The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 12, 1907, Image 3

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I TO REPEAL TIE LIEN LEW. 1 Mr J Dayfs Carter Galls a Meetieg to instruct Representatives. |.? Editor i/ocNTY Record:?New tlr^smok^ h;i< all cleared away and theolive branch hung out, I should like tu couie into your coluuius for p. short talk to the farmers and bu; aiuess men of Williamsburg. , "What I want to say js 'his: In tiew of the fact that labor contract system has been set aside by g th courts and we now have no svsI,tern by which we can control labor, and under the present lien law, 1 [t cau see nothing that the farmer can base hopes on for air thing better in th<0oture, and the farmers ail over % the State are rising in their might and demanding the repeal of said lair, and in order that our senator and members of the he use may know the seutiments of our people,I there: fore call a mass meeting of the farmers and bQsioes8 men of Williamsburg to meet in Kingetree the first Monday in January, at 12 m., for the purpose of discussing these AMAaftinvia iltaf Anp mAmViarfl IU&V ^ucowvxio ? J act iii a'icordance with the wishes of the people. tRespectfullj, J Davis Cabtbe. tjeo> S C, December 4, 1907. finest toffee substitute e#?r dude, has recently been produced by Dr?8hoop of Racine, Wis. Ton don'k hare to boil it twenty oil thirty ? miahtes. "Made in a minute" save the doctor. "Health Coffee"'is realty Mae closest coffee imitatibn ever jet produced. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Health coffee imitation is made from pore toasted cereals or grains, with malt, nuts, 1 etc. Really/ it would fool an exI 'V per|?were jte to unknowingly drink Iit ftr coffee. People's Mercantile Co. BjveBeal- ? ?\ V Mabbied?On Wednesday, November 20,1907, at the home of the bride's father, Mr Thos. K Smith, Blooming vale, S 0. . Miss Estelle E Smith and Mr Charles Oscar Boyd, both *of Williamsburg county. The ceremouy was per. formed by Rev J O Carroway, only a few intimate friends of the con tracting parties being present Death of Mr EN TImobs. m ? Lake City, December 5:?Died d at Rosemary, S C, on Wednesday ' November 20, after a protracted at tack of typhoid fever, Mr E M Tim -a nWiL _? tnona, mine aim year oi am age. He was a quiet, unobtrusiver. man and enjoyed tbe esteem and friendahip of all who knew him. For many years be bad been a professing Christian, and at the time of his death was a member of Spring Gnlly Baptist church. He expreneed himself as willing and ready to die and departed this life with the hope of a better and brighter life beyond. His Pastor. t \ Are you having trouble with your kidneys? There are lots of peopie today who vonler why they have \ pains aoross the Wk, why they are tired and lacking in energy and am' bition. Your kidneys are wrong. Mf- They need relief without delay. Take DeWitt's Kidney acd Bladder Pills; they are for weak back, inflammation of the blatlder, backache and weak kidneys. Sold by W L Wallace, M?D. Notice : - The Standard Talking Machine Co., of Chicago, 111. will not give , . any more Free Talking Machines through S LCourtney <fc Co., Lake City, 8 C, after January 1, 1908. Any person wishing to get a Free Machine will have to bring in coupons to the amount of $25.00 and purchase 3010>inch records between this time and above date. No Machine Contract will be given hearing date other than January 1, 1908. Thanking oar many friends and customers for their past patronage and soliciting same in the future, we beg to remain, Very truly, S L Oourtjtey & Co., 12-12-2t Lake City, S C. Notice to School Trustees. If there are any schools in your dis<a trict not yet opened, please take steps ? to get them running at once. Many of you fi nd difficulty m getting teachers. If you can't get them any other way, > & advertise for them or perhaps I can . help you. Mil J G M ; ullough, ll.&st mSzm flCo. Supt. Ed. "Xi $ " J ' Rhtmatisu. M F Ballantyne & McDonough's: Iron Foundry, Savannah, CJa., says, that he has suffered for years from < Rheumatism, and could get no relief from any source but P P P, which ' cureu him e/itirely. He extols the; properties of P P P on every occasion.! P P P is the greatest known cure for Rheumatism ; it eradicates the disea-e out of the system quickly fnrpver P P P Lipptnan's Great Remedy, i u res Salt liheum, with its itch and ' inrning, Scald Head, Tetter, etc P P P < ores Boils, Pimples, and j all eruptions due to the blood. P P P cures Rheumatism and all j pains in the sides, back and should- j ers. knees, hips, wrists and joints. P P P cures Bl-od Poisou in all its various s'ages, OM Ulcers, Sores and Kidney Complaints. P P P cures Oatarrab, Efczema, Erysipelas, and all skio and blood diseases, aud Mercurial Poisoning. For S&le by all druggists. AGE NO BAR. Everybody in South Caroliua is eligible. Old people stooped with suffering, Middle age, courageously fighting, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable to. explain; All in misery from their kidneys. Onl? * little backache first Com* when you catch * cold. Or when yon strain the back. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders diabetes, Bright's disease. *,. Dean's Kidney Pills cure backache. Cure every form of kidney ills. J W Powell, proprietor of a gen. eral store and ooal. wood and ice dealer of Waferly, living at 2010 Blanding St.. Colombia, S 0, says: My son has been afflicted with kidney and nrinary trouble from childhood, being unable to control the secretions especially when asleep. Sinoe using Doan's Kidney Pills be has entirely recovered." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for th? United States. . ; \ ; * ? Remember the name?Doan's-and take no other. * :?t? Registration Notice. Theofflc? oj the Supervisor of Beg titration will be opened on the first Monday in every month fdr the purpose of the registering of any person who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of thecounty one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to yote four months before the day of electioft, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1895 submitted ' to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. , J. Y. McGILL, Clerk of Board. For BentPlantation at Indiantown containing 250 acres plan table lands, large dwelling and all out houses, artesian well The beet stand for merchandising in the county. Store has been open for business for the past thirty-nine years, also postofflce .Will rent or lease far a number of years to acceptable party. Adaresg P. 0. Box No. 77, Kings tree, S C. 11-14-tf insurance. Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance, 1 Plate Glass Insurance 1 Life Insuran-ce, Health Insurance. I Accident Insurance, j Burglary Insurance. i < We represent only Companies of nnques- I tioned* reliability?and a policy is as good as a gold bend. WeSl ] Bond You.. Af? Cashier, Treasurer or| anyj position * of trust in any of the largest companies in j America, The Williamsburg Insurance & Bonding Agency. OPTICK OVSR L STACKLET'S i 1 STORE, ' Kingftree, S. C. ( ?'l! v - . . ' ; : -u r .. .... T5,v-. Morris Distillir S PE C I ALS I SPECIAL A Special A Holiday 2 qts. Monogram $1 on PpIcp ., 2qts Acorn 100 ; 2 qts. Apple 1 00 Jr < 2 qts Peach. * 1 00 *h III! , 2 qts. Gin 100 U?UU 2 qts Pea?h and Honey 1 OO : 2 qts. Sherry ' 1 00?FRPE f 2 qt>. Rum 1 00?FRE? Total $S 00 "SPECIAL B > Special B Holiday .1 1 qt. Monogram $ 50 3 1 qt. Acorn 50 , a 1 qt. Peach 50 (Mop 1 qt. Apple 5<> mW o 1 qt. din : 50 j 4 qt Rum 50 _ 1 qt. Peach and Honey 50 Wj fill 1 qt. Rock and Qye 5" UtUU I qt Port Wine 50 1 qt. Sherry Wine ? ' 50 1 qt. Madeira Wine 75 , * PlftAlrknwu Winn .VI ? & IfV? UlOVAWil^ Tf IUW <# ? 1 qt. Sucppernong Wine V)?FREE , 1 pt . Champagne 76?FREE 'Total $7 fiO SPECIAL C Special C He,.day2 3 qte. Monogram $1 <50 PrfCC 3 qts. Acorn 1 80 ?? fill 3 qts. Scuppernong 1 50 |1.|||| \ * 3 qts. Sherry 160 _ " i 8 qts. Port 1 SO?FREE * '' ' 8 qts. Ron 1 50?FREE ^ :. ' Total |9 00 ? | SPECUl I Special a IiMay3 2 qts. Monogram 4 #1 00 . PHCt I 2 qts. Acorn ' .4 ( 1 00 l??V is *6.68 i 2 qts Port 1 00-FREE 1 2 qts. Scuppernong 1 00?FREE .. ' v- ?? ' ' si Total 98 00 I l tarnat r hul.1 r S.IU.. 1 < .7 *u'lu 11 ITPINH t a?uw| j i * qts. Port Win? $1 00 Ppira 2 2 qts. Seerry Wise ->.1.00 . 2 : ) 2 qts. Blsclcberrr Wine 1 00 . t Lf HO 2 qts. Madeira wise 1 50 *h l||| ? 2 qts, Scuppemong Wine 1 00 IMIII U 2qtB Claret Wine 1 00 ' 2\jts. Rum 1 00?FREE 1 1 pt Charapasrne 75?FREE Total $8 25 ' } SPECIAL F Special F Holiday , 3 qts. Black Fox - $2 25 " ' W? < 3 qts. ilonogram 1 50 tfl AO 1 3 qts Stirnuf Corn 2 25 f| |||l 3 qts. Acorn 1 50 UsUU y I 4 qts. Scuppernong 2 00 -FREE 2 . 2 qts. Monongahela 1 09?FREE 2 Total $10 50 THE NEW YORK WORLD Supply Compai THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION- T(^n Tflk FI? Buy Town Ti the best. Sold Read Wherever (he En*lt?h Plv Company. Laasvage U Spoken. ? < Tax 1 v The tax books w The Thrice-a-Week World expect* of ***<* * to be a better paper in 1907 than Tax levy as fol ever before. In the* coarse of the ^ ordinary c< yfear the issues for the next great " Roads Presidential campaign wiH be fore- PagtSdebtS shadowed, and everybody will wish A capitation tax, to keep informed.' The Thrice-aWeek World, coming to you every cattle, aheep, goati other day, serves all the purposes of head* a daily, and is far cheaper. mills for retiring 1 The news eerrice of this paper "rcButtaTfci constantly being increased, and it Levy for gpoci&l reports fully, accurately and prompt- 94 26 2 ly every event of importance any- 44 * 19.' 20,' 21' 2: where in the world. Moreover, its J| political news is impartial, giving 14 28 yon facts, not opinions and wishes, &tthe f0 [t has fnll markets, splendid car- tionrd below for col toons and interesting fiction by Hebron standard authors. Kings tree The Thrice-a-Week World's rejular subscription price is only Sutton jl.00 per ye^r, and this pays for 156 n^ers papeis, We offer this uneqoalled newspaper and The COUNTY Rec- Bloom in gvile' 3RD together for one year for $1.75 Morrisville The regular subscription price of Kennedy's 8tore the two papers is $2.00. Church Rome Lamberts r 8. B. Boston's ston a U E. p. Prober's stoi Notice is hereby given that at a Leo meeting of the Directors of the fS1-Citv Kingstree Hardware Co., a meeting >f the Stockholders of the Kings- Kingstree tree Hardware Co. called, to be Lake City beld at their office in the town of Kings tree, S U, on Dec. 16th, 1907, ukfSty ?t 4 p. m., for the pnrpoee of 8p. Kingstree plying for an amendment to oharter Lake City HBWk fif" ^ fr?m ^TSho.ta.ire ?6,000 to $lo,000. through the mail ^ J W Kino, ) ten by dropping th "Wilkins, Director,. W H Carr. J also stating tha tov ' lF21-4t (if property is swim ana If possible giro i ssdSS X B3?tC3C. x Special shapes made to order. Corrp- be avoided, pondenoe solicited before placing year ' wtfrM i orders, W. B. FUNK, 9-1$ tf jSbJH < . ' f ! , * \ ig Company, Wilin - o R_. THE SPECIAL G Special G Hcliday qt Madeira a 7* p^, 0 ! qts. (Corncob 2 50 1TICB : qts. Garrett's Champagne 4 00 fin flfl a qts. Scuppernong 15" lUiUU 9 ! qts. >herry Wine 1 5" % k _A._ ?1! a 1 PA Z ;qiB. inree iar num i-ou lo IqtP. (. iarer Wine 1^50?FREE To al *13 25 "u&KLTTSpecial H Holiday ! pt8. Chamgagne 12 00 p , ! qts. sT.erry 2 25 rribc ! qts. Claret 2 25 .|A?nn l I qts. Scuppernong 2 25 fill IIII qts. Square Deal Rye 2 00 lUiUU qts. Tnree Star Rum 1 50 i qts. Blackberry 1 5"?FREE Total $13 75 i, SPECIAL J , Special J Bandar I. qts. Black Fox 1 50 d-j-? 2 ! qts. Apple 1 50 rTICG 11 qts. Peach 1 50 1 qts Cognac 4 00 HO flfl , qt. Rum 1 00 lfatUU qt. ( hampagne 2 00 qts: Sherry 1 50 qts Blackberry Wine 1 00?FREE qts Scuppernong. _1_00?FREE Total $15 00 9 SPECIAL! Special K BiliAay 2 qts. square Deal $2 00 Men qts. Mirnai oorn i ou ~ 2 qts. champange 4 00 tgft AA ig '13.00 ? qts. Scuppernong 190 ; 4 qts. Blackberry 2 8S?FREE 2, Total . gT5 ' iricuii *' qt Three Feathers . |2 00 qt Garrett's Champtgne 2 00*P?!11 L __ qt. Dragon Blood Champagne. 1 60 MCi qt Canadian Club 1 60 qt Black and White 1 90 : tf g AA 2 qt. Ivy < rown 1 26 fli f|[| 2 ? ISSMS? .18 ,4,uu ?. qts. Cognac ? ,-4 00 {l 1 qts. Scuppernong , 1 00?F REE 2 < > :<. T6UI -116 75 " ~ SPECIALI 1 qt Gold Seal tl 90 v &&??7* 1 oo>petltll Holiday qt. Paul .lones 1 00 _ qt Lvndale, Bottled PrlC8 m Bond 1 00 nf non<?ft'ft Cham- '? r&wm 2W '|4,fl0 | Champagne (Red) 1 oO I~#UU 4 qt. Three Star Rum 1 00 > > . 1 ! qts. Sherry . 2 00 qts. Port 2 00 2 qt. Cognac 2 00-?FREE * Total *16 35 it r 5 7" - ^ If 1 at The Farmers fM?W ly's?fresh car of a ur. ll-28-4t ! AtVGV ilk Flour and get j by Farmers Sup- I gm 11-28-41 I TAHaa m i. open -tor col-jl b 15th day of^fctobeM I SriM I McGuffy 00. I "I Prii less rds 1 " ' of (100 on all male AM Caarant le ages of 21 and 80 , 10 mills levy on all E CTD 1 rTOO pr 1 and hogs in Andar^ S ijllVilUljOy III ?enn townships-also] on all dogs ; also 2 H FOR SA1 Kinds in | Kings tree 1' . . ? listrict No. 16. .>2OTHHBBHE?!^M2HRas ad > Tax (2.00 1 school districts as _ 7 and 28 4 mills 2 and 25 2 11 *7^ \ ' ll " All the latest, newe: SS&ftSSS are fully brought ou November Brand of dot] 2-4 YOU have a most I invitation to cotne in \l spect our stock. til's Store 18 i , 14 I have been he i6 enough for you to kn iq T 4A r?r?4 micrflnrPQP ^ X UU IIUl lllliliv}/iv?rv 21 thing I sell. 9 t 22 re 23 26-27 I handle the well 29-80 n?u. itouici n npam uawuuci Ul\ni i 2 I of clothing. When " '{J chaser is difficult to n-ia-13-14-19 the ..Shjeld Brand.. his wants>*15 1 carry' nous beautiful patte &0tS??^?2?5* styles; thel desires of ItoSiS.'thS^?) customers are carefu sidered in the make ar &S jTt of this line. [ of your property ia about it at once. m ? ? a aboT* suggestions I . M additional coet may ^ fJWaaijrr Ooor, . ! ? Co. Treasurer. L Ml* ;?<?.*> i I" : . - -^.<4 ilngton, N. G. HOLIDAYS. SPECIAL 0. Special 0 Hal! toy 1 qts. Canadian < lub $ I 0 > . Pf |C0 * qf Dragon 111( od I'bampagne : 50 SJC ftfl qts. Imported Sherry 4 00 vlueUU qts. California Port 1 ->0 qts. Paul Jones 2 00 ____ , a qts Imported Claret 2 00" qt Mum's Ex Dry 3 .10?^hEE 4t. Mums Sx. Dry $3 50 SpCClSl P Holiday qt. Three r'eatheis 2 00 qt Hunters Rye 1 50 * PrfC0 qt. Gjeen Brier, Bot- -v .... 19 (led iu Bond 1 50 . . - '^^9 qt. T' ree Star Rum 100 fin flfl qts. Imported Sherry 2 00 f a(||| qts. California Port I 50 pts Blackberry Jordial 2 00 qi. Cognac 2 00?FREE nf Ccurarf's PViom. pagne t -2 00?FREE Total $19 00 SPECIAL I qta. Lyndale, Bottled SptCtti I iMf in Bond 2 00 qta. White Kilb Bottled in Bond 9 89 Mm qta. Jesse Moore, Hot- fe |gfl tied in Bond 9 60 qta. Old Charter. Bot* u\ , 4ta.MlUMlEt.DiT TOO $||,f? '.J fc.>tm qta. Green Brier, Bot* tied in Bond 8 00?FREE Total $91 80 SRCUM qt . Kama Ex. Dry $7 qta. White Seal Champagne 7 00 "* qta. Garrett'a Cham- ?; * ' JSflliree Fethers 4 00 f95fHI qta. Imported Sherry 2 00 fcU??Q qta. Black and White 8 00 qt. Dragon Blood Champagne 1 50?FREE Total $28 50 enrrm f * n.:u._ V.. - ? via at HfUL 1 epcbiai i nuituaj ^ ^ qts Mams Ex. Dry $14 00 PrfC? qts. Three Feathers 8 00 Cnc (1(1 qts Gardan's Sherry 4 00 ?Q,(JH qt- Dragon Blood Champagne 190?FREE 1 V qts. Blackberry Wine 1 50- -FREE Total $*$ 00 Above Everything J ^66Stye ] inaii nmsRey i mrose Tom Grin I ted by Ua under the Part Food Lclu i 11TZ S CO., Cincinnati, 0. I LE AT YOUR DISPENSARY 1 EC I A VV^A*VIB >,k'illH^Sf^V lALD^ELL, AKE CITY, S. C.