The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 07, 1907, Image 8

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Local and Personal. We are sendiue- out a number of statements to subscribers in arrears. There are now on our books nearly 2,000 subscribers, many of whom i have paid nothing in a year or 1 longer. We ask all these de-j linquents to settle up as soon as possible. Each account is' made out up to the nearest year j or half year. It may be that some who get these statements have already paid; if so just call our attention to the fact and we will cheerfully make the j correction. All we want is > whar is due us and not a cent more. But we do want that. Pay for your paper. Have you paid your subscription. Now is the critical time. Hold your cotton. Let us have the dollar or more you owe us on subscription, please. fiiss Sadie Philips of New York <has been visiting the family vpf Mr. Louis Jacobs. IM'iss Bertha Klein of Walter boro is spetfdu*# several days with friepds in tdfiyn-, Messrs. Julian and Louis Jacobs, Jr., of Charleston spent Sunday in town with the home folk. Bead notice of important meeting of the Board of Trade Monday light at Bank of KingB< tree. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Jacobs of Georgetown were here this week visiting the family of Mr. Louis Jacobs. Remember the hot supper tomorrow night for the benefit of the Graded school in the hall over the Farmers' Supply Co's store. The intrinisic worth of cotton is thirteen cents or more and it will eventually reach these figures here. Store it in the warehouse. Last year the cry of "hard times" was the excuse for not paying the subscription price oft Thb Record. No such plea goes this year and yet we have collected less than at the same time last year. . What's the matter with the people? Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Arrowsmith are being congratulated upon the arrival of an eleven pound boy which came on Friday. Mrs. Arrowsmith is at her mother's home, Mrs. Burns, on Front street.?Georgetown Outlook. There will be a hot supper at the home of Mr. S, W. Mcintosh on Friday night, the 22nd inst., for the benefit of the Workman Methodist church. The public is cordially invited to attend and spend a pleasant ^ /J fan 4 ^ |\ LOSS BB05T3*g*^ II CUtbes tUker^HHP ia*re *wi NwfftSF evening- arid at the same timi help out in a. good cause j Oh account of sickness and deail j among our force and other cause I the ? ork of the office has been some what demoralized for the past fev weeks. We now have a full fore of employees, however, and ari gradually getting out of the laby rinthiue maze of difficulties wrough' by insufficient and inefficient help To the infantile society of Kings tree another interesting mem ber has been added. On Monda) the home of Mr and Mrs E C Epps was brightened by the comity of a little baby girl. The proud and happy father is receiving the congratulations of his nu merous friends with becoming dignity, such as is due to the "finest girl in the world." We are informed that last week several packages of The Recore failed to reach the postoffioes tc which they *e:*e addressed. Of course this is very annoying to those whe take the paper and pay for it Oai mailing force assures us that papers were sent out to every office and while we are sorry that they failed to reach their destination, it is beyond our power to regulate the United States mail system. At th? same time we would appreciate the favor that if every postmastei would drop as a card when a package of papers fails to show up, so that we can take up the mattei with the Poetoffice department and have an inspector investigate th< canse of the trouble. Citation Notice. State op South Carolina. County of Williamsburg. I By P. M. Brockington. Esqui re, Pro bate Judge, Whereas, A. E. McCollough mad< suit to me, to grant him Letters ! of Administration of the Estate of am effects of J. S. McCollough. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred an< Creditors of the said J. J. McCollougl deceased, and that they be and appeal before me, in the Court of Probate, t< be held at Kingstree, S. C., on the 25t! day of Nov. next after publicatior thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon to show cause, if any they have, wh; the said Administration should not b< granted. , Given under my hand this 4th daj lof November. Anno Domini, 1907. Published on the 7th day of Novem ber 1907 in The County Record. P. M. Brockingtqn, Probate Judge. 11 7 2t Notice. Notice is hereby given that, unde and by virtue of commission issued b; the Secretary of State on November l" 1907, the undersigned will open th< beokf of sub-cription to the capita stock of E. T. Gaskins & Company a the store house of J. D. Carter at Leo 8. C., on November 9, 1907, 12 noon Capital stock divided into shares o: one hundred dollars each. E. T. Gaskins, J. D. Carter. Corporators. ! November 4, 1907. The New DeWitra Little Aarlj Kisers ar the best pills made. They do noi gripe. Sold by W. L. Wallace, M, D. Do you want a nice pair o mules? Well, come to P t Thomas's stable,Kingstree, S C and you can see the nicest load > of match teams in mules and i horses shipped to this markel > this season. Price to suit th< times. Come quick before th< best is gone. 11-7-41 For Sale130 acre farm at Dock. S. C., si: ? . mnm /^mfnrtnhlp liner kitrkpi and dining room, barn and stables, tobacco barns with fines. This plac is in 8-4 of a mile of new rauroa from Georgetown to Marion, and i very desirable for truck and tobacc farming. For further information ap ply to F. M. Nesmith, Benson, S. 0. ll-7-2t. ^ > 4 ? Notice. , STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg, Notice is hereby given that a meetin j of the stockholders of the Kingstre Ice Company will be held in the lat . offices of Lee & Askins in Kingstree, I , C, on the 30th day of November, 1901 a at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purpose o * considering the advisability of amenc r ing its charter by changing the nam j ofisaid Company from Kingstree Ic , Company to Kingstree Manufacturer, Companv. and of increasing the capitf 1 stock from $10,000 to $20,000. , D. C. Scott, v R. H. Kellahax, John A. Kkllky, 2 LeRoy Lie, 10-31-tf Board of Directors. T NOTICE! On November 20th, 1907, the^ Count Commissioners of Williamsburg an Georgetown Counties will meet s Mingo Creek, for the purpose of lettin contract for a steel urawDrioge ove said creek. S. J. Sixgletary, Co. Supervisor Williamsburg Co. 10-31-3t. f ? [ Trespass Notice. t All persons are hereby warne ?, against hunting, fishing, allowini . stock to run at large, or in any wis f trespassing on lands owned and con trolled by us. R. J. Nesmit.1, B. L. Nee mi t a, < Wna. McCullough. l-17-3t. e now on display he en's wear for the cor They bear a certain stinguishable. They are not radica these New Models master tailors. Schloss Clothes are periec y with the most tasteful fashio el. On sale by angstree ? KINCST ! 11 @ KINGSTREE CO s - ? ' j|j The Top of-the 5 ? Following are the Cotton I ?Hugh McCutchen, Alexander t; W. S. Gil land, Rogers, McCab . ? J. C. Kinder, Farmers and Spi (?) A. F. Byars, Inman & Co., Ch ? ! 1 SEEDE > > @ D. J. Epps, Buckeye Cott< r /Si L. P. Kinder, Soatbern Cc | J?! W. R. Scott, King8tree Oi (?) R. W. Fulton, S. 0. Cottoi @ Quotations today, Noven ; (?) Cotton 10 1-4 ceuts ! ^ Cotton Seed $13.00 ? ;?:?:?:?:?.@:?:?@:< Schloss M :re. They will set the ning Fall and Winter. i air of individuality il and yet there is that differer stand pre-eminent as the arti: tly tailored and of precise fit, i ns of the hour. Known every )ry Goods REE, ! ?' TTON MARKET ? ? ft Market Assured. gj (3M suyers here at present: X"*" Jprunt & Sons,Wilmington, N. C. e & Co., Richmond, Va. (?) nners Co., Charleston. - . jgj arleston. S% iUYERS ?: )U Oil Co., Augusta, Ga. @ itton Oii Co., Charleston. @ 1 M,1L S 1 Oil Co., Columbia ^ iber 7. jgj a pound. W a ton. ' , ? ? ?::?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?;? e t A CUP OF TEA, Ha Way t? Bring Out tha RnI Bosquet o# tha Lasvas. f To bring out the real bouquet of ) tea several things are indispensable. First, the water should be freahI ly drawn. Never use water prw. riouely boiled, for its life is gone. Second, the teapot should be made hot by dry heat if possible or else = wiga oouing water. 1 The best sort of teapot is that made of unglazed clay. The Japanese make one of a dark red clay, often procurable at the ten cent storee. But the beet are made by the Chinese of a reddish brown clay * from the banks of the Souchien 2 river. It is famous for drawing out e all the sweetness from the leaves, d There is no objection to a glaze out* side the pot. But the inside, when k unglased, seems to have some chemical action on the brefing of tea which adds to its bouquet. Third, the "time limit* makes or mars your pot of tea. Do not let the leaves lie aimlessly in the pot to give out the flavor at their own sweet will. But procure a deep g porc<ilain receiver or strainer full * of holes, such as comes inside blue g and white Japanese teapots. Put 1 your tea leaves in the strainer and f De generous with them?they will l" repay you tenfold with a rise in g spirits and general couleur de rose 5 feeling?and set the strainer in the pot. If it does not fit use your fem' mine ingenuity and make a handle of cord. Never let metal come in contact with tea in the making. At the very moment the water boiLi pour it on the leaves. Put the cover on for one-half minute, then pour out a cup of the tea. Empty thai; back over the leaves. Repeat y this several times. Then souse the d strainerful of leaves up and down ones or twice or until from the arog ma you can detect the real tea fla* vor In this way the strength of the tea is forced out before the tannic acid can mingle with it, and you have gained in less than two minutes a bouquet obtainable in no other way. Take any unmiied black tea. Try d the directions given, following the g three conditions accurately, and you * will find that you can make tea at ' 80 cents a pound taste like $2, while moat people .only succeed in Tnalpng tea taste like 30 cento.? Philadelphia Inquirer. odels fashion in Gentle' that is instantly ice that makes stic creation of combining sterling workmanwhere by the Schloss Bros'. Company, s. c. . . * . 2 Attention! 1 ' 1 . I handle Text books adopte< by the State for the publi XT * schools in the County, am I * * have a full supply of thes books on hand at all times also carry a full line bo. paper, tablets, pencils, pens ink and other'Sfcliooi sup - P-ies* . C. OLLIE EPPS . Kingstree, 8. C. SPECIAL NOTICE Transient Notices will be Publishe In This Column at the Rate' of Or Cent a Word for Xach Issue. 11/ a J Lwal repwwatetlra for Kin?tr WdiltOO *?d rid ally to look after nui all and Increase subscription II of a promfaent monthly ring nine, on a aahu ud commMon basis. Experience deoirmbt tat not Decenary. Good opportanity for rtgl tenon. Audren Publisher, Box SO, Stetfoo ( New York. 10-S1Before keying or selling a farm c 1 any property, writ* Tn Carolina Realty k Trust Co, 2?14-tf BishopriUe, S. C Fob Sal*:?for casta: three mule and two horses. William Cooper, 10-l?-4t Cooper, S. C. w mrmi'-Ponr or fire lands of stor ! weed, pioe and oak, about 18 in. long C W Wolf*. Lost;?2 white mad male hound about 1 year old. Largest one ha ten place in right ear. Liberal rewar for information leading to their reco> err. J B Bradshaw, 10-24-tf Kingatree, S. C. Wanted:?to buy sheep, hogs am beef cattle, in small or large lots. Ad dress, Samuel 6. Bbyan. ll-7-2t Salters, 8. C. J MAGAZHHT [READERS SUNSET MAGAZINE h?MdhJrillmtntod.roodeoriw *aad titicl?*h?tf cJuOTiaaad * 'S? all tb? Fti Wot. *7*r CAMERA CRAFT donated mtk meaA to 8m atMac MpndadiM of 8>e beat Si.00 WMkafuMlMMdproiMiMMl . _ -k-. L ? , ^ ptGtOyipQCl. 10AD 07 A TlOUtAND WONDXM a kdk W 75 pna cmimmi *>-75 ad Oragoa. TomI . . . $3.25 * w t All for . . . . $1.50 Addfwt all order* to . SUBSET MAUAZIll* Flood Batfof Son FraaeiMO > ' * CAMP NO- 22. utrui aun>M lot aad 3rd Moo da; nBHH II Hlfhfto ln^ each wSJiSi/ visiting choppers cor Vrx^SKSKiv/ dialljr invited to oom< wf^cTOjnP// up and sit on a stum] or^hang about en th< PHILIP STOLL, 9 8712m. ' : Con. Com. " 1 KSfca^MWHWI ? I P^SAT'D" I ' !| G OLLIE EPFS, I _ -JB s 5 Are you out of a Job? | d If you are aud 'can furuiah good ,e references aud want to make more money than too can make ~ otherwise without capital, then ' write to the Carolina Mutual fi Fire Insurance Company, Spar? tanbarx, S. C., for an Agency. * We hare thirty-fire good agents in the State making big money * for themselves, WHY NOT YOU?. * Trespass NoticeAll persona are forbidden to trespass _ on ray lands by hunting game, cutting . wood or letting stock run at large. WE Nmmith. 10-34-at Cadet, 8. C. ; SOME j SPLENDID ; BUSINESS " OPPORTUNITIES, m F1T8STII ictl ESiare is Sir Adiictto Tn. And We Bare Ibe rtiionij fer*lasli Offer S : No. 80?1,350 acres, 25 closed, 5 miles from Trio?b'pllendid bar- > gain. $8,000.00. No. 60?100 acres near GourdiDS. $2,000. No. 61?Ten-Room Dwelling in t<>wn of Kingstree. $3,306. i . No 62?17$ acres near Roma. 1 $1,790. No. 63?200 acres near Harpers. , $1,200. No. 64?$68 acres, Johnson township. $3,400. No. 65?21 acres, seven-room dwelling and store house, in town of Harpers. $8,000. No. 70?6 acres, store-house and dwelling, near Benson. $2,000. No. 71?164 acres, tec-room dwelling, on R F D route. $2,000 > If Any of These I Interest You, * Call on or Write Us, AND REMEMBER If you wnt to bwy ?r se^ it [I ' will b? to year interest to see as. ; Stoll Bros-, e . ' na ? ' J . )