Farmers & Merchants ? U o PJ?Sd1SS* ?^Bc^Ks^ V-g /I X lit gVtfVt^g^ respectMly solicit your deposits CAPITAL, $25,000.00 MM E IE" H IS 1 I 1 1 S E R EJ 3 IIX I II DIRECTORS UNDIVIDED PROFITS, $7,000.00 | | <1 ! J R I I i I H SB F I ll >1 /I I I II B. Wallace jones ... C. Younp vUv AlvVM^Vi VV3?.-. 1 | tTWMMSkOik .X V j!s.McCtoj^ j VOL XXI KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, MARCH 21. 1907. NOll2 M ~ _ - _ POSITIVELY | Every\ thine \ We had in the way of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Beces, 3m| broideries, [ 3tct wis bought brio re ibe recent sharp advance in prices and we ean to give our customers the benefit of the difference in price. The lines we carry could scarcely he bought today for what we sell them, bat we hare not increased the price on any article bnt actually marked down a number of things. It yon want a swell pair of Shoes see our "Finnr flnolitu" Mlg WIQlllJ far N?k at $3.50 a ad 14.11, Far ladles aad cklidrea we reeaaaead the A A wnjpnr ; > Star Brand Shoes. We haidle ether cheaper grades ef Shees, kit these are nr leaders. We iirite atteitlei ti ear elegait llies if Dress Shirts, TTnaionr nnrl UVUXVi V UI11U Underwear for wiucia vi wsiuv) 8 'AwTT73g22 p^ material,where the Ir^i Rr finger points, are cat Ij ^^Q^^^^w'away to permit folding m without breaking. | Stylish Low Collars V "Sitka" and ' Bryson" are perfect fitting collars, aad their good lines of style keep I them constantly In demand FOR THE CORLISS-COON COLLARS which are world fanois we are exclusive agents. Latest effects In lace curtains aid cnrtaln material, also we bare a lot of 75c. Roller shades narked * down to 40c. Keep warn by buying one of oir blankets?tbey are all wool aid nore than a yard wide. Laces and Embroideries. Rew Stock 5c laces and embroidery going at 3 l-2c; 10c quality going at 7c; 12 l-2c going at 9c. We bare the goods and our prices are right, dire us a call. w People's I f^ercar|tile *? Company., KINGSTREE, S. C. | f No Display Adverti jOur Spri Wednesday and goods, Prof. Hand's Lecture. Prof. W. H. #Hand, professoi of secondary education in the University of Soulh Carolina spent Friday in town. During the morning he visited theGrad ed school and in the alternoor lectured in the court house or I the subject of education. II was a source of regret to the writer that such an able speaker as Prof. Hand was honored with an audience so meagre, especi' ally when speaking on a subject of vital importance to our people. Prot. Hand has gi\en his entire time and talent to the work of secondary education and has attained a high degree of distinction along this line, and hence it is well for us to heed his teaching. He criticized our school both favorably and adversely, the most serious adverse criticism being that in the two highest grades he/ound only two boys?a matter of far ? fcONFI] Sc is not establi g It JRequdi Bl M i O lESesiscan. Sr We keep the stork in every wj O munity. Tne best of every thin^ A the attention perfect and the prici Sr already familiar wiQi our way of d O make it profitable for you to becor V HEALTH! I DEMANDS PURITY and SI YOU USE. ft 1 : is a Licen Dr. DuRant si business \ 10317 Means more patrc I Jill The person who i Complete line School I ?always < Agent for 5 " late Bon Boi You are always welcome- Stan see us. .1 B D! v Physician an< O r aKF r g)00000000000< Cash is 1 At this season t pocket book is til the reins. If it's a Horse we can fill your n In BUGGIES, *Tmc*o m nam JlfiSS, LAI" It IP I* I KETS, all the Im we are headqnarti VISIT OUR STAB! WANTS AND WE LI F. C. Tl ZEZi-Q.grst ' * ' /. system. The most important of f!which are: The salaries for .; competent teachers are too i small and therefore incompetent l ! teachers are employed, and the i - ? ? ? ? ? ~ t.. a*. Wf. , li,, .el ; tUUrses I1UW given uy me v;iau?j ed schools are not conducive to the greatest benefit, since the i present courses are mainly a preparation for college and only ; about one out ot every ten pupils that graduate from a gradt ed school ever attends college. . There 9houid be incorporated in i the graded school system prac? tical courses, such as cooking, sewing, agriculture, etc. ' Pressing Club Notice. Since the recent fire I have re' opened my Pressing and Tailori ing business upstairs in the Funk building where I will be pleased to serve my patrons. J. F. Fulton. 1-15?tf. DENCEi shed in a day X res Tifflnie?? g njoyed the confidence of Q iblic for many years, the Q arsons patronizing us year Q ear. fS s TTTIxsr 5 ly suited to the needs of the com- Ja is carried, the assortment is large, W es JUST RIGHT. If you are not Q loing business, we think we can JL ne acquainted. U SECURITY = g TRENGTH IN THE DRUGS X sed Pharmacist, doing a legal busi- X the drug line and we insure safe yr fe compounding and safe prices. Q nake no safer investment than to do X vith us. V )ns for our store, x runs can read this. IjUi V Books and Stationery X >n hand.? Q set Cigars (Havana made) X Chocolates and Choco- Q is. A t off this new year by coming to X Respectfully yours, * JR ANT X ?AVI Al 1 A > w i Pharmacist, O ITY S C JC xxxxxxxxxxxxn BHtalHBHaaaMMDMHaBMMUV UnMMMHaai Economy. he man behind the le mail who holds or Hole you want eed. wagons, iiarbs, horse blan>t oil the market. : CIS. LES, TELL US YOUR L DO THE REST, HOMAS ? ;xee, S. C. > t a ?.MfWi / W, ,1; y Tuesday, Noon, Pre ig will ti \lso a complete MARCUS, Kin: traoea scnooi nems. Professor Hand, of South Carolina University, who has been lecturing" on education at different schools throughout the State, gave us a very interesting and instructive talk Friday morning. The exercises Monday morning, South Carolina day, were excellent. The programme was as tollows: Song?America, The School. Song?Primary Grade. Dialogue?Carolina, Eight Little Children. Heading?South Carolina, Ada Brockinton. Recitation?William Gamble. Recitation?A Little Bag of Rice, Barney Flowers. Dialogue?Three Little Girls. Recitation?McBride McFadJen. % Dialogue-Carolina, Our Pride, rhree Little Girls. Recitation?Carolina, Mary Swann. Flag Drill?Twenty four Little Girls. Song?Carolina, The School.Address?Hon. P. H. Stoll. We are always glad to have )ur friends visit the school, especially on public occasions, md we should be proud indeed to see our friend, the editor, up J iere occasionally. As some of our honorary mem>ers are ignorant ot the time vhen our literary society meets, rve are only too glad to inform :bem that our society holds its lext meeting Friday, Mr.rch 22. We were delighted to have vith us Friday morning, Rev. J. E. Mahaffey who conducted :hapel exercises and afterwards fave us a splendid little talk. It good talks are a help to a ichool. we were blessed last ;?eek along this line. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Town raxes are now due" and that after April the penalty will be enforced. a. C. Hinds, Town Clerk. 3-14-2t. KXXXXXXXXXXXX 5 We Are 1 | Ready f< X with a full and complete 5' of Laaies', Misses' and C lS kinds dress goods and tr K Gents' Straw Hats, latest yC clothing, the .very best o 5 All kinds of Ladies', Ger 5 Cut Shoes. K Farming implements and ? scription-Prices and bea 5 -Call Early an iHDRe. 5 Headqu Sboooooooooooc ^ceding Date of Issue, ???? ?m ike place ; line of Spring | Istrce, S. C. 1 WOODEN RANGE 1 SWEPT OUT. Turn ornor diiiiniuno tun nurriline iivu oiunc uiiluiiuo jiiiu wvlllmu HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE | MONDAY NIGHT. Monday uight, between eight and nine o'clock, the alarm of fire was given and it was found - ; that Mr Meyer's bakery in the rear of Scott & Miller's market on East Main street, was burning. The fire department and bucket brigade responded with commendable alacrity and it was dne to the energetic and intelligent work done that the fire was confined to the three wooden building between P S Courtney's and G Ollie Epps' stores. At one time it looked as if Mr Courtney's store was doomed, as the flames . \ leaped upon the side of the building the height of the walls and-over on the roof. Had this store burned there- is little doubt that the town wc^uld have suffered a disastrous conflagration. As it was the fire quickly spread to the wooden restaurant next to the market, occupied by Phil Fulton, colored, and swept it out of existence in short order; then the nearby cottage of Mollie Epps caught and this, too, was soon reduced to ashes. Mr Oilie Epps' brick store, next to Miss Epps' cottage, was saved by heroic effort, the outside steps and platform being burned and most of the window , glass on the side next to the ; fire shattered. The two wooden, stores were owned by Mr R H ,' ^ Kellahan. Most of the contents of the three buildings destroyed were saved. 4 .*v. The value of the burned buildings is estimated at about $1,500 or $1,600, and Mr. Myer's oven 'fF and utensils and supplies foot up to $700 or $800. All this is a W total loss, as we learn that the ~ owners of the property carrie^|p, ^ no insurance. y"~' >ooooxxxxxxxg Now | or Easter 8 ' of up-to-date styles, X Children's Hats and all 5 immings. ;M styles and tailor made X f up-to-date, goods. X its' and Children's Low V . \ Hardware of all de- X it the band. X d get your pick, at O ddick's | larters, O | . , J lis' -