The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 19, 1908, Image 2

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The Sf I By REX E Copyright. 100 9. t "More! What more?" be questioned. "Do you remember when 1 warned and Dextry that they were coming "You'rt too good m man to drink " Mr cabin for the fokl? WeH that yirUipt them on to you. 1 fooad It ect afterward.' 8be keepa tito keys to McXJuntra'i aafety vault Ifamaat at all" Tho woman lied easily. ?oe?tly, and tM man believed ltor. "Do yon remember wbea they broke Into your aafe and took that money?" "Tee." "Well, what made them think you fcad $10,600 in there r "I don't know." "I do. Dextry told her." oieniater a row. "mart an t waut to bear now. I'm going crazy. My Bind aches. for I've never bad a fight like this before and It hurts. You see, I've been an animal all these years. When I wanted to drink, I drank, and what I wanted, I got. because I'Te been strong enough to take It. This Ir new to me. I'm going downstairs now and try to think of something else ?then I'm going home." i When he had gone she pulled back tbe curtains and. leaning her chin In ber hands, with elbows on the ledge, gazed down upon the crowd. The bow was over and the dance had be gun, UUl bUtf UIU UOi Pftr it, tur sutr was thinking rapidly with the eagerness of one who sees the end of a long and weary search. She did not notice the Bronco Kid beckoning to her or the man with him. so the gambler brought bis friend along and Invaded her box. He Introduced the man as Mr. Champian. / r ^Do you feel like dancing?" the newcomer Inquired. . "No; I'd rather look on. I feel socjatyls. Tou're a society man. Mr. Cfrgmplan. Don't you know anything f oflnterest? Scandal or the like?" "Can't say that I do. My wife attends to ^11 the family. But I know there's lota of Tt It's fuunj to me the airs some of these people 'assume up here, just as though we weren't all equal, north of flfty-three. I yever ??nr(J the like/' "Anything new and exciting?" Inquired Bronco, mildly Interested. "The last I heard was about the Judge's niece. Miss Chester." Cherry Malotte turned abruptly, while the Kid slowly lowered the front legs or his cnair to me noor. 1 "What was it?" she Inquired. "Why, it seems she compromised herself pretty badly with this fellow Glenlater coming up on the steamer last ?prlng. Mighty brasen, according to my wife. Mrs. Champlan was on the ame ship and says she was horribly febocked." Ah! Glenlster had told her only half the tale, thought the girl. The truth was baring Itself. At that moment Champlan thought she looked the typical creature of the dance halls, the crafty, Jealous, malevolent adventuress. "And the hussy masquerades as a lady," she sneered. "She Is a lady." said the Kid. He sat bolt upright and rigid, and the knuckles of bis clinched hands were ery white. In the shadow they did not note that bis dark face was ghastly, nor did he say more except to bid Champlan goodby when he left, later en. After the door had closed, however, the Kid arose and stretched his muscles, not languidly, but as though to take out the cramp of long tension. f He wet his lips, and his mouth was so dry that the sound caused the girl to look up. "What are you grinning at?" Then, es the light struck his face, she started. "My, how you look! What alls you? Are you sick?" No one. from Dawson down, had seen the Bronco Kid as he looked tonight. "No; I'm not sick," he answered in a cracked voice. Then the girl laughed harshly. "Do you love that girl too? Why, ihe's got every man in town crazy!" 6he wrung her hands, which is a bad el?n in a capable i?orson, and as Glen t toilers. L BEACH. i iy R ?x E. Beach. << ?^ < ister oroseed the floor Itelow In her sight sbe said, "Ab-b?I could mn mm 1 for that T' v I "80 could I." said tbe Kid and left ber without adieu. CHAPTER XIII. FOR a long time Cherry Malotte * eat quietly thinking, removed i by her mental stress to such an I infinite distance from tbe music and turmoil beneath that she was con- 1 scions of It only as a formless clamor. ! She bad tipped a chair back against 1 tbe door, wedging it beneath tbe knob so that she might be saved from inter- 1 ruptlon. then flung herself into an- 1 other seat and stared unseelngly. As 1 she sat thus and thought and schemed 1 harsh and hateful lines seemed to eat < into her face. Now and then she I moaned impatiently, as though fearing lest tbe strategy she was plotting < might prove fotile; then she would rise and pace her narrow quarters. < 8be was unconscious of time and had spent perhaps two hours thus when 1 am# the buj? of t#tk In the next conperfcnent she beast a bass* which fatjbpL bar *> listen, then drop 1 her preoccnpauoa use a uiunr. a hum tfSi of GleoitCtr. Ex 1 cltemwat thrived hi* wok*. "I never uw anything like It since < Meldaster s night in Virginia City, thirteen yegra mo. 9?'a rlfbt" i "well, perhaps so," the other replied doubtfully, "but I don't oare to back i you. I never 'staked' a man in my I life." i "Then lend me the money. I'll pay I It back la an hour, but for heaven's t sake be quick. I tell you he's as I right ex a golden guinea. It's the lucky s night of bis life. Why, be turned over i the black jack game In four beta. In 1 fifteVfc minutes more we can't get close enough to a table to send in our money t with a moaeenger boy?every sport in ( camp will be here." c "I'll stake you to fifty," tbe second 1 tuan replied, in a tone that showed a I trace of his companion's excitement. ( So Glenlster was gambling, the girl 1 learned, and with such luck as to break t the black jack game and excite the' s greed of every gambler In camp. News t of his winnings bad gone out into the c street, and the sporting men were com- c ing to share his fortune, to fatten like v vultures on the adversity of their fel- g Iowa. Thoee who had 110 money to stake were borrowing, like the man next door. v She left her retreat and, descending t the stairs, waa greeted by a strange, sight. The dauce hall was empty of J f all but the musicians, who blew and t fiddled lustily in vain endeavor to draw t from the rapidly swelling crowd that a thronged the gambling room and t stretched to the door. The press was e thickest about a table inl#way down c the hall. Cherry could see nothing of t what went on there, for men and wo- ( men stood ten deep alntut it and oth- \ prs perched on chairs and tables along t the walls. A roar arose suddenly, fol- v lowed by utter silence; then came the \ clink niul rattle or stiver, a moment > and the crowd resumed Its laughter j and talk. Z'i <1 ' "All down, hoys." sounded the level ] vo'oe of the dealer. "The field or the I; favorite. H^'s made eighteen straight t passes. Oet your money on the line." t There ensue<l another breathless in- e stant wherein she heard the thud of dice: then foljowgd the shout of tri- t umph that told what The spots reveal- f ed. Tne dealer paid off. (Jlenlster reared himself head and shoulders above the others and pushed out through the ring to the roulette wheel, c The rest followed. Behind the clrcu- *; lar table tbev had quitted, the dealer ] was putting away his dice, and there t was not a coin in his rack. Mexico i Mulllns approached Cherry, and she i questioned him. "He Just broke the crap game," Mul- J 11ns told her. "Nineteen passes without 1 losing the bones." I "How much did he win?" 1 "Oh. he didn't win much himself. | but It's the people betting with him 1 that does the damage! They're gam f biers, most of them, and they play the \ limit. He took out the black jack bank ( roll first. $4,000. then cleaned the Tub.' I By that time the tin horns began to 1 come In. It's' the greatest run I ever ' see." < "Did you get in?" i "Now, don't you know that I never i play anything but 'bank'? If be laats 1 long enough to reach the faro layout, i TM1 mlnA '? j 1 II get UilUC. The excitement of the crowd began to infect the girl, even though the looked on from the outside. The exultant voicee, the sudden hush, the tensity of nerve it all betokened, set her a-thrlll. A stranger left the throng and rushed to the spot where Cherry and Mexico stood talking. He was imall and sandy, with shifting glance and cbinless Jaw. His eyes glittered, his teeth shone ratlike through his dry Hps, and his voice was shrill. He darted toward them like some furtive, frightened little animal, unnaturally excited. "I guess that isn't so bad for three bets!" He shook a sheaf of banknotes at them. "Why don't you stick?" inquired Mul11ns. "I am too wise. Ha! I know when to quit. He can't win steady?he don't \ ptej any syatatt." "Then be has t food cbance," uk! tha girl. "There be goee bow." the little mar cried as the uproar aroee. "1 told yor he'd lore." At the voice of the multitude be wavered as though affected by some powerful magnet. "But he won again." said Mexico. "No! Did he? Lord! I quit too soon!" He tampered back Into the other room, only to return, hesitating, bin money tightly clutched. "T>o you s'pose it's safe? 1 Dever saw a man bet so reckless. I gues? rd better quit, eh 7" He Doted the sneer ?u the woman's face, and without waiting a reply dashed off again. Tbey saw him clamorously fight his way ic tmrarri n noct at the roulette tattle "Let ine through! I've got money, and ! want to play it!" Tali!" said Midline dlegnetedly. "He's <oce of them Vermont desperadoes that never laid a bet till be wae thirty. If Glenister loeee he'll hate film for life." "Tbene are plenty of hie sort here.' the girl remarked. "His soul would fit In a flea track." She epied the Bronco Rid sauntering back toward her and, Joined him. He leaned against the trail, watching the gossamer thread of smoke twJst upward from his cigarette. seemingly oblivious to the surroundings and showing no bint of the amotion be had displayed two hours twfore. "This is a big killing, Isn't itr said the girl. The.ggpihler nodded, murmuring indifferently. "Why aren't you dealing bank? Isn't this your shift?" "1 quit last night." "Just in time to miss this affair. Lucky for you." "Tea; I own the place now. Bought t yesterday.'!... "Good haasfus! Then it's your monsy he's winning!" / "Sura. at tbe rate of a thousand. a nlnute." 6be glanced at the long trail of deviate ted tablet behind Glen later nnil da followers. At tbrt Instant the iOUBd told that the mmer bad won igaln, and It dawned upon Cherry that be gambler betide ber stood too quiety, that bis band and voice were too iteady. bis glance too cold to be natiral. Tbe next moment approved ber nstlnct. Tbe musidans. grown tired of tbelr 'udeavors to lure back tbe daucere. letermlned to Join tbe excitement and eased playing. Tbe leader laid down lis violin, the pianist trailed up tbe keyourd with a departing twitter and iult hla stool. They all crossed the tall, beaded for tbe crowd, some of hem making ready to bet. As tbey ipproacbed the Bronco Kid. bis lips binned and slid apart slightly, while >ut of hlR heavy lidded eyes there flard unreasoning rage. Stepping forvard, he seized the foremost man and pun him about violently. "Where are you going?* "Why, nobody wants to dance, so ve thought we'd go out front for a .it." "Get back, all of you!" It was his Irst chance to vent tbe passion within dm. A glance at ble maddened feaures was sufficient for the musicians. ;nd they did not delay. By the time bey had resumed their duties, bowevr, the curtains of composure had losed upon the Kid, masking his emoion again, but from her brief glimpse "berry Maiotte knew that this man vas not ??f ice. as some supposed. He urned to her and said. "Do you mean vhat you said upstairsT* "I don't understand." "You said you could kill Glenister." "I could." "Don't you love"? "I hate him," she Interrupted boarsey. lie gave her a mirthly smile and. spying the crap dealer leaving bis >aj$rupt table, called him over and aid:' "Toby, I want you to drive the icarse when Glenister begins to play aro. I'll deal. Understand?" "Sure! Going to give him a little work,' eh?" "I never dealt a crooked card in this amp," exclaimed the Kid. "but I'll lay' that man tonight or I'll kill him! '11 use a 'sand-tell,* see? And I want o explain raj signals to jou. If jou nlss the signs you'll queer us both and rat the house on the blink." He rapidly rehearsed his signals In a argon which to a layman would have >een unintelligible, illustrating them >y certain almost imperceptible shiftngs of the fingers or changes In the position of bis hand so slight as to hwart discovery. Through it all the flrl stood by and followed his every fvcrd and motion with eager attention. *he needed no explanation of the terms ;hey used. She knew them all; knew hat the "hearse driver" was the man ivho kept the cases; knew all the code >f the "inside life." To her it was all is an open page, and she memorised nore quickly than did Toby the signs i>y which the Bronco Kid proposed to ignal what card he had smuggled from the box or held back. In faro it is customary for the case leeper to sit on the opposite side of the Able from the dealer, with a device before him resembling an abacus, or Chinese adding macnine. ? neu ? i?u is removed from the faro box by the Jealer, the "hearse driver" moves a mutton opposite a corresponding card >n his little machine, in order that the players at a glance may tell what *pots have been played or are still in the box. His duties, though simple, are Important, for should he make an error and should the position of his counters Dot tally with the cards in the box on the "last turn," all bets on the table are declared vb^ When honestly dealt, faro is theVairest of all gambling games, but it & intricate and may hide much knavery.' When the game ]r crooked it is fatal> for out of Remember that when the Stomach , nerves fail or weaken, Dyspepsia or Indigestion mast always follow. But, strengthen these same weak in. side nerves with Dr Shoop's Restorative, and then see how quickly j health will again return. Weak < Heart and Kidue? nuves can also , be strengthened with the Restorative where Heait pains, palpitation, or Kidney weakness ie found. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. Go to the cause of these ailments Strengthen these weak inside nerves with Dr Shoop's Restorative and get well. A simple, single test will surely tell. D C Scott. lead the Faraers k Merehuts Bilk's id. I his Issue. Stop That Cold To chock tarly colds or Grippe with to Yea tiro" snoa&s lore defeat for Pneumonia. Tt Mop ft cold with Prerentie* it safer than to let it nm and bo obUaed to core it ftfterwftrds. To b> mo. Pre eatlcs will euro oree o deeply ie*ted cold, but taken early??t the sneoee slops they break, at bead off I boos early colds. Att's sorely better. That's why they an called Prersntk*. ProVec tics are little Qftody Cold Cores- Wo Quiaa?_ i - .ta? ' VUa Am *Ka CUJU.MkwnnMjjihw. itlakM aeeTfeSMiflBnBennfcwl U tbmli fovafWuMM. bI|Mm4i|. JUnla?rob. *bl^ll? PrtTfBtlycy^goVI In HARRIS AND DBAL, COTIACTOIS ARB BML0EIJ. All styles of Wood, Brick and Artificial Stone Buildings and Or n amen tal Cement Brick as well as all kinds of Ce ment Work. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. 15 Hayneswortb St., Sumter, S C | IS m I WHHBHnnr R. E. & E.a N. B EATY engineers aWd contractjrs Georgetown, - - - S. C. Civil Engineering Land Surveying Railroad Surveys and Construction Prompt attention to out of Town Work. i 3-1 Mf I I W. L. Bass A. C Hinds n i on o f fiwinr* BAD3 ocmnuo, Attorneys-at-law KNGSTREE, S. C. 9-20-tf. I DM HUIH. H Lake City, S. C. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed as Represented. W. T . RASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr SJ McCabe Dentist KINSSTSEE, - S. C. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP ?in the? Tib Kearea Hatel is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service. 1 ompetent Workmen. 5-8-08. W. P TENNENT ARCHITi General Contractor and Builder Solicits vour business. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all : ; kinds of work. : : 126 Evans 'Phone 1962 FLORENCE, S. C. Supervisor of construction New School Building and Superintendent of work on U. S. Post Office and of John McSween Co, stores Timmonsville and Beulah and residence at National Cemetery. : : *. : : : 111. Alcohol not needed Ayer'i Sirtaptrilla ia not a > A i mum i? lif atlVU| ?W W .Mp^wythere is not ? drop of Alcohol in it. It is a non-alcohoiic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your takisf this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. M W# publish our tnrmulM /I _ Wo bonloh oleohol AhA 9 from ouraodioiMo ixijers w~?r~u Ask your doctor, "What is the first (rest rule of health ? " Nine doctors out of ten will quickly reply, " Keep the bowels regular. Then ask him another ques* tion, " That do you think of Ayer't Pills for constipation?" ?Ktdt by tlut. C. Ajmt Co., Lowfll, Sm*? COTTON ?AND TIB PI IN TOBJ 1 here will be a number of si Fall and we are ready to serv< splendid crop prospect we are*< en large our floor space, and ra tb Queen Stoves and Kanges from v price SO OPea We haye,just received a.carl fered at a low price. Remember min Moore & Go's Paint. Also, Cutlery and Razors. The.Robes predate our friends' patronage a t'nued confidence, L,nke City h LAZE CI "A dollar 4 i5 a doiij There is no better way dealing with J. L Stuckey, the ol man. I have a splendid line < Hips, Will that in view of the hard time: above cost. A nice bunch of HORSE! at prices to suit. J. L Stui BANK OFK Kingstree. Soi CAPITAL. < 30.000" ===== DIREC Jas F Cooper D C Scott Collections made prompt!) LOANS, large or small, mi HEADQUA I For Buggies and I Whips, Lap Robe I every thing1 in the 1 i The Famous Olivi and repair parts fc A Wood Disc Harr< Clark's Stock Food, Instant Louse Kill ders and Worm Pot stock and poultry health by using onl of Dr Hess AClark's ders. Yours to pie THE W1LLIAMSBUR Kiogstree & Creelyville, >X mm warrmm u** FM yvi^ If fit Mi i nrwdi <f MM* gyBpgBCs. TlM nptfWnced Huntw'i ao4 m llarkaraan'a Mm! -XRm v >^jv?U rpllt^, mniaf47???Jtt. FIND OUT WHY ? HI ll^wtim tur poyilar IV7 I! RIFLES?SHOTGUMS M S\ PISTOLS V fjjtM Ask your local Hardware W, or Sporting Goods MerWjtf MMH chant for the STEVENS- ar liltwMI " you cannot obtain, we 'M%KgH ship diroct, express pre- 1 p->i?l. upon receipt of C'a.a- T Send 4 cents in Stamps Mr ISO Pa?e Illusfrated Catalog, including circulars of latest additions fo our line. Contains points on shooting, ammunition, the proper care of a firearm, etc.. etc. Our at tract ire Ten Color Lithographed Hanrer mailed as7n^jjgreforjdajhgSm^n^tamgs^^^^ , CtUcopew Jtalls, Mass., - ft. R. / Krai ] CE RECENT IS? 1CCO. lbjects of both in Lake City tbn ] i them. In anticipation of the jpairin# our warehouse so as to er than remove the stock of O.K. rarehouse we have (reduced the Cfnk ' oad of Wire fence, which - is of Fe a? be^ifai#?s for Benj*we ofer e jxeptiop^l values is on fiazor can't be beat We apnd will try to merit their coblard ware Co., [TY. 8. e saved ar made" j to save your dollars than by Id reliable live'Stock I it al Until 5 am offering at 10 per cent H 5 and MULES always on hand ckey, Lake City, S. C. I JNGSTREE 1 SS5SS5S5SS n nth Carolina, | SURPLUS, $ TWO J TORS ? I R H Kellahan ' S J A Kelloy V ide on approved security. ^ I wmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmm?mmmmmmKammmmmmtmmmmf* rterS I Wagons, Harness, JM s, Saddles, and A larness line. H er Chilled Plows H >r same. Walter M dws. Dr Hess & it Pi r* o r*oo IH I j J. vuiki j jl auuvvu >* . j er, Healing pow- > vders. Keep your fat and in good y a small quantity ? guaranteed powase. fi LIVESTOCK GO South Garoliua. J