: " Ihr tfountii Hcrord. I KINGSTREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TER!*!S SI*BSCRI ri*l<>X RAT?S : One copy, one year. ? ? ? $1.00 One copy, six months. ? ? - .5) One copy, three months ? ? .25 Subscription payable ii v!vance. ADVERTISING RATES: One inch, rtrst insertion, $1.00: each ubsequt-nt insertion. 50 cents. Obitu ries and Tributes or Kespect over o>u words charged for as regular advertisments Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelve months contracts. Communications must be accompanied by the real name and address of writer in order to receive attention. No communication of a personal nature will be published except as an advertisement. Address all letter- and make all drafts pavableto C. W. Woi.fe, Kingstree. S. C. THURSDAY. MAY 9.1907 A man is sometimes better known by the company he doesn't keep than by the company he keeps. It takes a liberal and broadminded man to condone in another the faults that he recognizes in himself. ??? ' We have had the Teddy bear, are we to have the Teddy camel? ?Columbia State. A more pertinent question seems to be, are we going to have the Teddy canal. " The Kmgstree graded school has issued a very creditable invitatioQ to the commencement exercises to take place May 17-20. We have seen quite a number of similar invitations this season, and that of the KingstTee school com, pares favorably with any of them. And the beauty of it is that the woik was done at home. The Record has donated many columns of space in boosting the the school and we are pleased to note the spirit of reciprocity and appreciation on the part of the young ladies comprising the invitation committee, who rather than patronize a "foreign" coucern that * * - _1 L ti ves here. ' Miss Rosa Graham, having closed her school at Benson, is home again, to the delight of her many frieuds. i Miss Meta Hollongren, of Chunk , postoffice, visited friends in this section recently. i Mrs J C Josev of Greelyville is i spending some time among her old ; friends around Dock. We are glad to have her with us again. Mr John Cunningham, au old ? friend of the writer and one of In diantown's best young men, attend? ed preaching here Sunday. Come r again, John, we are always glad to - st~ you. i The writer, along with quite a crowd of young folks from here, at: tended commencement at Benson 3 Tu.sday night. We most heartily congratulate Benson on this school ' It is certainly an honor to the community. Too much praise can not 1 be given to Misses Rosa Graham and Maude Sharpe, the efficient teachers. The exercises were just grand, and ' spoke well for teachers, scholars and ' patrons. WHIPPOORWILL. ' Notice to Teachersi Your attention is herebv called to the advantages of taking the Teachers' 1 Reading Circle < ourse. Teachers who take this reading course may have their cirtifieares renewed for two year*. Examination questions are sent out by the State Board of Education in May to those applying for them. Applicants stand the examination at their homes and forward to the State Board of Education. I am informed by Mr Martin i that these examinations are very f im[ PieThe course adopted is as follows: James' Talk to Teachers, price $ l.-V) Mace's Method in History ? .81 How to Tell Stories to Children .81 The Little School Mistress 1 00 These books may be purchased of the Educational Publishing Co., Atlantr, I Ga. J G McCullogh, Co. Supt. of Education. 5-9-3t Citation NoticeThe State of South Carolina, County of Williamsburg. Bv P. M. Brockinton, Esquire, Probate Judge. , W hereas, V. E. Lifrage made suit ' to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Miss H H Montgomery. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of tne said Miss H H Montgomery, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstre?, S. C.. on the 25th day of May next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. . Given under my Hand, this 6thd;iy of > May Anno Domini, 1907. Published on the 9th day of May, 1907, in the County Record. P M Brockinton, 5?9-2t. Probate J udge. 3 Throat Coughs Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often rnea is serious trouble ahead. Be:t:r explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's ; Cherry Pectoral. Al We pubii?b our formuUa y\\ _ We benlih eloohol M?yA 7 from our medlolnee I I 11PYQ. Weurfeyouto * Who mikes the best liver pills? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They tave been making Ayer's Pills for over sirty years. If you have the t;light| est do ibt about using these pills, ask i your d >ctor. Do as he says, always. I ?? X vl t br tie 3. C. Ayer Co.. LoweU. Kjtee.? ' Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership heretofore existing between J. r\ McOlam and J. M. Truluc c, trading under the firm name 1 of Mc( lam & Truluck. has been, "his the C3ri day of April. 1907, dissolved by mutual consent. All persons hold| ing claims against the said firm will presen t the same for payment, and all : persons indebted to the said firm will ! make payment to .1. M. Truluck. J. S. McClam, 4-25-it J. M. Truluck. m r l ^ i* summons ior nenei. . The State of South Carolina, County of Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. Daniel Z. Martin, Plaintiff, vs. Amelit Lesesne, Johnnie Miller and the Heirs at Law of Richard McKnight, deceased. To the Defend-ints the Heirs at Law 1 of Richard McKnight, deceased: You are jhereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was filed in the offi<-e of the < llerk of Court of Comm n Pleas for Williamsburg County on the third day of April A. D. 1907, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint Dn the subscribers at their ofilo in K ngstree, S. within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanaed in the < cmplaint. ollland & c ill and, 4-4-6t Plaintiff's Attorneys. REVIVO VITAUn j^MV/ru?|"aad?a Well Han * of Me." GZU3AT RU VIVO RBMEDT frodacit fine results la 30 day*. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when others fall. Young men can re/a:n their lost manhood and old men tray recover their youthful vigor by using RKVIVO. It quickly and quietly re: moves Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Sexual Weakness such as Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Diseases, and effects of self-abuse or excess and lnulacretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the see t of d isease. but Is a great nerve tonic and blood bailder. bringing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re< storing the Are of yontn. It wards off approachlngdisease. Insist on having KEVIVO, so other. It can be carried in vest Docket. By mall, 91.00 per package, or six for 06.00. We : give free advice and counsel to all who wish It, with guarantee. Circulars free. Address ROYAL MEDICINt CO.. Marine Btdg., Chicago. ML For sale in Kingstree, S C. By i D C Scott, druggist. iMIBBiaTElS I A V a B |B I k I I rm ?3tV*, how-to obtain pnlenU. tiwde mirks, copyrights,eta, )N ALL COUNTRIES. Business direct with Washington saves timeM money and often the potent. 1 Rstsnt and tnfrisftmsirt Pnrtics Exclutivsly. I Writs or oosae to oast ass ana im, <*n antss J?nt WASHlNOTON. D. C. M j oeason&Die ^ Farm Seeds PCow Peas, Sorghums,0] Millets, Teosinte, ! late Seed Potatoes j Buckwheat, Vetches, Crimson Clover, etc. Wood's Crop Special, giving prices and timely information about Seeds that can be planted to advantage and profit at different j seasons of the year, mailed free on I request. Write for It. \\ T. W. WOOD &IS0NS, / \ SEEDSMEN, / RICHMOND, VJC 4 ?.?::?:@:?:?:@:??:?:@:?.?:?:?@:?::@:@@:@; | Go the new | | Daylight Store. | ? FOR YOUR SPRING GOODS. WE HAVE A @ I ? NICE LINE OF @j | Embroidories Laces, All Overs White Goods, Rib-J ? bons, Silks, Millinery and Dress Goods. ? ? WE CARRY THE BEST LINE OF LADIES ? @ AND GENTS' SHOES IN TOWN. PRICES $ ? AS CHEAP AS ELSEWHERE. NO TROUBLE @ ? TO SHOW GOODS. COHE AROUND. .? ?; ? | Stackley's Cash Store. ? ? K1NGSTREE. S. C. ia' :?:?'?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?t?:?:?:@?:?:?:?:.?:?:? 1 COMPUTE STOCK | i SEASONABLE GOODS.! (Hi | Refrigerators, Water Coolers, ? @ ice cream f reezers, screen } Doors and Windows. J i Pote, AU Sizes, g ? @ Balance of our Stock of FURNITURE, RUGS. $ | TINGS, LACE CURTAINS, and WINDOW SHADES, 2 ? we will dose out AT COST\ as we discontinue ? ft Furniture Business. ft | 9 I Cotton Planters, Guano 8 j @ Distributors and. improv- ^ &ed Farm Implements at III $ prices to suit the times, g | Complete Stock COFFINS &? ?CASKETS. i ? ? gj Will serve you day or nig'ht and furnish oar Handsome New Hearse. ? 1 KINGSTREE HARDWARE COMPANY. ; -A Edison Phonograph In The Home. What one thing is it that sums up one's idea of festivity? It is music. Music draws one to the opera, to the concert hall, to the dance, to the country fair. Where is music, there people gather. Its appeal is universal. The Edison Phonograph brings all this music into the home. It has within itself and produces on demand, most of theamusements which draw people away from home. The Roman name for fireplace was "focus," the spot wheie the rays of family life were gathered. The Edison g Phonograph is the focus of family entertainment. It gathers the members of the household?the family and its gueststogether to be entertained. , ' One of its strongest features is its versatility. It is not gauged to any one particular taste. To it music means everything from a brass band to a Wagner orchestra from a comic song to masterful rendition of grand opera selections. r It caters to every taste, whim or mood of all who 4look tc it for entertainment and diversion, T We Sell Edison Phonographs. THE CABLE COMPANY. EVERYTHING KNOWN IN MUSIC. J. W. WALLACE, flanager. Cable Bldg. CHARLESTON, S C .