingstree today. In the matter of the bonding company, the members of the board claim that the manager of the bonding company, being a relative of Mr Gilland, withdrew the bonds out of sympathy with him and his charges, and that new bonds have been pro cured and filed and the board continues to discharge their functions. It is farther said on the part of the board, that charges made against them in Cdumbiawere irregularities and overstocking, but they claim that when they inquired into the reason for so much whiskey being shipped to them thty were told that it was ordered by their clerk. Other irregularities are alleged to be irregularities in the bookkeeping. The board invites investigation, and declare that they have not intentionally done anything that they ought not to have done and if they have they want to know it. They feel that they are right in spirit, even if they are wrong iu some particulars in the letter and that charges made by their clerk after being dismissed from their service, based en his own books will not be likely to get them into very much trouble. ?Florence Times. (Mr dilland's reply to the foregoing article will be published nex t week?Ed. County Record.] lot Suffer at Helieaaoi. The liot supper given at the beautiful residence of Mr W N Clarkson on Friday evening, March 13, to supply the Heinemannschool with patent desks, was a grand success. Miss CleLia Keels, principal of the school, was manager of the din. nnr rnnm wliarfl nnifo n IU? 1 WUt) VTAJV1W V|Ui bC tt \ftVAtVl* 3us supper was served. Miss Boss Montgomery took charge jf the oyster room, while Miss Siamie Keels presided over the beautiful fruit stand in the sua nous hallway. Mr W M O'Bryin acted as cashier. The neat Little sum of $38.00 was cleared. Dreelyville, Uourdins, Foreston tnd Salters were well represented. Brown Eyes. Just received, our nice line of Dress Linen. People's Mercan;ile Company. 1-30-tf See our new line of Laces and Embroideries. Just to band. People's Mercantile Co. 3-30-tf Read the Faraers & Merchants lath's ad. this issie. Ittas frta Grteljfllle. m (Received too late for last issue.) 11 Rev R L Grier was called to I Due West last week to attend I his mother's funeral. He has I the sympathy of the entire com- E munity in this bereavement, I Rev: R.\y Spifoen - filled his ap- ! pointment during bis absence. Miss Emma Footman is visit- | ing in Georgetown. | MrsT w Boyle Das returned! from a pleasant visit to Lynch-1 burg. \ Mr Ventress and sister of Conn., who are on a visit here, have decided to make this place their home. They have bought a lot and will soon erect tbeir residence. We are glad .that the "Sunny South," and especally Greelyville, suited ti'em so well. Miss Bessie Hankie visited the "City by the Sea" last Friday. Mr H D Ferrell spent several ? days last week in Charleston. Miss Gussie Keels of George- % town, spent Sunday with the Misses Connor. 43 Mrs Mittie Johnson and Miss J Kittie Boyle went to Charleston ^ * .l ? ! -? ?l- - jfi io see ineir niece, wuu uuuibally ill. Jj Mr T W Boyle visited the 4] capital last week. p Mrs Ridgeway is critically ill 4 with- paralysis -at Y her son's J home. *'-5! Mr Charlton 8pann of Alcolu was in towi#last week. Spring has indeed come. The # farmers are taking advantage J of the fine weather and work is q progressing. f Chrysanthemums. f Ntv Trail ScMile. 4 The following schedule of the f new train from Lane to Florence, J which went into effect Monday, 4 . December 17, has been furnish* 4 ' ed us by Mr J P Taylor, the ^ courteous and efficient agent of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad , at Kings tree: 1 North Bound Arrives No. 80 7:37 A. M, No. 46 11:42 A.M. No. 50 6:36 P. 31. South Bound Arrive* No. 89 9:18P. M *No. 47 5:46 P.M. No. 51 ' 10:52 A M * Daidy Except Sunday. BUILDING DONE At Your Own Price. C. E. HARRIS, General Contractor and Builder - - Greeiyville, South Carolina. ~ 1-16-tf. ^ SECOND X SERIES, 0 KINGSTREE 0 BUILDING 0 AND LOAN O ASSOCIATION. V Subscription books X are now open, at of- X fice of Sec. & Treas., X W H Carr, for sec- X ond series Kingstree X Rnildintr and loan X Ass'n, said series to 8 consist of not less X than 200 shares or x to exceed 250 shares. x First payment on X second series to be- x gin the first Tuesday X m May, 1908. x By order of Board of x Directors. x W. H. C ARR, X SEC. AND TREAS. X ^ . \ ' ' . " ' \ s gj " RESOURCES $1 : JOn our third birthday we show , : 3456.09. A?? Cnifinnv ri mDllf tA. nor j VUI om '"t0 j)U!VM?. V'.J'V* bas 100 depositors carrying ^Our checking department has o ing $36,000.00 01 v ARE YOU ONE OF THE ^If not, start an account with n ment and absolute safety y with us NO ACCOUNT TC FARMERS & MERCt LAKE CITY - GET M nF i j Goinp to L J 8tackley's when y j ture at reasonable prices. We co I bouse, price and quality consid< Furniture, Rugs a Edison ' ALSC Coffins and ? f 4 4 } Undertakers ! Services Rendered Day and I | L. J. STA 8 KINOSTREE \ I One Mai will coi you thai' Sloans f Liivtaveivt will relieve soreness ond stiffness quicker and easier thon any other preparatior sold for toot purpose. It penetrates to the bone quietens the blood, drives away fatigue and gives strc and elasticity to the musch Thousands use Sloan's Lin for rheumatism, neuralgia, toe sprains, contracted muscles.; joints, cuts, bruises, burns, crc or colic and insect stings - POiCT SA* C.SIOO . I Or.Cari 5Sloon.BoVon.Mm.U.3.A^^ oooooooooooooc r I Whenjyou are in town alw; :J. P. Ada t i i Just received a fresh line of: ? 1 Porters & Calumet Hams^ f H Porters Salmon j Salt, Mackerel I F Pork Sausage, Meats I Fi Prvrn Reefed I Beef Extracts jl Hi Canned Corn & Peas Complete LAn Always in JAS. P. , KISG8RTEB. xxxxxxxxx>oooc Is V_ I ^ 09,366.09. r total resources of (109, . * : . cent. tfcrapound.Jjfcterest) $37,000.00 on denosit. ver 5$6 depositors carryi deposit. SE DEPOSITORS ? C s and by our liberal treatrm will alxcavs: Kanlr ' >0 SMALL.. 4 [ANTS BANK, , S. C. ' '; : sHABIT | ou Want reliable furnimpete with any fnruitnre 'red. A complete line of tfr Matting, $ nd S ' Phonographs. ? > s Caskets 2 .11 Supplies. ? figbt. Yours to Serve - ^ CKLEY, I ; s. c. ? * ? - . . _ . xa BHHBBBHBBBHHV^HHB ivince ^jflM 'r5 bmb flHMMIH>aMagBaaaH^^ggBMMMB^ xxxxxxxxxxxx ays remember to go to Q 5 tms S, | einz's Pickle O (All Kinds) 5y rf sh Coffee A nits, Crackers, Jr (All Kinds) X igh Grade A Chocolate Candy V eof Cigars X i a ADAMS, | s? c* X OOOOOOOOOOCQ % i