V ' * . .. % ? j, . t m cuius m ran business iI *? *? a 9?.rcA*nt, i icsfe-i mm amnw \ {tta^.jEWsr ; mf*}* Cr CT LdEH^-J d "VOL XXI KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907. NO. 38 - ^ ? s"fft A 'W%m on Mh Pe< mfiV j. ; Stttmitof tie CoDdidei it The Back of Kiogstree, Kln?stree, S. C. At the Close of Business Sept 17th, 1907 Resources Loans and Discounts, 198,586 14 Overdrafts, 616 18 Banking House, 2,100 a Furniture and Fixtures, 1,861 28 Due from Banks and Bankers, 16,052 66 Currency, 6,751 00 > Gold, 215 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies, 509 21 Checks and Cash Items, 212 23 Total, w 156,909 41 Liabilities Capital Stock Paid in, 830,000 00 Surplus Fund. 7,800 00 XJnd. Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 3,907 94 Due to Banks and Bankers, to Check, 58,073 82 Savings Deposits. 59,227 65 Cashier's Checks, Notes and Bills Rediscounted. 3,900 00 ^ Total, 8156,909.41 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, v County of Williamsburg. Before me came D C Scott, President of The Bank of Kings tree, who, being duly sworn, says the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of ? Kn Wa Knnlri ftf NMU UMM. mm OUVVTU VJ ?UV vwmw v? W--' file in said bank. D C SCOTT, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of Sept, 1907. F W FAlREY, [L S] Notary Public for S. C. Correct Attmt: R H Kellahan, John A Kelley, D C Scott. . \ Directors. SUtunitif Iki CaMON *t ? The Bank of fireelyvifle, Greelyvillc, S. C. At the close of business, Sept. nth, 1907. lesoirces Loans and Discounts 139,103 76 Overdrafts, 98 64 Banking House 978 69 Furniture and Fixtures 1,896 83 Due from Banks and Bankers 3,741 86 Currency 3,600 00 Gold 538 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies 1,028 02 Expense Account 159 38 Total 140,602 20 UattWte Capital Stock Paid in 15,000 00 Individual Deposits, Subject to Check 22,580 88 Savings Deposits 2,911 93 Cashier's Checks 129 39 Total $40,802 20 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Before me oame C E Register cashier of the Bank of Greelyville, who being ' duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by books of t file in said bank. C E REGISTER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of Sept, 1907. J F REGISTER. 1 r Notary .Public for S.C. I Correct-Attest: ^ S J Taylor, MMV T W Boyle, J F Register. W Directors. Save 50 to 75 per cent on Coffins, Caskets, etc., by buying at cost at closing out sale. S M Askins, Lake City, S C. 9-19 3t full line ?f thing always jj hand. fljjjj Dple's Mercantile _ 2 company. i ! Attention Veterans! | A meeting of our Camp will be held on Saturday, October 5th. As this j is the most important meeting of the year a full attendance of the members 1 j is requested, Members of the U D M i chapter are cordially invited to meet j with us on that date. By complying: they m-iy facilitate the distribution of ' crosses of honor to deserving veterans. H. H. Kinder. Commandant. , G. J. Graham. Adjt. 9-26 It | ~ * Having decided to discontinue this department of my business I offer for sale my stock of Coffins, Caskets, Broadcloth Trimmings, etc., absolutely at cost. S M Askms, Lake City, S C. 9-19-3t Closing out sale at cost?all kinds of undertakers'supplies, Coffins, Caskets,Trimmings, etc. S M Askins, Lake City, 8 C. 9-19 3t i -?? <<; lity shoes are famous ijj.V. ' iform wearing qua!- J \r never disappoint, r is made to conform wv; high standard before iv**v 1 factory. You can al- tfvs a them. King Qualquire no "breaking JvXvJ fit your feet when Ev&fl n and retain their pe indefinitely. Try . lality shoe. It is the :jvv| I. on's patterns are gfrK a every respect. See ?. >* are purchasing your ??> shoes# mVI Just received, car of Town Talk tiour, at Farmers' Supply Cos. ES | ctory 5 \CKNEY BUQQIES. , right across and ^ we are next door to '3: ) our store before or 3: 4G COLD I >t. We have a neat, 3: i welcome sure. i iving you any trou- S Sr We c?' jt $&* mtiP ; 1 ed, and perhaps stop ^ i always having. S Hciwke's Celebrated 3 ?STOCK FOOD | orse or mule. ^ ER POWDER 5 ;eep the flies off your horse ^ cent sizes. I ^ .nmOTI of A UAIlf fMflP III < ipi WV1MIV JWUl MHMW jF?ANT, I i PHARMACIST. 5 TY,S. C. I MM^AAWMAAWAWMf? Having purchased bef advance in prices we in position to give 1 bargains in anything OUR LINE. 9 POINTER BRAND MATS nitm * QwiRy Mi *m Statement of the CoBditlee of 1 it ol lott Qt. ? LIKE CITY, s. c. At the Close of Business, Sept. 17th, | 1907. I Resources | Loans and Discounts 67.758 77! , Overd rafts 3 24 ' Furniture and Fixtures? 848 84 Due from Banks and Bankers 34,937 52 Currency.; 5,800 09 Gold 310 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies 388 00 Total 110,041 46 Liabilities Capital Stock Paid in 20,000 00 Surplus Fund 5,000 00 Undivided Prodis, less Curlent Expenses and Taxes D.M 410 11 ii6 14 1 Due to Banks and Bankers 197 98 I Individual Deposits Subject to Cheek 68,572 43 Savings Deposits 15,858 94 Total 110,041 46 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg, i Before me came E W Yates. Cashier of the Bank of Lake City, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true oondition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. E W YATES, Cashier Bank of Lake City. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of Sept, 1907. DE MOTLEY, U At the Clese of Business Sept. 17th, i 1907. '.I-.' "A1 1 -a f. Resources w? Loans and Discounts, 91,519 22 Overdrafts, . 12 64 ? Banking House, 5,696 69 Furniture and Fixtures * 1,684 29 Due from Banks and Bankers, 32,241 09 > Currency, 13,256 00 ; Gold, 605 00 - 5 Silver, Nickels and Pennies, 1,546 26 Checks and Cash Items, 1,686 20 Total. 148.197 39 j Liabilities .., Capital Stock Paid in. 25,000 00 Surplus Fund 7,000 00 Und. Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 1,641 73 Individual Deposits Subject to Check, 68,411 58 Savings Deposits. 20,915 70 Cashier's Check*, 228 88 Bills Payable, 25,000 00 Total, 148,197 w STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Before me came B Wallace Jones, Jr, Cashier of Farmers & Merchants Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above ana foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of tile in said bank. B WALLACE JONES, Jr, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of Sept. 1907. H P Baldwin, [L S] Notary Public for S. C. * Correct Attest: J S McClam, B W Stewart. Chas M Kelley, i Director*.