The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 18, 1907, Image 8

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f ^ ^ ^ ^ KIN( Local and Personal. I The county dispensaries will be opened today. Attention is called to Mr J S Eron's new ad this week. ' Mr W E Severance of Lake City was in town Monday. Mr W E Allen of Greelyville was in town Monday and came in to see us. Mr R H Footmai, one of 1 Greelyville's representative citi- ' pens, had business in Kingstree Monday, t1 A great deal of young com and some cotton were killed by il ~C tee severe weaiucr ui mc ten days. ] Rev. J OCarroway, pastor of ' Baiters circuit, was here one day . last week and called pleasantly to see us. The Cable Company has some- : thing to say this week about i * phonographs. If you want a i talking machine it will pay you to read it. f A recent bulletin issued by the census department shows the population of South-Caroli na to be 1,434,901, an increase of 94?58? since 1900. The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Lake City have changed their ad this week to conform to their excellent annual statement. Read it. / Mr C G Carsten, one of Cades' prominent citizens, was noted in & town yesterday on business. Mr Carsten says that the cold weather has about put the truckers out of business around Cades. * Miss Pearl Koger, who has been sojourning in Asheville, N C., for some months on account of her health, returned home last week and we are pleased to learn that she is well and hearty again. Mr W I NexSen is home from Asheville, N C, for a fev weeks, where he has been under treatment for pulmonary trouble. It is gratifying to his many friends to note that he looks better every trip he makes home and no r\no rn look at him would sus pect him of being a valetudinarian. A number of young folks from town attended a ball given by the young men of Georgetown in the Rifle Guards armory Tuesday evening. The following were in the party: Miss Selma Thorn, Dr C D Jacobs, Dr R J McCabe, John McCabe, J D Gilland, R K Wallace and J H Scott. The Graded School Items are exceptionally good mis weeK? and they were written by a member of the eighth grade (we don't know whom, for in this department we deviate from our rule and adroit them unsigned.) In all kindness we would suggest that the other contributors take pattern after this week's article and put more life into whatj they write. * nnnHHBBBi en Quality Slippers LL THE LATEST 1] LES. OUR .NEW OCK HAS JUST 8, ARRIVED. jy 1STREE KINGSTREE, Prof W K Tate, and one of the most prominent educators of the State, -will address the County Teachers' association at j its ripxt meeting. Aoril 20. Seel notice of superintendent of education. Jake Cooper and David Dukes were given a preliminary hearing here yesterday on the charge of car breaking and larceny. The evidence adduced being sufficient to make out a probable case they were boundover to the court of general sessions m the sum of $1,000 each. The alleged crime was committed at Cades some time ago. x ^ ? a ? The Last Lyceum Attraction. The last lyceum attraction will be i - il. ?C.?i presented in trie ?j^wi auununuiu an Friday evening, April 26. This entertainment will be given by Mrs William Calvin Chilton, dramatic reader impersonator and dialector. Mrs Chilton being a Southerner? from Mississippi?her specialty consists of Southern stories from Southern writers and in these readings she is said to be especially fine. Her programme will include pathos, sentiment aud humor eo that everyone who attends will find something to his or her liking. Bargains in Coffee?75 bags on hand. W T Wilkins. SAD DEATH AT UNDER COLLEGE. ? "-?n- r?~_i Ul..nH| n? ! iL'n 155 ddlllb trucM niuuaui, ui lqbc City, Dies of Gastritis. Greenwood, April 12:?Special: Miss Sallie Ernest Hinnant, daughter of Dr T B Hinnant, of Lake City, SC., a student at Lander College since the opening at Greenwood in September, 1904, died ot 10 o'clock this morning of gastritis, after an illness of ten days, only the last four days seeming serious. Miss Hinnant was 17 years old. President Wilson, in speaking of her this morning said: "She was a most charming Christian girl, beloved by all of the faculty and students. In fact, she was the pet of the college." A The party with ttle remains started to-night for Lake City. ?News if* Courier. Big stock flour?Prices to suit customer, at W T Wilkins'. Ad Aquatic Automobile. Quite a unique craft will in a short while ply up and down Black river in Willsamsburg and adjoining counties. Mr Conrad Constein has bought a 10-horse power gasoline engiue which he will install in a flat-boat as motive power and make trips up and down the river for the r\f rilouanrp anil onmmeree ^Ul JA/Ot VI |/IVWWM*V ... Mr Oanstein's flat is thirty-two feet in length and eight feet wide and if his venture proves a success it will be amply commodious for either pleasure or business purposes. He expects to be in shape to make his initial trip 011 the "Mercedes" in about three weeks. \ . * Also a v< ne of all tl nd differe i A1 IC1YO LU :dry ( # ** Notice to Liquor Dealers. Office of County Dispensary Board fc Williamsburg County. Kingstree, S. C., April 17,1907. Bids and samples, etc. are hereb requested, in accordance with the term of the Dispensary Law now in force for the following kinds and quantitie of Liquors, Beer and other article herein enumerated, to be furnished t the State of South Carolina for the us< of the County Dispensary Board fo Williamsburg county, to wit: 50 barrels 75 proof Rye. 50 barrels 70 proof Corn. 50 barrels X Rye. 50 barrels 2X Rye. 16 barrels 3X Rye. 5 barrels Rum, 90 per cent. 5 barrels Rum, 100 per cent. 60 barrels IX Gin. 25 barrels 2X Gin. 60 barrels Rye, two years old. 80 barrels Rye, four years old. 15 barrels Rye, six years old. 10 barrels Rye, ten years old. 5 barrels Apple Brandy. 5 barrels Peach Brandy. 5 casks Domestic Sherry. 3 barrels Imported Sherry. Bids will also be be received for cas goods, including Rye, ^orn and Scotcl Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rum and Wine and Beer, also Glass, Corks, Tin Foil Wire, Beer, and all other article needed for the County Dispensary All goods shall be furnished in corr pliance with and subject to the term and conditions of the Dispensary Lat - * k! Asls\fo mnof nKcorvd th Ui *I1U UIUUC1 >) lliuax vuuvi IV v.. following rules: 1. The bids shall be sealed and ther shall be no sign or mark upon th envelope indicating the name of th bidder. 2. All bids must be sent by expres or by registered mail to J. W. Cook County Treasurer for Williamsbur) county, at Kingstree, S. C., on o before 12 o'clock, noon, the 16th of May 1007. 8. The contract will be awarded t the lowest responsible bidder on eacl kind, the Board reserving the ngnt v reject any and all the bids, and an; part of bids. The Board reserves th' right to increase or decrease the abov quantities at the same price as bid sub mitted 4. All goods to be delivered f. o-1 Kingstree, S. 2.. to be paid for withii ninety days, and subject to regauge a our ware house. Bids will be opene at office of County Dispensary Board. Samples of all goods bid for must b sent, so as to arrive prior to the open ing of bids. J. L. BASS, c hairman, W E SNOWDEN, Sec'ty. J M PARKER. County Dispensary Board for Wil liamsburg County. 4?18-4t. Citation NoticeThe State of South Carolina, County of Williamsburg. By P. M. Brockinton, Esquire, Probat Judge. Wnereas, Marie M Harrison made sui to me to grant her Letters of Ad ministration of the Estate of and effect of Maud D Blakely. These are therefore to cite an admonish all and singular the kindre< and Creditors of the said Maud 1 Blakely, deceased, that they be an appear before me, in the Court of Pre bate, to be held at Kingstree, S. C., 01 the 4th day of May next afte publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in th forenoon, to show cause, if any the have, why the said Administrate should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 13th day o April Anno Domini, 1907. Published on the 18th day of April ! 1907, in the County Record. P M Brockinton, 4?18-'2t. Probate Judge. The Record wants correspond ents at the following postofficef Cades Greelytille, Trio, Gourdin Leo, Benson, Scran ton and an other office where we aie not not represented. Write for terms, tf. sry strong lie shapes nttoes in W CUTS. GOODS 50UT1 Rates to James r The following- rates to the Jai next Friday, April 26., have beei Season Ticket CO J' Scranton $15 85 $1 8 Lake City 16 00 1 3 Cades 16 35 1 s Kingstree 16 75 ] o Salters 16 95 1 e Lanes 17 20 1 r Gourdins 17 35 ] Coach excursion tickets will b opening of the exposition and wi week thereafter. They are lie tickets will be sold on the day p sition and will be on sale daily d ' tion. Summons for Belief. The State of South Carolina, County of Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. Daniel Z. Martin, Plaintiff, vs. Amelia Lesesne, Johnnie Miller and the Heirs at Law of Richard McKnight, ? deceased.,' To the Defendant*, the Heirs at Law 8 of Richard McKnight, deceased: ' You are thereby summoned and res s quired to answer the complaint in thif action, which was filed in the office o8 the < Jerk of Court of Common Plea for Williamsburg County on the third 3 day of April A. D. 1907, and to serve a v c opy of your answer to the said come plaint on the subscribers at their office in Kmgstree, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof; exclue slve of the day of such service; and if e you fail to answer the complaint withe in the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. 8 Gilland & Gilland, , 4-4-6t Plaintiffs Attorneys, ? THE PATIENT OYSTER. 0 Its Beard the Tool With Which It (j Builds Its Shell Home. o There seems to be very little y chance for poetry to linger around e the luscious bivalve, yet Keats vive idly conjures up the pale silence of - the ocean depths with his reference to the "poor, patient oyster where it sleeps." Patient indeed and im/vioon Kcd vot nrtt I* IliUiaUJC ill Iko WVIIU UV\4^ J VV MV t always sleeping. i The body of an oyster is a poor, weak thing, apparently incapable of e doing anything at all. Yet what a - marvelous house an oyster builds around his delicate frame! For some unknown reason he always fixes himself on his round shell, never by his flat shell, and be ing once fixed he begins to grow. But he only grows in summer. 1 Inspect an oyster shell closely, and it will be seen that it is markr ed with distinct lines. As the rings we observe in the section of the trunk of a tree denote years of gTowth, so do the markings on an oyster tell us how many years he e has passed in his "bed" at the bottom of the sea. The way in which * an oyster grows his shell is a prats' fy si"ght. The beard of an oyster is not d only -his breathing organ?i. e., his * lungs?but also his feeding organ, d by which he conveys the food to his h complicated mouth with its four n lips. g When the warm, calm days of y June come the oyster opens his shell n and bv means of his beard begins building an additional story to his house. This he does by depositing l; very, very fine particles of carbonate of lime till at last they form a substance as thin as silver paper and exceedingly fragile. Then he adds more and more until at last the new = shell is as hard as the old shell. When oysters are growing their j. shells they must be handled very carefully, as the new growth of shell ' will cut like broken glass, and a 7 wound on the finger from an oysv ter shell is often very dangerous.? Scrap Book. V ' *'i 9 ' Schloss Bros' ^ FAMOUS LINE OF CLOTHING IN ALL THE SNAPPY STYLES OF THE SEASON. COMP H CAROLINA, itown Exposition, nestown exposition, which opens i furnished us by the agent here: Days 1U Days Coach Excurs'n 3 25 $12 00 $8 35 3 40 12 10 8 40 [3 65 12 30 8 55 L4 00 12 55 8 70 14 15 12 7C 8 80 14 40 12 85 8 90 , 14 50 12 95 8 95 e sold on the day prior to the 11 be on sale Tuesdays of each nited to seven days. The other rior to the opening of the expoluring the period of the exposiMarriage In Italy. Why does the signorina marry? In seeking the answer to this question, says the Italian sociologist, Ferriani, I chose very young women for my experiments, directing my questions to ninety-five between the ages of fifteen and seventeen years, scattered all over Italy, witn tne 101-; lowing results: Five answered that they married in order to go out walking alone, ten in order to have a good time, in contrast with the austerity of their life up to that time; live in order to travel, seven in order to have homes of their own and sixty-one for no reasons at all in particular. Three really didn't want to marry anyhow, while only four dwelt upon the joys of home and housekeeping. Only four had been educated properly in the school of the household. To the majority marriage 6eems to mean only freedom from the convent-like seclusion of the young girl, the getting out into the crest world and seeing O W | something of life. H* Mad* a Mittaka. "I tell you," said the inspector, leaning back in his chair, "detective work is not the snap it's cracked up to be." "Were you ever badly taken in?" "Well, rather. The worst I was ever fooled was by a pretty, baby eyed, innocent looking young angel. I could have sworn she was an angel." "And wasn't she ?" "Well, I guess not! She had a1 temper like a western cyclone, and once when I attempted to call her down I thought an earthquake had struck me." "How did you happen to discover her real character?" "Simply enough?I married her." ?London Telegraph. Lumbar. "Lumber," according to the London Chronicle, acquired a new dignity "when it crossed the ocean and shook off all association with the lumber room. But the word's earlier history is still more curious if the conjecture is right that make3 'lumber room' older than lumber/ its contents, end explains the former as 'Lombard room/ the room in which the Lombard banker and broker stored his miscellaneous pledges. Undoubtedly in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries a 'lumber house' was a pawnshop, 'in the lumber' meant in pawn, and a man in jail was metaphorically 'lumbered,' or 'in Lombard street.'" Only a Trifla. Hypochondriacal Hubby (who has just speculated in a pennyworth at railway weighing macnine)?You will be very 6orry to hear, dove, that I have lost seven pounds. Wife of His Bosom ? Gracious goodness! And I want a new bonnet so badly. Hubby (gloomily)?No, no. Seven pounds of flesh, I mean. Wife (with intense relief)?Oh, is that all ? I wish you would be a little more considerate and not frighten any one out of one's wits about 6uch trifles. ? London TitBits. {tpHiU W?Wi ' >-'-? ? ? He> ?? * " ANY, ?. J' I Positiv!e^| I F.vJrlpnra < w ww W wwywyy^r%> He will soon laarn, who experiments ^ith 3* shoddy clothing that 3*' it only brings unsatis- 3: factory results. 3' More men are learning 31 every day that the bet-3 ter kind of clothing is^I the most economical in the long run. ' 3* This kind of education is what popularizes a 3* store like ours, where only reliable makes, re- J* liable materials and re- 3** liable tailoring are J* countenanced. 3* The short, stout man, ^ ^ the tall, slender man, or ^ , ^ the man of extra large ^ ^ proportions always finds ^ ^ us prepared with perfect ^ i fitting garments, to sup- 5 ? ply his needs, whatever ^ ^ they may be. ^ ^ Oh, yes, genuine Pan- ^ i ama Hats, all the new 5* " I styles are here. ^ wwwvwvwwvwvw < ilttw! Hi S. E. Corner King t Hasell Sts ., < ? Charleston S9 Clt | ^ Mail orders receive^ ? ^ prompt and careful SPECIAL NOTICES ' Transient Notices will be Fublisned In This Column at the Hate of One Cent a Word for Each Issue. WANTED?To buy Williamsburg Livestock Co's stock certificates. Addaess Box 88, Kingstrex.S C. 4-18-3t. For Sale?One-half acre lot with nice 5 room dwelling in Lake City, Apply to D. E. Motley, 4?18-lt. Lake City, S, C. Before buying or {felling a farm or any property, write The Carolina Realty & Trust Co, 2?14-tI rnsnopvme, a. Fire Insurance. -' I The largest and most liberal companies in thd world, such as, Insurance Company of North America, Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., Hartford Fire Insurance Co. The best is none too good when it comes to Fire Insurance. You have to pay for it, see that your risk is carried ^ in a company of unquestionable rep^ita- 9 tion. M For rates call on or write to flj L. H. FAIREY fl At Bank of Kingstree. ffl Q "3