NO DECISION ! k ARRIVED AT YET. f "NEH TRAIN' FROM LANE TO r FLORENCE AliAIN DISCUSSED BEEGRE R. R. COMMISSION. Columbia, November 8:?There was auother hearing in the oflice of. tiw railroad commission to-day in * regard to the Atlantic Coast Line's! i schedules in the lVe Dee section,, and the meeting was characterized by J general good feeling and a desire to arrive at a conclusion that would if possible be satisfactory to all concerned. The commission, with which the decision now rests, did not ^announce its conclusion, as Commissioner Earl was not present on account of the wreck near Union. The hearing wras called to order by Chairman Caughman, of the railroad commission, aud Senator McKeithan, of Darlington, was first heard. He stated that he represented the towns of Lamar and Syracuse, between Elliott's and Darlington, which would be cut out by the proposed schedule. They had been trying for four years to get this train that was recently put ou, aud desire i to protest against an v change. There was no protest on the part of Darlington. Capt. Kelley of Kings tree spoke next, lie said that in the general discussion of schedules Kingstrer , and the other towns beiwetn , Florence aud Lane's hoped to get what they had long been wanting and needing, a train that would en able them to go to Manning and Georgetown iu the afternoon. He recited his efforts along this line last summer and read a letter from Superintendent Royal 1, written in July, in which Mr. Koyall, as Capt. Kelley understood, promised to give this service when the fall schedules were made up, Capt Kelley said he was much surprised when the schedule was announced, and that it did not comply with their wishes as expected. Superintendent Anderson raised the point that the proposed traiu between Benettsrille and Charleston would not yet give the relief which Capt. Kelley desired, as it would reach Lane's on the down trip too late to make connection for Manning Capt. Kelley' proposition was that the train from Orangeburg, in* stead of lying over all day at Lane's, be run up to Florence and back to Lane's during the day. It was at this point that Mr. Anderson made his statement, replying to the intimation in The News and Courier's editorial columns that he had not acted in good faith and had deceived the people along xl. j tt. __:J 4U-4 cae row. at iuc hm?i>ci first came up last May in regard to this new service, and that after the schedule from Lane's to Bennettsii uille was proposed a petition was ' received from the T. P. A. and others asking that the traiu be changed to run by Sumter. As there were conflicting desires the Atlantic Coast Line put the matter j up to the railroad comrai.sioner, and it was only on the order of the railroad commission that the schedule was changed. He had nothing to do with this and had not deceived any one at all. This was the ' substance of Mr. Anderson's vigorous and clearcut statement, which, i he said, be desired to make in the presence of the commission and Mayor Rhett. Mayor Rhett, in reply, said that he was very glad that Mr. Anderson < had made this statement. He saw that Mr. Anderson had acted in good faith, and that the whole ? trouble had arisen out of a misunderstanding. The beginning of this matter had been completely lost sight of, it seemed. Charleston, in her efforts to get this new service had asked Darlington and other sowns to help her, and Charleston had no idea that Darlington and the other towns would want anything different from that which Charleston wanted. It was a misunderstanding, and he proposed that all of it be wiped out and a fresh start made. This was agreeable all around, add thereafter the meeting was lovely.? News and Courier. \ Banquet cheese 20 cts per lb. at Hill & Dickson's. 10-31-if 57 varieties of Ileinz's j?iekl**s at Hill Dickson's. 10-31-tf Everything ::?'<> 1 lo eat at Hill A: Dicksctia. 10-31 if. Nervousness, Iti- iimiM)11 e limine unci feeding1 .J n ? C the nerves with pure blood, which is done by using P P P Lippman's Great Remedy, the most tnaivelous cures of nervousness are made, restoring health immediat ly to the patient and making him string and vigorous in a little while P P P is superior to all Sarsapa rill as. P I* P has its formula on every cartou. Any physician will tell von that P P P is the best combination of green roots and barks that was everput together for the cure of weak uess, general debility and nervousness It is a good tonic and the best blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggists. The work day seems doubly long when its wage must be paid out for yesterday's dissipation. RHEUMATIC FOLKS! i ARE YOU SURE YOLIR KIDNEYS ARE WELL? Many rheumatic attacks are due to uric acid in the blood. But the duty of the kidneys is to remove all uric acid from the blood. Its presence there shows the kidneys are inI n/itiru rinil't /tulip With "lirip ftOjd CfrVltW* i'Vli V MW..J solvents." You mitjht go on till doomsday with them, but until you cure the kidueys you will never get well. Doan's Kidney Pills not only remove uric acid, but cure the kidneys and then all danger from uric acid is ended. Rupert B Calvo, bookbinder, employed at the State Publishing Co , official printers for the State of South Carolina, liviugat 1010 Lumber St., Columbia, S C, says: *j, thought I had rheumatism and treated for it on that belief. I used all kinds of liniment. The pain was in my back and in my hips clear to the shoulders. The liniments did no good and I took blood medicines but they did oot help me. - % * * - ? A ~ 1 1 took a long trip in nope* mac me change of climate might help me. I waa away for three months but could see no change for the better. I beard of Doan's Kidney Pills and determined to try them, and got a box at a drug store. They completely removed the paias ont of ay back and J have not felt a, touch of the old trouble since I used them.'1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foeter-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name?Doan's? and take no othe. Citation HoticeStatb of South Carolina. Countr of Williamsburg, By P, M. Brockmton Esquire, Probate J udge. Whereas,W. F. Rodgers made suit to me, to grant him letters of administration, with will annexed, of the estate of and effects of Mrs. M. A. C. Henrj. These are therefore to cite and admonish,all and singular,the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs. M. A. C. Henry, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kmgstree, S, C. on 25th day of November next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given undei my hand, this 9th, day of November, Anno Domini, 1907. Published on the 14th day of November, 1906, in The County Record. P. M. Brockinton, Probate Judge ' * t FOR SALE. Brick in any quantity to suit purchaa er. The Beat Dry Press Machine-made XBEICK-y Special shapes made to order. Correpondence solicited before placing yeur orders, W. B. FUNK, * t i I ?.?::?:@:?:?:?:@?:?:<* i? ? The .niiaiiB ? I Dayligh ? ? 'i'he largest stock of tall goods j @ rived and all and every t?ody i ig\ and examine all goods. Ex ^ Over .-hoes f? ?r men, th (g) Browns' Shoes f< /gj None better. Sl.^'O.iX) w< quality and make $l,oi>o.00v i @ pants; Shield's Hat- tor men and $2 i)0 and $! IK' The best line of Dry i? ? Go< ds, Laces, Ribbons and Notio v? of merchandise bought from ou ? ________ ? | Stackley's ( ? KINGSTR * @ :?:?:?:?:?:?:?:??:?::D..1*md?l><,?M-M dieeWorpaoto. tor mcamfmrohmmA trm report. M Fro* eftVtou how to obiala potest*. train mortal eoprrtcMaeto, m ALL COUNTRIKS. ' ffarlanr# d&wi finfl M/lmAtawlrte MOVti ttMf* I no*ty and often ikt paUtt. " Hj fttrt utf tifHapawrt Praetto ExclMtoly. I Write or oosm to ua at B Ht M Mm*. app. Vattet Iteta htet Hta,l # i &:?.?:?:@?:@::@:@?:@: ? @ t Store. | ? ? we have ever carried has ar- JgJ 1 s cordially invited to call S-; elusive agents for Walk- /g\ e best on the market; frt) or m< n ana women >3/ jrth of men's pants, best @ ,'orth of boys' suits and single JgJ I boys', all styles and colors, prices i Goods, Millinery Goods, Fancy ? ns. We guarantee every piece r store. _________ ? ^ash Store. | EE. S. C. '? i ? Kingstree CAMP NO- 22. M IttCLAl MBsnnai f/ffy 1. tut and 3rd Hondaj WkMB B| II Sight* in each t!i$/3)I Visiting choppers cor- w Y< 55a?>y dlally inrited to come Vv^s^citL' fipTy up and sit on & stump B J or bang atxxitoh the H PHILIP STOLL, !'.) 27 12m. Con. Com. |^B *v ** H\ \>^y y? 1 E THE MODERI E WIRE FENCE, E What a Marvel it , B would have t] B been to p Abraham Lincoln, B splitter of E' rails. HI ^ m * IHm v I M i .. ii ; ? * I ' . ? S SP EC I A L 1 handle the well known "SHIELD BRAND" fof clothing*. When a purchaser is difficult to please, the "Shield Brand"1 will fill his wants, as 1 carry it in various beautiful patterns and styles; the desires of critical customers are carefully considered in the make and styles All the latest, newest points are fully brought out in the "Shield Brand of clothing. YOU have a most cordial invitation to come in and i?I have been here long v/ enough for you to know that I do not misrepresent anyo/y/g/q^ thing I sell. - L. CALDWELL, LAKE CITY, S. C. i ?mhmmkm?> ]'H ne old violin mellowed with age, that, At B : ] ' ., . . . ' - .J^ III ^SSJJS^s IT ? ^ l^HHi^BV /?i->i*.?^' k * ^Hj AVJ//;^*y^^ fcjfl ^ ''r * I bH fl" "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" WELDED BY ELECTRICITY. 9 Mr. Former: Your progressiveness is keeping you in close touch nth improvements in farm machinery, in dairy methods, and with all |^H tie scientific facts that bring about the greatest possible agricultural MB! roduction. . . |H You are also informing yourself about fence. We Know you are. hS First?there was the stone fence of medieval history. Second?pioneer America converted its timber into rails. Third?somebody found a way to weave wire and slats. H Fourth?along came barb wire, with its marvelous sale. BH Fifth?machines were invented to twist or clamp one wire around |H another: the woven wire fence. , J Bllt, most important of all, electriolty now weJds the rlres at the Joint, making no longer neoeoaary these wraps MB nd olampa. Stay and strand, wizard-like, become one. m The greatest step forward in fence building is thus accomplished at single, master stroke. Of course, you are not using anything else. Surel y you are fa miliaring yourself with this remarkable improvement, to be found only in Pittsburgh Perfect." HE FARMERS SUPPLY COMPANY, I KINGSTREE - - SOUTH CAROLINA. II IH'flB SBH' hm MH maBR ? '