" ~ ' : / . ... 'A She Count* permvl KINGSTREE. S. C T C. W. WOLFE. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS ] .nioN RATES: One one year, ? ? ? $1.00 One cvi>y. six iut>n:h?. ? ? --.5' One l*< pv. ill f months. ? ? .' !? Subscription payable i? :?lvan?-e. ADVERTISING j. Obiruanrl Tribute* of Re*licet ov?*r 1* 0 words cliu:L'?-d f??r a- regular adverti-m?f.ts. J.umthI reduction on advertising m.idt? for ti:rce, six and twelve noiiths contracts. <' .ininun'nations must be atvompanied by the real name an I addres-s of writer" in order to receive attention. No communication of a personal nature will be published except a- an advertisement. Address all letter- and make all draft- pavi.blet? C. W. Woi.FE, Xiimstree. S C. i I / ? i THURSDAY. AUG-15. 1907. =? But it doesn't make much dif-> ference whether the election is ordered or not. Incase it should! be and the anti-dispensary side won?ai we believe it would?the election would be held up on account of ''irregularities." ====== Business interests of every kind are affected by the telegraphers' j strike that is now on, which it is hoped will soon be settled. When it comes to a "trust" we confess to be unable to discriminate between a union of labor; and a union of capital. ===== Tryon, N C, which has 75 voters and one Dewspaper, i3 to have another newspaper. The backers of the new venture ranst1 be real optimists.?Spartanburg j Journal. ; ' ' Gness they will Tryon until thev become pessimists. ? It is now up to the county supervisor to say whether or not the election on the dispensary question shall be ordered. The supervisors of registration have reported 3,370 qualified electors and the petition contains 886, names. In response to an inquiry from the supervisors of registrar tion Governor Ansel writes that '.V; ? it is the duty of the county su .1 . ... ... .1 pervisor to revise tne petition aim cull out the names thereon of voters that are ineligible. Now it, amounts to this: If the supervi-^ * tor stiikes off as many as twenty-1 four names the election cannot be, called, otherwise he will have to order it. Just as sure as fate the friends . of the dispensary system are driving nails into its coffin. Scarcely can the returns of an election be announced before a protest is filed and the election is held up in-1 definitely while the liquor traffic goes merrily on. Then, too, the State board of canvassers 6eera to j be in sympathy with the liquor forces and decide every time in their favor. The people of South' uaronna win not long suomit to government by a minority and it iB safe to predict that if the present state of things continues Sonth Carolina will follow the example of her sister State, Georgia, and enact as traight prohibition law. Notice. On next Sunday at 11 o'clock, Rev S H Zimmerman, the financial agent of Columbia College, will fill the pulpit at the Methodist church, and if he preaches on Education, the people may expect something worth listening to. He will also preach at 8:30 p m, and as there is no other preaching in town all of the people are cordially invited to attend both services. * a few days recently while on the way home after visiting" Hendersonvilie, N. 0, for a few weeks. Mr Ceo. C Cusaac and sister, Miss Bessie, accompanied by Miss Myrtle McKnight, of Scranton, spent Sunday in the city by the sea. Mr J M Barker went to Charleston on business this week. Mr S J Kirby made a business trip to Darlington last Friday. Mr M K Gravely, prospector of the Central brick tobacco warehouse of Darlington, was in Scranton Monday. Dr Leiand Timmons of Darlington passed through Scranton last Friday en route to Charleston. Mr A D Hanna of Hannah, S C, was noted in town one day this week. Mr W T Askins, accompanied by Mrs H G Askins and children, paid Scranton a pleasant visit Sunday afternoon. Mr-W B Dyson of Florence and Miss Janet Johnson of Red Springs, N C, visited friends and relatives here this week. Dr Charles H Pate and family left Sunday to visit the Jamestrviv n ovrvnc 11 i An WV M U kiVlli Mr and Mrs Louis Yarborough of Rhems are visiting friends here this week. Mr H H Parker of Anderson is visiting- hie parents in Scranton. Rev J W Truluck and Miss Addie Cannon are attending the the Baptist Sunday school convention at Greenville this week. M R M. TV. n j< ja;i report, i7 Oo J M Sturgeon, damages, disallowed d; I M Trul ick. chain gang, 72 <">3 R K Gamb:e. coroner, 37 5 Sauls-Baker Co, chain gang, 4 25 tr J \\ Mccutchen, constaole, is 75I-, 28 5? Amos Singletary, roads, 2 50 m Peter McKnight, roads, lo W J H VCaskins, magistrate, 37 50 lohn Joyner. road plow, 17 o*' b )onnson& nanna, cnam gang, iy .50 J L liaselden. roadpow, 22 73 Town of Lake City, bridges, ? 2 00 Ol D W Uand< ock, roads, 2 30 . W T Wiikins, chain gang, 33 45 li O Britton, contingent, 5 45 A R Moseley, magistrate&cons, 13 8" Epps & Epps, chain gang, 25 2t? .) H Joyner, " 23 00 y E Benton, 44 3 0 00 Town of Lake t ity, roads, 16 00 H O Britt >n, clerk of court, 01 60 d< S M Askms, ch.in gang, 67 30 gj C W Wolfe, brd qualization, 0 uo | Sol Teres., chain gang, 4 75 Dr W V i>roc<, lunacy, 5 00 is J Singletary, contingent, 11 96 44 44 '4 supervisor, 62 50 I S M Bradshaw, magistrate, 18 75 W J Bartell, chain gang, 13 14 J J Steele, Jr, re-indexing, 64 50 11 D Ferrell. roads&bridges, 7 25 Johnson & 11 anna, chain gang, 1 85 J Wesley Cook, treasurer, 25 00 MissL J Cunningham. re-indexing 39 65 \V M Vause and son, chain gang, 3 40 Geo J Granam. contingent, y 6t/ Dr 1 N Boyd, tow nship board, 2 00 Geo J Graham, contingent, 16 80 jail report, 19 2-5 4 contingent, 22 15 J M Rodgers, bridges, 100 00 P J McGee, chain gang, 1 7o i *v P P.rnwn townshiu Duard. 4 001 A R Mosley, inquest, 20 oo T 0 McMillan, roads and bridges, tt 12 F L Shirer, fence, 30 00 B N StucKey, roads, Pending" >V H Gaskins. ' & bridges, 14 Oo B N Stuckey, 44 00 90 H O Britton. contingent, 4 10 Lake > ity Hdw co, chain tang, 4 60 C H Pale, M D. poor, 5 00 E Benton, chain gang, 12 65 \V T Sports, roads. 4 00 W F Rodgers, lumber for bridges, 12 51 G li Browder, constable, 15 00 Browder&Locklier, roads. Pending) S G Mcl>onald, magistrate&cons 11 25 ! W I Tisdale, lumber lor bridges, 6 30| W T Wilkins. chain gang, 39 00) Corder will be enforced* . . -I Reduced Rates on Railroad. | fflank of jCa/ce City, jCako City, 3. C. CAPITAL, STOCK $20*000. SURPLUS $3,000 OFFICERS?A. H. Williams, Pres.; W. J. Singletary, Vice-Pres.; E. W. Yates, Cashiet; D. E. Motley, Asst. Cashier; W. L. Bass, Attorney. DIRECTORS-A. H. Williams, W. J. Singletary, J. A. Green, W. T. Askins, J. B. DuRant, J. C. Lynch, Henry P. Williams. : The Bank of Lake City has been in existence four v years and has earned 64 per cent, for the stockholders since its organization, a dividend of 8 per cent, haying1 been paid each year. j Your accounts are solicited. Promptness, courtesy and i absolute protection guaranteed. 7-25 tf TOOUX Fill al Cisiitrs. j We have just closed our third year's business, and take this opportunity to thank our triends for their generous patronage. ' < 3ur stock is larger and more varied, and we teel sure we can t save you money. Don't forgot we have a nice assortment of eliable "FAVORITE" Ranges and *'0 K" stoves. When in need of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Turned Work, etc., we vould appreciate the privilege of giving you prices; from our in:reased sales of this material our prices Must be Right. Remem- | Der where you buy "Anchor" Lime you get the best. If it is good paint you want, buy "Benj. Moore & Co.'s"?pure house colors. ~ Yours for Business, v T ^7,^ y R7 CP rW \\rvp Dn ./ LvtZiA. C7 J. JLI^LJL V-i VI, V^lX W "W V|?| LAKE CITY. S.C v' v: - ^ v;-3 Pianos = Organs C. F. Netzow Piano and Organ Manufacturers, now offer the people of Williamsburg a most excellent opportunity to buy ? Pianos g Organs at manufacturer's prices, saving 8 you the extra cost you have to II pay traveling salesmen. You will find a nice selection at Kingstree Hardware Company's furniture store. Come and examine and jou will buy. . 1 We are closing out the remnant of our Furniture 1 i at very low prices- ^ Complete line of Coffins and V J Caskets L | Services rendered Day or Night. j KINGSTREE HARDWARE COMPANY. ' _ ' !