The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 02, 1907, Image 8

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[WAN Bi | lis cents Chambrays at 10 cents 40 inch White Law; Sk cents oOjnch Colored La I 8 cent- 30 inch White Dimit; | lil cental 30 inch Colored Oi 4 15 cents St> inch White Piqu I KIN( 1 Local and Personal. Mr and Mrs S Peres visited Darlington Tuesday. Mr R B Keels of Greelyville was in town Monday. Caterpillars have about taken possession of the town. Mr B 0 Bristow of Darlington was noted in town Saturday. Rev S J Bethea of Lake City spent the day in town Monday. SGW Shipp, Esq., of Florence was in Kingstree Saturday on business. The Confederate veterans' re; union will be held in Columbia May 7, 8 and 9. The Cable Company, Charleston, S. C., has a new ad. in this issue. Read it. Mr and Mrs A E Salters, of the Salters section, were noted in town Tuesday. Mr G G Gist of Greelyville was m town Monday and paid a pleasant visit. Among the visitors hero from a?..<w>itririiiA Vfnnrlav were Messrs U1 VVlJ ?***v ?J S V Taylor and P C Shirer. Mr J F Rickenbaker of Lake City was among those who visited the county seat Monday. * Mr R B Nettles of Hartsville is spending some time with the family of fcis daughter, Mrs B W Sutler. Attention is called to the advertisement of the Morris Distilling Co., Wilmington, N. C\, which appears in this issue. Miss Elease Drakeford, from near Sumter, arrived in Kingstree Wednesday on an extended visit to the home of Mr J W Cargile. Clerk of Court H 0 Britton Informs us that the pension money is ready for distribution *mong those who are entitled to it. ' Mr and Mrs I P Mouzon have moved to town from Belser's X It. * 1 - J JXOaas ana arc uiluj/juhj their pretty cottage in West Main street. Mrs L W Gilland and daughter, Miss Jane Smythe, accompanied by Mrs Gilland:s mother, Mrs J W Flinn, arrived here Tuesday from Columbia. Mr B B Chandler of Home passed through town Saturday returning home from the District conference at Greelyville, which he attended as a delegate. ' Mr W B Haselden of Lambert was in town Monday. We regret to learn that Mr Hasselden has recently suffered the loss of his dwelling by tire with no insurance. Mr Isaiah Tisdale, who is now utilizing as an abiding place his old home near Benson postoftice, was here Tuesday swapping salutations with his many friends in town. - - ,j t \r Messrs JacK Jtsurnene ana m H Dobie, two well known traveling men representing M Cohen, Son & Co., Baltimore, were in town yesterday gathering in orders for their "house." I r TED! uyers to ge 0 cent> a} n at cents a ; V. 11 O <.0^ " . y at 5 cents a Randies at cents a ; e at 10 cents a ; ISTREE Quite a number from town i attended the schbol closing at Benson Tuesday night. We | were not able to attend and the | Write-up promised us has tailed j to materialize. May be it will | come in by next week. I Mr C I Saunders of Fowlers j was in to see us Tuesday with a i model of his improved wire fence, for which he has made application for a patent. The fence he lias perfected is adjustible to heat and cold and the price is but little more than the ordinary kind. Postmaster Jacobs has received instructions from the postoffice department not to admit to the mails postal cards with mica or other glazed substance on the surface. The reason assigned is that in distributing the mail this substance flies into the eyes of the mail clerks, thereby endangering their vision. We note the following paragraph published in the "Southern Banker,'' published iif Atlanta, Ga.: "The Bank of Williamsburg at Kingstree, S C., began business in January, 1906. In addition to having paid $2,400 in dividends since its organization, its report March 1907, shows $3,968 surplus and net profits on a capital of $40,000, and deposits $80,557; loans $76,061; cash and in banks $35,501; total resources, $125,239. The officers of the bank are: C W Stoll, president; F Uhem, vicepresident and E C Epps, cashier. To Entertain the Vets. As will be seen m another column i tne veterans are called to meet here on Memorial day and the exercises will be of unusual interest, inasmuch i as a handsome silk banner will be j presented to the camp by Master 1 William Gamble. The flag presentation will take place in the court house at 12 o'clock M., and the | veterans will march to the cemetery and lay upon the graves of their departed comrades their annual | tribute of Spring's choicest flowers. ! It is also expected that the newly organized chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy will take part in : the proceedings After the exercises , are over the veterans piesent will be 1 guests of Dr W G Gamble at dinner. ? Election of Teachers. The board of trustees of the graded school met last week and re-elected the entire faculty for the ensu! ing year: Mr. P P Bethea, superintendent; Mr E B Hallman, principal. Grade teachers: Misses Sue Stoll, Emma Ariall, Lorena Ross and Agnes ; Erckmann. Miss Carrie Cowles j was re-elected music tea:her. It is the intention of the board of trustees, we understand, to add another grade teacher to the faculty in ! time for the opening of the next | session. Trespass Notice. All persons are notified not to trespass on the Columbus Lee property in I Williamsburg county under penalties of I the law. By order of, Mrs H W , Bowles, Heit and Owner. 4-2o-4t ' . . f " V" *, ~ rED!! I A *1 ^ WAN1 t these val y'ard i'iirii Long Wh; vara Black Glc ; n rrl :dry < KINCSTREE, Little Nine Pounder. Editor County Record:? i I'm a little baby. 1 arrived Prof Bethea's last Saturday. A though I've been in this world but few days, I'll have you know th I'm the boss of the ranch. When want anything all I have to do is lift my voice and such a scurryii to obey me you never saw in yo life, but I would be hard on them. "It is excellent to have the streng of a giant; But to use it like a giant is tyrannous But as I 6aid above when I wa anything it is amusing to wab them work over time to obey me. watch them and blink at them ai crow and it's jolly fun. My pa says I'm a little Chinese with a r face and a pug nose and that weigh only nine pounds. But th I don't think he's so big. Hi made his brag that he'll have r working with him before long, b I don't think. I believe he want me to be a girl anyway. The id of me being a girlll'll lose mv gue if I don't make him recognize r existence by getting up in the nig and walking me up and down befo the summer is over. I am the own of a yery nice voice which 1 mean cultivate every night. If you (loi believe it just drop in at Pr( Bethea's some evening during chc practice. Owing to my recent arrival in tov I have met but few people and have not gone out in society as y to any extent. Dr Scott ealled < me once or twice and was qui pleasant In fact, he was my fii caller when I came to town. A a 'Ria 6tayed by me and was a fi chaperon. If my name is not i your calling list please place it thei as I shall be happy to see you at ai and all time3. I haven't been nam yet and until that is done, \ Editor, I subscribe myself, Little Nine Pounder. Graded School Items. The Wee Nee Literaiy Socie met last Friday afternoon and h; a very interesting meeting, as qui a number of the members was pre ent. The Society has adopted bl and white as its colors. There w he only one more meeting this ye and we would be delighted to ha the trustees present. We we glad to have Mr Jacobs, - the chai man of the board of trustees, with for a short while Monday morn in The school will have half holia Friday, May 10, to participate the Memorial exercises at the cem tery. The last lyceum attraction, whii was one of the best of the seaso was given in the school auditoriu last Friday evening. The faculty and the four upp grades are expecting to enjoy a pi nic at "Red Hill" next Satnrda We are hoping that the weather w be propitious, for at our last pier a storm overtook us before w? reac ed home. Mr Bethea is wearing a bro smile this week. Ask him why. Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on S urday, May 25, 1907, I will apply to M. Brockinton, Esq., Probate Judge Williamsburg county, for a Final Di charge as Executrix of the estate Robert Henry, deceased. Mrs M A Henry, Executrix. 5-2-4t i lues April I m ite and 0? ^ 12>ves 75 cts. so c 60 c GOODS s. c. RECENT OCCURRENCES IN i at! AND AROUND GREELYVILLE.| d- | a* THE DISTRICT CONFERENCE?FARM \ WORK RETARDED-PERSONAL AND to LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST. Qg Greelyville, April 29:?Afni 'er an absence of two weeks I again knock for admittance. May 1 come th in? " On account of the recent cold nt and heavy raius farmers are somech what behind with their work. I Some few have cotton up, while ad there are some who have had to pa re-plant their, entire crop of corn and ed cotton. The cold killed or damag; I ed corn so that it was necessary to en plant it over. The outlook at press's ent is gloomy but we hope that as ne the old saying goes, "the darkest ut part of night is just before dawn." e(* Miss Eula Keels of Lynchburg is ea on a visit to her cousin, Miss Georgss ia Brnnson. ay Miss Alvina Keels, who has been re quite sick at the home of her sister, Mrs R S Brunson, is somewhat boter ter to l r' . irm T_ 1 :il. i t ->irs ijt ^napman or juuueouTiut: >f. is visiting her brother, Dr J F ?r Haselden. Miss Lula Epps of Kingstree is visiting at the home of Mr T E Alleu near town. et 3n Messrs S 0and W MO'Bryan, Jr., te of Manning were among the many . that attended preaching here Sonne Miss Thetis Stackley of Kingson tree, after a yery pleasant visit to e/ her friend, Miss Emma Footman, ay returned to her home yesterday aftered noon. ^r* Mrs J H Hutsou of Harpers is visiting relatives near town. Miss Ina Shirer of St. Stephens is visiting her cousin, Mr P C Shirer. ty Messrs K W Bass, Bishop Burite gess and Sam Stackley of Kiugstree 3~ spent Sunday at the home of Mr E H Footman. ill ar The Listrict conference of Sumve merville district, which has been in re session here since Wednesday night, if-1 came to a close last night; The ous; pening sermon was preached on Wed? nesday evening at 8 30 o'clock by ay Kev Mr Herbert of Georgetown, in There were two services each day at le- 12 ni and 8 30 p m, except Saturday, when Dr Zimmerman of Colom ch bia addressed the congregation at n? 10 30 am. Although it is such a ni busy time the church was full almost to overflowing and on Sunday . there wasn't enough room to seat the c_ crowd. y Rev W B Wharton of Columbia HI was present in the interest of the lic I Epworth Orphanage and a collection ^_ was taken for this cause on Friday evening, from which the neat little sum of $53.32 was realized. Rev Mr Spigner, pastor in charge, reports a very pleasant Conference and good reports from all over the Disi trict. at_ j The farewell sermon was preachP. Jed by Presiding Elder Carlisle, after which Rev Mr Spigner in a few of 'appropriate remarks thanked the people of Greelyville and surround-( 1 ing community for having so gener WANT !7 to May cents 32 inch Cannon (.'loth at ents 36 inch Percales at nts 26 inch Best Calicoes at cents 30 inch Fancy Colored Duel ents 36 inch White Silk at ents 30 inch Black Jap Silk at ypUTTMH?T'TTTTT'"'J'iaL""'TTrliT'L'|fl f; COMP ously responded to the call for the entertainment of the visitors. Such is always the spirit of Greelyville It is impossible to name the visitors, hence I will only give you the names of the delegates, for which the writer is indebted to the courtesy of of Rev Mr Spigner: T J Altaian, T J Appleby, D W Avant, R E Adams, S J Bethea, C H Bradham, C W Bnrgess, T A Boatwright, J E Cook, J S Clinkscales, T J Clyde, J E Carlisle, B B Chandler, L A Carson, J S Carter, J B Clarkson, J E Carter, J D Carter, J 0 Caraway, Daniel Dnrant, 0 B Dukes, 01 lie Epps, J J Eaddy, H H Gross, W S Godwin, S B Gorddn, S S Gasque, A Hood, W S Henry, H W Harvv, T J Herbert', J P Inabinet, A W Jackson, B F Jones, J M Knowles, D D Kiaer, T H Law, J 0 Marry, S C Morris, G R Mercer, H R Mills, G Matthews, J E Mahaffey, H C Mouzon, W H Murry, Cyrus Mims. J J Morris,?Montgomery, S A Nettles, L W Nettles, C B Ogburu, Rubin Owens, L M Overton, W T Patrick, L E Peeler. E B Rhodus, W P bheeler, J M Steadman, 0 C Sires, W J Smiley, G E Scott, G B Sanders, D E Thrower, E H Thomas, W H Thrower, J J Tart, J P Way, J B Whitsell, W B Wharton, J P WinniDgham, J 0 Wilson, E A Wilkes, J L Wiggins, J W Wolling, J S Wimberly, J J Wescot, I N Wilson, J C Welch, J A White, W P Way, S A Way, J W Wadsworth J S Welch. April Fool. Notice ! Election 1b Pergaoos School District No- 29 on Levying Snecial Tax. Under and by virtue of an order of the County Board of Education of Williamsburg county, State of South Carolina, dated April 20, 1907, and to the undersigned directed, notice is hereby given, that, on Fridaj, May 17, 1>K)7, at Pergamos Methodist Church , in Pergamos School District No. 29, of county and State aforesaid, an election will be held upon the question of levying an additional tax of four*(4) mills upon the taxable property in said District to supplement the special, or other constitutional or other tax now levied, for the purpose ofcon; ducting and carrying on the public free schools of said School District. The Polls will be opened at 8 o'clock in the forenoon ar.d close at 4 otlock in the afternoon, and the undersigned ! Board of Trustees will act as manaj ger*. Only such electors as return real or personal property for taxation, j and who exhibit their tax receipts and I <ic remi i red in rey isi latiuu w. , ... general elections, shall be allowed to vote. Each elector favoring the proposed levy shall ca?t a ballot containing the word ,;yes," printed or written thereon; and each elector opposed to said levy shall'cast a ballot containing the word "No," printed or written I thereon. J D Cook, J J Moore, R B Fitch, Hoard of Trustees Fergamos School District Xo 29. May 2nd. 3t. Hereafter we positively refuse to publish any communication received at this office later than Tuesday, noon, except local and personal items, which will not be available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying to be accommodating we are thrown late every week and we are tired of it. This notice applies to EVERY BODY. 4-25-tf. 'ed!!! 4? l-^u. v jj 9 cents a yard .8 cents a yard 5 cents a yard j is at 9 cents a yard ! 45 cents a yard | 45 cents a yard 1 V anyT i ^wwvyvwwwMvwywy 1 i Heieikr 1 ^ We have a Mail Order ^ I Department for folks who are too busy to come our store themselves. 3^ Write us your needs; your order will be as J t carefully and conscienti- <+1 ously filled as it given in 3* person. '3* * In ordering from us you have the choice of J* the best makes, materials and designs in Clothing, Hats and Furnish- Jings. All, too at, the 3^; very lowest price con fsistent with absolute reliability and honest I values. Do not delay 3^ your orders. Write now ^ while there's a full stock to choose from. A postal 3^ card will do it all. The 3* ^ best in anv and every ^ I line will be yours by return mail. ^ ttiuiini i S. E. Corner King ft Hasell Sfe., J ? Charleston S. ?. 3: ^ Mail orders receive J* ^ prompt and careful at- ^ SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notices will be Published In This Column at the Rate of One Cent a Word for Each Issue. WANTED?To buy Williamsburg Livestock Co's stock certificates. Addaess Box 88, Kixgstree.S C. 4-18-3t. Before buying or selling a farm or any property, write The Carolina Realty & Trust Co, 2?14-tf BishoDville. S. C. Fire Insurance. The largest and most liberal companies in thd world, such as, Insurance Company of North America, Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., Hartford Fire Insurance Co. The best is none too good when it comes to Fire Insurance. You have to pay for it, see that your risk is carried in a rnmnanv of unouestionable rennta. tion. For rates call on or write to i. L. H. FAIREY At Bank of Kingstree. jMt, 1-24?tf. you can generally figure ont somehow what a man means by what he says, unless he is running for office. * > - <