t?hr (foiintn ttrconl. KINGSTREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year, ? ? ? $1.00 One copy. 9ir month*. ? ? - .5) One copy, three months. ? ? .25 Subscription payable ii advance. ADVtKIiSI?U ttAJ 1,3: One inch, first Insertion, $1.00; each ubsequent insertiun, 50 cents. Obiturie? and Tribute# of Respect over 1al sea port and we are glad to see that the legislature has taken the matter in hand and touched up the railroad commissioners. The sensation of the hour is the Thaw trial now in progress in New York City. We would not offend the decent sentiment of our readers by printing any of the nauseating details. A profligate youug man shoots down the alleged betrayer of a lewd woman that the former was fool enough to make tus wire, now he pleads emotional insanity to escape the penalty of his crime. f That is the story in a nut-shell. We regret very much the con tinued illness of Senator Bass of this county. In his absence the senate is deprived of an able and faithful member and our bouse delegation one whose experience and counsel would be invaluable to them in this first taste of their legislative experience. Pay Back the Cotton Tax. Congressman Hefliu, of Alabama, has introduced a bill in Congress providing that the government at Washington shall refund the cotton tax collected in 1866-87. The bill gives the farmers who were compelled to pay this tax twelve months in which to prove their claims and provides that the unclaimed remainder of the tax collected by the government shall be devoted to the construction of good roads. Large sums of money were collected from the people of South Carolina on this I riCc'oUi:'. ami tin* books of tilt* go\ . ernim nt agelits will doubtless slum from hoiu the tax w?s collected ami the amount paid respectively In the farmers out i f whom the taxe; j came. The tax was an illegal tax i auil the Government at the close ol forty years of uninterrupted peact and harmonv ought to restore to tin ? O people in this part of the countrv the tribute that was exacted of them for pucitive rather than revetnu purposes We would suggest that all persons in this State who were compelled tc pay this tax, cr the surviving representatives of their families, communicate with their Representatives in Washington, collecting all possible data on the subject, so that oui Congressmen may be in position tc recover from the Government the tax unjustly levied upon them at the close of the war. The amount involved is large, bat, whether large or small, the principle of the tax was wrong, and the Government should make good to its citizens the money taken from them at a time when they were overwhelmed by /)?AAA^W? Wa AWA ^A 4 An/vn?*k Adtat) UlOMlCli ft C mi c Ami cuuu^u n mj dow, surely, from tho spirit of the times in which this tax was levied to have the question dealt with fairly on its merits. Every now and then a story is told about the return of conscience money to the National Treasury, ar.d we would have onr representatives in Congress use their beet efforts to arouse the National conscience to the point of paying back to the fearfully burdened cotton growers of this State the blood money that was taken out of them without justification forty years ago.?News & Courier. SEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY ?i?.?.'?;??!?.'.'?!??;?.' . word. I BELOW LOST NOR EVEN ^ BUSINESS. BUT W E ARE ? AT JUST A FRACTION @ TARY TO MOVING INTO ^ IN TO BE COMPLETED. S AND QUALITY OF GOODS . ? WE ASK. ? ie shoes.i 1KB BiRRV FORMER; ? IMOUS ST LOUIS BROWN ? LADIES. ? . s, Dress.Goods, etc. t'j ? attractively low prices. ? Cash Store. | REE, S. C $ @:?@:@: ? CA M. N 0 22. lit and 3rd Moaday jj fCKSBVH |! -Night* la^ each V&/SI' Visiting choppers oorvTyyP diallylnvited to come \^SS?ui & up and sit on a stomp ^ ' or hang about on the PHILIP STOLL, 9 37 12m. Con. Com. ? KoiB1, yS^' Kingatreo Lodf? No. 91 Knights of Pgtfyas Regular Conventions Brery 2nd aad 4th Wsdanday mights. Visiting brethren always welcome, Castle Hall ?.id story Gourdin Building. F W FA IREY, C. C. I THOS M(CUTCHEN, K. *. k 8. ?: :o:e?:?:?:o:?:o:@ YEAR'S | L ? mere * U11I8^ 5 <& * N jgj* prepared to fur-i hardware for the '0 2 ftesf improved@ plements. ssary to cultivate. ft we are closing | .f $ TURE 1 duced prices. ? PFINS and CASKETS. ? rse furnished when de-| (WARE COMPANY I rdware and Crockery, g a:?:?:?:?:?:?:?? :?:? The Largest and Most Complete Establishment South. GEO. S. H1GIER I SON. i jAl i ?MAXUFACTTR :RS OFi Sash, Doors, Blinds Moulding and Huilding Material, Sash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, S. C. -iaftk