JUST RECEIVED! A big line ol ladies'solid g*>ld watches and chains, necklaces, diamond rincs. bracelets, stick inns. brooches, waist sets, in fact, everything i:i the Mr iewelrv line Give me a 81 ca1! at Hotel \ an Kemen Ml building. Also, all kinds " of watch repairing done on short notice. * E. A. WATTS, Kingstree, S. C. 3-i9-tf OUR CLUBBING RATES. Ye offer cheav clubbin_: ra^s with a r?u:ni?t-r ??f Tar ::rw?. papers and periodicals. II-;-. ! carefully the following list and Select the one or more that you farcy ami we shall he pleased to send in your order. These rates are of c arse all cash in advance, which means 'hat loth The liECORD nnd the paper ordered must t>e paid for, not I. >. 4, T), 6, t, N 9, 1<>. 11, but TWT- iVE I months ahead. Below :s the "is: of | 9V.T best clubbing offers. The lieconrmud News .v n ourier (-Semi-weeklv,) fl.d'd n . 1 \T L" \ iHK lit'/yiiu ;;ik; ii-jri: ? a : - n (iwicf a mouth. The Ke? okp aud New V > k W ?rli! (3 times a week.) fl.To. The 1?e< okl> and Atlanta Constitution iA r:jk-s a week'- >' v*>. THE KE?.OKJ? am! A'lunta ' V>is > tntion : \v"?-klv ^ .'>0. THE KiO '?K1? and }ir-ya?.*? < :iiccecer. THE h'Ed IIJ) < ??in ; ir :: ' -vi'azin*- f! Th> a;. , V i :np=!_ioM i N w > r--- -y "*liK '? ;:< -AY. i,.r - . . r?> The 1 ?:::? ! r-\ . B rsE Magazine,*1 vear each, > '. X. B. W- .t c:i> . . dui'v pay. "?. 'I'1:- : receive of ]>;t >er ->r J evidence *iiat riiv kjoi -v r*v ?Aiuhas i>erfj rirtie'i ' v >. v V - t." I bo: re*nou?iule lifter 'ha:. THE COUNTY RECORD. Kingstree, S. C. \_Jf3Lv' Kingstree Ledge ' * 2nd and 4thJ\\ edrr?dav nrbts Visiting brethren always v-'xr . 1 fc?ue na.i ..rofiv: , * - i. H. A. M V KK. C". * A. C. Hinds, K !!. i Ilouis 232 & 234 KING ST The House t Tfce Larffsi Whtltsaft aiI \ W0 99 + aic * ? >i. w, ? WE CUT FINE GOOD* I THE SPECI, j v Rci r ? FW Descrthf j#*r waits, ?es4 is ai | Ne^ IOur stocks are now compl< All the newest effects in s Men, Women and Children; line of Notions, etc. Don' small orders as well as lai i IF YOU WAN WHY NOT I Best on the WE SELL THEM?THE WE HANDLE A NUMBEI ARD MAKES, ALSO W LaR ROBES, HORSE Bl all the best on t.L. I i ZE'Zing'strc F\ P (Prickly Ash, Poke Pa MARKS POSITIVE CURES Or AI rw^un mimtm P. T. f. ?? ft plftn6M ftMiktmatlci. ??< pr?? :iv-- n bii>iRe<> princ WE r.\tcnii ; e our attention. Chcs. "l/. Stcll, 10. V. 7t> 7(J. S. V/ex sen, 3-. ?J. -?f. Z/s!ckcley, C. 6 , COHE REET, hat tives vim -'SATIS ietail Mail Orif r H??$t i? (be Saoih. ore to ret It. TRF r$?IFrfte for sa 5 IN DESIRABLE LENGTH* ALTY HOUSE idy-to-Wi * LADIES, rilSSE5, BOYS, #>? Tier, we*H satisfy th. art sai w Fall Dress ete, full to over-flowing "with the ne ilks in Plain, Plaids and Fancies. ; Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Art squ, t forget ours is a large establishm -ge ones. If you know your wants T A BUGGY BUY TI1E ) Market? i TYSON & JONES. .ir-? r-r\ ?*? % I \ I< Uh UintKM -\.\U' AGON'S. HARNESS, LANKETS, CTJ. the market. iomas, b0, 3. 3 I i. ? > P JC ot aad Potaaalav.) jL forms and stagm of | J o a will r.fmia fit tk id4 itNlftA JWaito of r|7 lid all diuii rniHtaf fro* OTortaziaf tbo lyito* art tarod by tb* in of P. P. p. >Udln vhoo* ijitiaian pebeaod aad wbooo blood U in aa iapart ooaditita dot >10 nooiirmal irroyalaritloo art pociliarly boaifltad by tbo weadorfal tea* aad SCROFULA ) ?? B blood cltaeiiaf properties of P. P. P., 0 Prickly A?h, Poke Root aed Petaatia*. ^ Sold by all DrmfgiaU. 9 F. V. LlPPMAN, Proprietor. Savannah, Ga. a -r i e*AA m ? iom 'llianis buret, ?, S. Ccti1 - ^ K?*' -. 4 , ^ , , Cashier, F. Rhcni, V. Fres insistent n:t!i safe and >ouml in Savings Department, payie>s. I-irv/r <>r small it a ill re luteins, ZP S- Scur dir., JZ/cJaddcn, . $?hern, raham. N & O CH FACTIO.V" or vonr * , H'e're after ytnr fcasiftess, aid pies aid pliers, yiu'li receire (1 5, FOR MERCHANT? at \ E OF THE ear GOOl CHILDREN and INFAN rc J#I BfJ. aid If ?#t satisifd. Goods and S ?west of plain and fancy dress j Best of Table and Fancy Linen ires and Curtains; Gloves, Hos ent; we sell as cheap as others , we know how to supply them, I Want More Cotton to Gin. i account of insufticent sup i ply of cotton to keep us run n;n^' every day. bevFrnninif next 1 week, we will confine ourselves ; to trin days. These beirnr Tues- I day. Wednesday. and Friday ' .?r i w l hf eir.nimr nub 1 . 1 lie will "please govern themseivs accordingly. ^? W iiiie the ]>rice -of seey somewhat "ii. yet we anf j ?iyinir more than the present con ditions w'!! v arrant for all the' seed ame : .r the interest | at lictne. T) those v!j?? do not eare to i sel! tin-*r -eo.i * for cash we are' etlVrinc" * -irict'y iii^h crade 'meal in exchnr.ye. < >ur rate of excham;- at the mill is lai'O lbs.' pounds of cotton seed, but owinjr 'to the superior mechanical condition <>f m*ul. it is safe to a* ume that >00 pounds of meal . are the full equivalent to on?* ton j of cotton seed, therefore, '.vhatI ever excess al>>ve sO(> pounds meal tl e farnier vets in exchange for a lor. of^eeu is so mm h clear pro jit toiiiir. in c. .\chan?:ii ^ your >ee? fui'hu- you realize neurit* 100 per cent < ;; the transaction. Vrln^ .< ur ?- d to u> and not . ? i. . i , f* t f f |nil. ' Ul.'lt- .11." ? ! vV. ll-li'.i, iiii'-rif. eAewhere in exi 'iv r .*- en for :n>peotirn >; v i ' > >' ".* ??n ipplicaY.mr^. .Sitth A:L.\nth "' >! m it;! :i I.'.jl. _ i v . -Kin .1! .t i"\> 1?:i<*?* '-.ill "II L. C. .lo.itsomery, :it kV'iii. .iy-M<-ui."iif.-y c r? & /n IflKLtSlUN. b. Li. Xoiiev Back. if low prices for grood Goods kr? by return mail. VHOLESALE PRICES. SOUTH ON | DS | I TS s your *fy e beerfwHy refuroed ilks snoods in Black and Colors, s. Woolen underwear for iery, Ribbons and a full buy, and we want your TRY US. ! Ng N / PUSS IN HISTORY. The Cat Hu Been an Important Porsonage In Many Nation*. Mis? Pus-v rot only boasts an iimcDl history. but as far tank as niMory p>e> rin* i.as boi ri ij iite an niportant jHTsonajre. The Kiryprians reverenced eats. They bad a hospital for -i U kitten", arid such is died w? re embalmed and buried with ninth ceremony. Mourning wa- also worn by the family to ; mhom the Mooted kitten.belonged. I J'hi? mourn in;: was not Mack lot'.i v (.tit shaved evt'inows. Though the Kgyptians do not do J quite -o much in those days, tiicy ! till think a great deal ? course lite Ivr-pban- dared not hurt the-o rats, and tCii!ii:?r one of these < ats had to gi\e for her a sheep or a lamb. Should the eat ehanee to be killed *he was hung up by the tail until her head touched the floor and wheat poured o\er her until the tip of her tail va< covered. All this wheat the thief had to give to the at".- owner. 'I'lie I n:tej States government keeps more than .'100 eat- in the po-toi'Vue department to guard the ma is from rat1- and mice. Re fore th? -e eats were employed valuable lett.-rs \wr? often destroyed. These pu?ies are well led. >'l" a year being a.lov. i | f??r em-h cat's meat. The d;.;?.\ne-e frighten away their mi e and r..t- with china eats. These are made so lifelike that when a candle is placed in-ide the iig ires tlie mice imagine them to be real eat- and run for their lives.? Rrnoklyn Magic. Th; Eid cf the E=-tK The ancient Persians beloved in the renovation ?:* the earjh. A ::?" ! et in tcour-e ? i i:- l'ev< !.i* : will strike the ? ;;. t . sr.d set it t.i he l''" ! w 'II l.r.d ttH'lti ! v lullp *<>f iiiii'C. The evil will f'ii. i t ? i !:rrents of law, but they" will be ptirili'-d ami i\nuy.* will jojr, the y >?! upon the new earth a:.?l - pra <'-? > t ? the eternal > " rce of ..!i. Thi- i.< iief wa* !:'' ] al-o r:;j the American Indian- and the H indues. The Egyptians believid tlit* earth would t?le-trowd 1>V" pre and water. The Chaldeans said that wi.t :i :?i! the plate;* ?t in the dim < f <'anrlenrn the eavtii would he overwhelmed with a delude of water, and whom or they ;!tlx in < ..necr it wo:;!d I"1 consumed !?y !'.r(. 1 No Distinguishing Marks. "Were iht-rc any marks about him bv which la- could I*' ?]*- -< ri 1?? (!:" :i-k< t! titer detective. "Ye-." eager iv replied ; !io father r two ago, a knife with a broken blade, a pistol cartridge that had been fired off. a match, some of the wheels of an old watch, a leather shoestring, a broken key. a bunch of twine, two or three white pebbles. a piece of lead, some buttons from the last bicycle show, a stump of a lead pencil and a hit of red y.l.all. *? V. lie* I A ? And the detective wrote in bis memorandum hook, "No distinguishing marks." How the Lantern Wu InventedKing Alfred the Great is credited with originating the lantern. He was so bothered by the candle flames blowing in the wind that he protected them by putting the candles in cow horns, which he ordered to be scraped thin. Our grandfathers made lanterns by punching holes and slits in properly shaped pieces of tin, which were then soldered together. The light whkh came through the little cuts was always rery dim and flickering. It waa this kind of lantern which the old town watchmen used to caT?y when they went about calling the hours and the weather in rhyme: "Tit mm o' th? ck>ck: TBtSnlfht la past. Mop oa. good friends, the time then hast. For rise y* must at early dawa. Tte eae ' the eloek and Tuesday morn. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION. NO CANDIDATE FOR'PRESIDENT HAS ANYTHING LIKE A MAJORITY. i ' , Washington, .January 0 ?Special:?The Republican national coi?venfi??n, when it nierts in Chicago* ?ni J111R* 1H, will contain 1J80 delt; gates. This* niiniirr was fixed when thf- Reimblican national committee I ? I Diet here in Washington on December 0 atul allotted two delegates to ? leach of the Territories. Kacb State has two delegates for every senator i V' . . " -i ( and representative in congress. I It will take 4tH votes, a majority, to nominate. None of tne candij dates mentioned has ai.vtiiiog api pro* i mating the number of votes I necessary. No delegates have been 'elected or even pledged by the action ^ I of party convention to Secretary William II Tafr, except six from ' Alaska, and this number has been.. cut down to two by action of the national committee. Grave doubts are entertained as to w hether Taft ; will get a majority of the. delegates from Ohio,) his own State. The 5+ | votes of Illinois are committed to I Joseph G Cannon, and m addition j two delegates have been elected and fnr him in the eiahth ."V I Michigan district. However, under i the call of the national committee, l : these two delegates must be elected lover attain. Vice President Charles* \Y Fairbanks will get the* 30 iote5 ?f Indiana, and Senator Lafollette i<''\[>eoted to have Wisconsin's Votes. Gov. Hughes of New York , is far from assured of the 78 votes i of that State. i Senator Philander C Knox, of ' Pennsvlv.iniii, has the rotes of that State pledged to !*i:u bv the -I unaiiinious action of rlie Republican State convention He rlitis has moie real, visible strength than any other candidate. His record in the Roosevelt cabinet and in the senate ha> made h'tn strong in all parts of til- country, ? > t! at there are other > tic 'M *g iri o:is tint consistently 'can he placed t!>!' Irani >er "f tie leg '.tc* support-... ing him. Kr >m tIre th>t the Kno> jieople refrained from any sort of ; yrotechnieai fairies and Shv 1 ? i* it- i. steadv growi n -u :.is strengu? is h-ivuig i more bstan'.ia! impie^' >io:i than thar of .1 :y other candidate. / \V'i-i the ;r"ir?ae'i, h-art, orkidli' \ n-:\es get Weak, then these orC'.H.f alwavs fail. iKita't drug tile fl stomach, nor siiiuu!at\the heart or ^ kidne)That is simply a make. shf'..* '?et a pre>eiiption\ known to li diuggists everywhere as ly Shoop's Restorative. 1 lie Restorative exppssiy fur these ui-iik inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves, huild I hem nj> with l>r Shoop's Restorative? , tablet or liquid?and see how quickly help will come. Free samI pie test sent on request by Dr Shoop, i Racine, Wis. Your health is surely | worth this sample test. 1> C Scott. Beats Cotterr. A farmer named George W Tragic,, who has a place three miles from Wilmington, N.O., this year planted 14 acres in lettuce, under canvas and 11 in the open, from which he reaped a net profit of $12,000. That beats rising cotton. It is verv important and in fact * A 7 " it is absolutely necessary to health that we give relief to the stomach promptly at the first sign9of trouble ? which are belching of gas, nausea, sour stomach, headache, irritability and nervousness. These are warnings that the stomach has been mistreated; it is doing too much work and it is demanding help from you. Take something once in a while; especially after meals; something like Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. It will enable your stomach to do its work pioperlv. Sold by W L Wallace, M. L). For coffins,caskets or undertak ers supplies day or night call on L. J. Stockier, Kingstree, S. C.