The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 31, 1907, Image 1

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J* 1 * KIR CUIKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS, /'rn I fW W /"> ^ A '? <f Wferckant, gats I Utyc Cmmti) $tom is=i ".,| VOL XXI KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 31, 1907. NO. 43 p ? ?? 1 == TR ?--i- *B^arrr^i*i-??iiii Lap Rob* * 4 e NEWS NOTES 1 ABOUT LAKE CITY. i DEATH Of MR. GODWIN-PLEASING; LYCEUM NlilBER?STATE FAIR VISITORS-OTHER NEWS. Lake City October 30: ? 'Mr. E T. Gaskins of Leo was noted here Monday on business. KMiss Nellie Beavers, whose home is in Agusta, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. L. Askins. Mr. Balph Bingham's number of the "Lyceum course, which was rendered here last Thursday night was a success throughout There was a fine attendance, the auditorium of the new school house being literaly filled with people, and if there was one -V JU ?<k l .v. w:. WOO U1U UUl UU^u uunt uu muu) felt the need of a mustard plaster, be is either so dall that be -would not reaognise a joke were one hung on bis nose, or so weary of life that his soul is only prevented from leaving bim by keeping his month shnt. It is no easy matter to keep a bouse full of Jpeople thoroughly entertained for nearly twohours, but he did it Mr. Bingham is prehaps the greatest one-man show in the country. Judge John A. Green spent Monday in the Hebron neighbor. hood. Some miscreant exploded a dynamite cartridge in JtcAlister*s mill race a few days ago and destroyed a lot of fish. The guilty party, however, did not reap the fruits of his misdeed, as he was scared off by those who went to investigate the cause of the noise beard by the neighbors. Numbers of dead fish floated around until they rotted. The man who fired the shot and the man who sold the dynamite ought to be shoveling dirt in the gang. Can we not have a game warden in Williamsburg? Can we not find a man who will honestly and fearlessly protect to the fullest extent of the law the fish and game of this county? Can we not realize that we ought not to live for our selves only, but for all our fellow man and for the coming generations. Some of us can not hunt, but others can and do, and let us help preserve something to hunt. Some cannot fish "thanks be that this writer is not among their number," and they should do ail they can to protect the water creature from destruction. ^ Lots of our people have gone "* to the State fair. They began going Monday and are still going. Even Dr. DuRant and Watts Gowdy went. Think of that, will you? The latter got such a "move on" Monday that even Sjaoat Gaskin's red whiskers curlea up at the ends. The astronomers on the planet Mars may think that a new comet is coming out of place, but they need not be excited. The apparition is only those red whisk ers with a speck at the head trying to connect a line. The little two year old child k UNKS. 5 i rniii 1 iMiir i is, Rubb? "] Wright's H< Underwear, Ladies' All V Ribbed Vests. Infants All W Underwear. People's of Mr. H. J. Hancock, who lives near town, was bitten bj' a garter snake Monday and died in a short while. Mr. Henry Cooper Godwin died on the night of the 22nd inst, at his home in this town. He had been complaining several days, but his condition was not regarded serious. However he took his bed Sunday night and passed away in two days. Pneumonia was the immediate cause. He was buried in the Baptist church ya rd Wednesday ofternoon with Pythian and Woodman honors, the local lodges assisted by visiting brothers having charge of the interment. The funeral services were conducted by Revs T. J. Rooke, S. J. Bethea and J. W. Truluck, and the attendance was very large. Mr. Godwin was one of the four sons of Mr. c? r> otfiuuci uuuniu, wuu ja one of the leading men of bis neighborhood, a good man and loyal citiaen. The deceased married Miss Daisy Philips, who with three children survive. He was very nearly thirty-six years of age and seemed to have many long years ahead of him, but "no one knoweth what a day shall bring forth." He was energetic, devoted to his family and the orders to which be be* longed and was of pleasant manner. The sympathies of the town and community are with bis family. Mr. A. 8. Baldwin treated us Sunday to a trio of fine wild ducks that were killed in Me* Alister'f mill pond. W. I* D. Egg CSee, li cU a package, at Hill ft Dickson's, Lake City. 10-31tf Coffee, 10 to 35 eta per lb at Hill ft Dickson's Lake Citj. 10-31-tf Fell Asleep li Jeses. On Monday morning, October 21, at 3 o'clock, little John Willie Cooper passed from this life to the land above, there to join the angels' choir, which bis mother joined about three years ago. He was about four years of age, and seemed to be in perfect health until nine days before he died. Friends came to the bedside to do all that fond hands could, but, alas, the summons came and little John Willie went to do his Father's errands. We think of him now as being home with mother, home with the angels and home with God. Yes at that bright home not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens. He leaves a father, sister, grandmother, grand father and a host of friends to mourn his loss. His remains left Delph 1L. ? OA X W 3 on Hie <:ou iram jaunuay mum? ing for Otter Creek, Fla., where he will be placed in the Otter Creek cemetery. SrT. H. All kind of canned meats, frnita and vegetables at Hill & Dickson's 10-31-t. f ' UIT CAt er# Shoes alth ii ^ /OOl WE HAVE JU! WANT IN TH NICE GRIP 01 Mercai Notice! > By Georgetown & Western Railroat Comi-any of its Intention to Apply t< ! the Next General Assembly of th< ! State of South Carolina for ai Amendment to, Alteration and Chang* of its t harter. ; The Georgetown &. Western Kailroat o/wYinnnv u'i tl at. the next session o the General Assembly of the State <> Southarolina. apply to said Genera Assembly for an amendrhent to it j Charter and for such alteration anc change therein as w ill confer upon it bi an Act of said General Assembly, a : mong other rights and privileges, th i right to build and construct a railroai i from some point on the line of George town & Western Railroad, betweei Lanes in the county of Williamsburg and Georgetown in the county o Georgetown, through the counties o Georgetown, Williamsburg, Florence and Marion, to seme point or points ii said counties by a route or routes to tx determined upon hereafter by saa Company. Georgetown ft Western Railroai Company. By Raymond S Fare, General Manager. 10-10-JaB-15t-06 a - ? * a cr 1 | $L_.: ! i j REMOVAL i j NOTICE! | 1 j | On or about September i 11st I will move into a \ store on Academy street \ J near the postoffice, where | I will carry a full com-t plete line of everything j usually found in a first- j class store. j i i 1 1 m m i Iiutimj j The Bargaia Specialist. | | Kingstree, i s. c. j 3E5 AND , Fascina I 36-inch I I and $l.i for j ST WHAT VOL' E WAY OF A it VALISE. utile Go Trial Catarrh treatments are being ' mailed out free, on request, by Dr.I Sho<p, Racine Wis. These tests are I r\??At'inrp f a 1 i.1 A ? ' . (iiuniif; w uic 'jjic--witnoui a penny s J cost?the great value of this scientific 2 prescription known to druggists every1 uhere as t r. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. 2 Sold by D. C. Scott. m i! " ? i CHEAP! i ^ CAR LOi j I HORSE i R Af 'iw ' IV Ii2 Come in and lot It wont cost yo see them M. F. H KINQSTRE C9C9C3C9C3C363 ?vvvyvvvyyvvvyyyvvvyvvvyvi I Du Rant's E ? is now headqu I School Books ISch Your EYES examined a and errors of refi This is done by u: scope, the best a invented iinst Eye-work in th straining, no gues: for examinations at spectacles ana glas! IJ.B, Di PHYSICIAN AND LAKE CI mmummmmww ? \ / - GRIPS AteltMBaittttaMiiMBMMBMMtMuriMMMMa tors and SILKs T~~ Black Taffeta Silk $1.00 | J SO value which we are t 90 cents and SI.25. id Gloves ladies end. entlemen. mpany. I y If you one take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you % will get prompt relief from backache, weak Kidneys, inflammation of the bladder and urinary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold bv W. L. [ Wallace, M. D. CHEAP! I AD OF * ? I ?ULBS| jk them over, g u one cent to ELLER |i Y^vvvvvyyvvvvvvvvyvvw > i )rug Store |;( arters for all ? 3: I and jl? tool Supplies* ^ nd all visual defects D 'action corrected. 5 se of the Eye- ||| d nd most recent ||| 3: rument for ||| 5* e world. No ||| 3: s sing-. No charge I 3: ] : present and all 3:| >es guaranteed by ||| 3: iRANT, J:. > PHARMACIST. Ill 3| TY,S. C. | >wmwavmwmvmI1' t ? \ =: ? Shawls. V-r J\ SEE OUR NOBBY LINE OP SUIT OASES. THE LATEST AND BEST. " RHEUMATIC FOLKS! ARE YOU SURE YOUR KIDNFYS ARE WELL? Many rheumatic attacks are due to uric acid in the blood. But the duty of the kidneys is to remove all uric acid from the blood. Its presence there shows the kidneys are inactive. Don't dally with "uric acid solveuts." You might go on till doomsday with them, but until you cure the kidneys you wilt never get well. Doan's Kidnev Pills not onlt remove uric acid, bat care the kidneys and then all danger from ario acid is ended. Rupert B Cairo, bookbinder, em* ployed at the State Publishing Go., official printers for the State of South Carolina, living at 1010 Lam* e ber St., Columbia, 8 C, aay?: "I thought I had rhenmatiam and treated for it on that belief. I need 11 kinds of linimeat The pain iras in my back and in my hips clear to the shoalders. The liniments did no good and 1 took blood medicines bat they did not help me.. [ took a long trip in hopes that the change of climate might help me. [wasairay for three months bat oould see no change for the betteifc [ heard Doan'a Kidney Pills and ietermined to try them, and got a Mx at ? drag stores They com<>letely removed the psias out of my a * ? a e ii . a. l_ / Mtcjc ana 1 nave noi ten a toucn 01 ;be old trouble since I need them." For sale br all dealers. Price 30 sent*. Foster-Milbarn Co, Buffalo, fcw York, sole agents for the Jnited States. Remember the name?Doaa's? ind take noothe. Executor's NoticeAll creditor's of the Estate of J H risdale, deceased, are hereby notified iid requested to forthwith render an account of their demands, to the unlersiraed, duly veiified and attested; nd all persons indebted to said Estate ire hereby notified and requested to nake payment te the undersigned. W A Met Rka, Kingstree, S C, D Z Martin, Trio, S C, Executors of the will of J H Tis[Hie, deceased, 10-24-2t Special Offer. You are invited to call and ee the following vehicles,which vill be sold at cost to make oom for our fall stock: Seven surreys prices from $65 AAA AA o Two phaetons 65.00 and] 70.00 Two 2 seated open buggies ?ach 50.00 Two open buggies each 25.00 One top rubber tire buggy '0.00 One open rubber tire buggy >5.00 One top rubber tire buggy >0.00 Williamsburg Lite Stock Co., L0-3~4t Kings tree, S. 0? > 4 - I .. &