The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 10, 1907, Image 5

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I IK TUG OF WAS i IS ASHfVlLLE. ,;r-- , w id d.t t v it i..uuuii i.t HKE UrsB tir liit Clii -Till cm iiiii Liii. ASHEV11.LE, Octobtrr (5: Thei peact? ana tr.inquiiii y wliicii | rests over our city uu> waumm j Sabbath day a:e only apparent,! for iu reality A-dievilie stands j waiting breathless, expectant! (the calm which precedes the j storm) for tinal content,! October 8, when the forces of! right and wrong, good and evil, I sin and righteousness, which j have been organizing and recruiting, and are straining every nerve, shall meet at the polls and decide which shall prevail For those who fain would doubt the promises of God to answer prayer, I would point to the scene witnessed repeatedly du> ring the past two weeks of an old lady, Mrs, Pease, originally from New York,ninety years old, who has for thirty years labored auu piajfcu iuiuu^ii ?? vuiau o Christian Temperance Union for prohibition in Asheville, attending mass meetings daily and walking through the streets of Asheville leading a host of convinced and determined men on to what we believe will prove victory. Opening of the Campaign. The campaign was really opened by His Excellency, Gov. R. R, Glenn, who about two months ago made two stirring ---and startling speeches here, one migut be termed a sermon, but though delivered in the First Baptist Church and from a text of Scripture to a packed house, his tbcme was "North Carolina's Need of Christian Young Gentlemen," an eloquent appeal for young men who were to be the strong men and soon the old men of to-morrow, to live lives j. above repoach, with a purpose gf in view,-to be a help to their fellow men and a credit to their State. The best assistance th*t he could give them to attain such a sphere is life was to point them to God and Christ. "Citizens,Fathers and Mothers,"' he said, "This you can neyer do successfully, as long as you have in your midst fifteen to . eighteen licensed saloons wreck-! ing the health impairing tlie minds and damning the souls of your boys." T?at Sunday night Asheville turned ont "en masse" to the auditorium where was discussed at length the liquor question in most logical and convincing argument. The whole city was aroused, leading business men, preacher*, private citizens held a mass meeting, elected an executive committee, appointed a chairman and gave them instructions to proceed with the campaign. The city canvassed resulted in the securing of the requisite member of qualified voters as petitioners calling fot an election, and these petitions presented to the mayor and board ' af alderman secured the appointment of October 8 as the day for the election. Rev. M. F, Ham and Other Speakers. One never wonld have thought that Asbeville, a resort city, populated by a migratory and foreign element, could be raised to the point of enthusiasm to which this campaign stands at present. But now to work, a ? financial committee must be yf appointed, plans laid and the people organized, so the services of kW M. F. Ham of Kentucky were secured. Mr. Ham, an evangelist, is "also a successful leader in this work, having carried many elections in the worst sections of his notorious "Blue Grass" State, in Tenn., and other places. He is a man of fine appearance, pleasing de* j " * Nwry and cultivate:! voice. Lar?fe audiences have been held and affected bv liis successful rendition of the .ureat temperance sone" "Down in a Licensed Saloon." For two weeks he lias been ore'ank'intr the women and children, ari^uinj^ for temperance and prohibition and an>\verinir the argument* of the antis. Then came Stewart, a leading * x i. . o ..?1, temperance lecturer uiewuiu (whom the writer was unfortun ate enough to miss hearing) J. C. Tucker, of Asheville and Judge J. Pritchard, of the U. S. Superior Court, all stating and giving statistics to prove that this city was suffering from the blighting effects of the damnable liquor traffic. Judge Pritchard, an eloquent speaker, read personal letters from the respective mayors of Greensboro, Faj'ettville, Charlotte, N. C? Greenville, S. C. and his native county, once known as "Bloody Madison" when whiskey was sold, telling of how under prohibition, population had increased, business accumulated, taxes lowered and morality and sobriety raised to a decent standard. The Irish Orator* But the record-breaking scene of the series of meetings which the writer witnessed last Friday ami which beggars description, occurred when the Central Labor Union, Odd Fellows, Kuights of Pythias, Junior Order of Umited American Mechanics and other Order, met at their respec tive halls and in bodies marched to the auditoriem, bearing Rev Rutledge, the Irish orator, m a white draped chair, with flags flying and bands playing, still not disorderly and boisterous but stern, resolute, determina tion expressed in their faces, thai the power vested in each as an American citizen should on eJec tion day be used to rid their fiar city of a curse. r-KSrlc? n o .rrl 1VI Vl'AO UII UVVV7WU4. VAJ the Irishman's speech, A Christian, a iellow-member with the various orders, an orator, a bora story teller and humorist, ht handled the immense audience in masterful style. First with tacts and argument, then a story and joke to illustrate .and bear home his points; now some sad incident of the suffering o! wife and children, loss of home and propertv^the result of the drink habit on the part of the husband, be held closer .attention and kept feeling running alternately from joy and pleas are and applause to sorrow sadness and even indignation. He paid tribute to Rev? Ham's successful organization ef the prohibitionists, by the story oi Uncle Rufus. This old darky coming out of his cabin one bright Sunday morning looked through his spectacles over the valheyund saw Rastus, the biggest racal nigger come ambling along the path. The first look did not satisfy the old mam, so he looked again, this time over now under his glasses, and still he seeirad puzzled. When Rastus, dressed up in gala attire, finally shuffled up*. Uncle Rastus shouted out, (<Look beh nigger you stop crossing dem spenders in front." "Well, what de matter wid dem spenders crossed in front, Uncle Rufus" asked Rastus, always ready to worry the old man. "Why," he says, "nigger, I can't tell if yous'e coming or agwine." A parade yesterday of 4 to 5 thousand men, women and children, a lecture on the square last night by Davis, the "Black Spurgeon" of the South, the killing of a negro in one ol the saloons about the same time, all served to work up excitement to the fever point. A mass meeting tonight, pa raae tomorrow, holiday tor the children Tuesday, and then will come the final clash of forces at the polls. Saloons and business houses will close, men will make % 0 v speeches, women have pledged themselves to stay by the polls all day till the last opportunity n closes of carrying1 this all im- L portaat election. j We wait anxious, impatient, I but hopefully. f Akthi r L. Jon'Hs, f AslieviHe, X. C., October (5. l'.?07. rmce tut* auu\r \\ i?ui m i ? type the Associated Press re-ji ports that the Prohibitionists! carried the election in Asheville, J * by *4s votes.?Ed. The Record.; i |: Quarterly Report t KINtiSTREE DISPENSARY SECOND QUARTER ! July l, 1907, to October 1, 1907. ; c i ashReceiptsDuringQuarter 310,127.61 ? Stock October 1,1907(Invoice) 3,481.7-1 c breakage During Quarter 39.81 1 * 13,649.16 Stock July 1 and Md>e Received During Quarter (Invoice) 10,181.14 Gross Profits $ 3,518.02 < Current Expenses Including ? Salary and all Incidentals 97$. 32 < Net Profits, $2,542.70 ' Divided Profits:? County, $>-47.56 2-3 j School, 847.56 2-3 ! Town of Kingstree 847.66 2-3 i $2,642.70 | State or South Carolina, County of Williamsburg Personally appeared before me J. L. , Bass, W. E. Snowdeo and J. M.Parker, , members of the Williamsburg County . Dispensary Board, who being each and 1 severally sworn,Eposes and says that the foregoing *ta tement is true and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before to* this seventh day of October, 1907. J. D. Gillakd, i Notary Public J. L. Cass, Chairman, W. R. SnowdeN, Secretary. Quarterly Reptrt LAKE CITY DISPENSARY SECOND QlMITtR Daly 1,1907, to Ocftber I, M7. 1 ' 'OashReceiptsDuringQuarter, $13,467.1*7 1 H>tock October 1, 1907(lavoice>) 3,80UPi8 Breakage During Quarter, 4L'(>2 $ 17.8U.07 Stock July l.and M?lse.Rer ervf ed During Quarrerflnvaice.) 12,9**MI9 ( Gross Profits $ 4,947.38 ' Current Expenses, Including i Salary and all incidental* 1033. .'>.*1 ; Net Profits $ 4 913.85 , Divided Profits: County 1,304.613-3 School 1,304.612-3 1 Town of Lake Oily 1,304.613-3 $3,913.85 ! State of South ( Iaroldia, County of Williamsburg. : Personally appeared before me J L i Bass and W E Kncevden and J M Par-'' i ker, members of Williamsbarg Coun. ty Dispensary Beard, who Being each ; r and severally smmn, deposes and says ' that the foregoing, statement is true * and correct. i Sworn to and subscribed before me : this seventh day of October,1907, ; J ; ? . -Notaiy Public. J L Bass, Chairman, WESnoWDkn, Secretary. fuarteriy Report i SCRAJTCH DISPENSARY SECOND PARTES Jily I 1907 H Octatar l,m i .i Cash Receipts DuringQuarter $3,427:93 .< t Stock Oct^er 1,1907. .(Invoice) 1,54 L78 1 . BreakageDnringQuarter(Invoice) 18.92 I $4r98&.? J Stock July 1, aad Mdse receiv- ^ ed during Quarter <Imwaee) $3.823.3 j Gross Profits $1,160. M J Current expenses including gab 1 aries and all incidentals 449.32 Net Profits $ 71OM , County 9236.86 I School 236.86 I Town of Scranton 236.86 1 m $ 710.58 \ State of Sooth Carolina, County of Williamsburg:. Personally appeared before me J L Bass and W E Snowden and J M Par- t leer, members of Williamsburg Coun- I ty Dispensary Board, who being each I and severally sworn, deposes and says 1 that the foregoing statement is true * and correct. Sworn to and subscribed before me this seventh day of October, 1907. J D Gilland t Notary Public. I J L Bass, Chairman, 1 w e Sxowdkn, Secretary. * Come and see my line of Tyson&Jones, White Star and Rock Hill buggies for sale cheap? i they are going fast. P C Thorn- J as', Xingstree, SC. v Confusion st These Dinners. I In his dining room Sir Joshua Rey- j lOldi constantly entertained all the ? iest known men of his time, including * )r. Johnson. Goldsmith. Garriek. Jurke. Sterne. U- garth. Wilkes. Allan i taiusay and a s< ore of others, who jt ornied the brilliant literary club of ' rhieh the great painter was the I or.: dor. There doubtless. in the ' a miliar lines of the author of "Re- j aliati'-n." Vhon tb?y tr.t'Tl ' d. H phaels. Corre?Flts an J t ". lo -if: 1 bis ir ;:rr?- t and only toul; sreff. At thc-e r prrtio-. according to j da lone, though the wine and the lishes were of the le t. there sec": el o he a t:u-St r>g.o :..e::t 'hat mind ihouIJ I rod :: i" ' ver ody. The al-le. we .tie tea: ; gk ' < nly f?:r even r.r eight. . ' ;<i to aetorumo late that tv...rei There was ? isually a .ichoion. y < f knives. fork"". 1 tnd glasses. and the wests bad to J >awl fcr more supplies, while tl:e host aItaly left every ? r.e t?> r'.ift for him;elf, though he lost t t a word. If he wild help it, of the conversation.? London Spectator Gu'f Ctream Fruit. Tlie superiority of certain English fruits has its origin i.i a cause little sur-neeted. It is the blcse.l galf ^ dream which does it. Foreign g ow?rs are every bit as acute as the Ikigish. it inay he. but they lure not the -iglit atmosphere. The gulf stream mparts a beneficent humidity to our itrr.osphere which results in our fruit laving the thinnest and finest skins of my lu the world. The English strawberry Is without equal for flavor. The ^ Encli-h grai*. though it may not hare ? ihe fine flavor of the Spanish, has the S host skin. The French tomato is as J thick skinned as the English field ? frown. The English apple eclipses Its ? rivals because of Its thin skin. Every S fruit according to its climate. Grown ? In a different atmosphere, the English { apple would shrivel In a day; here. ? helped by the moisture from the gulf S stream. It ripens within the thinnest ? bf Jackets and is as mncb superior to * the foreign or colonial apple as a peach ? Is superior to a parsnip.?St Jamea* C Gazette. ' ????? m A London Fog. * Nothing has such a bewildering ef- { Poet as fog. Only animate which find { their way by scent can get about In It 2 with any certainty. Birds are entirely J confused by It. Tame pigeons remain u!l day motionless and half asleep. 2 huddled up., either In or Just outside their pigeon houses. Chickens remain ? motionless for boors during heavy fogR. j No bird slag* or utters a call, perhaps 2 because It fears to betray Its where- 2 a bouts to an unseen foe. During one I very thick fog a blind man was found wandering about a certain district of London. This man was in the habit of coming up every day from a suburb, carrying notes and paVcels, and had scarcely ever lost his way before. Asked why he had gone astray (for be was quite blind, and It was supposed " .n..u Wrt ,1tf. mil l WeaUJci ^ UUIU luauc uv *144 ffcrence), be said that In a fog the ground "sounded quite differently."? London Chums. < They Quit Right There. < The late Andrew J. Dam, a well ( known hotel man of New York, was, , at the time of the civil war. proprietor of a hotel In New Bedford. A number of colored citizens Interested lm the formation of a military company called upon him and Informed him that they would be glad to form the company 1 and allow him to suggest the name. I provided be would pay for the equip- j menta, \ "Congressman X IX Elliott has fitted out a company of -white men, and throughout the war they will be known as the Elliott Light Guards," said the spokesman of the colored men. "Well," said Dam, "If I am to equip and organize this colored company, I shall insist that they be known as the | Dam Black Guards." ' The company was never organized.? New York Tribune. Tracing the Bullet. If a bullet to be fired by a marksman Is coated with a fine paste of gunpowder and gum, says the Dundee Advertiser, and then with a thin covering of some friction powder, the latter, as the ballet passes out of the gnu barrel, will Ignite, and In turn sot fire to the gunpowder paste. The bullet will then leave a long stream oi! smoke behind It, Indicating the exact course It has taken and enabling the marksman, If necessary, to correct tils aim for his next shot The Real Articl*. The Youth?Ah, would I were a 0ove, that I might hold your pretty land. Young Widow?Yon certainly would be a rocceea In the glove line, rhe Youth?Do yon think so? Young Widow?Yea; yon are a genuine kid. -Illustrated Bite. * Some Crooked wees. The Mississippi river la eo crooked placet, declares Judge Walter Maone of Memphis, that a steamer gong south has been known to meet Itelf coming north, give paaalng signals ind narrowly escape a collision with tself. A High Plaoe. Sweet Singer?DeHammer says he laa ii hlirh nluro tn th<* next fihow he pes oat with. Comedian?Well, 1 boa id say it is blgh. He sits op In he flies and tears up paper for the nowstorm scene.?Chicago News. Mourning. The Parkers bare all gone Into deep morning for a very distant rststSre. )on't yon tblnk Ifs a sign they*!* Icbr "No. Tt's a sign the Artttt slatlvo Tras rich."?Life. > *v ' ' ' N" v' ; % : Co'U^ A' HERE to stay With Prices_Hammered down. TWO CARS FLOUR, ANY GRADE. p ONE HUNDRED SACKS COFFEE ANY GRADE. Ah FOUR HUNDRED SACKS RICE ANY GRADE. IT ONE HUNDRED BOXES CRACKERS. x Jl Jig Assortment Can Goods to Move Cheap for Cash. Yours to please, W T Wilkins, KINGSTREE, S. C. f Q,ET BUSY! 1 *W? M | Why We Are Always Busy. 3 ir We do not want it all, but must have OUR share. || ? FINE 8T0CK STERLING SILVER ON HAND. 3 S Tea Setts, Pitchers, Cups, Spoons, Porks, Berry Spoons, 3 g Soup Ladles, Ice Tongs, Sugar Spoons, Butter 3 ~ Knives, Beautiful Assortment in Ches^and Cases. 3 E WATCH INSPECTORS FOR || iSZ Southern, Georgetown and Western Railroad and Consolidated ~ Street Railway. 3 1 S- THOMAS A BRO. 1 | 287 K180 STREET, CHARLESTONS. Cr 3 E Mail Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention. 3 COTTON IS KIN6 -AND THE PRINCE REGENT 18TOBACCO. There will be a number of subjects of both in Lake City this Kail and we are ready to serve them. In anticipation of the splendid crop prospect we are repairing our warehouse so as to enlarge our floor space, and rather than remove the stock of O.K. ^ueen Stoves and Ranges from warehouse j;we have reduced the. . r?rir:e * 2? Fez Cent. We bave just received a carload of Wire Fence,"fwbich is of^ : Fered at a low price. Remember we are headquarters for Benja-' i ; min Moore & Co's Paint. Alsp, we offer exceptional values in Cutlery and Razors. The Robeson Razor can't be beat. We appreciate our friends'patronage and will try to merit their con- * tmued confidence. Lake City Hardware Co., * LAKE CITY, S. C- v One Quart Absolutely Free! SNAP 1. [I SNAP 13. ^ 4 Qts. Acorn Corn t $2 00 20 Bottles Schlitz Beer |2 60 1 Qt. Rye Free.' SNAP 14. SNAP 2. 20 Bottles either Port, Cherry 4 Qts. Surnuf Corn 3 00 or Blackberry $3 75 1 Qt. Rye Free. SNAP 15. SNAP 8. 6 Qts. Scuppernong Wine 12 35 4 Qts. Hygrade Corn 4 00 SNAP 16. 1 Qt. Rye Free 6 Qts. Blackberry $2 35 SNAP 4. SNAP 17< 4 Qts. Corncob Corn $5 Oo 6 Qts. Port or Cherry |2 75 1 Qt. Imported Claret Wine Free SNAF 18 SNAP 5. 5 Qts. Rock and Rye or < yv. n % / ? _ O AA .v . M 4 yts. tragic inn * w reacn and Honey |2 Off 1 (it Rye Free. SNAP 19. SNAP 6. 4 Qtg. Apple Brandy |2 00 12 M ixed Qts. Wine $5 00 ! Qt. Blackberry Free, 1 Qt- Rye Free. SNAP ax SNAP 7. 4 Qtg. Peach Brandy 12 00 4 Qts. Monogram Rye $2 00 ! Qt Blackberry Free. lQt Rye Free. SNAP 21. SNA P 8. 4 jigjt 14 00 4 Qta. Black Fox Rye $8 00 ! Qt Blackberry Free. 1 Qt. Rye Free. SNAp ^ SNAP 9. 4 Qtg. Lynndale, Bottled 4 Qts. Square Deal Rye $4 00 m B<md w M 1 Qt Imported Claret Wine Free. 1 Qt. Blackberry Free. SNAP 10. SNAP 23. A .r?*. Coal Rm tM no J AA. TTTu.-i. 3 -x ->?uo. ww kv. ~ t yu}. wmie miius, Doiuea l|Qt. Imported Claret Wine Free. in Bond $5 00 SNAP 11. 1 Qt. Blackberry Free. 5 Qta. Cream of Kentucky $5 00 SNAP 24. SNAP 12. 4 Qta. Ivy Crown Rye $4 50 20 Bottles Pale Export Beer $1 50 1 Qt. Blackberry Free. MORRIS DISTILLING CO. P. 0* Box 243. Wilmlnlton, N. C. DEAL WHERE TOD ?ET A SQUARE DEAL. *> $ ...