' ' OUR CLUBBING RATES. ( We offer cheap clubbing rates with a number of popular news ! papers and periodicals. Head carefully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and we shall be pleased to send in your order. These rates are of course all casein advance, which means that both The Uecokd and the paper * ordered must be paid for, not 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, but twt.i.vk MONTHS ahead. Below is ttie list <>f our best clubbing offers The Uecokd and News & Courier (Semi-weekly,) $1.60. The Record and Home & Farm (twice a mouth,) $1.35. The Record and New York World (3 times a week,) $1.75. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (3 times a week) $1 85. The Record and Atlanta Constitution (weekly $1.50. The Record and Bryan's Commoner, $1.75. The Record and Cosmopoliton Magazine $1 75. Th? Record and Youth's Companion (New Subscribers) $2.50. The Record Semi-Weekly State, $2.50. The Record and Lippiucott's Magazine 1 year each $2.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $1 60. N. B. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is. evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. THE COUNTY RECORD, Kingstree, S. C. Coughs and colds contracted at this season of the year should have immediate attention. BEE'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP, contains j Honey and Tar and is uneqnalled ; > for hoarseness croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers endorse it: ' children like to take it. Contains! no opiates. Moves the bowels.?Sold by WL Wallace. * 1 I s A RATTI fI Dili II J Whisl 6 Full Q Carolina VU WV?A? 4 Carolina Whiskey wOI t I lliu? ? I il article and in our eetimi 11 jljjj | turea aold by irresponaiL | |jj;| ||| , |j|2j pergalion. We make a fr muL P' tbat we are not afraid *f: teen acres, making us the Ifr^Rffil 13 SAMPLE BOTTL n^WHjHHWjS wC! ship you by expo 1i?i1'Hb"iH1j1 vdH Include In seme b< IllA lf M I IT l lll "ZuKcka." "QclJ Br. ^ " yr/r~' ' t THE LARGEST WHOLESALE im rltiii nnv caaiu AXD CARPET HOUSE IX THE SOUTH. NEW SP] OUR STORES ARE OUR READY-TOARE THE MOST STYLISH Ladies' Nobby Eton Suits mad Panamas, Voiles. Black and Colored from $18.00 to $30.00. Worsted suit Ladies' Shirt Waist suits in silk-la $6.00 to $35.00 per suit. Ladies' Silk -Jumper suits, "The li per suit. Ladies' Princess suits (also new) i range from $12.00 to $35.00 per suit. LADIES 20 Styles here to every one to be f w hen you intend Duymg a waistsend us your measure, state what pr the prettiest and cheapest waist yoi I "Wejnake a specialty of Mattings, Curtains and Upf ! * Agents for Dr. Jagei Patterns, 10, and 15c. 1 i Painters' Colic. The painters and decorators were at work in the dining room, and the good housewife was anxiously sputtering about, giving orders as to how this and that should l>o done. One of the "artists" was telling about his attack of painters' colic when she said: "I should think yoin would get sick! Why don't you keep your mouth closed while you work?" "Huh, missis," replied the man, "I'd like to know what kind o' painter you'd m?*ke. You'd be dead with colic inside of a year. Your mouth is open all the while." The rest of the job was finished in sii x ll'licc.?wr'.\ i uii\ i ir?s. A Puzzle. 1Vas a glorious night, and two ; lovers sat upon the cliffside, with the eternal ocean flowing at their : feet with a calmness and placidity : that was almost appalling. They : were looking at the stars above, and he turned to his girl and said tenderly: ''My darling, I don't understand what you can see in me to love me _ 99 SO. She replied, "That's what every-j body says." The silence was greater than ever.?London Telegraph. A Witty Retort. A motorist who was touring in Ireland one day met a native on the road who was driving a donkey and cart. Thinking he M ould have a little fun at his expense, the motorist began: "What is the difference, Pat, between your turnout and mine ?" The native looked at the questioner a minute or so and then replied : "Not a great deal. The donkey is in the shafts in the one and on the seat in the other." His Retort. Tho famous John Randolph of I Roanoke, as he was called in his j day, once met, while walking on a j narrow pavement, a political op- j ponent of his. The man pushed rudely against Mr. Randolph with his elbow, saying as he did so, "I never make way for scoundrels." "I do," said John Randolph, stepping to one side and making his most courtly bow, as lie allowed the man to pass. ME uarts F.r Q0 QC hiskey ?"lyyfc.uU fve excellent latUfAction. It in a well Bfred ition. far superior to the decoctions and rr.ixle mail order whiskey house? at (1.00 to S3.50 ocial price on CAROLINA WHISKEY to show my kind of competition Our plant* cover fourlurrect ruuii order whiskey house in the world. ^.S E'f?tCut out this advertisement and return It with $2.h5 and ?c >3 6 full ptiarts of Carotin* Whiskey and we t, cetanllnentr^i? sample bottle of each, .!" : J Cujprr's 12 Y'ar OJd White Corn. ?' tirr tv 1 shove e?to.-. p:cpc?J anywhere '; r ' '..out Vi-'-hda, hrt c. . loru :u living -:jcr ? : n Comr.nnh s, o t i ' l??i kin-r rcsHliac o:> 1 r' t ie '?ou:'.-' < and .1 .--niplc . .? I'.-rnitewli with orucrand address: C p.c., Koar.olle, Vet. $ . t, - t f.*M l?M!!Wy T.'o. 30~v?*lh s)t*4., fx b i i e ?- I ;ru*r*at*e?l jwire v trier !b* J ... "T,r l-TO**lWqPBnr.< Louis Coh 232 AND234 ING STRE The House that sires you "SATISI ilXG AND FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WIT WEAR GARMENTS TO HE FOUND ANYWHERE. le of Fancy Plaids and Mixtures- j Taffeta Silks. Price of silk suits range | s from $10.00 to $30.00. wn, linen and lingerie. Priced from i I itest." Priced from $14.00 to $30.00 nade of lingerie, lawn and silk. Prices ' WAISTS ound in any other house in the South. -De it Maaras, Lawn, Linen or siik, ice you want to pay and we'll send you i ever purchased. Ladies' Muslin Underwear; Be lolstery Goods. r's celebrated Sanitary an< sss THIS IS THE HEROINE IN ^ The Conquest of Canaan BY BOOTH TARKINGTON Author of " The Gentleman from Indiana," " The Two Vanrevels," etc., which will begin IN OUR NEXT ISSUE Illustrated by Berger and Copyrighted Competent judges call it the greatest novel Booth Tarkington has written. " So overmastering in its intensity of interest, so sweeping in sympathetic enthusiasm that one, carried away in spite of himself, forgets all but the fortunes of Her and of Him, the woman and the man to whom the author has given life." CHARMING HEROINE The charming heroine in this story who has captivated the critics is rare to fascinate the reader. Ariel is a girl of girls, s pearl of great price, a joy forever. She is the perfect flowerof American womanhood.?Niw York Press. I As for Mr. Tarkington's heroine, she is charming. More than that, she ? appeals to countless American female hearts.?Kansas City Journal. The power, truth and beauty of a true woman's love is strongly set in the fabric of this interesting story. The work is an American novel and in it Mr. Tarkington has notably surpassed all his other works ?Covinotow (Ind.) Republican. Begins In Our Next Issue "V ORDERS FROM MERCHANTS FILLED WITH A GUARANTEE ET, CHARLESTON. S. C. OF SATISFACTION. ? I CTIAtM a_ ron. mnn.r K*?L ratiiVii vi jvui uivucj vavm m SUMMER STOCKS. H THE BEST OF THE MARKETS OF THE HORLD. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. The newest weaves and colorings. Plaid Taffeta Silks in a large range of colorings for Waists and Suits, at 50c, 69c, 75c, $1 00, $1 39 and $1 50 per yard. Fancy Silk Suitings, beautiful colorings at 49c per yard. 19 inch Changeable Taffeta Silk at 50c per yard. 36 inch Changeable Taffeta Silk at $l tK> per yard. Bose Bay Taffeta Silk at 50c per yard. 1^7 inch Rajah Silk at 75c per yard. Black Taffeta Silk, 36 inches wide, sit 84c, 1 00, 125. 1 50 up to 230 per yard. DRESS GOODS. Large assortment of ail the new plaids and fancies from 1&- to $1 50 per yard. Full assortment of all the plain and fancy weaves from 25c to $2 50 per yard. We carry the largest assortment of all the best makes of Black Goods for Dress ami Mourning. Write for samples. >ys' and Girls'Clothing; Gents'Furnishings; Carpets, i Woolen Under-Wear and Ladies' Home Journal / AN ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. Young Girl's Bravery Ail That Caved | Her From Black Fleni1. Easley, March 29.?The 13 ' ! year-old daughter of Mr. Perry j C. Halcomb was assaulted this afternoon about five miles north J of Easley. She was' thrown {down, choked and a pistol placed on her tempie but she bravely snatched the pistol away and ! pot away before the negro's dastardly purpose was accoin- j plishod, but her clothinp was i torn off. Crowds are on his trail and j will probably catch him before morninp. The accident caused much excitement. The nepro is named Jeff Black. He is five feet six inches tall and wore overalls and a black coat Takes Issue With Grand Jury. Editor County Kecord:? I notice the last report of the grand jury states that they find the "jail in good condition and the prisoners comfortable." Now I just wish to state that the two convicts last sent to the chain j gang were literally stocked with j lice, and not ouly these, but one we j have had a year or more, says that j he was in the same condition when i | he left there. I fail to see how j prisoners conId be comfortable un-i (lersuch conditions, and I cannot keep the stockaaes clean and free from vermin with prisoners turned over to me in such condition. E. Benton, i Superintendent of chaingaug. | April 1, 1907. I I Dortt v I all night long f neuralgia, or I Sloe i T .in in | JLSJ.1VJLL1 I kills the pain nerves evnd in B At eJ! dealers, Pri Dr Earl S. Sloarv, B< nnHnm i ' Siank of*lO K1NGSTR i Capital Stoclc Chas. W. Stoll, Pres. E, C. Epp I ! WE do business on business prin | WE extend ervery consideration < banking, i WE pay four per cent on deposit; able quarterly. ; WE respectfully solicit your bus ceive our best attention. Board Of Chas. W. Stall, W. V. 2 20. S. Tfexsen, ^ V. Jf. filakeley, J. C. I W1TCI i! ? FOR ANYTHING IN THE W 1= Wafnhfis nf ill K VVUIUIIVV VI 111! U ? HANDLED BY FIRST-' ?? Being Watch inspectors 1 town and Western Railr ? Street Railway, we are obi; ? Watches. We will be glac them at any time or to fill ] Watches and Je* 1 s. THOMA B 257 KING STREET, < i 1 ^ 1 > %. 9 ' < Notice to Creditors. All persons, having claims against the estate of the late John P. McKlveen will preset.t 'same, duly attested, and all persons owing said e?t.ate will make payment to the undersigned. Lenoka M. McEi.veen, Administratrix. . OU-. S. C. or I.kk & Askixs. Attvs, 3'2H-4t Kings tree, S. C. Spring winds chap, tan and cause freckles to appear. PINEsaLVE (jarbolized applied at night will reiieve that burning sensation. Nature's own remedy. Acts like a poultice pnd draws out inflamation ? Sold by W L Wallace. Begisti&tion Notice. Theoftiee ot the Supervisor of Keg istration will be opened on the first Monday in every month for the purpose of the registering of any persbn wiio is qualified as follows : Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, sni months before, any poll tax then iloa and payable, and who can both read and write any section of the constitution of 1896 submitted to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectable on during the present year, pioperty in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. Y. Mr GILL, Clerk of Board. i In the treatment of piles it becomes necessary to hare the remedy pnt up iu such a form that it can be applied to the parts affected. MAN ZAN Pile remedy is encased in a collapsible tnbe with nozzle at-, niched. It can not help but reach the spot, llelieves blind, bleeding, itching and protuding piles. 50 cents with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. ?Sold by W L Wallace. rom toothache H wViaiimA+i cm 9 ltVV?adden, J?. !Phem, Sraham. i . . mmmmmmg I ALWAYS 1 J I1JJ II UIU 22 ATCH LINE. WE CARRY 3 inds, All Grades 3 . CLASS JEWELLERS. 3 for the Southern, George- 3 oads, also consolidated 3 iged to keep a variety of 3 1 to have you call and see 3 four Mail Orders. 3 vt\ry Repaired. 3 S & BRO. | :harleston, s. c. 3 rs