The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 15, 1907, Image 5

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^>0000000000000000000000000 1 I Q ? L^Cl IT ^ I Highest I I* | flarket ? i M > ueaiing [ IVII THM i THE STAR iR COL. O. T. HALL, Proprietor. S All Thinking flen j )t\ Will admit that, even from a business standpoint, j Ik "Honesty is the 1 est policy," savinc nothing of mor- } w) ais. Strict adherence to this motto has gain d for j this place an enviable reputation; and she claims the {k lead in these things, to wit: Square Dealings, High91 est Market Prices, Best Leaf Sold in the State. x i~?^ | Dniig i uui I??? We will see to it t Even in the number of pounds handled Lake City, in proportion to size, leads the PALMETTO STATE: GOOD FEATURES. Plenty of good warehouse ro m. Spacious packing and grading q nouses. ; 0 Good banking facilities. | 1 Lake City 1 5 W. S- MOORE, V President. 2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> <XXXXXXXXXXXXXX>CXXXXX>DOOOOO mill I WAREHOU KING'S J, D. KINO, Proprietor. | Don't Be Led Away I by fanfaronade or or will o' the wisns, but stick to him who treats you as a bro: her and to those whose interests are identified with yours. The conclusion of the whole matter is that Williamsburg, Florence and Pudding Swamp will all foregatha* this tobacco season at LAKE CITY, SOUTH CAROLINA. r Tobacco to hat there shall he no reasonable groi Lake City Market. In the greatest State in the Union she stands FIRST in quality of goods handled. FIRST Unsatisfactory dealings. FIRST J inaTlean record upon the great | markets. foBACCO BOARI L'O. HOLLOWAY, Vice-President. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ?y ill Best I Leaf | H Sold I , | in the jjj iPPP (/ dtd: I PLANTERS' I MOTLEY & nOTLEY, Proprietors- W Have Had Their Day. The "mush room" markets have had their day and g? are jjone: those places that endeavored to build up a 7X on wind have collapsed; hut the business in W\ i south Carolina has adjusted itself and is now on a Ik sound, sensible basi;, and the products of the tobacco f) tields have found their natural outlets and one of ^ these is the LAKE CITY MARKET. fl Lake City | utids for complaint. ^ x It is the cardinal principle 8 of the undersigned that 8 ALL 8 SHALL BE TREATED g RIGHT x and if you bring your tobacco to Lake X City we will see to it that there O shall be no reasonable grounds X lor complaint. O d of Trade, i J. R. M. MOTLEY, Q 5ec'y and Treas. V