The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 07, 1907, Image 2

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SCHOOL PRIZES AWARDED. Successful Contestants for Prizes for Improvements Made Public Columbia, November The executive committee of the S c li o o i Improvement Association ha> been in session for the past two days in the office of the State Superin tendeijt uf Education considering1 applications for prizes for excellent work done in improving and beautifying schools. They have also arranged a programme for the annual meeting, which will be held in Columbia on December 3u and 31. The following members of the executive committee attended the session: Miss Mary T. Xance, Columbia, president of the Association; Miss Lizzie liogers, Bennettsville, secretary; Miss Katherine Mazyck, James Island, vice president; Miss Louisa Poppenheim, Charleston; Mrs. Dora * Dee Walker, Appleton; Mrs. Cora Murphy, Union; Mrs. T. M. Belk, Lancaster; Miss Bertha Reeves, Mullins; Miss Tbeodosia Dargan, Stateburg. The School Improvement Association, vhich now has a mem* bersbip of more than 3,000 in the State, offered 15 prizes to the ' schools which made the most material improvements during the year. Five of these schools are 3 i. to receive cauj auu icu ai c to receive $50 each. Under the head of material improvements Lare included local taxation, consolidation, new buildings, libraries, interior decoration, beautifying yards and better general equipments. Sixty schools throughout the State entered the contest. The committee had a very difficult task. It was qecessary to read numerous descriptions of old and new school houses. These descriptions were accompanied by some very impressive photographs showing interior and exterior views. After verv care ful consideration the prizes were awarded to the following ^ scdools: Horry County?Spring Branch School, $100. Lancaster Count y?Elgin School, $100. Laurens County?Green Pond School, $100, Orangeburg County, Jamison School, $100. ^lliamsburg County?Johnsonville School, $100. Horry County?Athens School $50. Marion Count y?Brit ton's Neck, $50. Williamsburg County?Union Graded school, $50. Spartanburg County?Cross Anchor,$50. Sumter County?G e n e r a 1 Sumter Memorial Academy, $ou. Laureus County?T r i n i t y Rjdge School, $50. Greenwood County?Phoenix School, $50. Marlboro County?S a 1 e m School, $50. Florence County?Lynchburg School, $50. The checks for these prizes will be sent to the schools within the next few days from the office of the State Superinten dent of Education. The money for these prizes was furnished by the Peabody board of trustees, who have done so much for the advancement of school interests in the South. The secretary of the board expressed himself as being highly pleased at the good results that had been obtained from the expenditure of this money in South Carolina. He said that he had never seen $100 do so much good. The descriptive letters which accompanied the applications cantained many valuable suggestions which will be very helpful to other schools striving to make improvements. The School Improvement Association will soon issue another bulletin containing descriptions and pictures of some of the best examples of improvements which have been developed in the prize contest. Many of these will furnish very graphic desciiptions of school conditions throughout the State and of the steps which are being taken tor oeuermeni. County and local improvement associations are being or ganized very rapidly tlirouyliout the State. This will guaran tee a larger and more important annual meeting of the State As. sociation. An excellent programme has been arranged by the executive cemtnittee, and is expected that matters of great interest will be discussed and important plans will be made at the annual meeting here during the holidays. It is hoped that'arrangements can be made for more and larger prizes for the coming year. ?News & Courier. Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for collection of taxes the 15th day of October next. Tax levy as follows: For State 4 v2 mills 41 ordinary county 3)$ " 44 Roads 1 44 44 Cons'tl school 3 Past indebtedness rds 1 44 A capitation tax of $1.00 on all male persons between the ages of 31 and 60 years of age, and 30 mills levy on all I cattle, sheep, goats and hogs in Ander-1 son, Suttons and Penn townships?also 50 cents per head on all dogs ; also 2 mills for retiring bonds in IKingstree tow nshiD. school district No. 16. Commutation (road) Tax $2 00 Levy for special school districts as follows: No. 16, 24, 26, 27 and 28 4 mills '4 19. 20, 21, 22 and 25 2 44 44 15 4 44 " 18 1 -4 44 23 12 44 44 29 4 44 I will be at the following places mentioned below for collection of said taxes November Hebron 1 Kingstree 2-4 Greelyville 5-6 Gourdins 7 Sutton 8 Trio 9 Harpers 11 Salters 12 Cedar Swamp, Rhem's Store 13 Bloomingvale 14 Morrisville . 15 Rhems ?,. 16 Kennedy'8 Store 18 Church 19 Rome 20 Lamberts 21 S. B. Boston's store 22 E. F. Prosser's store 23 Leo . 25 Scranton 26-27 J Lake City 29-30 December I k'innrcfroii 2 j Lake City 3 Cades 4 Kingstree 5-6-7-9 Lake City 10 Kingstree 11-12-13-14-19 Lake City 17 Kingstree 18-19-20-27-28-30-31 Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail, would expedite matters by dropping the Treasurer a postal asking for tne amount of their tax so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships, (if property is owned in more than one) and if possible give school district where property is located, also state whether poll or road tax, or both are wanted. After paying taxes examine your receipts and see if all of your property is covered, ir not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may be avoided. J. Wkslkt Cook, 9-19 tf Co. Treasurer. The finest coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis. You don't have to boil it twenty or thirty minutes. '"Made in a minute," says the doctor. 'Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Not a grain of real *Coffee in it either. Health Coffee Imitation is I made from pure toasted cereals or grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really ! /ftftl on ATnPrt?hp to lb WVU1U *W? W4? VM|^V* ? ? -- , unknowingly drink it for Coffee. Sold by People's Mercantile co. Hereafter we positively refuse to publish any communication received at this office later than Tuesday, noon, except local and personal items, which will not be available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying to be accommodating we are thrown late every week and we are tired of it. This notice applies to EVERY BODY. 4-25-tf. Egg O'See, 15 cts a package, at Hill & Dickson's, Lake City. 10-31tf All kind of canned meat*, fruits and vegetables at Hill & Dickson's 10-31-t. SUPERSTITIONS OF NINE. A Number Conspicuous In Ancient and Modern Speech. Of all odd numbers tlie one which 1 would seem to bo tlie mo>t conspicuous in ane.'oiii lore and modern speech and in allusions of ail sort>. whether cias.-ic or vi.J; ar. is Whether this i- booaa-e it i- a le.u! tipie .if 3. ti i}>!.* trini'v. ?*..t we iiccil i: il .-top to i'nj :;iv. connection- in w!?: * -11 i> ti nre- ii rt* very numerous ;i::< 1 cxtr. rdinarily I varied. Of old there ucro nine | mu.-e- tiiid al-o nine rive".- in the infernal regions. In eia -Seal my- . tho logy we read ef nine heavens and nine worlds, and the hydra had nine heads. In mediaeval times there were i nine '"worthies of the world." the j places in this select assembly being dilFerentlv-allotted bv different an- I thorities, the usual division heir? j three gentiles, or paynims, three .Jews and three Christians. One of the oldest English games is nine men's morris. It could be played either indoors or outdoors, on a folding board marked with the necessary lines and squares or on a board marked out on field or down by stones or by cuts in the turf. In Dorset they still play the game under the name of marnull. Nine appears frequently in popu- 1 lar medicine. A Sussei collector referring to the very common rural belief in the efficacy of passing a ruptured child through a cleft ash , tree says that the patient must be attended by nine persons, each of whom should pass it through the cleft from west to east. A Perth kirk session record of 1623 refers I to the preparation of three cakes | I nnrrvMA from XVA PV1UC UiVUiVlUUi |/U* ^rvi v VM. nine portions of meal contributed by nine maidens and nine married | women. Threads with nine knots ; and straws with nine joints are used i for various healing purposes, wh ie ! nine successive mornings are often prescribed for the performance of i certain folklore ceremonies. j The great Lambton worm, one of J the best known of English dragon i myths, had nine eyes and was fed j from the milk of nine cows. Again, the same number ie prominent in various common phrases and proverbs. Nine tailors make a man. Queen Elizabeth is alleged to have once addressed a deputation of eighteen tailors with a "Good morn- . ing, gentlemen both!" Every one knows that a cat has nine lives, while the "cat" that is used for the castigation of evildoers has nine tails. j When Mercutio insults Tybalt and the latter inquires, "What wouldst thou have with me?" the , volatile but fierv partisan replies, "Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives." Heywood, the proverb monger, has the saying, "A I woman hath nine lives, like a cat," , which will be news to most folk. Three more examples may be giv en from a collection of applications of this remarkable number 9 which ' is not easily exhausted. Possession, 1 we often hear, is "nine points of the law." A person who has. paid some , attention to his or her attire is said for some inscrutable reason to be dressed ".up to the nines," while the most startling event is but a "nine / {lays' wonder." The last phrase, though truer now than ever, was familiarly used, with many other 6till current forms of popular speech, in the days of Chaucer. ? London Globe. Unreasonable. Not long ago in a western market town I chanced to observe an Irish- . man with a live turkey under his 1 arm. The turkey was squawking and gobbling in a distressed way, a racket to which the Irishman did not at first pav any particular no tice. Finally, however, the disturb-1 ance got on the Celt's nerves. Giving the bird a poke in the side, he exclaimed: "Be quiet! What's the matther I wid ye annyhow? Why should yez I want to walk whin I'm willin' to carry ye?"?Harper's Monthly. ( At* It All. A wife had occasion to go out to women's votes meeting, so left a pudding in the saucepan for her husband. When she arrived home she went on with her washing and inquired how he'd got on. "Very well," said he. "I thoroughly enjoyed the pudding." Good!" said the wife. "What ' f>?v. /irt with th/> cloth it was ' UiU JWU UV rr . v.. W?? ? boiled in?" "Cloth, my gal?" said hubby as be abstractedly continued reading his ' caper. "Was there a cloth?"?-Lon- ' don Illustrated Bits. An Exemption Noted. Lawyer?Your uncle's will seems to be a perfectly legal document, such as will stand in any court I can find no grounds on which to 1 contest it. ' Disappointed Nephew?But you must find some grounds. Where there's a will there's a way, you : know.?Lippincotfs. I J NoticeBy Georgetown & Western Railroad Company of its Intention to Apply to the Next General Assembly <>f the State of South Carolina for an Amendment to, A Iteration and < hange oi'its1 harter. The ?ieorgeto\\n &. Western Railroad I company will, at the next session of I the General Assembly of the Stat** of t?euth ' arolina. apply tu said General Assembly for an amendment its < 'haru-r ami for -itch alteration in change th'-reinas ' ill eonterupon it by an Aei ??f said General Assembly, a mong oth'-r rights and privileges* the right to build and construct a railroad from some point on the line of Georgetown & Western Railroad, between lane-in the county of Williamsburg,, a'd i>eorgetown in the county of Georgetown, through the counties of Georgetown, Williamsburg, Florence and Marion, t? some point or points in said counties by a route or routes to be determined upon hereafter by >aid Company. Georgetown & Western Railroad Company. By Raymond s Farr, General Manager. lO-lO-Jan-lot-08 ' Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of Nov. 1907, I will apply to the Probate .fudge of Williamsburg County for a fi al discharge as administrator of the Estate of H. K. Browder, deceased W. M. Browder, 10-31?4t. Administrator. Stop That Cold *o eheek early colds or Orippt with mui rare defeat for Pneoaoniii. To atop a eold rtth Prerenties U rater than to let It ran and be ubllged to cure ft afterwards. To be sure. Prerwitics will cure even a deeply Mated eold. bat taken earbr?at the sneeee stage?they break, or Uead off these early colds. That's surely better, rhat't why they are called Prerenties. Prerentlcsere little Ckady Cold Cures. No Quinine, no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the children?and thoroughly safe too. If you feel hilly, if you meese. lfyou ache all oyer, think of Prerenties. Promptness may alio rave half yoor usual sickness. And don't forrnt your child, II there Is fererlshnesa, night or dsy. Herein probibly lies Preventics' greatest cfOdeney. Sold In ?c boxes for the pocket, alto In 35c boxes of 48 Prerenties. Insist on your druggists giving you hma? vam4i/i/? nmiiiitt D. C. SCOTT. The Largest and Most f ^mplete Establishment South. GEO. S. HACKER 8 SON, m MtBS ? I jMIvs ?MANCFACTLH iRS OF? Fash, Doors, . Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords \ CHARLESTON, S C. MfissimmI VHHHDHHHHflHHIHIv IV. L. Bats A. C Hinds BASS & HINDS, Attorneys-at-Iaw KNGSTREE, S. C. J-20-tf. 1 MS KM. B Lake Gty, S. C Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed ^Represented. \rJ, L. BASS Attorney at Law LAKE CITY, & C. Dr R J McCabe Dentist KINeSTlEE, - s, a d. D. HOUZON'8- OADDCD Qunp DMnULU vi i vi , ?in the? ?ai Keirei Hate] is equipped with up-to-date appliances. Polite Service, i ompetent Workmen. 5-8-08- , ... DeWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL BAL.VE For Mlee, Burnt, Sore*. Cure Your Dandruff I Why? Because it is annoying, I untidy. And mostly, because lit almost invariably leads to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff! Does not change the color of the hair. Jk Formula with each bottle /I m Show it to your f~\ iiaro m m. i M wr. M Auk him about It, then ao aa he aaye The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it destroys the germs which are the original cause of dandruff. Having given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to a perfectly healthy condition. ?Made by the J. C. Arer Co.. Lowell. Maee ?? ?1 SANDWICHES HOT COFFEE CHOCOLATE ALL KINDS OF BOUILLON SSI "A dollar is a doll. There is no better way dealing with J. L. Stuckey, the ol man. I have a splendid line < Bilges, lip that in view of the hard time* above cost. A nice bunch of H0RSE5 at prices to suit. J. L Stu HORSES AH (OUR SECOND C/ FANCY DRIVERS A A Nice line of Babcock, Piedmc always < Studebaker, Russell a THE BEST Harness, Saddles TO SELEC 1 THE WILLIAIMH KINGSTR1 i ? ) 1 ; ' * ; Kingstree. Sc CAPITAL. S30.000" DIREC Jas F Cooper D C Scott Collections made prompt! LOANS, large or small, n ??I EOBHB (IN CAMP OR FIELD-ATI MOUNTAIN OR SHORE I There Is always a chance y to enjoy some shooting TO SHOOTWELL YOU MUST BE EQUIPPEO WITH A RELIABLE FIREARM: the only kind we have been making for upwards of fifty years. Our Line: RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC. Ask your Dealer, and insist on the STEVENS. Where not told by Retailers, we ship direct, ct press prepaid. upon receipt of Catalog price. Mend lor 140 I'tige l! catalog. An lniiUprnaiilile l>nok of ready reference lor inau und boy hooters. .Mailed for 4 cents in tnmps tocover postage. Ileautifiil Ten I'oior Hanger forwarded for sis cents In aminos. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. O. liOX 409T rrs Chicopee Falls, Man., U. S. A. " IHrnT * CIGARS PDIIITS j CONFECTIONS AND FINE I CANDIES Urea Palatt. J; saved ] 1 ar maue * V to save your dollars than by i * Id reliable live-stock C * s il Bibs, i ; am offering at 10 per cent * 5 apd MULES always on hand \ ckey, Lake City, S/& ID MULES. iR JUST ARRIVED) ND GOODWORKER mt, Durham and Barbour Buggies >n hand. j nd Thomhill wagons j ' LINE OF | Robes i Whips I 71 FROM. ] if ours to please. i LIVE STOCK CO., 2E, S. C. i UN&ngEE I >uth Carolina, ? I. ! I /, SURPLUS, $ 7,800 *1 5TOR3 ===== R H Kellahan J A Kelley ly. iade on approved security. A