V . . n % XT? KI! Local and Personal. 9&~ We ate sending out a number of statements to subscribers in arrears. There are now on our books nearly 2,000 subscribers, many of whom have paid nothing m a year or longer. We ask all these delinquents to settle up as soon as possible. Each account is made out up to the nearest year or half year. It may be that .some who get these statements have already paid; if so just call our attention to the fact and we will cheerfully make the correction. All we want is what is due us and not a cent more. But we do want that. See list of jurors. Mr C L Burgess was in town i f . -m r "i uesciay irom iviouzon. Mr A J Parsons of Suttons was a visitor in town Tuesday. Itev J 0 Caraway of Salters Depot was noted on our streets one day this week. LeBoy Lee, Esq., was in Georgetown several days this week on professional business. Mr S W Gowdy of Lake City iwas in Manning during the " week on business?Cor. Columbia ~$tate. Rev J W Bishop, who has recently undergone a tedious illness, is able to be out, to the ^gratilcation of his many friends. Miss Lila Hammet has gone to Marion to take a position with the Marion County Lumber Co. as stenographer and type writer. Mr Chas Myers, formerly of Xingstree but who now * resides at Latta, was here Monday and paid The Record a pleasant call. The many friends of Mr WE Snowden of Benson were pleased to see him able to come to town last Monday after his recent se /ere illness. Mr R D Gamble of Indiantown was in here Monday to see his * i x _ family, who have movea to Kingstree in order to enjoy the excellent advantages of our graded school. Miss Nena Brewington of Baltimore, the new milliner for the [ Kingstree Dry Goods Co., came' in Wednesday of last week and will be pleased to get aquainted with her prospective friends and customers. Miss Odessa Montgomery of Kingstree is making Manning her temporary home this seasen. Miss Montgomery belongs to one of the best families of Williamsburg county?Cor. Columbia State. The six banks in Williamsburg county make a rema rkably fine showing, and notwithstanding one disastrous year the fact is impressed upon us that " ?J ~^ /*/-.?nfr ic far fmm IllC JJl dUU uiu wuut; .. "'busted" yet. The scolarship for the Citadel Academy from this county was won by Mr J H Wood berry of Johnsonville, and not by Mr J H Floyd, as the daily papers stated it. Mr F R Hemmingway is the alternate. N / mmm Thursday t NGSTRE Dr ? T Kellejr, who has beer associated with Dr W L Wallace during the summer months returned this week to continue his studies at the Medical College of Charleston. Dr Kellej will graduate next year and probably hang out his shingle in Kingstree. Come and see my line of Tyson&Jones, White Star and Rock Hill buggies for sale cheap? they are going fast. P C Thomas', Kingstree, S C. ustofTukoks \ Far Tern a! Court Convening October 7, Jodie Prince Presiding J C Altman, Johnsonville I W Botynn, Lambert W D McClary, Gourdin J T Wilson, Harper J J Graham, Kingstree S A Graham, Gourdin S M Brown. Benson W T Sports, Greelyville G A Brown, Lake City J D Cox. Venters J B Morris, Bloomingvale W G Cantley, Jr. 44 Alex Spivey, Salters Depot S D Hanna, Jr. Vox R D Guerry, Zeb W T Britton, Salters Depot R E Adams, Mouzon W G Carter. Lambert WPMcGill, Kingstree J A McCants, Harper J L Blakeley, 41 S S Blakeley, 44 G J Graham, Jr, Cooper J J Hanna, Kingstree J M Oliver, Heinemann J C McElveen, Lake City W J M Thomas, Rome J B Matthews, Kingstree James A Scott, " R J Brown, Church W T Matthews, Scranton J D Boyd, Trio H D Ferrell, Greelyville S J Kirby, Scranton W V Nexsen, Kingstrec G Walter Scott, Kingstree I am out for business at cos1 or any old price just so it cashcome and make known youi wants?trade is money, F C Thomas, Kingstree, S C. Uifstree Telephone Co. Organized On Monday a meeting of the stock-holders was held and th< Kingstree Telephone Co. dul; organized with W RFunk, pres ident, W T Wilkins, vice president and G 0 Epps, secretary and treasurer. Application fo a charter has been made anc the exchange will be installec as soon as possible. Free hitching lot and stall rear of Farmers'Supply Cos. Baptist Union Meeting. The Union meeting of tb Southeast Baptist Associatioi will meet with Kingstree churcl on Friday, September 27. Th committee on entertainment ii as follows: Dr A M Snider Messrs W R Funk and P A Als brook. All delegates are re quested to see the committe* who will provide them wit) homes. The nicest and" cheapest lin< of harness in town, at F C Thorn a's, Kingstree, S G'. t If aid EE md Friday E DRY~( KIN GST REE, " @ :i?i kingstree cci @ r ? l ? The Top of the A ? Following are the Cotton Bin ? Hugh MeOutcben, Alexander Spr w W. S. Gilland, Rogers, McCabed ? J. C. Kinder, Farmers and ttpinm ? A. F. Byars, Inman & Co., Charl ? @ SEE- D Bl _ ? D. J. Epps, Buckeye Cotton i ?L. P. Kinder, Southern Cotcc W. R. Scott, Kingntree Oil S ? R. W. Fulton, S. 0. Cotton 0 ? ^ Quotations today, September @ Cotton 11J to 111 ceut ^ Cotton Seed $21.00 i noalh nlHN lanot Inn Vhaolop VMIU UKHItf VMH9I IIMH HUKWBVI ' Mrs Janet Ann Wheeler died Thursday morning, September J 19, at the home of her son, Mr ? J P Wheeler, of Kingstree, af- t ter a long illness, the re3ult of ' a stroke of paralysis, which she 1 suffered some weeks ago. a Mrs Wheeler was the widow of f the late Gen. Coffee Wheeler, < who died in service near i Charleston during the Civil < war. She was a daughter of 1 Mr John C Fulmore, who lived l near the present town of Cades. Mrs Wheeler was seventy-six >c -9 3 3 4.1 years oia ana was me mumer |? of three children: Messrs J P t Wheeler of Kingstree, C E 1 Wheeler of Florence and West 1 Wheeler of Columbia. Her re- i mains were interred at the fam- i ily burying ground at Bethes- 1 da church, near Cades, the fun- j 1 eral services being conducted by 1 | Rev. SJ Bethea. The funeral i was largely attended by people i J both from Williamsburg and ' Florence counties. Mrs Wheeler was a devoted t Christian and a lifetime member - of the Methodist church. Her r death is a sad blow to a large 2 number of friends and i elatives in the community in which she , lived. 1 The best is always cheapest? - use Town Talk flour and be con^ rinced. Sold by The Farmers' Supply Co. 7 r Special Offer. I You are invited to call and I see the following vehicles,which will be sold at cost to make g room for our fall stock: Seven surreys prices from $65 to $90.00 AA J ?A AA | Two phaetons o&.uu 10 iu.w e Two 2 seated open buggies 1 each 50.00 a Two open buggies each 25.00 e One top rubber tire buggy s 70.00 One open rubber tire buggy i- 65.00 > One top rubber tire buggy 5 50.00 9-23-4t a , Buy Town Talk and get the 5 best flour to be had. At Farmers Supply Co's. m m rrw m ? OCT. i iOODS C 8. C. ? TON MARKET "? i - ? @ ? " @ larket Assured. jgj era here at present: nui & Song.'Wilmington, N. C. J?! ; Co.. Rchmond, Va. @ ers Co , Charleston W esfon. - JYERS @ Oil Co., Augusta, Ga. ? m Oil Co., Charleston. (oj 111 I. * 'il Co., Colombia. ^ 26: @ s a ponnda. a ton @ ? ?:?:?:?:?:?;?;?;?;@ Death of % V H NcCrea On Thursdar. Kpntpmhor IS 1Q07 ~-r-~ dr William Marcel lad McCre* passid away at his home near Iudiaaown postoffice. He was striken rith paralysis about a year ago and lis death was the result of another stroke. He was interred at the umily burying groan! near Central &nrcb, Rev E E Krvin conducing the funeral services. Mr Mc? Jrea was sixty-nine years old and lie wife and eight children?five jirls and three boys?sarvive him. Mr McCrea was a gentleman of the rid regime?a tyj>e of those knightly tools that made the "Old South" ;be admiration of the whole world. Endowed with unusual native ability, enhknced by cultare and refineneat, he lived his life- a modest and inassuming country gentleman, irben by right of birth and intelli ?eoce he might hare aspired to be a leader among meu. He was a polished gentleman ami ever held a strict sense of justice in his dealings with his fellow-man. Besides his immediate family Mr McCrea leaves one sister, Mrs Josina Chandler, the last surviving member of an erstwhile large family circle. We tender our sincere condolences to the bereaved ones and may they be comforted by Him who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. KINGSTKEE1C0RTINGENT To tbi Edocatioiai Institutions of . the State. The following young collegians have recently taken their departure for the several institutions of learning which they lull attend during the ensuing session: Winthrop College: Misses Adelaide Harper, Pearl Montgomery, ;Floasie Harper, Jimmie Britton, Lonifie Harper, Esther Gordon, Eunice Harper, Elise Rollins and Margaret Ross. Columbia College: Misses Annie Stuckley, Nita Whitehead, Eleanor Epps, Annie Belle Bryan and Man tie Coker. Converse College: Misses Mabel Snider and Marion Gilland. Wofford College: Messrs Ernest] Epps and Theodore Hemmingway. Davidson College, N C: Mr J H Scott. Charleston College: Mr Peel Epps. C'.intod College: Mr Cyril Grayson. I ft A i ? 1 :ompav Attention! I handle Text books adopted by the State dor the public schools i#the County, and have a full supply of these books on band at all times; also carry a full line box % 9 paper, tablets, pencils, pens, ink and other school sup? \ plies. C. OLLIE EPPS, Kiisflree, S. C. '- ? v: .* * . - - * A showy line of young men's1 sporty buggies?for sale at the old price?F C Thomas, Kingstree, S C. SPECIAL NOTICES Transient .Notices wiu oe ruousnen [? This Column at the Sate of One Cent a Word for Each Issue. Before buying or selling a farm or any property, write Th* Carolina Realty & Trust Co, 2?14-tf Bishepville, S. C, Fo? Rent?One store building at "afters, For terms apply t? Mrs 9 E Davis, Salters Depot, ?C. Wawtbd?To buy Stock Certificates of Williamsburg Live Stock < o*. Address, 4,Buykr," 9-4i-3t Kings tree, S. C. For Sale?40-acre tract of land within two-mi lee of Kings tree. This is a chance to own a home near good sdnol Apply this office Wawtbd? Highest price paid l'or fat cattle Address. C. G. Carat**, Cades, S 0. For Rknt?Several furnished rooms. For terms, et<\, apply to Mrs M R Hemingway. Kings tree, S C. 9-28-2t Send me one dollar and get a nice two-horse load of stove wood delivered. a.oa-A* P B Thorn*. . ? 1 Fob Sale:?I have abaut 75 head o4 nice sheep for sale all together. Call ob address, J. A - Christmas, 1M9 4t Hebron, S. C. Fob Sale At a bargain, one Hod* stem bicycle, brand new. Apply, Record Office. Coffins, Caskets, all sizes and kinds and Undertakers' supplies at cost at S M Askins', Lake City, S C. 9?19-3t . New Advertisements. Kingatree Dry Goods Co?Millinery and dress goods opening. Louis Cohen&Co?Charleston? ready-to wear garments, fine dress goods and silks. ACLB R?Jamestown Exposition. Kingatree Cotton Market?Cotton and seed quotations. Died o( Heart Failure. Abraham Fulton, a well known cclored man about town died very rPtn?arI?w mnrnim? about OUUUCUljr xuvw a 9:30 o'clock. He waa apparently in good health and had left his house to stake his cow to graze. Before reaching his door he fell forward on his face and when an examination was made life was found to be extiuct. Abraham was about 50 years old. 4 ?1 j t n RillJ QpensH 1 ll?^mmmmttk Try a barrel of Town Talk j flour, at Farmers' Supply Co. v3| ! Notice to Teachers- ~ J The regular teachers' examinination Jp will be held in Kingstree on Frifey; j October 18, beginning at 10 o'clock an. I J. G. McCullough. m Co. SiipC of Ed Vs. jfl 9-17-3t VVilliaanburg County, -.jB WHENEVER 9 You 1 Have 1 . Any ' I KIND OF BUSINESS 1 la Real Estate See ... STOLL MOTHS, | Kingstree, - ?y' S. C. > ?% | SOME SPLENDID BUSINESS i OPPORTUNITIES, limtiilnl Estate . Is MrMifceti Tnl ' M ft Ian tit MMif larplis It (Iter Tse_.._. Jfl No. 59?1,350 acres, 23 cleared, 5 miles from Trio?iSpllendid bargain. 16,000.00. No. 60?100 acres near Goardins. 12,600. No. 61?Ten-Room Dwelling in town of Kingstree. $3,306. No. 62?179 acres near Rome. $1,790. No. 63?200 acres near Harpers. 61,200. No. 64?266 acres, Johnson township. 68,400. e v; No. 66?21 acres, seven-room dwelling and store boose, in town of Harpers. $8,000. No. 70?6 acres, store-house and dwelling, near Benson. $3,000. No. 71?164 acres, ten-room dwelling, on R F D route. $2,000 "-fl ' v A'iB If Any of These Interest You, Call on or Write Us, AND REMEMBER If you want to buy or sell, it ^1^2 will be to ycur interest to sec us;" Stoll Bros,, , KITOSTB EE