The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 29, 1907, Image 6

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NEWS AND GOSSIP AT NATION'S CAPITAL. THE POLITICAL KETTLE IS BOILING? nTHFR MiTTFRS OF INTFRFST TO THE COUNTRY AT LARGE. Washington, DC, August 27? While the Republican political kettle is already boiling, boiling over in some instances, the Democrats are calmly surveying the situation, confident that there is plenty of time before their national convention, and determined to profit by any mistakes their political opponents may make Mr Bryan's frieuds are rejoiced at the atteution paid to their leader by Secretary Taft, and argue that MrTattaud the President must be confident that Mr Bryau is to be the next Democratic candidate. A report has recently been whispered about in Washington to the effect that Mr Bryan will not accept an. other nomination if Secretary Taft is the choice of the Republican convention, and that he has made a deal with William R Hearst that if Taft is nominated, Hearst shall have the Democratic nomination, while if any other Republican is named, Bryan is to have it. It is impossible to confirm the story, some Democratic politi-cians affirming it with emphasis, whereas others deny it absolutely. What they term *'the spineless character'' of Secretary Taft's advocacy of tariff revision is proving a source of comfort to many Democrats who belieye that the country is now ripe for genuine tariff revisiou aloug Democratic lines. Mr. Taft, it will be remembered, advocates a revisiou of the tariff at a special session of congress to be called for that purpose immediately after March 4,1909,but he asserts his belief that the taritt should be rivised along protection lines, sod that doubtless means that the protected pets of the Republican party must not be permitted to suffer any great inconvenience. The Massachusetts Republican papers are greatly upset because the man they regard as most likely to be the presidential candidate of theii party is not more emphatic ?n his declarations that the tariff shonld be revised downwards, although they try to Hind some comfort in the fact that he openly and frankly advocates some kind of revision. Presiieut Roosevelt's Provincetown speech is a source of jrenewed annoyance and anxiety to the old line, | conservative members of his party who insist that it is an outrageous thing for a Republican president to hamper and harry the meu vho hare always contributed so generously to Republican campaign funds, even if they have erected monopolies and practiced extortion on the people To these Jmen Theodore Roosevelt is nothing less than an inconclast, some go so far as to pronunce him an anarchist, and judged from their point of view, perhaps he is. Sillv reports continue to appear in the public prints relating that Japanese have been caught, first here and then there, sketching Atnericau forts. The latest of these comes from Atlanta, where two Japauese are reported to have been detected in act of making pictures of the buildings at Fort McPhersou. If any Japanese were 60 caught they were undoubtedly seeking models with which to scare away their enemies, according to the old-fashioned method of Oriental warefare when soldiers wore masks to scare their enemies off the field of battle. Correctly speaking, Fort Mi-Pherson is not a lort at an. mere are no iort^fications there, only a collection of barracks and officers' quarters, most of them excellent models of bad architecture, which any one is privileged to copy, should he be so illadvised. Certainly there is nothing there uothing there which could be of the slightest use to Japauese government. Moreover, millitary officers 10 Washington declare that there is nothing which they would seriously object to having the Japanese sketch, even our fortifications. Japau has in Washington, in connection with embassy, a military and naval atiache. Tnese men doubtless for ward to their government dtawiags of our battleships and fortifications before even the general public has seen them. The United States uiaintaius in connection with its em i bassv at Tokio, similar official* who send all available information to tiie military information bu eaiis in Wasnington. When Japanese army or navy officers come to the United States, they are shown our battle Sliljla, uuiauuns, juu-im and navy-yards, and anything else they may ask to see, except, of course, the plans and military records of the general staff. If any Japanese are so foolish as to make worthless drawings of American military posts, say general officers here, it is some silly idea that they may receive a reward from thsir government, or else, as has been suggested in the case of Fort McPherson, in order that they may seud to their military architects some samples of what not to imitate. Governor Magoou is about to promulgate in Cuba, with the approval of the president and secretary of war, a decree creatiug a national bureau of sanitation which shall have power to prescribe and enforce sanitary regulations throughout the island. Governor Magoon has found that the local administration of sanitary matters, which was provided during the former occupation of Cuba, is not be relied upon, and to day the island is threatened with a serious outbreak of yellow fever. Sanitary regulations and precautious are naturally repugnant to the Cubans and the local authorities, either through a lack of appreciation of the responsibilities devolving upon them, or through being too ameuable to local influences, haying permitted i most unsauitarv conditions to exist. It is believed, however, that with a uational sanitary board to make the regulations and to enforce them, all further danger ean be eliminated. The authority to issue and to enforce this decree, even after the present occupation of Cuba shall have ceased, is fouud iu Section 5 of the Piatt amendent. ? The President has approved the provisions of the army graduated pay bill, which will be introduced next session, and which provides for j increases of pay for the army as follows; lieutenant general, 10 per cent; major and brigadier generals, i 15 percent; colonels, lieutenant col-! oaela and majors, 20 per ceut; captains and lieutenants, 25 per cent; and enlisted men and non-commissioned officers, 30 per cent. It is expected that this bill, with possibly some modifications, will become a law next session. NEW SOLICITOR APPOINTED. Senator Veils o( Florence Succeeds Mr. Vilson. Columbia, August 23.?Senator Walter H. Wells, of Florence, has been appointed by Govenor Ansel solicitor of the 3d circuit to succeed the Hon John S Wilson, who resigned to accept the position of Judge of the same circuit, an office also made vacant by the resignation of Judge K O Purdy, of Sumter.; The resignation of Solicitor Wilson ! ? -Af.-i.? A i. ftA .1 oecame euecuve on August so, anu the appointment of Mr Wells becomes effective at once. He will enter upon the duties as soon as he Qualifies Judge Wilson will dou the ermine on September 1. Senator Wells is one the brightest young lawyers in the 3d circuit. He is a graduate of the South Carolina College and served several terms in the House from Florence, being elected to the Senate to succeed Senator Ildertou. He was strongly urged for the place by his friends in Florence and the other portions of the circuit. The term for which Mr Wells is . appointed solicitor, expires January ! 1, 1909, and the election will take place next summer for the four-year term. It is presumed that Mr j Wells will at once resign from the j Senate, and this will necessitate the : calling of a special electiou to select I L ? T\ 7 y"f. _ ! uia successor..?ana courier. Keep the pores open and the skin ! clean when you have a cut, burn bruise or scratch. DeWitt's CarI bolized Witch Hazel Salve peuetrates the pores nud heals quickly. Sold by Dr. W. L. Wallace. I J GREELYV1LLE GREETINGS. I I Two Sad Deaths?Exodus to the Summer Resorts?Personal. i The many friends of Mr John ! l'titie were shocked to learn of his ' sudden death, which Occurred hist Friday night, at the home of his father, Mr W C Tutle, about two miles out from Greelyville. John ' was working for The Mallard Lumber Co. as salesman up to about ten j dava ag), when he stopped on ac count of a pimple ou bis hand. He at once sought medical attention, bi)t from the very first the attending physician realized it to be a very serious case, the symptoms all pointing to blood poisoning. Nothing that could be doue seemed to arrest this terrible destroyer. John became i delirious last Wednesday and Friday night at about 2 o'clock he breathed bis last. John, as he was familiarly called by the youug men of the place, , was ouly about twenty-six years old. He was a young mau full of hope and ambition, and ranked high in the estimation of all who knew him. We feel sure that had he lived be would have made a mark'worthy of emulation. His ever smiling face and witty jokes will long be remembered by his host of friends. The funeral took place Friday aftei oon at 6 o'clock at Newmarket church, Rev Mr Spigner officiating. It is with regret we also report the death of Mr C M Gamble's little boy. The little fellow was only two years old. He was a bright child, the only boy and the idol of the a /I An.i f fail f K t J I i fa luflf I IOUI11J UO ucpai (A.U WU19 likV 4IMV | Wednesday night after only a few days of sickuess and his body was interred at Newmarket church Thursday evening at 3 o'clock. The family have the sympathy of this eutire community. Our town is almost deserted; every body is goue to tne sea coast and to the various watering places. Mr and Mrs F Mishoe left a few days ago for Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk aud other points of luterest. j Messrs Samuel Hogan and S Vincent Taylor have just returned from the Jamestown exposition. Quite a bunch of our youug men went down Saturday night spend a j few days at the Isle of Palms, among ? the number were: David Johnson, Walton Boyle, Isaac McElveen, E 0 Taylor and Walter Mixon. ? Mra Heurv Johnson and sister, Miss Katie Boyle, are spending a ( few days with relatives at Lynch- 1 burg, S C. Mr A McD Burgess returned Sat- ' urday night from Asheville, N C, where he has been spending his vaca- tioo. Mr Burgess looks very much j . improved.. Mr8 V E Webband two daughters, Misses Minuie and Maggie O'Brien of Charleston, are spending a tew dava with Mrs S J Taylor. Mrs H S DuBose of Way Cross, Ga? and Miss Marie DuBose of } Macon, Ga, while en route for the famous summer resort, Heudersonville, N C, stopped over a few days in our city with their relatives, Mrs S J Taylor and Mrs Varuer. J Mr H D Ferrell is making nunier- " ous visits to Orangeburg. There I must be some attraction up there for J him. He spent yesterday over there, returning this morning. At this writing, Katie, the 12year old daughter of Mr J T Hair, is critically ill. She has been sick = for about 5 weeks, and there is very little hope of her recove/y. Joe. Let me mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr Shoop's restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia. The Hpart.. nr Thr* IviHnpvs AHrirpss mp " Dr Shoop, Racine. Wis. Troubles of 1 I the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are J ! merely symtoms of a deeper ailment. i Don't make the common error of treating symtoms only. Syrntom treatmen is treating the result of your ailment, I and not the cause. Weak stomach nerves?the inside nerves? means stomach weakness, always. And the " Heart, and kidneys as well, have their controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have | have weak vital organs. Here is where I Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath on is complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restora- p live. Write for my free book now. Dr. V Sho?p's Restorative sold by D C Scott A Hair Dressing If you wish t high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Poet not change tht color ?/ iht hair. Jk Nratlt wttfcjMoh bottu fm U?v It to jroor /I verisBsk At the tame time the new Ayer's Hsir Vigor is s strong hsir tonic, promoting the growth of the hsir, keeping all the tissues of the hsir and scalp in a healthy condition. The hsir stops falling, dandruff disappears. A splendid dressing. Midi by tha J. C. Aytr Co.. UnU. ?? IN OAMf? Oft PIKLD^-ATl MOUNTAIN ON SHORC I Thar* la always a atones j ta sajay aaaia ahootlng I 1 p wooTftttrwaus1' k EQUIPKI WITH | A REJJAtlE PittaRU: ttii oalv kind ws Kara I toaa making far upwards af fifty years. I Ask your DmIw, and imailt on the I STKVKNS. Whin sot mold by Ba> | taller*, w# ship direct, cxpre** proPaid. upon receipt of Catalog price. eadlbrl4^1*o7^lllIJteated] cttalof Aa li*l(Matabl? book ot ready retkreace <W mam aad key hooter*. Mailed fkr 4 real* la taaapetoeover postage. Beaattfal Tea Color Maayer forwarded fkr 1 ?lx eoat* la Onam. I J. STKTKNH ARMS A TOOL CO. | P. O. Bo* 409T I CMcopee Fall*, <CSg. I Maw., U.S.A. ? The Largest aud Most C ^mplete Establishment Soutti. SEO. S. HACKER S SON. O H|M {> Od ^ ?MANPKACT01 taa or? Sash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Building Material, Sash Weights and Cords nri a nr dotaV o A WC1AIV IjIVO 1 Ui*, a V. Pifffll 111 I W. L Bau A. C Hinds BASS & HINDS, Attornevs-at-law K NGSTREE, S. C. >-20-tf. 1 DM NfSJUIIH. B, Lake City, S. C. >own and Bridge Work a Specialty. ALL WORK Guaranteed as* Represented. W. L,. BASS Attroney at Law LAKE CITY, S. C. Dr H J McCabe n LMHIUSU LINGST3.EE, - S. -C. J. D. MOUZON'S BARBER SHOP ? in the? Van Keareo Hotel 3 equipped with up-to-date apIiances. Polite Service t ompetent Workmen. 5-8-08. > ? 4 T| A T"AT REVIVO A /\lll gWRESTORES VITKin Pain in the head?pain anywhere, baa tta canto Pain lacongestloo. pain la blood pressure?nothing KV^1 V OIL uj.ll H.else usually. At leash ao an Dr. ahoop, and to fTP# '7 W AllISI pro re it be baa created a little pink tablet. That: nfWX^ A m ? tablet-called Dr. ahoop's Headache Tablet? THK\*4^^ Af H| " coaxes blood pressure away from coin center*. wl Ita effect U charming, pleasingly delightful. Qently QHSAT though lately, It surely equalises the blood circa. ^ ^ VQ pmfw a ay1 ek II roo bate a headache, if a blood pressors. ' y rod ace* fine retain ta 30 dajra. It acta If tt'i painful periods with women, same cease, i powerfully and quickly. Cures when others fall. II yoa are sle&lea. rustless, nervous, If s blood j Young men can regain their lost manhood, aad congestion?blood pressure. That surely la a old men may recover their youthful vigor by certainty, for Dr. 8hoop's Headache Tablets slop using BEVIYO. It quickly and quietly reIt in 30 mlnntea. and the tablets simply distribute moves Nervousness, Lost Vitality! Sexual the unnatural blood pressure. Weakness such as Lost Power, Falling Memory, Bruise your Una sr. and doesn't It net red. and Wasting Disease*, and offeete of self-abuse or swell, end pain you? Of course it doss. If a coo. excess and indiscretion, which an Ota one for tattoo, blood pressure. Jfou'll find It w aste pata study, business or marriage. It not only cures to?*1 way*. If a simply Common Sense. by starting at the seat of disease, but la a great We sail at 36 oacita, and cheerfully rwnsnmsttd aerve tonic and bleod bailder. bringing back the pink glow to sals cheeks aad m? wra a _ storing the Ire of yiath. It wards off apIlf. SnOOD A proachlng disease. Insist on having BMTIWto * no other. It can be earrted in vest pocket. By WJT _ _J _ _ k~ ^ mall $1.06 per package, or six for $S>00. we Ov uQaCKlO give free advice and counsel to all who wish It, . _ L _ _ with go* ran tee. Circulars free. Address ftblctl MYAt MEOICINK CO.. Hartae ftdg.. Chicago, Ul P- C. scon. D^r.indrnK;gW' 8C- Bt [Cini's Iti Cn? Pita AN IDEAL RESORT FOR YOUNG AND OLD. Everything New and Up-to-date. CIGARS, CANDY, AND SODA WATER. Ice. Cream served fresh daily. -*i*sss PROPRIETOR Kingstree Bottling Works. 3-16-07 X ?r = = r r J "A dollar saved 2~ ? A ~A~)1 i?> a uuimr limuc I There is no better way to save your dollars than by dealing with - - J. L. Stuckey, the old reliable live-stock man. I have a splendid line of - - Units, Wins al Inn, *> that in view of the hard times am offering at 10 per cent above cost. I A nice bunch of HORSES and MULES always on hand 1 at prices to suit. | T f 4- ii/rlr Air J. L- ^tUWVC,y, Lake City,S. C. 11 Have the Goods ? ? 1 ? J and you want to freshen up your J 49 home in keeping with the season. Jj See my new lines of ? ? Bed Room Suits, Felt Mattresses, Hammocks, ? ?j Rugs and Mattings and Refrigerators.? Jj I keep constantly on hand a com. ^ 49 plete line of : : : ^ i COFFINS and CASKETS S and am prepared to render my Jj services day and night. 1 L. J. STACKLEY, | 49 THE FPRMTPRE MIX. ^ ? KINGSTREE, - - S. C. ? rt BANK OF KINGSTREE I Kingstree. South Carolina, | CAPITAL, $ 30 000 SURPLUS, $ 7.800 \ 1 ? DIRECTORS =^=^= | Jas F Cooper R H Kellahan 8 T> n Srnt.t. .T A KAIIav I ? I | Collections made promptly. 9 1 LOANS, large or small, made on approved security. 5 * -