The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 03, 1907, Image 4

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<foMntn iRrfotd. fc> KINGSTREE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE. I EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS * SUHSCKIl*TION RATES: <>ne copy, one year, ? ? ? $1.00 One copy, six months, ? ? - .5) One copy, three months. ? ? .-5 Subscription payable ii advance. ADVERTISING RATES: One inch, first insertion, .fl.OO; each *ub>eq;u nt insertu n. 50 cents. Ohitu-: aries and Tributes of Respect over 1<?0 words charged for as regular advertisments Liberal reduction on ndver. rising made tor three, six and twelve j months contracts. Communications must be acconi- ; plained by the real name and address of writer in order to feceive attention. No communication of a personal nature will be published except a* an advertisement. Address all let'er- and make all drafts payableto C. W. WOI.KE. Kingstree. S. C. - - - THURSDAY. JAN. 1.1907 Senator Tillman still insists that! President Roosevelt did wrong in dismissing the negro regiment for, shooting up a Texas town. To read , the evidence of the outrages perpe- j trated on a helpless and unoffending ; people by this regiment, which [ reached a climax in the {.indiscrimi-1 nate lootiug and slaughter of unoffending citizens it is hard to see how auyone could blame the president for dismissing the negroes comprising the regiment without honor when they refused to disclose the names of their guilty comrades. Tillman mav have reasons for his view that will satisfy the Yankees who are criticising Roosevelt aud from whom the Pitchfork Senator is raking iu the shekels lecturing between 'the reverberations of his thunder in the senate, but to convince his Southern constituents to the belief that the president erred iu the matter?that is another thing. He may be able to do so, but we doubt it. A Chicago divine is quoted as saying that if Christ should come to earth again oue of the first things t?An 1<| do would he te abolish xav nvuivi v?v ? ? ? ? ? ? Christmas. According to the way the sacred holiday is observed, or -"celebrated,'' in too many instances, there is much ground for the preacher's dictum. As a day of rejoicing it is well to commemorate ~ the anniversary of the Savior of Mankind, but when that rejoicing takes the form of gluttony or Bacchanalian revelry it suggests the ' orgies held in the name of the pagan -deities of Home and Greece rather than the simple life of the meek and , lowly Jesus. 1 The published statements of the 1 six banks of Williamsburg county, which appear in this week's issue, show deposits, all told, amounting to over $325,000, which discloses in i the most convincing way the fact < that despite the prevalent cry of j5 hard times our county is far from ' being "broke'' yet. These reports j j all speak for themselves and arej( worthy of careful attention on the < yart of our readers. Without mak-: J ang auv invidious comparisons we may say that the two banks that ad- ]1 vertise i;i The Record the year ' round make a showing that, all things considered, they deserve to be! ( congratulated upou as reflecting j1 much credit on the business meth- : ods of those at the helm. j S. ol P. Election. At the last regular meeting of M Kingitree lodge Knights of Pythias, the following officers were eiecteu to serve for the ensuing year: 1 ' Philip Stoll, D G C; Thomas ' McCutcheu, C C; H A Meyer, V C; j1 E C Epps, P; R K Wallace, K KS; F W Fairej, M A; E E Lewis, M W; 1 PS Courtney, M E; W M Sauls, IG; 1 John Salteri, O G. ) ' i tr. P- . Graded School Department. (Written (or last week's issue.) Our literary society met Friday afternoon. The query tor debate was: Resolved, That corporal punishment should be abohshed from school. The question was well discussed bv both sides, many interesting arguments being adduced. However, it was finally decided thai the negative had won. Aftei our regular order of ousiness, officers were elected for tht second term, as follows: Kenton Montgomery, presi dent; Marion Gilland, vice presi dent; Mary Swann, secretary: Eleanor Epps, critic; Clan Montgomery, treasurer; Harolt Thompson, censor. At this ; same meeting the trustees wen elected honorary members. Some children wearing lon<. faces, others wreathed in smile; show that examinations art in progress this week, witli various results. The enrollment has been excellent. We have new aboul two hundred and forty. The cmurinttin<]pnt li.ic hnrt tf? out the tirst grade until after Christmas. The trustees have given us two weeks Christinas holiday. The teacherr, and boarding students spent the holidays at their respective homes. David Scott, who has been attending the Citadel for the past few months, has again enrolled with us. XMAS AT DOCK. "Wblppoorwill" Back on His Native Heath-Some Social Affairs. Dock, December 29:?Well, Mr Editor, after a absence of more than a year I will once more try to give you a few "Dots from Dock." The merry Yule-tide is about over and things are settling-down to the even tenor of their way again. Notwithstanding the intense cold the young folks around succeeded in haviDg quite a gay time. On Monday evening, December 17, at the home of the bride, by Rev ST Russell, Mr Willie Cooper and Miss Purla Brockinton ?"? ? hnr*r*il\7 united in the holv TWV. J bonds of wed-lock. We extend to the happy couple hearty congratulations and hope that their matrimonial bark may glide peacefully down the sea of life, wafted by the gentle breezes of love. Mr S H Cooper, who has been in Georgetown for the past year returned bete a few days ago. He says after all, there's no place like old Williamsburg. Several young folks came home for Xaas and lots went off to spend the holidays. I am unable to give all the names as I do not know from whence they all came or whither they went. The young men of this community gave a tournament on Christmas day, but on account A tbeextremn cold rather a small crowd was present. As the wind blew so hard it was almost in-i*-krkcciM?? t:ilr?> nn v rin?r<s .nnrl LUl. vv, j 0 ?ven the very best riders got :>nly a few. However, the day passed off very pleasantly and ill present seemed enjoy it. There were about 12 knights riding and when the contest was over it was found that Mr Johnnie Rhem had won first prize. He crowned Miss Edith Uraham queen of love and beaut}*. Mr Louie Nesmith came in for second prize and crowned Miss Mattie Graham tirst maid of honor. The third prize went to Mr G B Nesmith, wh# being a married man, gave the wreath to his brother, Mi Silas Nesmith, who crowned Miss Carrie Cooper second maid of honor. Thus ?ided the tournament and we all went our way rejoicing". Wishing The Record its editor and all its readers a happy, lappy new year, I will ring off. Whippoorwill. / X I Some New Year Reflections. Jay, January 1:?Mr Editor, a nothing has apj>eared in The Record from Jay for a quite while will you allow me space for a shor letter? Xmas has gone, to retur not until December next. Notwith standing the very cold weathei he holidays were enjoyed. I hop you enjoyed them, Mr Editor. The old year of 1906 is now thing of the past and already th ' new year, full of hope and prouti: to some, and of weary despair t others, is well upon us. How man brave resolutions were made at ii beginning, but to be broken at ii ' en ling it was impossible to tei [ But we think this yearly resolve t do better and be better is somethin J of itself. This yearly turning over of a ne leaf, the vearlv determination t " grow out of any beyond self hi somethrg to do with the worl growing better, as we think it i gradually doing. Standing 011 th threshold of the new year we lool in'o the shadowy future and see our selves occupying dizzy heights o the ladder of civilization. For w dare to presume that with de term in ation we shall climb the hill of pre gresa with rapid gait, in the light 0 1 this wonderful twentieth centur; Let good fellowship bridge the seas whether they be of water, or of en mity, of unfriendliness, of spite, o malice or hate. Life is not wortl bickerings; it is not worth bitter ne.sjbut it is worth the whole sun of love, of forgiveness, of generosity Let us remember nothing the dea< year brought ns, save that whicl * "? 1 !iJ was goou ana conuoruioie, sua ?ju stouter hearts push on to greater anc grander heights, j Good wishes with a happy nev year to you, Mr Editor. "A School Boy." Mortuary. Died?On Friday evening December 21, 1906, at Belsers 3 Roads, the infant childof Mr and Mrs J 11 Ilarrelson of Marion The funeral services took plac< on Sunday, the 2dnd, at th( Williamsburg cemetery, beinj. conducted by Rev J E Mahaffey The mother of the little one diet about six weeks ago. Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for ool lection 01 taxes tne lotriuay oi i/ciuuei next. Tax levy ae follows: For State 5 mills, " Ordinary county 4 44 ' Koads 1 4' 44 Constitutional scliool 3" A capitation tax of $1.00 on all male persons between the ages of 21 ami 60 years of age, and 30 mills levy on all cattle, sheep, goats aild hogs in Anderson, Suttons and I'enn townships? also 50 cents per head on all dogs. Commutation (road) Tax $1.00, Levy for special school districts as follsws: No. 16,2 4, 26. 27 and 28 4 mills 44 19. 20, 21, 22 and 23 2 44 ' 15 3 44 44 18 1 " .? 21 - 12 44 44 17 no mills 0 44 I will be at the following places mentioned below for collect ion of said taxes. October Kingstree from 15 to 27 inclusive. Greelvville 29-I1C Gourdins 31 November Suttons 1st Trio 2 Harpers 3 Kingstree 5 Salters 6 Cedar Swamp (Rhem's Store) 7 Bloomingvale 8 Morrisville 6 Rhems 10 Kennedy's Store 12 Church 13 Rome 14 Lamberts 15 S B Poston's Store lfl E F Prosser's Store 17 Leo 18 Scranton 20 Lake City 21-22 Cades 23 Kingstree 24-2fi Lake City 2i Kings tree 28-29-3C December Kingstree 1-3 Lake City J Kingstree 5-G-7-8and 1C Lake < ity 11 Kingtree Dec 12 to March 15 inclusive. Those who desire to pay their taxes through the mail, would expedite matters by dropping tne Treasurer a postal asking for the amount of their tax so as to avoid sending the wrong amount, also stating the township or townships, (if property is owned in more than one) anu if possible give school district where property is located, also state whether poll or road tax, or both arc wanted. After paying taxes examine year receipts and see if all of your property is covered, if not, see about it at once. By following the above suggestions complications and additional cost may be avoided. J. Wesley Cook, 9-27-10-18 Co. Treasurer. i mi m u _ W. L. Bass A. C. Hinds ; BASS & HINDS, Attorneys-at-law e KINGSTREE, S. C. o-ao-tf. >a v u nmno ucouiTLi t,:m. unvio niomnn. ssss I Lake City, S. C. 1 ' j Crowa aad Bridge Work a Specialty. ? Ail Work Guaranteed. - . g ' \*J. L, BASS :o j ? Attorney at Law J LAKE CITif, S. C. e| : T~ kDr HJ McCabe u Dentist e KINaSTiEE, - S. C. > f JOHN S. WILSON. 8. OLIVER O'BRYAN. I' Wilson & O'Bryan Attorneys-at'Law, f Mannings S. C. ti 7-19-6mo. FOR SALE. ' Brick in any quantity to suit purchas J er. The Best Drv Press Machine-made I x&ESZGELjc h Special shapes made to onler. C'orrei pondem-e solicited beiore placing your orders. W. R. FUNK, Final DiSGtiarge. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, J J Morris, administrator of the estate of R E Morris, deceased, will on Monday, January 21, 1907. apply to S Mcdride Scott, Judge of P/'ooate < of W illiamsburg county, for a Final [ Discharge as such as administrator. J J Morris, 12?20-4t. Administrator.? 3 ____ ; Auditor's Notice. I. or my agent, will be at the following place3 on days below mentioned for * the purpose of taking returns for year 1907. Returns must be made for all personal property and for all sales or purchases of real estate made since returns of 190 . *? - ' -* *i-~ oi o.,a All maies Between iiicaecs m ?.* ?..v. 60 years are liable to Poll tax unless exempted by law and must make a r return of same. A penalty of 50 per cent will be eirposed upon all parties failing to make a return. January Kingstree 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Indiantown 7 ' Benson 8 I Bloomingvale 9 , Morrisville 10 Rhems 11 1 Kingstree 12 Rome 14 1 Lamberts 15 S B Poston's Store 10 , E F Prosser's Store 17 , Leo 18 Kingstree 19 Church 21 > Scranton 22 Lake City 23 and 24 Cades 25 Concord 26 Kingstree 28 and 29 Hebron 30 Mouzous 31 February Kingstree 1 and 2 ' Gourdins 5 Suttons 6 > Trio 7 Harpers 8 ' Kingstree 9 and 11 Greelyville 12 and 13 ' Salters 14 and 15 i ; lo to 20 inclusive.! ' & J.J. B. Montgomery, ' 12-6 Co. Auditor. I ;T?lk? N?H:l??i Commencing with February I 1, 1907, the price of The' , County Record will be ad! vanced to One Dollar and; : Twenty-five Cents a year; six months seventy-five cents;' ! three months 90 cents. If paid : in advance for one full vear 1 we will allow a discount of 25 cents and send the paper for ! twelve months for $1.00. , After February 1. No free or complimentary copies of the paper will be sent to any one. 1-1-07 C W Wolfe. i Tone the liver, move the bowels, cleanse the system. Dade's Little J Liver Pills never gripe.?Sold by W L Wallace. % Santa Clans' ft III Ki.igstree are as usua '8;ST ACKLEY'S < jgj Times are hard but jgj must fill the Childre q the Grown-ups too mi 'jgj We are just opening !w TT.UJ | 3T nonaay gj and marking them down 1 jgj We will not attempt to w we are specially strong o w TOYS, i RESENTS a (g) jgj Just come and se | Stackley's C !w KINGSTRE i @.@:@:@:?:?:?:@:?:?:@? ! 1 I There arc more MoCallPatteriie ?old iothe United State* than af any otbrr make a (patterns. Tnif u on account of their style, accuracy and simplicity. MrCnll's Maga*lne(Tbe Queen of Fashion) ha? more subeenbers than any other Ladies Magazine. un? s year's tubtcriprinn (ia numbert) ooata 50 fr3*"1 number, a cents. Ertry subscriber gats* McCall Paturn Free. Subucribe today. I.ady Agent* Wanted. Handsome premiumsot lih.r*lcaih cummiision. Paltam Catalogue', of ooo de. at us) and Premium Catdkvua (shading 400 premiuma) cut true. Address THE McCALL CO., New York. RING'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ' Relieve Irrdigestion and Stomach Troubles :?:?'?:?:?;@:?:?;?:?;@: ? | NEW \ i n+,^^4 s UICCl @ ?' ? | We are fully pi ? nish you with Hi | year 1907. @ Latest and i | Agricultural Imp ? Everything neces J your crop. I Remember /? _ - S *ng but our st I FURNI' | at greatly red ? COMPLETE LINE COFI ? (ur elegant new Hears Ihstree hardi (O) g Headquarters for Hard :?:?:@:?:?:@:?:@:?:? :?; Mortuary. DiED-On Sunday, December9, 1906, Mr Marion Hogan Cantley, at the home of his father , Mr W (J G Cantley, near Central church. The deceased was a widower a and was only 31 years old. He p leaves two small children. He 'm had been afflicted for some ^ months with pulmonary trouble, and went to Asheville, N C., in ^ the spring- in the hope of being- ^ benefited but his malady had * - ade such inroads on nis consutution that naught could stay its progress. His remains were interred in S< the cemetery at Bloomingvale ^ Baptist church on December 10, the services being conducted by S* Rev T J Rooke. 1 1 t Headquariers | l1 to be found at !? ASH STORE.? : Old Kris Kringle gj r.'s Stockings and gj ist be remembered. @ a splendid line of gj Goods r&r ? ow to meet conditions, gj tell what we have, but gj f ? nd FIRE-WORKS. @ e for yourself. gj acVi .StnirA. .? MVIA K/ fcVA V ' ? E, S. C. @ ?>:@::?:??:?:?:?:?:@: Kingstree CAMP NO- 22. MrOCI.AH MBBTIHOa f/paf a 1 At and 3rd Honda* ' Mghts In each Visiting choppers corV, \<iE*3^7iJw diaily invited to come V yy up and sit on a stump J*1" jj^nK about oil the PHILIP STOLL, ) 27 l?m. Con. Com. 3?f K. of r>. ySLy Kingstree Lodpe '** Knights of Pythias Regular Conventions Evejrr 2nd and 4th Wednesday nighU. Visiting brethren always _ welcome, 'astle Hall 3rd story Gourdin Building. F. W. FAIREY, C. C. THOS. McUUTCHEN, K. R. & S. ? 'EAR'S J ings. | ?? ? -epared to | irdware for the ? ? best improved? dements. J sary to cultivate @ ? 9 we are clos-|~ ock of | rURE I luced prices.| FIN* anH C.A^KFT* VcC e furnished when de- ? ? VARE COMPANY!. ware and Crockery. ? , :?:?:?:?:?:?:?(?, ;?;@ . rhe Largest aud Most Complete Establishment South. rn o ii 1 ni/rn o onu lu. o. nauivcn a oun, ?MANl'FACTCH :RS OF- \ ash, Doors, Blinds foulding and Building Material, ash Weights and Cords CHARLESTON, S. C. 4 "5