The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 20, 1908, Image 6

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' ^' ' ? '": ?.'< < ' ' ' '" COMPl i r I S. MAI - SOME THINGS DONE 1 IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY' SALARIES RAISED?REPEAL OF LIEU LAI REFUSED-NEW CIRCUIT** CRE- , ATED WITH NEW OFFICERS. , The Capitol, Columbia, Feb- { ruary 16: 1 The seuate, with a great show of t patriotism and devotion to duty(?), e passed a resolution providing for a li continuation of the session to arch g 2. The house threw away the greatest a opportunity of the times by refns- e< V ing to concur. Had the house call- li ed the "bluff," the State would have d witnessed a most unusual sight, the rt senate at work like a colony ofrbea- cl vers. However, the house ecu Id tl hardly have acted otherwise than it did, for that body , has thrown pi away a great deal more time this tl session than the senate, which is la ex&ctlv contrary to the conditions tb * 4 - ~ ? heretofore obtaining-. ta In obedience to the law requiring the salaries of auditors and treasurers to be uniform and in proportion <] to the assessed values of property yc and the service required, the pay of ^ an our auditor and treasurer has been an raised to $1,200 along with an equal ^ increase throughout the State. For 1> the same reason jail fees have been Tl n put at 30 cents per day from 20 u cents. Likewise the salaries of all State . officers are to be raised?the governor's from $3,000 to $4,000, and the -other officers increased about $400 -each. The Senate voted down a < bill to raise the per diem of legisla- h< * tors from $4.00 to $5.00. dc The levy for State taxes will more v> than exceed that of last year by a . i good deal, probably about one rail], y x which is a right big raise for a State h< Vlevy. On the other hand, the levy Williamsburg is very low?poe- M aibly one of the lowest in the State, 2 3-4 mills. This is, of course, ex* elusive of the one mill levy to repay to the $12000 borrowed a year ago from the Sinking Fond commission to pay the debts of the "Roads and Bridges Fund." Something like of $4,000 of this debt will be paid with- SI in the next few days, we understand. The levy last year was 3 1-2 mills. ^ This indicates that, so far as our a couuty i3 concerned, the exlrava- ki gaace that prevails well nigh uni- fe versally has not caused our officials to lose their heads. Our county commissioners asked for only $1-2,500 to be raised by direct taxation, A little less tnan 2 3 4 mills would a< . si raise this very modest sum, but it u was thought best to put the levy at fi 2 3*4 to allow for nulla bona execu- w tious and for contingencies that might happeu at the most unexpect- a ?d moment. u II The three matters of this session which stand out in bold lines over- r shadowing all others are, the repeal a of the lien law, the labor contiact matter and raiiroaa raie propositus. To this a fourth may be added, r which most might place first, the * liquor question. Some amendmeuts to the Carey- ^ v Cothran act will be passed, aud the v State convention may be asked to sub- i mit the question of State prohibition 1 to the voters at the next State primary and the senate has passe d a re- ] solution asking that that be done. t The contract labor bill, which will i iu all probability pass, cannot be ex- 1 plained in the short 6pace necessary k to a letter. Later the full measure ] as passed will no donbt be publish- <. ed. The act will meet the require- t \ '/ ' 1 * ETUIOl o the adage goes i we sell, we hav OUR PRICES to meet Comp gcu s. went as nearly as possible without dolatiDg the constitution or peonage statutes. The rate matter is quite unsettled et aud final action is too indefinite 0 warrant a predictiou. The senate refused to repeal the ien law. This action was brought bout'ljy the very se'iators who proessed to be most in favor of repeal. Cvery senator knows that repeal of be lien law will have no practical ffect unless chattel mortgages be Imited to crops that arc up and rowing, but several who seemed niuous to repeal the hen act refus1 to vote for*proviso making such mitation, whereupon other senators eclined to be parties to tbe farce of ?neftlinir the lien law and leaving I O r, battel mortgages untouched, and ius the Richards bill was killed. The bill creati ng two new circuits jssed the senate. The effect of lis on Williamsburg, if it become w, will be to take Florence out of I le third circuit. This will necesite a new solicitor. W L B Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says: ! have only taken four doses of lur Kidney and Bladder Pills and ey have done for me more than ' iy other medioine has ever done. I , a still takingTbe pills as I want a ! rfect cure.'' Mr Barber refers to eWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. , bey are sold by W. L. Wallace, M, 1 ' 1 His Prstty Visitor, j "Hear about Blenkinsop?** "What about him ?* , "Left his motor in front of hia j Bee yesterday, was gone half an j )ur, and when he returned what . > you think he found ?* "Motor disappeared?* "No, my boy. Jolly pretty gjgi tting in it* , "What did Blenkinsap do ? TeU J )T to get out?" : "Not a bit of it! Ha jumped in j id took her home with him." "Great Scott f What did Mm. 1 tenkinsop say ?** "She said, '111 call far you agm ' morrow, dear.'"?London: Scrap*. If you bare Catarrh, rid yourself 1 this repulsive disease. Ask Sir hoop of Racine, Wis., to mail you : ee, a trial box of his, Or Shoop*a, 1 itarrh Remedy. A simple, single st, will surely will surely, tell you i catarrh truth well worth your lowing. Write to-day. Don't enfr longer. Sold by D C Scott. Th# Historian's Sire. Macaulay was destitute of bodily ecomplishments. He could neither aim nor ride nor drive nor skate or shoot. But he viewed his deciencies with indifference touched ith humor. When in attendance at Windsor s a cabinet minister the historian thnt. a horse was at ao lUlVAUiVM ? ? is disposal. "If her majesty wishes to see me ide," said he, "she must order out n elephant." At times when you don't feel just ight, when vou h& .e a bad stomach ake something right away that will | issist digestion; not samething that rill stimulate for a time but sornehing that will positively do the ery work that the stomach performs inder ordinary and normal conditons, something that will make the :ood digest. To do this you must ake a natural digestant like Kodol For Dyspepsia. Kodal is a scien;ifie preparation of vegetable acids vith natural digestants and contains ;he same ji.ices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose will digest nore than 3,000 grains of good food. It is sure to afford promnt relief; it hgests what you eat and is pleasant ;o take. Sold by IVL Wallace, M D. NJSTI ind it's true, too. In the high e competition. But we meet i etition. We need no Clearing NCE. Prioo Paid For a Par. Nv^$ha Founder of Monta Cario. M. Blanc, the founder of the c?. sino at Monte Carlo, was very ec-1 centric. He was never known to play at the table except on one occasion, and then it was a somewhat costly experience. While on a visit to the Wiesbaden casino with Mme. Blanc he was in the habit of accompanying her on a morning stroll each day. During one of these walks madame complained of the heat of the sun and requested her husband to buy her a parasol. Accordingly the two entered a shop, where madame selected a very pretty article, worth 80 francs, which M. Blanc, with a scowl and a muttered grumble, paid. When the ciaind opened at .noon great was the astonishment of the croupiers and visitors to see M. Blanc place 2 Iouis on the red at one of the trente ^;t quarante ta- , blee. The attendants hastened to i get him a chair, but this he de- ] clined, saying he was only going to ( remain a few minotes. When the , cards were dealt he won, and, tafc- i mg up his winnings,, left the orig- 1 mal atake on the tabJe. For a sec- 1 ond time he won and' had now got ( back the price of the umbrella. But,. 1 not conteirt, he ventured another ? i loads, winch this time he lost. Somewhat annoyed at this, the ( tKo nlana ifniiKlod tnp- 1 LlAUiUCl VI VUW wv , stake and wun, thus getting back the cost of the umbrella again. Determined, however, to regain) his 2 louis, he staked it again, only to see it raked) in by the bank. Thus-,, he kept on winning and losing, but * never able to recover the 2 louis,.< till at last he found himself 25 louis < out, all the gold his pocketbook cen- < tained A thousand franc note he i had was quickly changed and swal lowed up. Then, becoming ezas- : perated, he cashed his check for a ! large sum and, sitting down^ commenced the battle in earnests Hour ifter hour passed by, but M.. Blanc, I Kii? orM ? <*? mti th<? fr?i?oherr>iie/ pasteboards, never budged from his < post. ' He kept on planking down heavy stakes until the last deal was declared, when, calmly rising, he seized his yellow cane and m&e hisway through the gaping onlookers into the open air. On. reaching bame he founii Mme. Blanc playing "patience" with apack of cards, the offending parasol being on the table. : "Madame," sarxd the old gentleman, "do you know what that thing has cost me?" "Mais oui, mon- ami. It cost you BO francs." "Madame."- rejoined he, "you aremistaken. I have just paid the bill' ?91,000 francs."?London Mail. Surprising. "Yesterday was my birthday.* "I suppose your husband gate-you a little surprise?" "Oh, yes. He came home before midnight."?Houston Post. IUI (pill 1.1 is swelling and Inflamr the glands al the side ol SlOMV'S LimmeiN used as a gargle and applii foe outside of the throat n the swelling and gives instar v For Croup, Quincy Soi Bronchitis, Asthma, Pail Lungs this liniment is un Sloans Liniment is indispK when travelling because i penetrating,warming, soo healing and antiseptic. Price 25t,5(H6H Dr.Eorl S. Sloon, Boston, Mo f ; " IE LIFE grade line of DRESS G00I it in price and in quality. Th ;-out-Sales as our STOCK IS t When the baby is cross and has veu worried and worn out you will tijd that a little Cascasweet, the well known remedy jqr babies and -children, willjjp^"^ Mttle one in 4 ' dients are printed plainly Isil ti? * tie. Con-1 tains no opiates. 8old Cy W L Wallace, M D. Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of Westly Gamble, deceased, will present the same duly, attested. Persons owing said estate will make payment to 1>b J F Hasfaden, A llA.W A J yuanncu nuiuiimuawi, 2-13-4t Greelyville, S C. _ 4 Title, Mortgage, Bill of Sale, Lir* on O^p, and Lien and Bill of Safe- combined blanks for tale at thieaffce. 2 I3tf Auditor's Notice. I Notice ? hereby gvren that 1 or my agent wilt beat the following places on the dav? bek*v mentioned for the perpoee of Caking tax returns for the y*ar 1908. Returns of all personal property must be-made by parties owning er in possession of same anefc all improvements upon real estate, also sales and purchases of same since last return* must be reported. All male persons between the agdb jf 21 and 6D- years, unless exempted by Aw, are Gable to Poll tax and must make a return of same, at , All persoas liable for tocorae Tax inder Sectien 335, Act of JB97. are required to make returns for same at lime of makiag other returns. > January Kingi tree 1, 2; J, 4, 5. & 6 Greelyville- 7 & 8 Kingstree 9 Salters 10 Kingstree 11 & 13 Gourdins 14 Suttons 15 Trio 16 Harpers 17 Kingstree 18 & 20 Scranton 21 Lake City 22 & 23 W J Singletaay's store 24 Kingstree 25 Cunninghara's store 27 Rhems . 28 Morrisville | 29 Bloomingvate 30 Benson 81 February Kingstree 1 Church . 3 Rome 4 Lambert 5 JohnsonvilLe 6 Vox 7 Leo 8 Kingstree 10 Cades 11 Gowdy's Store ' ' . 12 Mouzons 13 Kings tree 14 to 20 nrlusive. j J B Montgomery, ll-12-tf Auditor Willitmsbarg Co. *i T eopyri?W*^ IN ALL COUNTWCt. 1 Business Sneet with Washing tow saves time, I money ami often the patent. 1 Pitut ad lafik|MiMt Prictlc* bcluilvtly. I Wrtt* occoma tout! Eg us Biikainia. ?a auu?n?at oac.,| _ WAAItlNQTON. P. C. 1 nation of f ftettiroatl4^^? ;duces^3H^9K91 \\ relief .^W/SrlV I reThroaK i in Chesio^fifcroWB surpass ensable iB|lwP thing, / ' - n- f *" ^ OF TF )S, CLOTHING a il SHOES at's why we are REDUCING % TTlfff A "V T n 4 T A T%T T^I INfcW AIN1J SALABLjUJ. | S. M A R I FIRE PROTEC' 5 When once your buildu ? Gibraltar ^ Great protection is afforded i ^ November 23 by it bouse set ^ painted ioside and out with ^ Resisting Materials. Hund > this test of fire. Besides affi ^ owing to its Fire-Resisting q ^ PAINT is more durable thai ^ resists the sun heat and wes ^ made for painting shingles, t PTDDil TIB PA TMT I (JVC (jriunxiu x mi m. iiifti A. ? reasonable in price and more s-A.; : Kingstree . Ha Kingstree Manfactured by South and Hoofing Co.. C | THE V, I OF, "?V y-v y f .* ?A _ M 3 kfutn i^enzui S is doubled if vou spend it a ? Huyler's ( make a most acceptable F 3 Fhonogi ft I handle the EDISON The onl human to ? Remer. ] also carry a complete line c J1 Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, a Jj Novelties. Give me a call al 1L J, STICKLER i ? * t ^ nnn rv T ? ( MNUSIKEI % *?*??****?*?*****? frown | A Thing of Beat !l Bail 15 H A FINE ASSORTMENT 0 E ALSO PLATED WARI H WAT CHINS ?E For Southern, Georgetown E A1 % Consolidated | STEPHEN THO ?| 257 Km STREET, CH ?= MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE iwwiuwwuM'WMWwii !j Away Above I Xewib McGufiy Malt' Primrosi All Guaranteed by U* unde | STRAUSS, PRITZ 8 C ; FOR SALE AT YOUI * . mk\( gi /. ** . ^ c u s 4a ^vvyvvvvvyvyyyyyvvyvvw? 1 HON CHEAP I lgs are painted With 3 Paint. l\ from Fire as tested here ^ on fire that had been ^' these wonderful Fire^ Ireds mere witnesses t m* 5rd?ng greater protectro ' < 1 ualities, GIBRALTA [i any other paint, as ^ > * irs longer. Best thing <1 * Min and iron. Why not ^ W wntn rue resiaung, q duraWe than others? ' 'M irdware Go,j:| ernGibraltarPaint harlcston, 8. C- 5" 4 ALUEf i 4 i ;j rv Dollar ? J t L J. STACKLEY'S. ? ; handles v? j >raconl rvr nn# nf nur 1 I WWftll) VI V * ?V V? VMI M J| ~aph& y kind tbat imitate tbe U r; ice. J nber , .J >f up-to-date Furniture, J ind a select line of JJ t | 1 FURNITURE STORE, g l, s. c. g uty | a Joy Forever. | s and Lockets, Bead 3: , s, Crosses, Brooches, 3 Pins, Barretts and 3 " " 3 J| F STERLING SILVER, 1 ? t/^> purvtif vAI 1 2 E, 1U onw W IUU. ^3 j PECTORS. , 3 1 and Western Railroads, g: J Street Railway. 3 MASS, BRO. I IRLE8T0N, 8. C. 3 PROMPT ATTENTION. | luiuiaiuiuiuiiuuiuiuuuR VffVffVVWWVWVVWlVfWffVfWflWV w ? Everything "I I %5iue 1 Whiskey " e Tom Gin I i r the Pure Food Low I 10., Cincinnati, 0. I 1 l DISPENSARY I M