i w / 'S kVHHHHHD CBBmilrJ J-If? % t l Our We mer KIN< S 5 |^# In Social 1 Miss Marion Haight of Now Yorkis visiting Miss Helen Scott. Miss Tallulah (iregg of Florence is the guest of the Misses Thorn. Mr Sara M Wolfe of Anderson has been visiting his aunt, Mrs L J Barr, in North Kingstree. Miss Luna Tribble of Due West was the guest of Mrs LeRoy Lee Xmas week. " Miss Massey Lee Estes of Man ning visited Miss Lila Hammet dicing the holidays. / ' Miss'Mellie Biockinton of Rhems visited at Mr Kellahan's during Xmas week. Misses Cricket Graham and Irene KiDg of Wilmington, N C., visited atMrs B C Whitehead's last week. Tbe Misses Stackley gave a "Topsy party" Friday evening in honor of their guests, Misses Footman and Stackley. Miss Martha Gould Powell, of i Winthrop College faculty, visited M'ss Loreua Ross Xmas week. Misses Alma Gordon of Sumter, Lois Duffy of James, Ga., and ' Jessica Jacobs of Savanuah, Ga., w have been visitingthe Misses Jacobs. Misses Jodie Stackley of Florence and Emma Footman of Greelyville visited the Misses Stackley during the holiday season. P tMrs Mag Allen of Cheraw, ac companied by her friend, Miss Annie Rakestraw, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs McB Scott. Mr and Mrs W N Jacobs of Georgetown, Messrs J M., T C and Loni8 Jacobs, Jr., of Charleston spent a portion of Xmas week with their parents, Mr and Mrs L Jacobs. So many have been coming and going within the past two weeks that it is impossible to chronicle them all. We have done our best, yet we feel that we have left out much that we should have been glad to publish, but we could not cet the information. ? o I Miss Ada Brockinton was "at; home'' Thureday evening of Xmas week to a few friends of the young- ' er set. Miss Esther Gordon of Gourdiu and Miss Martha Gordon of Char- j leston spent Sunday with Mrs W G 1 Gamble. I Misses Mabel and Bessie Harper, ft who are teaching at Lykesland and \ Lancaster, respectively, spent the holidays with their parents in town. Mrs Theodore Simons and family k and Misa Maggie Webb of Charleston and Miss Marie Simmons of Washington, D C, are visiting the family of Mr M F Heller. I ' . J m ?w Friends j ask then > nhpr thf> II M VI ^11V aSTREE Kingstree. 5S; | A surprise party was tendered Miss Jessica Jacobs Tuesday evening. Miss Etta Jacobs, who is principal of Salters High school, .represented , Williamsburg couuty as a delegate to the \Vnni>in'irs u W Gil land, Messrs W R Scott, Tom McCutchen, W E James and Heyward Scott. Mr and Mrs 0 II Patrick of Manning spent some of the holidays with Mr and Mrs R H Kellahan. A very pleasant dance was givei Tuesday evening in the hall over the Farmers' Supply Co's new building complimentary to the young ladies visiting in town. The Christmas tree given by the Baptist Sunday-school in the church last "Wednesday evening, was well attended and much enjoyed by those present. Auditor John Montgomery played Santa Clans in a manuer very delightful to the children and highly diverting to the older folk. A pleasing feature of the occasion was the presentation of a handsome present to the beloved superintendent, Dr W L Wallace. Friends of the prospective bride and groom have received Hip fnllowinrr rard of invitation: Mrs. M. A. Brockington requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter Mattie to Mr. Armstrong C. Swails Wednesday evening, January the sixteenth, nineteen hundred and seven, at half-past four o'clock, at the Presbyterian church, Kings tree, S. C. At Home After February First, lungstree, s. py New 1 1 pace arm COMP; A C Ilinds, Esq., has been elected tovn clerk and treasurer, vice*J G McG'utchen, resigned. Rev W Smith Martin, of Bennettsville, visited relatives in town several days Xinas week. Mr II W Bryan, now of Clanssens, in Florence county, sp^nt the Imli/luva nt hia nlri home in this county. Our young friend, Mr J G Nei smith of Dock , took Ins departure last week for Newton, Ga., to cast his lot in a strange country. "Josey" is a good fellow aud we wish him good luck in his new home. We are a little late getting out this issue, having to get up practically two weeks' papers, but but look over it aud tell us honestly dcn't you think it worth waiting for? 1 Mr R D Mills has accepted !a position with W I1 Wilkins. Mi ; Mills has been in the employ of Mr G L Sauls of Cades for several years and conies here from Lake City, where he held a responsible positiou with Sauls-Baker Co. I The firm of H B Joyner & Co has dissolved, Mr Joyner having goue to | Lake City where he will engage in a mercantile business. Mr W E McConuell succeeds Mr Joyner at the same stand. We weie today the grateful recipient of a sample of Japauese cane sirup from our friend, Mr Henry Baylor of Benson. This sirup is produced from Florida cane and is of unusual excellence. Home for the Holidays. As is usually the case quite a number of students from various institutions of learning are home for the holidays, among whom we note the following: From Winthrop: Misses Jimmie Britton, Pearl Montgomery, Louise and Floride Harper, Julius JScott, Mai garet Ross and Adelaide Harper. I .rt . 1 *"1-11 14 : A uoiumoia ^unege. anoovo auuic Stacklej and Jessie Mahaffey. Converse: Miss Mabel Snider. The Citadel, Cadet W W Barr; Wofford, Messrs Theodore Hemingway and Boyce Mahaffey. Welsh Neck, Laurie Bishop; Furmao, Wesley Singletary; Orangeburg Collegiate Institute, Edward Rhodns; Wilmore Ky., Peel and Ernest Epps; Atlanta Dental College, Sanders Whitehead; Memminger school, Charleston, Miss Martha Gordon; Clemson College, Cadet S E Evans. MunZan relieves instantly the pain caused by those blind, bleedin/, itching and protruding piles. It is put up in collapsible tubes in such a way that it can be applied where the trouble originates, thus stopping the pain immediately. Try one bottle and if you are not relieved, your money will be refunded. Try our free offer.?Sold by W L Wallace. 1 L" * ? \ * if ear re= ' f SlNY. pp HHHHHHMIHHHBHHHHHIHi " Presbyterian Appointments. KINGSTKEE: 1st and d Sundays, 11 a in. 2nd and 4th Sundays, 7 :30 p m. Wednesdays, 7:30 p m. UNION: \ 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11 a m. CENTRA I.: 1st and 3rd Sundays. 8 p m. E. E. ERVIN. Pastor. Santa Glaus, IS never was so pleased before. Finest Christmas gifts he ever saw. That seems to be the verdict of all who have seen the beautiful assortment of & Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, ^ Neckwear, Silk Mufflers Silk Suspenders, Dent's, Perrin's and Alder's Gloves and many other useful gifts we have pro vided for the Holiday^eason. Whether you want a suit, overcoat, or rain coat for your own, or as a present for some one else, better get a look here. All kinds of good clothes for man or boy, at moderate prices. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Belief i Mi S. E. Csrier King ft Hasell Sts , Charleston S9 C9 i Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has seed of a reliable remedy for cofic or diarrhea at some time during the ; 1 y?rji This remedy is recommended 1 by dealers who have sold it for j many years and know its va It has received thousand. of testimonials from grateful people. | It has been prescribed by phy- i sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little? BUY IT NOW. i 1