The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 21, 1907, Image 5

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V TIE NEWS AT CADET. Death of Mrs. Tarte?Other News of Interest. Alrs.S J Tarte died suddenly with j paralysis at this ju'ace Wedne-dayJ night. She was well-known here' ??.,1 u-jS., >.,,1)1.2 1:1,]\ ill,)'] r ' OUU tio <4 ? ( ? |'*vuw ?%% * ? , _ years of age. She 1-aves out* son, | Mr. K. K. Tarte, ami one daughter, Mrs. Annie Toni'msm. an I many' friends to morn h-r l-*ss. The remains were taken te Bethel, Florence conntv, for invnuent Thursday afternoon. Mr. J. Sauls is Ik-re fiom the Jamestown esj>,-:*i wik-re in- has been for several months. Dr. and Mis. <?. eg-n y f rom Packs \Ville, S. (J., were in town Friday. Mrs. J. li. Keaws, accompanied by an aunt and sister of Mr. Keaws, j returned from Wilmington a few days ago. Regular services were conducted by tbe pastor, Rev. T. J. Rooke, at the Baptist church Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. J. A. White preached his farewell sermon at tnis place sunday afternoon. The many friends of Mr. White and his family are sorry to part with them. Mr. J.C. McElveen of Lake City, representing the well-known fruit firm Well brock Bros, of Charleston, was in town Monday talking to bi6 people's interest Mr. H. J. Williamson west to Hartsville Saturday on business Mr. R. A. Cottingbam of Salem made a pleasant call in town Sunday afternoon The Cades correspondent aud '"POSSUM" are not friendly, bii* onr editor must not be behind our correspondent at Lake City, Hunt up, boys, we have a few days before Thanksgiving. Watchmak. / The Tired Feells* is cured by Lippman's Great Remedy, it also cures Neuralgia aud Violent Headache. It feeds the nerves makes the blood rich and the patient strong. If you would be well and happy u?e P P P, Lippman's Great Bemedv. Sold by all druggists. J MAGAZINE I ~| READERS M IUIIR XiUZIR \ be*ubhtlKiil?Mimted.|oed aorici #- rA tad arbclt* about CaEUnia aad "'5? all the Far W?L COXXA CBATT derated auchraoaA to tb? artube xpfadaokN ml the hot $1.00 wmrkmi pfoimiooil | I BOAT OV A 1W0UIABD WOVDKBB boak oI 75 pn?. containing 120 calorad photograp^ ml Jq 75 pKimrnffm fto CaWerua Tool . . . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 Addrw all mrden to SUBSET KAGAZIVE NoticeCommencing on the first da y of December I will offer my stock of Dry goods, Notions. Clothing, etc.,at cost. Come and oe convinced. Yours for business, J Davis Cartkr. ll-2l-2t Le??, S 0. y" Sheriffs Sale. state of South Carolina, County of Williamsburg Court of Common Pleas. A. M. Gibbes, Plaintiff vs L. B. Roper, et al, Defendants Pursuant to the Decree ?>f the Court rende/ed in the above -ase on October 21st. r.? ? *?. I will offer for sale to the highe-t bidde before tin* Court H ) is e door between the legal hours > ? sale on the 2nd day of December, PJ"7. the fol lowing deseribed real estate. to-?it: .\11 that certain tract of land Ivinsr situated and being in the said County of Williamsburg. cnt oning seventeen hundred and three (IP'.", acr s more les?, bou ded on tie North by lands of Mr> Pates, -'ohn D Sinpletary and the .lohnsonvill- road: on the "-oath and West by 1 inds of Me' utohen. hir.ds late of < 'ooper. lands laf * t' William 'iraham and lands >1 .loan i >. Singletary. and on theEa-t hy lands no.v or late of J. Headiey Drown, being the interest of W. Drown and Mmu-t' A Drown in the tractof land partitioned among tlie children of W. i. Brown, in the case of W. C. Brown and others versus J Headiey Brown and others, except t'onr hnndred and eighty-three acres thereof which were conveyed by the -aid NeedhamT. Pittman to John 1>. Singletary. ALSO. All that certain tra< t of land situ ite lying and being in the same County, containing six hundred acres more or le-s, bounded on the North by land> of late John D. Singletaiy, S'O McCown and W J Brown, South by lands of Mrs A J Daniel.- and Joe Cooper. East by lands of Joe C??oper, and lands late of Jno D sincletary and West by lands late of W J Brown. Terms of sale one third cash, balance in two equal instalments payable in one and two years respectively, secured by bond a?'?l mortgage of purchaser, wVin must rav for miners. (7KORGZ J TiUaHaM, S W C. 11?14?4t For ecloeure 8ale. Srate or South C arolina t ounty of Williamsburg < our; of Comon Pleas Lather A Riser Plantiff Against Rosa T Fulton, Lizzie M Fulton,Tyson I Fu.t 'ii, Annie W Fulton and Samuel P Fulton. Defendant". Pursua aX * "> an order issied out of the Court of Common Pleas in the above stated rase, dated October 10, 1007, iwi:l sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the first1 M ondae i> December. 190" (being the 2nd day of Che month) before the courts boose hoor in Kingstree during the! usual L&u?sof sale the following tract, of land hcrwit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract j of land lying being and situate in the countyWilliamsburg S ate of South] Caretiaa. containing ninety (90) acres ] more <tr less, and known in the dfrkien of the estate of the late R W Fulton, I ?r.. as lot No 3, and bounded on the brtk by lot No 1, allotted to J D Fulton; on the Fast by lands of Scipio Pendergrass; South by lot Noj allotted to B P Pulton and on t&e west oy a strip of land twenty feet w ide. reserved lor a publi-' road This being the tract of land allotted to the said Samuel Fulton in the division of the estate of ? W Fulton, Sr as will more fully appear by record and plat in the office of the Clerk of the . ourt in judgment book at page 112, including the four acres the said Samuel F ulton nfeided OL Purchaser to pay for papers H O Britton. C C C P, Williamsburg county. jErfrto* hew to oMaUpaUo*. trade ?rk*B Ortkma, IN ALL COUNTRIES. H JMwtf Or tit with Washington nozx* Sme,U money nnd often ike patent. B htaat ?*4 bifdnpoMt Pnctict IxdwWy. Wrttaereooatouaal S Ml UMa iti?t. ?ff. VlIM IWa MMI Oae*.B _ WASHINQTOU. P. C. J Reward! Under ani by'virtue of and order of the Town Council of K ingstree a reward of |25.00 is ihereby offered for the apprehension and co nviction of the party or parties who destroyed the street lamps on the night of November the IStli. j r> gilland, Clerk & Treas. 11-21 tf for old peop rom rheumatism,s neuralgia,sciatic H Sloaa> | gives quiet L through the K \ inflammal T Trespass NoticeAll persons are hereby warned against hunting, fishing, or in any manner otherwise trespassing or entering upon j the lands of the under-igned in Wil1 liamsburg county. Any person trespass' ing upon said lands will be dealt with according to law. \V. J. SlXGLETARY. Single, S. C. 1 l-14-3t. ^ ^ ^ Trespass NoticeAll persons an- !;erc!<y warned against hunting, lisiiing. allowing stock to run at large, or in any wi?e trespassing on lands owned and controlled l?y us. R. ' Xesmith, 1;. L N'e-mith, Wm. Mcf 'uHough. i . i i I IW m&W I S>|-? berwe ; Norths Florida A passenger servic arid comfort,equipped Dinine. Sleeping and For rates, schedule tion, write to | WM. J Oct S P E i 1 handle the well known "SHIELD BRAND" of clothing. When a purchaser is difficult to please, the "Shield Brand" will fill his wants, as 1 carry it in various beautiful patterns and styles; the! desires of critical orfi rarpfnllv rnn sidered in the make and styles of this line. All the latest, newest points are fully brought out in the 'Shield Brand of clothing. YOU have a most cordial invitation to come in and inspect our stock. I have been here long enough for you to know that I do not misrepresent anything I sell. L L. CA LAKE CI I tie who suffe .riff joints,gouUui :a and paralysis JsLiivinve c relief. # If f nerves and tissue Hon and congestion d and gives a plea: ution oLcomfort < ;eds /^Avery lift PRICE 25< yff \ jy Dr.Eorl S.SIo WHENEVER You Have Any KIND OF BUSINESS In ei1 Estate See 8T0LL BROTHERS, Kingstree, - - S. C. Mil?Will iT^.X-aaflBOM UGH FARE, c fl^flvel en tfce? nd-South i?Cuba. e unexcelled for luxury with the latest Pullman Thorough fare Cars, i, maps or any informs* . CRAIG. Powtqfrr A pent, 1 V/ilmington. N. C. DIAL &Sh?etdj LDWELL, ITY, S. C. iivij jenetrates | s,relieves the I .quickens I 5onl- Hnglinq I M . _ ll I ina warmrn. i le rubbinq. I dealers I c50' 5k. $1.00 I on,Boston Moss f HERE to stay^ With Prices Hammered down. TWO CARS FLOUR,-ANY GRADE. C ONE HUNDRED SACKS COFFEE ANY GRADE. FOUR HUNDRED SACKS RICE ANY GRADE. IT ONE HUNDRED BOXES CRACKERS. Jl Big Assortment Can Goods to Move Cheap for Cash, Yours to please, WT Wilkins, KINQSTREE, S. C. I GET BUSY! \ EE Why We Are Always Busy. 3 fi . We do not want it all, out must nave OUR share. ^ H FIXE STOCK STERLING SILVER OX HAND. 3 EE Tea Setts, Pitchers, Cups, Spoons, Forks, Berry Spoons, 2 g Soup Ladles, Ice Tongs, Sugar Spoons, Butter 2 j? Knives, Beautitul Assortment in Chest and Cases. 2 % H WATCH IN8FECTOR8 FOR 3 gr Southern, Georgetown and Western Railroad and Consolidated 1 S- THOMAS A BRO. | P 257 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. =5 , II Mail Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention, if fimmmmmmmmim COTTOI IS mil -AND TIE PRINCE RECENT 18TOBACCO. There will be a number of subjects of both in Lake City this^ Fall and we are ready to serve them. In anticipation of tt^e,. splendid crop prospect we are repairing our warehouse so as to , enlarge our floor space, and rather than remove the stock of O.K._ Queen Stoves and Ranges frcp: warehouse Jwe have (reduce^ th^ price ' / ^ SO 2?ex CerLtL We have just received a carload of Wire Fence, which is offered at a low price. Remember we are headquarters for Benjamin Moore & Co's Paint. Also, we offer exceptional values in Cutlery and Razors. The Robeson Razor can't be beat. We appreciate our friends' patronage and will try to merit their continued confidence. Lake City Hardware Co., LAKE CITY, S. C One Quart Absolutely Free! SNAP 1. ! SNAP 18. 4 Qts. Acorn Corn $2 00J j 20 Bottles Schlitz Beer $2 50 1 Qt. Rye Free. ; SNAP 14. SNAP 2. i 20 Bottles either Port, Cherry 4 Qts. Surnuf Corn 3 00 or Blackberry $3 75 1 Qt. Rye Free. SNAP 15. SNAP 3. 6 Qts. Scuppernong Wine $2 35 4 Qts. Hygrade Corn 4 00 SNAP 16. | 1 Qt. Rye Free 6;Qts. Blackberry $2 35 SNAP 4. SNAP 17. 4 Qts. Corncob Corn $5 Od g Qts port or cherry $2 75 1 Qt. Imported Claret Wine Free SNAP 18 SNAP 5. | .">JQts.|Rock and Rye or 4 Qts. Eagle Gin 00 Peach and Honey #2 00 1 Qt. Rye Free. J SNAP 19. SNAP 6. 14,Qts. Apple Brandy $2 00 12 Mixed Qts. Wine $o 00 1 Qt. Blackberry Free, UQt- Rye Free. , SNAP 20. biNAr t. 4 Qts. Peach brandy W W Qts. Monogram Rye $2 00 1 Qt. blackberry Free. 1 Qt. Rye Free. SNAp 21 SNAP 8. 4 Qts. Malt $4 00 4 Qts. Black Fox Rye $;3 00 1 Qt. blackberry Free. 1 Qt. Rye Free. SNAP t'2. SNAP 0. 4 Qts. Lynndale, Bottled 4 Qts. Square Deal Rye $4 00 in Bond $4.00 1 Qt. Imported Claret Wine Free. 1 Qt. Blackberry Free. _ _ SNAP23. 4 .Qts. uoid ^eai Kye w 4 Qts. White Mills, Bottled 1 JQt. Imported Claret "Wine Free. in Bond $5 00 SNAP 11. ^ 1 Qt. Blackberry Free. 5 Qts.,Cream of Kentucky $5 00 SNAP 24. SNAP 12. 4 Qts. Ivy Crown Rye 84 50 20 Bottles Pale Export Beer $1 50 1 Qt. Blackberry Free. MORRIS DISTILLING CO. P. 0. Box 243. Wilmington, N. C* DEAL WHERE TOZ GET A SQUARE DEAL.