The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 21, 1907, Image 3

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rv/ r < ?:' AN INDIAN EXPERIENCE Trial* ef a Girl Who Was Captured by the Sioux. The winter of 185G-57 was one long to be remembered by the people of Iowa and Minnesota for its bitter cold weather, deej* snow and vh?l\>nt storms. whirh rendered coin Biunication between the different settlements almost impossible. A great many of the settlements were on the extreme frontier and absolutely unprotected and defenseless, j It was during this winter that the j Sioux attacked and destroyed the j family of Mr. Rowland (iardncr. j They killed all except a young j daughter, Ahbio. who was taken into captivity, hit was rescued through the efforts of tho United : States government. In "The S-nrit Lake Massacre" she tells something I of her captivity: Whenever tin* Indians thought to torture me by threatening t>> take , my life 1 would ivvciy how niv head. My tear! s- acquiescence and willingne-s to die seemed to !:il them all with, worn! *r. They thought i it a sign of bravery. ^ Soon after my rapture one ?>f the | warriors, who was fitting by mo one , day in the tent, thinking to tost niv i courage or to be amused at my fears, took his revolver from his belt and began loading it. while he gave rac to understand that he would kill me as soon as it was loaded. I merely bowed my head to signify that I was ready. When the revolver was all loaded he drew back the hammer and held the weapon close to my head. I quietly bowed my head, expecting he would do as he said. But instead of that lie lowered the weapon and looked at me as if astonished and then laughed uproariously. So amused was he that he told his companions of it, and it was a favorite subject of conversation. These Indians were at a loss to know what to do with much of the plunder they had taken. Among the spoils were quantities of soda and cream of tartar. They interrono +r\ iicn on/1 trVtnn gaWTU 1UU a9 vv/ llivil ucvj aim nuvu j I told them we used it in making I bread they wished me to make some. They seemed greatly surprised and pleased when they saw the bread "grow" during the process of baking. Although pleased with the "growing," they were too suspi- | Clous 01 oeing j)Oisonea 10 chi am j until I had eaten. Then tliev devoured it greedily. A Perambulating Pudding. A commuter who lives up the Hudson river and who is, of course, accustomed to go downtown even morning contributes a specimen of Finnish humor to the New York Sun. Bv the commuter's confession he is prone to prowl around the refrigerator almost every night and quietly dispose of any unconsidered trifle that may tempt his appetite without publishing the same to the household at large. Recently his wife was discussing luncheon with a new importation from Finland named Hilda and, remembering a pudding that they had not been able to finish the day before, 'Baidib the kitchen autocrat: "Do you know where that piece of cold pudding is?" Without a smile on her face Hilda answered: "Yes, ma'am. It has gone downtown!" THE LARGEST WHOLESALE A1ND RETAIL DRY GOODS A.\D CARPET HOCSE IS THE SOCTH. NEW SP] OCR STORES ARE OUR READY-TOARE THE MOST STYLISH Ladies' {Nobby Eton Suits mai Panamas, Voiles. Black and Colorec from $18.00 to $30.00. Worsted suit Ladies' Shirt Waist suits in silk-li $6.00 to $35.00 per suit. Ladies' Silk Jumper suits, "The 1 per suit. Ladies' Princess suits (also new) range from $12.00 to $35.00 per suit. LADIES 20 Styles here to every one to be 1 you intend buying a waist send your measure, state what pi the prettiest and cheapest waist yo We make a specialty of Mattings, Curtains and Upl Agents for Dr. Jage Patterns, 10, and 15c. r ? 1 1 s FINISHED THE BOOK. Whin the Reader Got Through There Was Nothing Left. A queer character was a man 1 met once while in Kinsley, Kan. Where lie came from I didn't find > ? i J out, nor yet wnere ne was uouuu. From his grips and general appearance I guessed him to be a commercial traveler. Doubtless he was. When I first saw him he was buying a book in a Kinsley store?one of tin late novels, neatly and .attractively bound in cloth, and he paid for it $1.23. His conr.ii- as he left the store with his purchase was what nailed my attention. He had the hook in his hands unwrapped, having waived the parceling of the same a> unnecessary. lie i.; 'led at the door, bent botli covers !>;;. / a'.! coolly npped them o:i" and : -sc.! them into the street. Then i.e "cut" the volume as one might a deck ?>f car.!-, about the middle, bent the two halves back til! they met and then ripped them apart as coolly as he had torn oil the cover. 1 was naturally astonished. Who was this man? Was he some c.xpurgator? Was the book a menace to morals? 1 took a quick glance at the discarded covers. It was one of the best of the recently issued fic 1 .* 1 O i 1 1# tion. -My man tucked tne nrsi nan of his book into the side pocket of his coat. The other half he thrust into the smaller of his two grips. And then both of us headed for the train. We rode together as far as Hutchinson. I purposely selected a seat near him. He raised a window and settled himself comfortably and pulled the half book from his pocket. He tore off the first page, laid the rest of the volume beside him on the seat and read the single leaf. From the way his eyes moved 1 saw lie was a "skimmer." In no time he had finished page 1. I knew that, for he turned the leaf. And when page 2 was read I knew that, too, for he quietly ^crumpled up the leaf and tossed it out of the car window. And then he tore off the next leaf. And in due time it went the same route. And so it went on. All the way from Kinsley to Hutchinson he left a trail of crumpled leaves. When he had finished the book the book was finished too.?Kansas City Star. His Flowers. "I heard in my youth," said Sir Charles Murray, "one of many curious stories of Sir John Shaw. "He was most eccentric in his appearance and dress and cared nothing a in ?lio rr r n 11 n /-I c immP. 1UI 11U1UCOO IU L1IV ^?VU**V4W diately surrounding his house. One day he invited two gentlemen from Edinburgh to dine with him at Carnock. As was the custom of the time, they appeared before dinner cilLr nplcitiers jinrl Ill IXUVV v-v.v-iivr, ."?*?? . thin shoes. The weather being fine, Sir John invited them to take a turn in the garden. Civilly and thoughtlesslv they followed their host and soon found themselves skipping among nettles and thistles, to the [ great discomfort of their unfortunate calves. Sir John, who was clad, as usual, in corduroy breeches and top boots, said to them, with polite gravity, 'Step oot, step oot, gentlemen. Ye'll no hurt my flowers.'" ?Cornhill Magazine. Louis Col 232 AND234 KING STRI The House that gives you "SATIS RING AND 1 FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WI1 WEAR GARMENTS TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE. de of Fancy Plaids and Mixtures1 Taffeta Silks. Price of silk suits range ts from $10.00 to $30.00. iwn, linen and lingerie. Priced from nfoct " frvim 41J fVI tn 430 00 made of lingerie, lawn and silk. Prices WAISTS found in any other house in the South, ?be it Madras, Lawn, Linen or Silk, rice you want to pay and we'll send you u ever purchased. Ladies' Muslin Underwear; E holstery Goods. r's celebrated Sanitary ar i OUR CLUBBING RATES. We offer chea;- clubbing rates with a number of popular news papers ami periodicals. Head care fully the following list and select the one or more that you fancy and we shall he pleased to send in your order. These rates are of comae all cash in advance, which means that both The Wkcokd and the paper ordered must he paid for, not 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 1), 10. 11, but MONTHS ahead. Helnw is the list of our best clubbing offers The itecokd and News & Courier (Semi-weekly,) $1.00. The KecoKD and Home & Farm (tvi ice a month.I S1.! >o. v*"* -/ Thk Record and New York World (3 times a week,) $1.75. Thk Record and Atlanta Cousti mtioii (3 times a week) $1 85. The Record and Atlanta Cmisti' tut ion (weekly $i.50. Thk Record and Bryan's Commoner, si. 75. The Record and Cosmopolitan Magazine $1 75. Tut Record and Youth's Companion tNew Subscribers) $2 50. The Record Semi-Weekly State, $2.50. The Record and Lippincott's Magazine 1 year each #2.75. The Record and National Magazine, 1 year each, $1 60. N. B. We do not club with any daily papers. The first issue you receive of the paper or periodical is evidence that the money for same has been forwarded by us. We are not responsible after that. THE COUNTY RECORD Kingttree, S. C. Coughs and colds contracted at this season of the year should have immediate attention BEE'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP, contains Honey and Tar and is unequalled for hoarseness croup and coughs. Pleiwant to take; mothers endorse it children like to fake it. Contains no opiates. Moves the bowels.?Sold by \Y L Wallace. i OBOTT Id Wilis M 6 Full C Hi /1\\CarolinaV ih Carolin* WHtker will 11 iflllfll Mpcr gallon. We rruike a i that we are not afraid o T"SAMPLE BOTT wUI ship you by exp will Include in^same^ SPECIAL NOTirzi^ r % ten & Co. EET, CHARLESTON. S. C. iFACTION" or your money back. SUMMER ru THE BEST OF THE MARKETS SILKS AND DS The newest weaves and colorings. Plaid Taffeta Silks in a large range c ' at 59c, 69c, 75c, $1 00, $1.19 and $1 50 p Fancy Silk Suitings, beautiful colorir 19 inch Changeable Taffeta Silk at 50 36 inch Changeable Taffeta Silk at $1 Bose Bay Taffeta Silk at 50c per yar< :?7 inch Rajah Silk at 75c per yard. I Black Taffeta Silk, 36 inches wide, a yard. DRESS < dooUI lllltJlll. UI <111 Lilt. 11CW \ yard. Full assortment of all the plain and : yard. We carry the largest assortment of i ! for Dress and Mourning. Write for sa toys' and Girls' Clothing; G< id Woolen Under-Wear am H? Show?d Them. "I went to know," said the at-; i torney for the plaintiff, who was i cross examining the witness, "just j what the defendant said when mv I client told him he was a bigamist | and that the facts had been found j out." "lie didn't say anything/' an- j swered the witness. | "Well, what did he do?" "lie acted kind o' hasty." "I want to know exactly how he1 acted." "Want me to show voff?" "Yes." The witness suddenly reached; over, grabbed the attorney by the hair, threw him down on the floor1 and proceeded to hammer him. "This is the way he acted," hej said, "til! the other fellows interfered. Some of you "chaps pull me' oil, will you r" It wjh tough on the lawyer, but! it won the ease for him.?Chicago j Tribune. An Essential to Leadership. The professor of economics was i discoursing eloquently on tho need of leadership in all things, and from i the greatness of the leader he plunged into a discussion of the es' sentials to leadership, "And what," + rrrnof r?lmr- ' I I1U CAl-'lUUIlVU, ia mc ? *.<.</ ; acteristic of all born leaders, the i i first great essential to successful! j leadership?" I He paused that the question and I its import might be fully appreci| ated. "What is it ?" he asked again, i A small voice coming from the j rear of the room answered cheerfulI ly : j "Ready ability to satisfactorily ( eiplain what the other fellow says about youj"?Florida Times-Union. Good Bait. Aunt Tillie, cook in a Georgia household, took home a dish of macaroni from the "white folks'" table for her own family and after assuring them that it was good induced her children to eat it. The next morning she discovered two of them out in the yard turning over 6tones and boards and scratching vigorously in the earth. "Iiyah, you!" she called. "What you all doin' out dah ?" "We a-huntin'," came the glad response, "fob mo' of dem macaroni worms." LEsrorn key r DLL Quarts For CO nc Vhiskey ^Vfc.uU give excellent satisfaction. It is a well aged nation, far superior to the decoctions and mixibtc mail order whiskey houses at $3.00 to $3.50 TH-cial price on CAROLINA WHISKEY to show f nnv kind of coir.Petition Our plants cover fouric largest mail order whiskey house in the world. LES FREE. Cut out this advertisement and returnjt wlth f2.95 and we ress O I J>I quarts < I uaronna ? m.acy inu wc ho*, complimentary, a sample bottle of each, "J" end Ccspcr's 12 Year Old White Corn. c deliver the above express prepaid anywhere Ir.?.a and West Virginia, but customers living 1 hy A'.'ama cr Southern Express Companies, Euyr-s cart of J isrlruppi River residing on i ::ni. * rnr.d V. 0" for the fl quarts and 3 sample c.y express, lUmit cash with order and address: Iv CO., Inc., Roanoke, Va. Owner* of U. s. I>r1?t?*red Distillery No. 305,6th Diet., Va. of V s. C'.. -rn ai d ruarmnterd pore nader the uiotial I'u.e Y*od and D: ujc I.sw. f ORDERS FROM MERCHANTS FILLED WITH A GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION. % STOCKS. OF THE WORLD. {ESS GOODS. >f colorings for Waists and Suits, er yard. lgs at 49c per yard, c per yard. 00 per yard. i. t 84c, 1 00. 1 25. 1 50 up to 2 50 per JOODS. is and fancies from ]g<* to *1 50 per fancy weaves from 25c to $2 50 per ill the best makes of Black Goods mples. ints' Furnishings; Carpets, d Ladies' Y me Journal Citation Notice- j The State of South CAROLiNa, County of Williamsburg. ByPM llrockinton, Esquiie Piobate!n Judge P \N hereas, H 0 Uritton made suit j tome, to grant him Letters of Ad- i tj ministration ot the Estate of and effects ? of John P McElveen. cj These are therefore to cite and ad- v, monish all and singular the kindred e and ( reditors of the said John P Mc- n fciveen deceased, tnat tney ne ana ap- n pear before me. in the Court of Probate, .'j to be held at Kingstree, S. < . on '.'3rd 'tj day of March next after publication ^ thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. J., to show cause, if any they have. wh\ a the said Administration should not be ' granted. ; Given under m> Hand, this 1th day of March. Anno Domini, 1007. Published on the 7th day of March l'JOT, in the County Record. I'" M Brcvkinton, Probate Judge, i 3?7-(Jt. |c !r Vie von troubled with piles? One J application of ManZan will give IT von itnnjediaie relief.?Sold bv W {* L Wallace. ^ - i i Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of F. Rickenbaker & Co . composed j of J. F. Rickenbaker and S. W. Gowdy, | heretofore doing business at Lake City, ; ;i in the county of Williamsburg and1] >tate of South Carolina, v/as dissolved ! by mutual consent on the twenty-third ; a day January, 1907, and the said S. W. ] Gowdy, is no longer connected with 1 bu-iness. J. F. Rickenbaker shall assame all indebtedness of the company, and all parties owing the company shall pay same to the said J. F. Rickenbaker J. F. Rickenbaker 3--7-3t. S. W. Gowdy. c Spring winds chap, tan and cause r freckles'to appear. PINESALVE < CARBOLIZED applied at night j will reiieve that burning sensation. , Nature's own remedy. Acts like a t nonltice nnd draws out inflamation ?Sold b) W L Wallace. |j nfmf\ j For Emergeiw I For the Stock Sloajvs L i Isawhole mec Price 25c 50c 15and For Free Booklef on He 1 Address Dr. Earl S. Slo. L /-v WUmm38LMIHHL! SSank oflOi KINGSTR1 Capital Stoels Chas. W, Stoll, Pres. E. C. Epps WE do business on business princ WE extend every consideration c banking. WE pay four per cent on deposits able quarterly. WE respectfully solicit your busi ceive our best attention. Board. Of Chas. TV. 6toll, TV. V. 71 7V. y. T/exsen, V>. 27. J{, VIlake toy, C. *2 1 11/ 4 TF.U irc I nniuu uu FOR ANYTHING IN THE W. | Watches of All Hi B HANDLED BY FIRST-C Being Watch inspectors f town and Western Railrc B Street Railway, we are oblij ? Watches. We will be glad them at any time or to fill y Watches and Jew I s. THOMA ? 257 KING STREET, C fimimmmmmmi : _ ''\0 I : Is ... J| Registration Notice. Theoftice 01 the Supervisor of Keg itration will be opened on the first londay in every month for the purose of the registering of any person ho is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of lie State for two years, and of the aunty one year, and of the polling preinct in which the elector offers to ote four months before the day of leMion, and shall have paid, *ix iontlis before, any poll tax then due . nd payable, and who can both read nd write any section of the constitu-' . ion of 18W5 submitted to him by the upervisors of Registration, or who an show that he owns, and has paitf 11 taxes collectable on during the resent year, property in this State ssessed at three hundred dollars or iore. J. Y. McG-ILL, (Jerk of Hoard. In the treatment of piles it l?e omes necessary to have the remedy >ut up in such a form that it can >e applied to the parts affected. dAX ZAN Pile remedy is encased n a collapsible tithe with nozzle atached. It can not help but reach he spot. Relieves blind, bleeding, tchingand protuding piles. 50 cents nth nozzle guaranteed. Try it. ?Sold by W Li Wallace. Hurried meals, lack of exercise ire the main causes of dyspepsia. A UNO'S DYSPEPSIA TABLET iter each meal aids digestion, im>roves the appetite.?Sold by W L iVallace. NoticeIntending'ti make a change in my nanner of living, I desire to offer for tale all of ray household property, :onsisting of parlor, chamber ana dialing room furniture, tables, chairs, irockery, glassware, etc. These goods will be disposed of for cash at the owest prices, md can be seen at the nanse of the Presbyterian church, near oChurch P. 0., in this county. U T T1 IDUiT T 1 ^ AA A* A/nminuAi) t-7-tf. Pastor Indian town Church.. yg^; | :ies at Home j on the Farm i iivinveivt 1 iicine chest ^ , 6 * 1.00 iries CaWe, Hogs &FWtry-1 an. Boston, Mass. \ (llicimsburg, iE, S. C. j^-acw,www. Cashier, F. Rhem, V. Pres, :iples. onsistent with safe and sound in Savings Department, payr\t ness. Large or small it will reDirectors. ===== ftikins, (PS. Sourdin, 77/cJ'adden, Zfthem, rrakam. 1 ATUJAVC1 I i ALWAU | \TCH LINE. .WE CARRY 3 nds, Jill Grades ? ;lass jewellers. 3. or the Southern, George- 3 ?ads, also consolidated 3 ?ed to keep a variety of 3 to have you call and see 3 our Mail Orders. 3 elry Repaired. S <&. BRO. 3 HARLESTON, S. C. 3 iiUiUiUUUUUiUUUUiiUUi^ -1 '