The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 29, 1907, Image 8

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CV vy' ' I & Local and Personal. School Opens Monday,September 16. Nobody works in Florence on Labor Day. Mr H A Meyer has been quite jiowell for several days. 'See notice of the general (murnicipal) election in this issue ] Remember that Florence's gala day is next Monday, Labor j day. j A fish fry on the river was < enjoyed by a congenial party < Jast Tuesday. i < IMjs GWHightower of Denmark, S C, is visiting her sister, J Mrs Nora Elliott. Maj S M Askins of Lake City, spent Sunday with the family of H G Askins, Esq. Miss Sadie Meyer has returned ^ home from a pleasant visit to ( relatives in Charleston. \ Supervisor Singletary attend- 1 ed the recent Good Roads con- 1 .vention in Spartanburg. 1 xkt i i ^ ZLHT ?? JJ iUtUUlLUCU U1 VU1UU1>bia is visiting friends and relatives in town and county. t . . Mr H T McClary of Salters c - was among the appreciated visVit?rs at our sanctum today. Mr ST Godwin of Lake City r was a visitor in town Monday f and called pleasantly to see us. f The "fleecy staple" period i Jhas arrived and it is hoped that, c tfor a while at least, the hard c times are over. Mrs K H Kellahan has return- t ed from Glenn Springs. She is c accompanied by her cousin. \ Miss A M Lockamy. t When you want to buy or sell anything in Kingstree, Lake . City, Charleston, or anywhere 1 else, it will pay you to look through The Record's adver J tising columns. There was an ice famine in g town for a couple of days this s week, but fortunately the situa- j tion has been relieved. It seems that the town gets out of ice . too often now-a days. 1 Commodore Constein gave the t5 si ting Woodmen and their j friends a complimentary trip on the Mercedes last Sunday afternoon, which was very much enjoyed by all who participated. ; So many were here from i the various parts of the county at the unveiling of the monument last Sunday that it would i be invidious to attempt to giye even a partial list of those present Mr A J Ham of Florence, who ' \ sold us our new gasoline engine is in town today. And, by the . way, the "International" is a ' dais}'. We haven't a single ' kick coming- after using it two months. Mr N D Lesesne, the assistant ] cashier of the Bank of Kjngstree, 1 has returned from a trip to Pickens, Greenville, Chick i .Springs and other points. His ? \ t \ "7 Wedn< Hopkins Tailo Now is your chanct KINGSl vacation was cut short by the illness of Mr Fairey. Born, on Tuesday, August 27, 1907, to Mr and Mrs H W Shealy of Lexington, S C, a daughter. Mrs Shealy is a daughter of our townsman, Mr H,A Meyer and it was at his home that the interesting event took place. The little stranger's name is Mary Elizabeth?after its grandmother. Mr J S Eron, "Tie' Bargain Specialist," has just returned From New York, where he purchased a large stock of up-to3ate merchandise in his line. Mr Eron will soon move into 3ne ot the new brick stores on Academy street, where his .arge stock will be displayed to setter advantage. The outlook for business this :all is brighter than ever before n the town's history. More people during the busy season :ome to Kingstree in a week :han used to in a month. Thk Record reaches two-thirds of :he voters in the county. If you lave anything to advertise what >etter medium could you find? T\_ r?l It Dnllmc T}-. I -LSI Viai CUV.C 1/ UU11I1U \JI i/m;imore, Md., who is visiting relieves in Lake City, was in ;own yesterday. Dr Rollins is he only son of the late lamented R D Rollins, and while we egret that he has left his na- , ive heath, still it is gratifying o learn that he is succeeding ticely in his profession in the :ity where he has elected to ' :ast his lot. Mr L H Fairey, the cashier of he Bank of Kingstree, has been :onfined to his bed for some days < vith fever. Although compara;ively a new-comer to Kingstree klr Fairey has made a ho6t of riends. His uuWorm courtesy n his business relations, added ;o his genial personality, have gained the confidence and es:eem of the public and we feel hat we voice a wide-spread ;entiment in hoping that he may ;oon be able to resume his duties n the position he fills so well. Miss Essie McRoy of Foreston s visiting her sister, Mrs G 0 Spps. Everybody loves our baby, rosy, sweet and warm, With kissy places on her neck and dimples on her arms. Once she was so thin and cross, used to cry with pain? Mother gave her Cascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by Dr. W. L. Wallace. SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notices will be Published In This Column at the Rate of One Dent a Word for Each Issue. Before buying or selling a farm or any property, write The Carolina Realty & Trust Co, 2?14-tf Bishopville, S. C. ""For salk-One 4-year-old heifer, % Jersey and % Holstein. Will have calf in a bout one month. For particulars apply to J M Baxley, Lake City, S 0. 8-29-It For Rent?One store building at Palters. For terms apply to Mrs S E Davis, Salters Depot, S C. ALL isday an( 0 A . ? ^ ring lo s. repn assoi i to for an up-to-date Suit ai rREE DR KINCSTRI SAYS PROHIBITION IS BOUND TO COME. EX-ATTORNEY GENERAL BELLINGER SAYS A GENERAL STATE LAW < WILL BE PASSED. Columbia, August 23.?The, Hon G Duncan Bellinger, formerly attorney general of Sooth Carolina, who is now practicing law in Columbia, has recently made several business trips to Washington and , Baltimore, and in conversation ou fl his return he stated that there is a great deal of significai.ce being everywhere attached to the growth of the ^ prohibition sentiment in this ooun try, especially in the South. Mr ^ Bellinger has never advocated State t knf V?n ia a f ^mA/tra f pivuiuibiuiij uuu uc to a i/viuuv?av and believes in the rule of the ma-f y jority, and he is convinced that the v people of South Carolina will soon j, demand the passage of a prohibition g law, just has been done in Georgia c and will be done in North Carolina, d "I believe," said Mr Bellinger, s "that the wisest thing for the Pro- e hibitionists to do would be to enact \t a law giving the whole State pro- ? hibition and permitting those coun- 0 ties which desire to have whiskey ? sold therein to vote it in instead of u requiring, as now, the counties which want prohibition to vote whiskey q out. Under the present arrange- ? ment the whole burden is on those g who oppose the sale ot wnisEey ana g this sheald not be. The present || lav makes it necessary for those op- f, posing the sale of whiskey to get up b the petitions for the election and to e wage the campaign for prohibition; g then after the election if there is a e contest, the prohibitionists are com- d pelled to put up funds to fight it. p Those who are interested, either g financially or otherwise, in the sale a of whiskey will naturally be prepared * to spend money to retain this privi- ? lege, but it is hard to compel the c sincere prohibitionists to go down ( iuto their pockets and put up the t money for such fight. ^ r "My firm and myself personally * have represented the dispensary faction in many of the contests which have been brought to test the legal, ity under the Brice law and the Carey Cothran law, and the suggestion I am making will not only not bring me an.y money, but if put into effect would cost me heavily, but I am convinced that it is the best plan to insure the success of prohibition in this State. While I was always a dispensary man as long as I was in politics, my sympathies throughout life have been with those forces making for temperance, law and order, and I admire the sincere prohibitionist "There is no use denying the force of the sentiment which is growing in favor of prohibition in this and other Southern States, and if the prohibitionists are wise they will substitute for the present unsatisfactory law a State prohibition law, which will cover the Commonwealth like a blanket, putting on those who want whiskey sold in any county the onus of securing an election and of instituting the dispensary. The prohibitionists have the power to do this if they choose, and it is to their advantage to do so. Personally, I v OPE i Thurst tentative will rtrnonf nf U/nn IIIIIVIIV VI 1VUU id Over-Coat. ?Y QOOC EE, G- OLLIE EPFS, SOLE AGENT Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen, KINGSTREE. S. Cihould be glad to see snch a bill otroduoed at the session of the gen rail assembly by some sincere prolibitionist, and it seems to me that t would meet with the approval of Governor Ausel, whose inclination owards prohibition is well known." I Iu speaking of the contests, which | lis firm has conducted to test the arious electioua on the dispensary n the last few years, Mr Bellinger aid be knew that he had been critiised, but that he considered he had one his State a service if he has asisted iu instructing the people how lections must t>e conducted to be iwfully condncted. "I have alrays stood for the enforcement and bservance of the law," said Mr iellinger, "uo matter what the law i, and shall always do so." Mr Bellinger has an intimate #cuaintauce with the w hiskev laws rh ich have been iu force in this itate dtiriug the last fifteeu years, [e was solicitor when the dispensary kw was 6rst enacted and his /record Dr vigorous prosecution of law* ? ??_J. -i. 1. ..4. reakers or an it in us manus uuquailed in the court annals of loath Carolina. Then he was lected attorney general when the ispensary law required daily interrelation for the guidance of the Itate officials and his opinions were ccepted as final on the questions rhich he was called on to consider, lince his retirement from that office le has beeu engaged in almost every on test of the Brice law and Careylothran law elections that have been nade. Although out of office Mr. Bellinger keeps in touch with the >eople and knows their sentiment.? Vev>8 and Courier. ?i ?1 WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. I AM REPRESENTING THE CHEBAW DOOR AND SASH CO. AND WILL BE PLEASED TO QCOTE YOU PRICES ON Sash, Doors and all kinds of Building Material before you doae a trade elsewhere. I also represent J. H. WEARN & CO., Charlotte, N. C, and can interest you in fancy mantels. My prices are low for high grade material as a comparison with other dealers will prove to you. D. J. Epps, IKingstree, - - S. C. 6-27?30105. Free adTioe, how" to obtain patent*, trad* m*rka,B copyright* eta, IN ALL COUNTRIES. . J Business direct with Washing to* saves time, money and often the patent. | PatMt and Infrinprnant Practice Exclusively. I Wrtt* or oom* to uj at B US Bsth ttrmt, op,. {felted State* Met OSca.1 WASHINOTPN. O. C. B % I , Hi Jay, Aug. I display a large lone IVU?J# DON*T FOR' )5 COMP 8. C. Ideal Fountain ! Keeps you in touch u the loved ones at Y YOU ARE -TO CUL AMD SEE Buggies, C&rri and. W, We offer you the best lot of P and Winter Robes ever s County. All at r ! Yours to THE USBUitG KINOSTRE A Beautiful Bull. The foreman of a grand Jury In the i west of [reload bod been presented j for some pabltc serrlce with a gold -watch, of which be waa rerj proud, and aa be displayed It at a dinner of the grand Jury beta were made by . members aa to whose watch was most accurate. At last some one suggested ( that it eras Impossible to decide. "Oh." said the foreman, "there's no ? dlfflcnlty about that! There's a stm, dial In the garden, and well take a lantern and decide the bets that way." Dfp/emetie. Stranger (watching a big row in a ~? ?? *1 ther TIIUI|V 1UU w SUV iouuivi / . w irt all going far eech other pretty freely except that bfg fellow. He leta every one hit him end doee nothing. Why la that? Landlord?Oh. be wants to be mayor tbie year, ao be doeoq?t want to fall oat with any one*? FMegende Blatter. Went Always Work. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." be quoted. "If yon Intend to act upon that theory throughout life," she returned, "let us hope that yon never will have occasion to visit an Insane asylum for any purpose." Dead Cities. "What became of Nineveh?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "It was destroyed," said Johnny promptly. "And what became of Tyre?" "Punctured."?Cleveland Leader. Misunderstandings and minding other people's business cause most of the trouble in this world.?Man cheater Union. /*ATTftN niNNERY I WW WI1 . . To the Public of Lake City and Vicinity: I beg- to announce that I have put in a new and up-to-date cotton ginnery outfit and am now equipped for first-class GINNING. Will also pay highest price for cotton seed. Soliciting your patronage, Yours truly, S. T. Godwin, 8?29-4t Lake City, S. C. i j ti 1 i! L 28-29. i t and elegant! qet the pate! e ANY, I ION DAYS' |i lND or sea All 5 n?W|| Pen |f -ith MM tome INVITED it OUI STOCK OF? ages, Surreys | agons. I harness and Saddles, Summer 4 hown in Williamsburg easonable prices, please, $ LIVE STOCK CO., J 9 y?rvj e, s. c. 11 Bine Ribbon Extracts?all lavors, cake coloring-, etc., at People's Mxrcastile Ca si - hwrre cmnuzb mm urn. BAJlVE For Hlw, Bums, tor?. K 1 r ^ SOME 1 SPLENDID BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, finest li Real Estate is Oar AdrlceteTie. Aid We lave the Followiifl Raraaitt In Offer Ton \ Vj . No. 59?1,350 acres, 25 cleared, 5 miles from Trio?Spllendid bar- i gain. 16,000.00. ~ No. 60?100 acres near Gourdins. $2,600. a No. 61?Ten-Room Spelling in t^wn of Kings tree. $3/300. No. 62?179 acres near Rome. $1,790. No. 63?200 acres near Harpers. $1,200. No. 64?266 acres, Johnson township. $3,400. No. 65?21 acres, seven-room dwelling and store house, in town of Harpers. $3,000. No. 70?6 acres, store-house and dwelling, near Benson. $2,500. No. 71?164 acres, ten-room dwelling, on RFD route. $2,000 If Any of These Interest You, Call on or Write Us, - ^ AND REMEMBER M If you want to buy or sell, it ' " will be to ycur interest to see us. Stoll Bros., KI.\tiSTRE E,?.C