I Spring I Good |L=' Local and Personal Mr H Fox worth was noted in town Tuesday from Cades. Miss Thetis Stackley is visiting relatives in Florence. Mr R H Pittman was here yesterday from Qourdins. P H Stoll, Esq, made a busi ? ? ^ iToefnr/] o tr Iiess nip IU WlUUJUia jftavtiuajii Mr J Heyward Scott is home from Davidson College, N 0, on a short vacation. MrsLC Myers of Scranton spent the day in Kingstree Friday of last week. Mr S K Mouzon of Mouzon was here Tuesday and favored us with a pleasant visit. Mr David and Miss Cora Cox of Cades visited friends in Kingstree Friday. Mr W S Camlin, Jr, of Harper gave us the pleasure of a brief call while here Monday on business. Mr W S Shaw of Salters De* pot was in Kingstree Monday , and had The Record sent to a .distant relative. Mr R L> Blakeley of Suttons had business at the county seat Tuesday and gave us the plea sure of a call. Mr E S Brown of Leo had . business here Monday and was . a welcome visitor at our sanc, 'Capt. William Cooper, of VJooper postoffice, paid The Record an agreeable visit Monday of this week. Mrs J L Jennings, who has been visiting her relatives in Easton,Md, returned home Wednesday. Correspondents will please bear in mind that we cannot nublish communications that) I reach us after Tuesday noon. Mr J M Rodgers of Trio was among- those who called last week and renewed their subscriptions to The Record. Mr M F Heller has just got in a car load of horses and mules and asks his friends to call and look them over. Mrs \V M Brockiuton and daughter of Manning are visiting at the home of Mrs Lula Brockinton, on Railroad avenue. We learn with sincere regret that Mr J P Nelson, who was recently operated on in Charles, ton, has suffered a relapse and is now critically ill. Dr and Mrs W G Gamble and Mr William Gamble, accompanied by Miss Estelle Epps, spent several days pleasantly last week in Charleston The Misses Miller entertained a number ot guests with a valentine party on the evening of February 14. The occasion was much enjoyed by those present. GenFMBritton of Church, the youngest man fcr his age in Williamsburg county, was in town yesterday exchanging greetings with his numerous friends. Is rr iving* Daily. [ MrERBaxley, a prominent merchant of Lambert, stopped in to see ns Monday on the way to Charleston to replenish his stock of merohandise for the spring trade. Saturday being Washington's birthday, a legal holiday, both the local banks and also the dispensary will be closed. The postoffice will observe Sunday hours. We were pleased to see our old friend, Mr RSTisdale, when he called on us last Tuesday. We used to could throw "Johnson" in a. wrestling1 bout, but we would be afraid to tackle him now. Mr P A HodgiS of Bennettsville will occupy the 11 o'clock hour at the Methodist church next Sunday. He is representing Columbia College, but wishes it understood that lie will take no collection on Sunday. Everybody is cordially invited to attend the service. Mr W D Knox, county superintendent of Chester county, was here yesterday on business. ! Mr Knox taught school in this county many years ago in the Indiantown section, and quite a number of his old friends in \ town were glad to shake hands i with him again. j Miss Mary Riser of Newberry, ! a sister of Mrs LeRoy Lee, is < spending some time in Kings- j rnmnlftinp' a course in telegraphy under the tutelage o5 < Miss Lifrage, the Westerns \ Union operator. Miss Riser, : it will be remembered, was ! the winner of tbe grand 1 prize, an automobile, in. \ the Columbia State's voting con- * test last spring. ] Death of Hiss Josephine Grayson. < The remains of Miss Josephine ] Grayson were brought here 1 Monday and conveyed-to Cedar ] Swamp church, where between < four and five o'clock they were { laid to rest in the presence of a 1 number of sympathizing friends ^ and relatives, the lunerai ser- < /ices being conducted by Rev E E Ervin of Kingstree. Miss Grayson died Saturday night at the home of her brother-in-law, Mr W D Crooks, near Harpers. The deceased was about sixtyfive years old and all her life was spent at the old home place, near Benson postoffice, where she was born and reared. She possessed many estimable traits of character and those who knew her best appreciated * most her true womanly qualities. < Of her immediate family she is survived by two sisters and three brothers. A weak stomach means weak stomach nerves, always. And this is also true of the heart and kidneys. ' It s a pity that sick ones coutinue to dru g the stomach or stimulate the heart and kidneys. The weak nerves, not the organs themselves, need this help. This explains why Dr Shoop's Restorative has, and is promptly helping so many sick ones. It goes direct to the cause of these diseases. Test this vital truth, and see. Sold by D C Scott. r.FTFTNr. R ^ I I At W 41 ?! OUR WHIT I OPENING. I "Health Coffee" is really the clos-j eat Coffee Imitation ever yet produc-; ed. This, the finest substitute ever ; made, has recently been produced : by Dr Sho<>p of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real coffee in it either j Health Coffee id made from pure ^ toasted cereals, with mab, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert?who might drink it for coffee. No twen- ( ty or thirty minutes boiling. "Made in a minute,"says the doctor. I People's Mercantile Company. Summons for Belief(COMPLAINT SERVED.) 8TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ) County of W.lliamsburg. [ Court of Common Pleas. ) y A M Gordon, Plaintiff, v Against A ' Howktr IT?vin flor-Kv koira af. ? A1IWC i/?t UJT p AJi iiu A^U4 *jj f (ivaau m* ^ law of Jack Darby, deceaseu; Yanikie c Davis, Joe E Davis, George Davis, Mary Conyers, Collins Davis, Louella Frasier, heir?-at-law of George Davis, c deceased; Mackey Davis, Morgan Dav- p is, Bessie George, Levalve Davis, heirs p at-law of Friday DaVis, deceased; For- gJ tune Darby, Harry Darby, Daphne y _ McC'ants, Tena Foxworth, James Darby, heir?-at-law of Caesar Darby, d?- c< ceased; Docia Cohen, J;imes Cohen, c< nilip Cohen, Mary Richardson, Sarah tx Epps, Solomen Cohen, Picket Cohen, T beire-at-law of Windser Cohen,deceas- ~ ed Fed Darby, Mose Darby, BonusDarby, John Darby, Jacob Chandler, * beirs-at-lawof Daphny Darb,deceased; Carry Lee Dingle, C'ephus Darby, Liz- ? rie Darby, heirs-at-law of Lisbon Dar- _ by, deceased; Ben Major, Sam Major, Jacob Major, Fortune Major, heirs-at- ~ law of Matilda Major, deceased; Sarah JDarby, heir-at-law ol Isaac uaroy, ae- v :eased; Louisa Boyd, Frances .lames, Calvin Darby, Re*anna Darby, heirsit-law of Calvin Darby, deceased; Lo- Q ran Gnmble, William Gamble, Wesley & Gamble, heira-at4aw of Sarah Gamble, p deceased; Mose Duomore, Daphney T Mose. beire-at-law ef Clara Dunmore, 11 deceased, and Jaceto Chandler, Defend- ~ ints. l o the defendants above named: . ei You are hereby summoned and re- ^ juired to answer the complaint in this ? action, of which a copy is nerewitn serred upoa you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on 0, : he subscriber at their office Kingstree. tv S within twenty-days after the ser- ^ rice hereof; exclusive of the day of .....1* . Qi^ WA11 i 1 fA Q nstror K ?Uill gcivu.craiiu 11 fVU 1M* VV W- ? V. yy the comprint withia the tine aforelaid, the plaintiff in th is action will apply to the Court f( r the relief demand- _ id in the complaint. And you.the said Soloman Cohen, Picket * ohen, Cephns a 'olien, infant defendants, are hereby la required to be caused.to be appointed a w guardian ad litem to represent your in- G terest and upon your failure so to do . within twenty days from the service ? Hereof the plaintiff will apply to the Jlerk of Court of Common Pleas of Williamsburg County to appoint a juardian ad litem to represent your in- p< terest. * (1 To Mai-y Gonyers. Collin Davis, Lev live Davis, Tena Foxworth, James :ohen, Philip C<'hen. Fed Darby, Liz- 1 tie Darby, Konus Darby, John Darby, Sarah Darby, Rosanna Darby, Logan 1 amble, Wil-liam Gamble, WesleyGam- ^ ale, Mose Dunmore, i.ou-resident delendants: 91 Please take notice that the Com- * alaint in this action together with the iummons, of which the foregoing is a ropy, was filed in the office of the r Jlerk of Court of Common Pleas for I Williamsburg County, State of South > Carolina, on the 15th day of January, [90S. Dated January 15, 190&. i Stoll&Stoll j l-lfi-fit Plaintiff's Attorneys. / All kinds of tinware, kitchen furniture and household conveni?nces are offered"at the five and ten cent 8tore, 1-30 4t Strong & Patrick, i Next to P S Courtney's. Props. 1 China Ware?cups and saucers ( toilet sets, salad bowls, cake plates, j etc., high quality and low , price, at People's Mercantile Co's. Final DischargeOn the 21st day of March. 1908,1 will apply to? M Brockinton, Judge i of Probate for the County of Williams- \ burg, for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of W M Mathews, deceased. J R Mathews, j 2-20-4t Qualified Administrator. [ HHHMHBimmm EADY FOR " E-GOODb I Business ! ocals. Try a box of my tobacco for 12c. Wilkins. Flour: William Tell is the >est. Try it. Car just arrived. iVilkins. Will save you money on sugar. Jasb. Wilkins. Always in line on meat and ar^l. Wilkins. \ Big stock canned goods on land, and will save you money. Yilkins. Car of rice. Any good grade, 'rice to suit you. Wilkins. SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notice* will be Published n This Column at the Rate of One 'ent a Word for Each Issue. Lcarr?Two pnblic school pny eertiftates made ouu m favor ?f Naomi A ou, $80 each, School District No 21. i 'ublicw warned agamet negotiating ime. 2-20-11 Wantbd?A settled white womaa to x>k for family of Ave. Must be good x>k and aeat. Good home and wages ! ) ricrht oerson. Mrs W D Brtjl*, 1 aft" S (I. 2-20-tf j For iSalk?200 Tons Kainit. also otk>- ' r fertilizers iu large or small lots te< 1 jit purchaser. Call or write and get ' ur prices before buying: Farmer* lpply co- 2-20-2t ' | Wanted?Experienced young man a* | rocery salesman must be sober, willing: < > work and. furnish references. Ad- ( ress Y Z carv The Record* 2-20-2t ,? A For Sale?100 bushels Alien Long ( taple cotton seed, which ootton this ? ; iaaonsold for20 and 21 cents a pound, h rice ?5c a bushel. J R Bvockington, tdiantown, 2-6:4t | Wanted?Position as clerk in gen- I store by s?gle man of five years' ! cperience. Best of references. Ad- I rese W. W. M.t P. 0. Bo*. So. 4,. j iouxon, S. C.. l-13-4t J Lost?Brown saddle horser (branded i l left hip) abeat eight year* old with j vo- white feet, weigeing about 8oO J junds. Liberal reward if returned or >tified of whereabouts. 'illlamsburgi 1.1vk btock Go., Kingstree or Greenville, 2-13-2t S C. FOR Kent?Any one wisrnng to rent house and ten or fifteen acres of nd in the Town of Kingstnee will do ell to apply at once to Mrs Thos M illand, Kingsturee, S f. 2-13-tf Notice- i Notice is hereby given t? all male?) ;r?ons between the ages of eighteen 8) and fifty (50) years that the comutation tax 5or the year 1908 is Two ollars ($2.00) or six (6) day-; and as do not wish to require' any one to ork ten (10)5 hours per day for six (61) lys, I would; urge that everybody pay leir commutation tax, as I must lange the system employed last year id cannot show any favors to those ho do not pay. S. J. Swuletary, 2-20-2t Supervisor. f Plant Wood's l\ I Garden Seeds u FOR SUPERIOR VEGEU TABLES 6L FLOWERS. Oar business, both in Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a result due to the fact that U Quality is always our (JJ 5 first consideration, q We are headquarters for Crass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow re.is, oyja ucjmj ?uu other Farm Saeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue li the beit and most practical ofseed catalogues. An up-to-date and re\ cofentzeu authority on ull Garden \ end Farm crops. Catalogue mailed / free 011 request. Write tor It / f \ T. W. W80D & SONS, / )j^ SEEDSMEN Richmond. Va ? I Call on !Kingst Dry1 Coi IIMR FARM ? Mwmmmwm We have as depositors ov< We find your business We want all of it We want Y ( OUR DIRECTORS ARE \ PROSPEROUS FARHERS We warn 1,000 farmers to st wltiius?where It Is apprecta four per cent compound Inte partment. : : : FARMERS & MERI Elake cm CAPITAL, $25,000 00 SOU :@:?:@:@ :?:?.?:@:@:@:?: @ HNGSTREE COT @ ? The Top of the Mi ? Following are the Cotton Buye fly Hngh McOutchea, Alexander Sprw : ; W. S. Gilland, Rogers, McCabe&< ? J. C. Kinder, Farmers and Spinner I SEED BU fif D. J. Edu8, Bockeye Cotton O Qf k 4 ' aj: L. P. Kinder, Southern Cotton W. W. R. Scott, Kingstree Oil Mi g) R. W. Fulton, S. 0. Cotton OH 1 H Quotations toArr February! B Cotton Seed $17.00 a ton. gj Cotton lOf cents a pound. ?MtMimmtMiW fWHENREAD I - FERT1L] ' I ^ REMEMBER that you1 J GOODS that can be rel 5 GOODS that show hij ^ ; GOODS made from the ^ GOODS that have stooc iGet the Lttwan Manufactur Etiwan Fert Charlestoi Also Manufactu C E L E BR I Diamond Solu % AN I | Plow Brand ' " I w I ree i uooas i ] npany | ' mmmmmmmammmmmmtmi ERl ?I it 500 of your kind. . 1 i to be of the best. fl we can get* . 1 )UR account. ] 3IVE OF THE MOST . IN THIS COUNTY. art their bank account ited. rest in Savings De- J1 mi bm, | r, s. o. pun i mm 312,000 00 \ rON MARKET o., Richmond, Va. . . 3 Co., Charleston. @ VERS S ft I il Co., Aagusta, Ga. v Oil Co., Charleston. ? 11. Q Co., Columbia. v ? 1 i imrnmrnrni-? ?YTO BUY! [ZERS - | j tvant J" ied upon ^ jh analyses 3f best materials I the test of time. J. f Fertilizers. ed By ilizer Co., | 4 i, S. C. rers of the * >2; AT E D 5 ble Bone | Fertilizers. 1 wmmMtmmA? i