The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 05, 1907, Image 4

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?hc Ceuntti fUrori KINGSTREE. S. C C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS SUBS :R IFTIO RATES: One copy, one year, ? ? ? $1.00 One e??nv. six months. ? ? - .5J One copy, th ee months. ? ? .25 Subscription payable ii idvance. OBITUARIES. Obituary notices will be published free up to lOu words, except poerry. ^ All obituary poetry will be charged for at the rate or one cent a word. When obituaries are extended beyond llX) words count the words and enclose money or stamps to make up the difference. Remembek, we publish free only one hundred words obituaries, tributes of Respect Resolutions, etc.-, free. Also, onhr one obituary of the same person will be published free. This does not apply to news notices of deaths sent as as news. This notice will be strictly adhered to. THUR8DAY, DEC. 5.1907. CUES CIM1CLES. tars litis tf iiterestu ion m Enfrm Cades, December 8:? We heard a strange noise from towards Salem a few days ago and by investigating learned it was only horns blowing and bells ringing from our neighbor town, Lake City?*pur np, boys, Lake City must be on a boom! Some very badly needed work is being done in town by oar hustling intendant, Mr W E Nesmith. The old corner lot, formerly owned bv Mr B H Sauls, was - -w- purchased a few days ago by JCr ? H Cars tea, a tbri?ing young merchant of this place. I Mr Carsteu will in January erect a large btore on a portion of aaid lot and will be situated on the corner of Railroad avenue , Main street Parties in town should be very'careful how they send up fire-works, especially balloons, as there came near being a sen* ? ous loss by fire as a result of last Saturday njghfs proceed\ ings. Mr C 0 Carsteu has1 lately purchased the property of Robt ? ? i j i_ Springs near nere? iana. sxock, forage, corn and everything in general. Cades is booming right along with her sister towns. Mr R E Tarte is very ill with rheumatism at present. Mr H J Brown has a very fine field of trucking cabbage. 4 Miss Minnie Moore of Moore's X Roads spent several days with her brother, Dr J C Moore, last week. Mr W A Creech, formerly station.agent at this place, has resigned and moved to Hartsville. 1 n t -lira iUl <J *J iUVWf ecu Wi UUUV City was in town Monday with his familiar tune, "Buy your Xmas fruits from Wellbrook Bros." Rev J A White, the Methodist minister at this place, has been removed to Spartanburg county. Bev R J Bryan succeeds him in his pastoral work. Mr B B Smith of Kingstree was noted in town Tuesday. . Watchman. , ^ , - V. 9. V. Election At the regular meeting of the Woodmen of the World, Kingstree Camp No. 27, held December 2,1907, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: - t \ Con. Coml, Philip H Stoll. Ad. Lieut/, R B Smith. I Banker, E B Hallman. Past Con. Com, J Z McDonnell. Clerk, P P Bethea. V Escort, Thos. McCutchen. Watchman, S C Anderson. Sentry, Sol Peres. Manager, R D Mills. DeWitt's C'arbolized Witch Hazel Sal ve?don't forget, the naipe,^ aa4 accept no jnbefcitutejt Gdfc De Wlfct'a. If good -~*8dl$ ? by4 W L 3?^W^ . "'*- * '"' V - -V1 *\V. *. v ' K,?\ ' ! i- ' V f &ft V * DEATH OF NR. W. S MOORE. Popular Young Tobacco Bnyer Passes Away Suddenly. Lake Citt, December 3:?Mr. ; William fc>. Moore died at his home on Acline avenue on Wednesday night, the 27ih iustant, of a complication of liver, kidney and stomach troubles. He had been failing quite a while?in fact, he was in bad health when he moved here ! some eight years ago, but kept at tending to his duties right regularly until only a short while ago. Wheu the Lake City tobacco market was opened Mr. Moore came here from Sooth Boston, Va. as a buyer and becoming pleased with the town and the business decided to make bis home with us In 1904, he married Mtas Hallie L. Rollins, the youngest daughter of the late Mr. R. D. Rollins. ?She>. survives him, as well as his mother, one brother and two sisters, who live at the old Virginia home, where his body was laid in its narrow bed on Friday. The remains were accompanied by Mrs. Moore and Messrs. H. V. Epps and J. C. McElveeo. Mr. Moore was intelligent, warmhearted, upright and' energetic and made a friend of every one he met It it absolutely noexggeration to say thai he was heartily liked by the mire community tod there is no < qnestion that he will be sorely mm , ed. W.LR , \ I c Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed oat free, on request, by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people-^- < without a penny's cost?the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop'8 Qsurrh Remedy. Sold by D 0 Scott Rev Umtomuti ?*C L Railway?Low Excursion Rates. L J Stackley?Candies, Phonographs and Furniture. J Germofert Mfg Co, CharlesO fl 1 iunro und Cartni. IUU) W V A VI WilC^iO ItUVk WAlUtcides. Morris Distilling- Co, ? Wilmington, N C?Specials for Holidays. Dr B H Drake?Eye Specialist. B W McElveen & Co, Cades, 8 C?Currants, Citron and Baisins for Christmas Cakes. ^ A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr Shoop . tells mothers everywhere to give it J without hesitation, even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lunghealing mountainous shrub, furuish the curative properties to Dr Sboop's Cough Cure. It calmB the ooagh, and heals the sore and seusitive 1 ?~ 1 Va nninnq UrUUV/LLiai uuruiuiautp, i> v Vjituu., no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or surpress.Simply a resinous plant> extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Dr uses, "The Sacred Herb." Alwavs demaud Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. D C Scott. For coffins,caskets or nnderta kers | supplies day or night call on L. J. Stack ley, Kingstree, S. C. Now is the time to select your Christmas presents from that large assortment of holiday goods at Dr WV Brockinton's drug store. l2-5-2t Notice. Pursuant to statute the County Board of Commissioners will hold their annual meeting on Thursday after the first Monday in January, 1908, and notice is hereby given to all persons holding demands of any kind against the county, not previously presented to 1 1 1 CI. ti? ? ? txje jouaru, w mc uic oaiuc mui uic Clerk on or before the first day of January, so that they may be examined and ordered to be paid at the annual meeting; and it is the duty of all persons holding such claims not paid to deposit them with theCierk of the Board as required in this notice. S. J. SlNGLETARY, County Supervisor. 12-5-4t. Services rendered fcday or night if you need coffins, caskets or anything in. tfe$ way .ofgandertakers' supplies. ?i. ?L Stack ley's Furniture ' Store. \ r"v *. . , i' r,A v" ' s. Efangeiistio Meetings. Rev R G McLees, Synod's ] Evangelist, will begin a series i of services at Union church,near < Salters Station, on Mondav, De cember 9, at 7:30 o'clock in the j evening". Attei Monday there < will be two services each day. The hours will be definitely fixed by the Evangelist at the first service. Ever3?body is invited to attend. E E Eryin, Pastor. > ? There is something about Kennedy's Cough Syrup that makes it different from otbirs, as it causes a free yet gentle action of the boyels thiough which the cold is forced out of the system. At the same \ time it heals irritation and allays , inflammation of tlje throat and lungs, ft 14 pleasant to' take. Children like it. Contains no opiates, nor narcotics. Sold by W L Wallaoe m ix ' ... ByneueaL Married?-At 7 pm, Sunday, December 1, at the home of Mr J Z McConnell,Kingstree,S o,Mr Samuel L Thompson and Miss ' Ellen C Duke, both of Williamsburg county. Only a few inti- 1 mate friends of the parties were present The ceremony was conducted by Rev E E Ervin. .. Nice lot all wool blankets at cost, ?3.00 and up at People's Mercantile i 0o*s.> ' urnti VJ ATLANTIC 0 Account Christi ? ~ Round Trip T? December 20-21-22-23-24-2 Pinal return limi bor further information commui ^writi W. J. CRA1Q, Passenger Traffic Manager. WILMING1 111 *11111 |jj|f/P^ym&f*/7!^^ UflH^9H^B^^r/^#r]^Srcy/ y // wiiniMiini uood ol | Mmmm Purity and cleanliness are watchwords in the making of GOOD OLD > GUCF ? NHEIMER RYE. "Bottled in Bond" The human hand never comes in contact with Good Old Guckenheimer from the time the grain leaves the car to the time the bottle is opened. Purity, mellowness ami flavor have, made it the whiskey beloved of connoisseurs "Since 1857" A. Goekeabehoer ft Bros* Distillers i * Ptttsbarg, Pfc llMIIMHWIIMNIMIIIN Thousands of men and women in ill walks of life are suffering from kidney and bladder troubles. Don't neglect your kidneys. Delays are Jangerous. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills afford quick relief fpr ill forms of kidney and blacraer trouble. A week a treatment 25c. Sold by W L Wallace, M D. CURRANTS, CITRON AND StEOED RAISINS FOR Ifnnr fhrSoimao ..Palo I UU> Ulll IOIIIIUO UUMj ALL NEW AT . >i:\ >r ' Zades, ? 5. C. nil TA OAST LINE I mas Holidays. * \ > :kcts on Sale. and January 1st. ] t. January 6th. licate with nearest Agent or A i T.C.WHITE, i / ?Gener?! Passenger Agent. OJV, N. C. | 19 I \ r^i. i i n i .1 f A-\ ... ; > . : ^ ry mugi.|i.aag?yaesgi @.?::@:@:@:?:?:?@:?:?:@ i Th I Daylight @ jgj The largest stock of fall goods we (g) rived and all and everybody is' co g\ and examine all good3. Exclusi Over shoes for men,' the bes @ Browns' Shoes for m igj None better. $1,000.00 worth < quality and make. $1,000.00 worth ? pants; Shield's Hats for men and boyj jgj $2.00 and $3.00.The best line of Dry Go? v Goods, Laces, Ribbons and Notions. * v? of.merchandise bought from our sto .? '' " | Stackley's Ca i Organized 1903.' , Bank of Lai -> Lake Citjr, S Capital Stock $2 * Surplus - i SAVINGS DEPAH Interest allowed at the rate of 4 perce ^quarterly: July, October, Januar OFFICERS | A. H. Williams, Pres., X. W. J. Singletary, Vice Pres., D. W. L. Baas, Att* DIRECTOR A. H. Williams, W. J. Singlet W. T. A skins, J. B. DuRant, Henry P. Willia We are prepared to afford yea every i and balance just SHING1 1'SOLID CARLO BLIZZARD HARI LAKE CITY, No. l Ail Heart ? $oper u. no. per M. Iw. 3 A very good shii I CARLOAD Come to ns, we can save you mom grade Lime $1.25 a barrel. One carload of Pittsburgh Perfect ] before placing your order. SEW life MACHINES?A high g to please, $20.00. BLIZZARD HAR LAKE CITY,! fJUST RE S Another L,ai | FAVORITE R | Any Kind oi | Stove you J All these bought before the ach J / according ^ HEADQUARTERS FOR | T X I ; . - * If Building- Material, Sash, Door3, Li jj | Gofflos and Caskets. Piai S AGENCY NEW HOME Of f b ... . YOtJRS TO PL ? KINOSTREE HARDWA ' MP'*.. 1, Vtw-* ... .J; \ ., v. == .?:?:@@:?::?:?@:<& @ ^tnrp I have ever carried has ar- jgJ rdially invited to call . 1?; ve agents for Walk- ^g) it on the market;- ' ten and women (?) of men's pants, best ' ? of boys' suits and single ^ >\ all styles and cotors-fcrfces id?, Milliniry {foods, Fancv^? We gnarantete every piece ^ re. ? ^ J? +' ' ?v' *- 4ih"~ sii-ijtore. - 2 c r O 3* ^ * v - V if.. .-j ?*',?? '-''j *.* r i in i i^I t ? ; ? ? TleOldlWiabl^^I re uny * 1 : f* % ' 0,000. WJ00TMENT. nt. per annum, payable ' y and April. W. Yates, Cashier, E. Motley, Aset. Cashier, wney. iry, J. A. Green, J. C. Lynch, acilify which your holiness LES! AD FOR I )WARE CO., **? m X a Good Shingle at 14.25 lgle at 18.00 per M. Line ' ,i t, / ''.J ey and give the highest Fence just arrived. See as * frade machine, guaranteed 7 DWARE CO. CEIVEDl g-e L,ot of ft MB. ' I..I w ^ f Cooking ? M Desire. , * /ance and we will sell ft 4NYTI1NS I?1 iRE, I ale, Paints, Oils, Glass. [f iws ond Organs. .f SEWING MACHINE. $ /fi ?A8E, # I COMPANY. | Jtk