The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 25, 1907, Image 8

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:* <' [WAN ?& I Il'.t cents Chambrays at 10 cents 40 inch White Lawi 84 cents 30 inch Colored La^ 8 cents 30 inch White Dimit\ 124 cents 30 inch Colored Or 15 cents 30 inch White Piqu* | KINC Local and Person? 1. f * ' Jupiter Pluvius certainly had full sway Monday and Tuesday. Another dance will be given tonight in the Van Keuren hotel. Mr R E McElveen, of the Hebron section, was in town yesterday. Former Supervisoi B B Chandler of Rome was noted in town yesterday. The lastlyceum attraction for the season tomorrow evening at the school auditorium. Quite a good crowd from town enjoyed a fish-fry at the river OH PViday of last week. y* Parties who hold road claims will find it to their interest to read Supervisor's Notice in this issue. ? Attention is called to Dissolution Notice of McClam and Truluck, Lake City, published this week. Mr J C Lynch of Lynch, one of Florence county's prominent business men, was in Kingstree AJynday on business. J D Mouzon's barber shop has been removed into the VanKeuren hotel, where there is much ' more room and an abundance of light. The room formerly util iied will be occupied by J ?' Fulton's pressing club. Mrs William Calvin Chilton, reader, impersonator and dialect reciter, will appear at the auditorium to-morrow night under the auspicies of the Kin;?stree Lyceum. This is the last of the seasons attractions and there should be a good audience. Attention is called to the ad. Of Or J B DuRant's drug store, fr"' Lake City. Dr DuRant is the only druggist in the county who advertises regularly and we are glad to learn that he finds it to be profitable. Then, too, he stresses the point that if you see it in his ad it's so. P#?titinns are beinir circulated here to have another election of the dispensary question. We understand that there are several of these petitions in circulation over the county and the probability is that a sufficient number,of signatures will be secured to justify the supervisor in ordering the election. Sheriff Graham recieved advices yesterday that a negro had been killed by another negro near Potato Ferry, about twenty-live miles below Kingstree. While Done of the particulars have been learned it is intimated that the killing was <?r< + nl innnpist will AVViVIVllWUi* AAAV - probably be held to-day or tomorrow. Bargains in Coffee?T5 bags on '.and. W T ? Trespass Notice. All persons are notified not to trespass on the Columbus Lee property in Williamsburg county under penalties of the law. By order of, Mrs H W Bowles, Heir and Owner. 4-25?It * 6^ . TED! jyers to gel 0 cent-* a y 1 at 01 cents a v ,vn at 5 cents a y r at 5 cents a y gandies at cents a y i at 10 cents a y iSTRFF . NEGRO RUNS AMUCK. EicItiDQ Chase Along Main Street Last Thursday. Some excitement was occasioned last Thursday afternoon by the efforts to arrest a negro named Maxwell Rodgers who hailed from the Greelyville sec uuu. xu a. scincwcui v/x uxo account at F C Thomas' stables he became very insolent and invited the manager, Mr A 0 Hudson, outside. Mr Hudson went and the negro assaulted him and took leg bail. Marshal Anderson immediately gave chase and failing to overtake the fugitive, tired several shots to intimidate him. The negro kept on up Main street, but meantime several young men followed him on horseback and in buggies and it was but a short while when he was overhauled and brought back to town. At the hearing before the intendant the negro was lined $10.00, which he paid, but meantime, we understand he, has been indicted for assault and battery and will have to answer the charge before the court of general sessions. New Advertisements. Kingstree Dry Goods Co.? Special Sale of Spring Goods. Dr J B DuRant, Lake City? G uilty of Operating the Best Drug Store in Williamsburg county. The Cable Company, Charleston?The Ideal Home Entertainer, the Edison Phonograph. Palmetto Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Charleston?Safe and Reliable Insurance at Low Rates. Bentschner & Visanska, Charleston?Clothing, Hats, and Gents' Furnfehings?Mail Or^Arc o If \r ur.i o u upvviuiwj Will CLose at 6.30. We, the undersigned merchants of Kingstree, S. C., do hereby convenant and agree to close our respective places of business at 6:30 o'clock P. M. (Saturdays exclusive) from May 1, 1907, until September 1, 1907. (Signed.) L J Stackley, L Stackley, Kingstree Dry Goods Co., Strong & Brown, W D Bryan, Sol Peres, J S Eron, H D Reddick, S Marcus, M Sidenberg, Farmers Supply Co., Kingstree Hdw. Co. ! Hereafter we positively re; fuse to publish any communication received at this office later Ithan Tuesday, noon, except lo:caland personal items, which | will not be available later than Wednesday, noon, for the current week. By trying1 to be accommodating we are thrown late every week and we are tired of it. This notice applies to | EVERY BODY. 1 4-25-tf. WAN1 t these vali ard ~ ::: Long whii aui Black Gfo ard DRY ( KINCST REE, Rates to James The following rates to the Jai next Friday, April 26, have beei r, Ti.ibcf AH crraovu j ivavu w Scranton $15 85- $J Lake City 16 00 1 Cades 16 35 Kingstree 16 75 Salters 16 95 Lanes 17 20 Gourdins 17 35 Coach excursion tickets will b opening- of the exposition and w week thereafter. They are lii tickets will be sold on the day p sition and will be on sale daily < tion. TEAIBERS' EXAMINATION. Quite a Noiber Appeared Before the Board Last Friday. The regular teachers' examination was held in the court last Friday during the usual hours. Following is a list of the applicants who appeared, both white and colored. List of White Applicants. Mr C B Cribb, Miss Fannie Newell, Miss Hattie Newell, Miss Feazy Cox, Mrs Lela Boyd, Miss Annie Feider, Miss Amanda Cook, Mr J E Cook, Miss Annie Louise Ervin, Miss Bessie Huggins, Miss Omie Snowden, Miss Sarah Hanna, Miss Eunice Huggins, Fannie Marshall, Miss Minnie Marshall, Miss Emma Cooper, Miss Julius Scott, Miss Annie Snowden, Miss Eleanor Cox, Miss Eccie Cox, MrBommie McKenzie, and Bessie McKenzie. Colored Applicants. J W Eaddy, James A Eaddy, William Mouzon. Women. S L Bennett, VV V Bennett, Rhoda Pendergrass, Argeno Parson, Mary C Shaw, Mell L Bradshaw, Margaret S Bradshaw, Hattie Frierson, Mary L Whitfield and S P McFarlin, Big stock flour?Prices to suit customer, at W T Wii.kins'. HortiQ Brick Hill. Thursday, the 18th inst., Jimmie Fulton, a twelve-year-old negro employed at uapt, runits, brick mill near town, was caught in a belt and drawn into a cog-wheel, causing his arm to be broken in two places. He was at once brought to Drs Gamble and Jacobs and the arm set. While the hurt is a pretty severe one at last accounts the boy was doing well and will probably recover. The accident, we learn, was due to the boy's own carelessness, as his work about the mill does not require him to come in cantact with the machinery, withwhich he was pranking with when caught in the belt. The temple of Diana at Ephesus was 425 feet long and held 27,000 people. ni i v i i _ i? ii. ine aipnaoeis 01 me various languages of the world vary from 12 to 202 letters. The Jews were banished from England in 1290 and not recalled until the time of Olivei Cromwell. fED!! ties April 2' ~ 12} ce j 10 cen 0 and C cent 121 ce ires 75 CtS. || 60 cen 60 cen iOODS 8. C. town Exposition, |M nestown exposition, which opens ^ i furnished us by the agent here: 7 Days Days 10 Days Coach Excurs'n 3 25 $12 00 $7 50 re [3 40 12 10 7 70 of 13 65 12 30 8 10 fo 14 00 12 55 8 55 14 15 12 70 8 80 ^ 14 40 12 85 8 90 of 14 50 12 95 8 95 * >e sold on the day prior to the ill be on sale Tuesdays of each */ I nited to seven days. The other rior to the opening *of the expolunng the period of the exposiSummons for Belief. The State of South Carolina, County of Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. Daniel Z. Martin, Plaintiff, vs. Amelia Lesesne, Johnnie Miller and the Heirs at Law of Richard MeKnight, deceased.,* f?< To the Defendant*, the Heirs at Law w of Richaid MeKnight, deceased: ar You are ^hereby summoned and re- W quired to answer the complaint in this m action, which was filed in the office of . the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas A for Williamsburg County on the third pi day of April A. D. 1907, and to serve a ar c opy of your answer to the said com- 0f plaint on the subscribers at their office f in Kmgstree, S. C., within twenty 10 days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if sh you fail to answer the complaint with- er in the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in ,. this action will apply to the Court for 01 the relief demanded in the Complaint. Gilland & Gilland, or 4-4-fit. Plaintiff's Attorneys. r. " V/ . , , CC Deatb of Mrs Cockfield. ^ Died, at her daughter's home on April 3, 1907, Mrs M E Cock- j* held, wife of the late Capt James re A H Cockfield. She was in her p* 68th year and leaves four child- rij ren?one daughter, Mrs Annie M Williamson, and three sons, m Messrs I W, J F and J A Cock- K field of Scranton, and five step- ni children who survive her. oi Though sick for four long years at she complained but little. g One Who Loved Her. in Lake City, April 24, 1907. There are mighty few heroes when there are no crowds around to applaud. A cook in the kitchen is worth two in the employment agency. It takes a clever woman to say cruel things in an agreeable manner. B The more vou try to please ji. some people, the greater will be your failure. m of What would the result be if we all followed the advice we ^ give to others? B aI Some men are prompted to bs look for work merely out of idle ... J P* curiosity. to hs Drinking to drown your sh sorrow is feeding a tire with A, alcohol. ^ . l'J Opportunity goes to come no more; but his sad ghost will haunt you to the end of your days. = Two-thirds of all the sulphite digestors used in the United States ei: are built by a Portland (Me.) com- C pany. From eighty to a hundred L orders a day is the usual record found ol on the company's books. re WANi 1 to May nts 32 inch Cannon Cloth at its 36 inch Percales at s 26 inch Best Calicoes at nts 30 inch Fancy Colored Duck ts 36 inch White Silk at ts 30 inch Black Jap Silk at "Tv^iun ujivir. fotice to Liquor Dealers. (fice of County Dispensary Board for Williamsburg County. Kingstree, S. C., April 17,1907. Bids and samples, etc. are hereby quested, in accordance with the terms ! the Dispensary Law now in force, <r the following kinds and quantities : Liquors, Beer and other articles rein enumerated, to be furnished to ie State of South Carolina for the use r the County Dispensary Board for rilliamsburg county, to wit: 50 barrel? 75 proof Rye. 50 barrels 70 proof Com. 50 barrels X Rye. 50 barrels 2X Rye. 16 barrels 3X Rye. 5 barrels Rum, 90 per cent. 5 barrels Rum, 100 per cent. 50 barrels IX Gin. 25 barrels 2X Gin. 50 barrels Rye, two years old. 30 barrels Rye, four years old. 15 barrels Rye, six years old. 10 barrels Ry e, ten years old. 5 barrels Apple Brandy. 5 barrels Brandy. 5 casks Dom<?stic Sherry. 3 barrels Imj>orted Sherry. Bids will also be be received for case x>ds, including Rye, Corn and Scotch hiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rum and Wines id Beer, also Glass, Corks, Tin Foil, rire, Beer, and all other articles ieded for the County Dispensary. 11 goods shall be furnished in comiance with and subject to the terms id conditions of the Dispensary Law 1907, and bidders must observe the llowing rules: 1. The bids shall be sealed and there tall be no sign or mark upon the tvelope indicating the name of the dder. 2. All bicis must be sent by express by registered mail vo J. W. Cook, Dunty Treasurer for Williamsburg lunty, at Kingstree, S. C., on or ' 1 maah fUn \ Afh r\4 \\q v ;iore i? u tiw?, iiwn, hie ivh. via. i'imj, 07. 8. The contract will be awarded to te lowest responsible bidder on each nd, the Board reserving the right to ;ject any and all the bids, and any irt of bids. The Board reserves the ght to increase or decrease the above lantities at the same price as bid subitted > 4. All goods to be delivered f. o. b. ingstree, S. J., to be paid for within nety days, and subject to regauge at ir ware house. Bids will be opened ; office of County Dispensary Board. Samples of all goods bid for must be nt, so as to arrive prior to the openg of bids. J. L. BASS, chairman, W E SNOWDEN, Sec'ty. .1 M PARKER. County Dispensary Board for Wilimsburg County. 4?18-4t. ni+A+iAn Vnfino. Ui tai'v/u Aivuw The State cf South Carolina, County of Williamsburg. y P. M. Brockinton, Esquire, Probate ldge. W nereas, Marie M Harrison made suit i me to grant her Letters of Adinistration of the Estate of and effects Maud D Blakely. These are therefore to cite and Imonish all and sinjrular the kindred id Creditors of the said Maud D lakely, deceased, that they be and ipear before me, in the Court of Proite, to be held at Kingstree, S. C., on ie 4th day of May next after lblication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the renoon, to show cause, if any they ive, why the said Administration iould not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 13th day of pril Anno Domini, 1907. Published on the 18th day of April, 07, in the County .Record. p m rnnrkivton. 4?18-'2t. Probate Judge. The Record wants correspondits at the following postoffices: ades Greelyrille, Trio, Gourdin, eo, Bensorf, Scranton and any :her office where we aie not now presented. Write for term9, tf. ed 111 4. . ' ^ >v 9 cents a yard '"-.xv1 8 cents a yard 5 cents a yard s at 9 cents a yard 45 cents a yard , 45 cents a yard any" f l'ilil : > vvv^vwvwvwww We have a Mail Order 3* -? Department for folks V <41 I who are too busy to come J 1 our store themselves. Write us your needs; 3* your order will be as Jcarefully and conscientiously filled as it given int 3* person. ' In ordering- from us Jyou have the choice of ^ the best makes, materials and designs in Cloth* ing, Hats and Furnishings. All, too at, the very lowest price con* 3^ sistent with absolute re- ^ liability and honest ^ values. Do not delay ^ I your orders. Write now ^ while there's a full stock < to choose from. A postal card will do it all. The ^ best in any and every ^ line will be yours by ^ return mail. ^ wvwv%?v?vwvw\w < MlHiMJ S. E. Corner King ft Hasell Sis., < ? Charleston S, C, s ^ Mail orders receive,^ ^ prompt and careful SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notices will be Published In This Column at the Rate of One Cent a Word for Each Issue. WANTED?To buy Williamsburg Livestock Co's stock certificates. Addaess Box 88, Kixustree.S C. 4-18-.1t. FOR SALE?One set of mill rocks, 42 inches, with running fierircomplete; weight 1,800 lbs; price *40.00. Address J N Sauls, Cades, S C. 4-25-lt Before buying or selling a farm or any property, write The Carolina Realty & Trust Co, 2?14-tf Iiishopville, S. C. Fire Insurance. The largest and most liberal comnonioc in f Virl QnnK oo Insurance Company of North America, Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., , Hartford Fire Insurance Co. The best is none too good when it comes to Fire Insurance. You have to pay for it, see that your risk is c^ried in a company of unquestionable r^utation. For rates call on or write to L. H. FAIREY At Bank cf Kingstree. 1-24?tf. % H < _ _ j