h ; it '* i % RECIPES. A Good Sandwich?A nice sandwich b made as below: Slice graham bread very thin; spread it thinly with "made" mustard; over this, on one a alice, put a iayer of cottage or sour milk cheese; on the other side, spread thickly finely-chopped olives mixed with mayonnaise, and place the Hoes together. For another, slices of rye bread are buttered, spread with mustard, then with cottage cheese, and put the slices together. % *T-' ? O-frmrf Vl nam oiuuius. ? v.icam vuv ....? cupful of butter, add gradually nearly j three-fourths of a cupful of cold boil- J ed ham, chopped fine, also a well beat- I en egg; then alternately one cupful of Graham flour and one cupful of white flour, sifted, with three tea6poonfuls of baking powder and a cupful of milk. Bake in a hot, well buttered muffin pan about twenty-five minutes. Cheese Fritters?Cheese fritters ( ? can be concocted with a chafing dish and they are very toothsome to any cheese lover. Mix four tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese with two tablespoons of stale bread crumbs. Beat four eggs well and add to first mixture. Season with salt and paprica. Drop from tip of spoon in small cakes on a hot, buttered blazer. Brown on one side, then turn and brown on the other side. CeilCSS ucnmam, t % Denmark, for reasons partly of gas tronoray and partly of trade, Is dis * tressed at the aversion shown by the eel for its shores. The fish is now,v and for some years ha3 been, abandoning the Little Belt in great numbers for the Atlantic?never to return. People are beginning to ask themselves If the taste of eel pie is tc vanish from Denmark forever. An /Ichthyologist who has spent .some time In observing the creatures has come to the conclusion that they a! ways glide off in dark waters. Thi^ has suggested the bright idea of run ning a deep sea cable along the track most frequented by the emigrants, anC j lighting the water up "with electric lights, so as to fascinate the fish lntc remaining where they are.?New York Tribune. \ Itch cured in 30 minute* bv Woolford's 1 Banitaiy To to teday*. Trial treatment dlVlV/lkr.rrcfree. Kothlnrcaa be fairer Write Or. It H. Green's Son*. wBdaadalUt*. Box g Atlanta. Ha. So. 9-'07. Pure White Lead^JV. is the Natural Point- PtVmpnf Numerous compounds .V are being ZvZ^Xv^Vjf offered to take I T white lead as Ji a paint, but no X I real substitute f J I for it has yet 1 Pure White I hi' 1 Lead has a >/\{ J peculiar .TQgr]./'^ amalgamating with the wood . upon which it is used?added to this it has an elasticity which permits the paint to follow the natural expansion and contraction of the wood. Pure White Lead (with its full natural tenacity and elasticity, unimpaired by adulterants), atone fulfills all the requirements of the ideal paint. Every keg which bears the Dutch Boy trade mark is positively guaranteed to be ab. solutely Pure White Lead made by the Old f \ Du'ck Process. 1 I SEND FOR BOOK "A Talk on Paint." hjpr glret Taluahle information on the paint All lead packed fa vnhjert. Sent tree 1X77 bean thie nark. upon rwjuert. ' a : NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY . fa whichever of the following citie* U mart t pott; [ Kew York. Boaton. Buffalo. Cleveland. Cincinnati. Cnicaso, St. Lonla, Philadelphia {John T Lewi a A Broa. Oo.lt Pitta, bush Rational Lead A Oil Co ] f ' I TERRIBLE ITCHING. Eczema Affected Whole System?TTn U. S. DISPENSATORY Describes the Principal Ingredients Contained in Pe-ru-na. Are \vc claiming too much for Peruna when we claim it to be an effective remedy for chronic catarrh? Have we abundant proof tliat Peruna is in reality such a catarrh remedy? Let us sec what tire United States Dispensatory says of the principal ingredients of Peruna. Take, for instance, the ingredient Hydrastis canadensis, or golden seal. The United Stntes Dispensatory says of this herbal remedy, that it is largely employed in the treatment of depraved mucous membranes, chronic rhinitis (nasal catarrh), atonic dysI>cpsia (catarrh of the stomach), chronic intestinal catarrh, catarrhal jaundice (catarrh of the liver), and in diseased mucous membranes of the pelvic organs. It is also recommended for the treatment of various forms of diseases peculiar to women. Another ingredient of Peruna, corydalis formosa, is classed in the United States Dispensatory as a tonic. So also is cubebs classed as a stomachic and as a tonic for the mucous membranes. Cedron seeds is another ingredient of Peruna, an excellent drug that has been very largely overlooked by the medical profession for the past fifty ydars. The seeds are to be found in very few drug stores. The United States Dispensatory says of the action of cedron that it is used as a bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysentcry, and in intermittent diseases as a substitute for quinine. Ofl of copniba, another ingredient of Peruna, is classed by the United States Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and diuretic. It acts on the stomach and iutestinr.l tract. It acts as a stimulant on the genito-urinary mem branes. iscrul in cnronic cystms, chronic dysentery and diarrhea, and some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. Send to ns for a free book of testimonials' of what the people think of Peruna as a catarrh remedy. The best evidence is the testimony of those who have tried 1t. Peruna is sold by your local druggist. Buy a bottle today. _ There's always work for workers. State of Ojiio, City of Toledo, > Lucas County. I * Frank .I. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F.J.CHENEY Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said linn will pay thesum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Ball's Catarrh Cure. * rank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of December. A. D., 2FSC. A. W. Gleason, (skalA .Notary i'ublie. - " ' ' ? ? -II.. I Hall s Lainrrn i. ure :s laKen uncinunj , Y u Ilia it O wwui.w. ments, ana sold through druggists, all the ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice, and that too as remedies for the ailments for which "Favorite Prescription" is recommended. A little book of these endorsements will be sent to any address, post-paid, and absolutely free if you request same by g)stal card, or letter, of Dr. R. V. Pierce, uffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. Constipation is tho cause oi many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to tako as candy, It is base- to speak vain words. HARDSHIPS OF ARMY LIFE Left Thousands of Veterans Will Kidney Troubles. The experience of David W. Mar tin, a retired merchant, of Bolivar Mo., is just llk< thousands of oth A ers. Mr. Martii Ijk aays: "I think . to have had kidnej .V *7 d,Bease ever sine* / the war. Durin? an engagemen JylL my horse fell or me* 8traln,n* back and injurinf the kidneys. I hare been told I h^c a floating kidney. I had intense pair In the back, headaches and dizzy spells and the action of the bladdei was very Irregular. About three years ago I tried Doan's Kidney Pills, and found such great relief that I con tlnued, and Inside a comparatively short time was entirely rid of kidney trouble." Sold by all dealers. 6 0 cents a box Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. 7. aOle to Kest .Night or Day?Snf. fercd 4 Years?Cutieura Cures. **I suffered severely for four years fron poison oak and ivy. My condition wai serious, as I could not rest night or daj and he free from a terrible itching senaa tion from scratching on ;nv hands betweer the fingers, my feet and face. I got th< best of advice and treatment from six dif ferent doctors who were anxious to cum me. One of the doctors told me that wher the poison was cured, eczema (a worse ' disease) would follow, which became true My eyesight was affected, and I went tc a hospital especially for the eyes and got relief, but eczema got a terrible hold on my system. I was about to give up all hope ol ever being cured, yet I could not be recon' ciled to such results, as mv health had been good and free from any disease all my life. My age is seventy-thrce years. In my extremity I happened to read of Cutieura Remedies for skin diseases. I was anxious about my condition and desired to evade any spurious imitation. This was in July. 1005. and I called on a certain druggist for the Cutieura Remedies. I bought five boxes Cutieura Ointment, also some Cuti cura Soap and Cuticura Pills as I required them. In four weeks' treatment my face was smooth, and the itching gradually left my hands and feet and I could rest comfortably, for which I am grateful and happy. W. Field Cowen. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public, Hartlv, Del., May 15, 1906." A blow threatened was nevr well given.?Italian. Stimulate the Blood. Brandreth'a Pills are ihe great blood purifier. They are a laxative and blood tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the kidneys and the skin, thus cleansing the svstem by the natural outlet of the body. They stimulate the blood so as to enable nature to throw off alP morbid humors and cure all troubles arising from an impure state of the blood. One or two taken every night will prove invaluable. Each pill contains one grain of solid extract ot sarsaparilla, which, with other valuable vegetable products, make it a blood purifier of excellent character. Brandreth's Pills have been in use for over a century and are sold in every drug and medicine store, plain or sugar-coated. No one ever repented of having held his tongue.?Italian. Only One "Bromo Quinine" That is Laxative brorno Quinine. Similarly named remedies sometime? deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet is a White Package, witn black and red lettering, and bears the signature oi E. W. drove. 25c. After ebb comes f.ood and friends with good.? Dutch. Did you see In last week's paper an Item telling you how you could obtain a dozen cans of Argo Red Salmon, au Argo Cook Book and a can opener, delivered at your freight depot prepaid? No? Letter look it up. No thoroughly occupied man vras ever miserable.?Italian. Irftnieid XVl\ i> jnuun v.'*. nvi wa?%? point in its favor! Take it lor constipation, indigestion and liver disturbances. Guaranteed under ihc I'uiv iTcod and Drags Act. Use can almost chancre the stamp jf nature.?Shakespeare. jsWEETlBLOQD 1 JUICY i ^ The Original "Break Plug" i iiscd Brand" of North Cai J Showing a GAIN EVERY ^ IMITATED INSTYL , << r^mi m I me | Ros ; I \kiT | ff CI r , 1 WRITE US FR] I and frankly, In strictest confiden troubles, and stating year age H . 7KXE ADVICE, in plain scale i e Ly aable 64-page Book onr "Home r? Address: Ladies' Advisory ggjj Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattan WOMEN sctly Well Women l Know? = AILING How Many Perfe ; Do You r MISS GRACE E.MILLER "I am not feeling very well," "I am so nervous it seems as though I should fly." "My back aches as though it would break." How often do you hear these significant expressions from women friends. More than likely you speak the same words yourself, and there is a cause. More than thirty years ago Lydia E. Pinkham of Lynn, Mass. discovered the source of nearl} all the suffering endured by her sex. "Woman's Lis," these two words are full of more misery to women than any other two words that can bo found in the English language. Sudden fainting, depression of spirits, reluctanee to go anywhere, backaches, headaches, nervousness, sleeplessness, bearingdown sensations, displacements and irregularities are the bane of woman's existence. , The same woman who discovered the cause of all this misery also discovered a remedy. Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs holds, the record for a greater number of ahsolute cures of female ills than any "ttinr nn* remedv the world has ever known and it is the greatest blessing which ever came into the lives of suffering women. Don't try to endure, but cure the cause of all your suffering. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The following letters prove this : USE TAYLOK'S j ^A OFFERED WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE tyfy/1/ lyjOmstter how limited / l\ yonr means or etlucn ' tlon. If you wi-h a mmamm thorough business iraliiimr and good position, write today for Our Great Half-Rate Offer. Success. Inde]>ei)dence and probable FORTUNE guaranteed. Don't delay?write today. GA.-ALA. BUS. COLLUGK, MACON, GA. When a man looks wise it is generally time to begin being suspicious about bis really being so.?Florida Tim** Union. i i^QFui | Tobacco. The Only; "Adver- - ? rolina Flue-Cured .Tobacco?? YEAR since introduced. ?. ,E BUTNGTIIi GKEW" | 6 writes Mrs. I 111., "as a rei fever, that 11 not get well, lady friend c; *e WINE OF S so she got It, th just three bottle taking Cardul aj maobmamummm vjjj never bo thi EELY son, to tell of th ce, telling an yoor such trouble as We will send yon uvelope, and a rat- placement, etc., itment for Women." am Department, Tbe A I ooga, Tenc. ' HHBBHnSBHK 3>^r * J Mrs. W. S. Ford of 1938 Lausdowne St., Ajaltimore, Md. writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham;? 4 For four years my life was a misery to ma I suffered from irregularities, suppression, terrible dragging sensations and extreme nervousness. I had given up all hope of ever being well again when Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended. It cured my weakness and made me well and strong." Miss Grace E. Miller, of 1213 Michigan St., Buffalo, N. Y. writes: Dear Mrs. rink bam :? "I was in a very bad condition of health generally; irritable, cross, backache and suffered from a feminine weakness. Lydia E. Pir' ham's Vegetable Compound, cored me after all other medicines had failed." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablc Compound did for Mrs. Ford and Miss Miller it will do for other women in like condition. Every suffering woman in the United States is asked to accept the following invitation. It is free, will bring you health and may save your life. Mrs. Pinkbam's Iovitatfoa to Wooes. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate .with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn. Mas* From, the symptoms given, the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Out of her vast volume of experience in treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Her advice is free and always helpful. rokee'Remedy of Sweet Gi ghs, Colds, LaGrippe & ^HOCLESS LARD The Uppermost Standard of Highest Quality taipscttd by the United States Government fgpCabl) ! am now i>retor*TO and all klndaof garden planti p ant.i, grown In the open air M h"'d? ot the ruoat reliable se <>ur thousand acre track farm VAifVglKiim packed. Celt ry ready laat of L * *? *?*? time or earlier Reduced ex pi Wgwill gl*e u* bite s r. o. i>. Mepgttie, b. C. The baa eitab'lned an Fxperlnieuial Matluu on our fn: daily Cabbtge*. i ho rckUlta of tbese experiment' Ymira rviv-tfullv >' | " ZM 34 YEARS SE1 w >ii*Wr OuTTchlcltaaadhaiamhaTebcei ^ i afiaUlitfimo. V. e ?bip lor utrt >afa dahreey. You ara o? ^""" ?. I' I So. 766. nikc Wigoa with teniae to the consumer ezclus I Hne wins Dash. Antonio- VeJdcles, Si sty.es of Harness. Oktart Carriage i ^complete, (fit. 60. "* Elkhart, 'I Was P \ I. C. Robinson (formerly Miss H >ult of six months suppression, lever got over just right. I was The best doctor in DeKalb gave Mamma was almost crazy aboi ime to see me and told mamma 1 #111 Mil ^^^^1 ough she had little hopes of Its helping. 1 s, when I was relieved and began to get \ id now I am well and strong. I feel thai ough praising it." Thousands of ladles 1 e wonderful relief It gave, in the various i headache, backache falling feelings, n< you will find Cardul of true and lasting t ALL DRUGGISTS IN $1.0 . ' * ,-r . * " : r: t .' ' 7s 'ts? SAW MILL MACHINER' QINNINO MACHINERY. r ^ j GASOLINE ENGINES. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ! GRIST MILLS, STEAM PUMPS Everything in : MACHINERY ANDM1HSUPPPIES. i HYMAN SUPPLY COMPANY OFFICES. STORES. WAREHOUSES. Wilmington and New Bern, N.C. ADDRESS-MACH'Y DEPT. P. f Elm wood xcaaiKiu. w* m Ortwtn an# eflVr a flaa ?wrtat^. of APPLES. PEACHES. PCiRlP A PlaaM. Aprleata. NmUuIh* JV Charrle*. Orapcvtaa* la larfi JgEf auorta?aU.AM?rhcrrle*.Car SaSS&k caata, Strawbarriaa, Horaa 3WBMW Hndlik, .l.pararn "cwtMtrSHDBiW rlM aa4 aa ailralal Katakar4MHRs rlea. apleodld aauriatal OBflnalrNSXCmL aad SHAPE 41" r" TIKEI, ORNAEICVTAL I SBSV HS AND HMH PLANTS. WrltaftrCaUlapa i*AB.WATKISSABKSJ(l4latklaa.V? CIGARETTE HABIT ihla habit. Il liMHetly n?ruU?41 At) ral'ertice you nruL IVrUtforjrte book oa Cii/artttehabit.' Dr. J.S. HIII.6r??a-iUlet Tax So. 9-'07. am and Mullein SSSV0^ , and Lang Troubles. Thoronyhly tasted n. All DruggUta. 25c, IQc aaill.00. ILfghiSAW MILL? LATH AND SHINGLE MACHIF SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM GASOLINE ENGINES. Fry LOMBARD, AUg: John m Plants "Ow " SCCCESSION-B 1 0. 0. D. when aot acoompaaiel b/ remittance. |, Youngs Island, S. C. n\tSi CELERY Plants w%,m l Can now furnleh all kinds of cabbage MfiSrwfi and will atand great cold. Grown from edsmrn. We uae the same plants on i'ifiyT . PlHbt- carefully counted and properly BAM](I, tec. Lettuce, Onloa and Beet plains. same IV Wlir era rates promised.which.when effectlre l\vf II, an nirrchmdiee rates Prices: Small lota aW\7 l.it) to fil.'JS per thousand. V. O. B. Megpine Cucumber Seed ?b cents per pounu. Ka* United Mate* Agricultural Department rrn*. to test all kind* of vegetables, espe. ?.. will lu nWuH In Hm vnu at any time. I ff W I.ITcrfV-O M PAX V. VtftO tTTI. JLINCv lllRJtCI I sold dlwct frota our factory to uscrfev \ fVjJBJgl eac!o>dca ud appro**! ud guar- \VjMI C it ootklag 1/ not istlsfod to gf . JpjrM " intaetaren la the World. ivelj. We make 200 stylet of Wj/\VXJ^ Sesd foe large, free catalogue* k Harness Ml0. Co. SfbS^w^; Indiana r*?*.?*a ?xa*w? ale^j[ azel Upson) of DeKalb, following an attack of' weak and hardly able t 1 - -T J I ' me up ana saiu i tuu Jtit. One afternoon to get me a bottle of U I Woman' I Relief. But, praiss GCd! I had t /ell right off. I kept rlgl. 11 ove my life to Cardui ,iave 'written, like Mrs. Ro forms of female disease. \ srvousness, irregularity,^ u) >enefit Try It 0 BOTTLES Gioo & '.^'V v .