lb? Coutttjt Rcrord. / KINGSTHEE. S. C. C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. i TERMS , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . - One copy, one year, ? ? ? $1.00 v One copy, six niojitbs, ? ? - .5> One copy, three months. ? -- .25 . Subscription pavable in advance. R-; ' K&BW/ ?nvPBTici\v: One inch, llrst insertion, $1.00: each , subsequent insertion. 50 cents. ObituIfr ,,aries aud Tributes of Respect over ! 0 . words chai god for as regular adverti>* merits Liberal reduction on adver^ Using made for three,-six and twelve Hsw months contracts. Communications must be accompanied by the real name and address o* writer iu order to receive attention. No communication of a i>ersonal nature will be published except as an ' advertisement. Address all letters and make all drafts payableto C. W. woi.fe, Kingstree. S C. THURSDAY', DEC. 14, 1905 AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. V. 0. W. Unveil Monument to Theii Late Sovereign, W. W. Kennedy. CADES, December 11:?On Sun day afternoon, December 10, at He bron cemetery, Hickory camp Xc ?234, Woodmeu of the World unveiled a monument to their late if W A*' TT ^.1.. IK J oovereigu, ?? ** auiuru*. The members of the Camp assembled at the place of meetiug ami marched t<) the grave in procession under the gu idunce of Capt u L Sanls. .Arriving at the grave of their deceased Sovere;gn, where the monnment had been erected and was to be nnveiled, the Camp metnbersj according to the unveiling ritual, formed a Woodman's wedge around the grave and proceeded ' with tfi?ftinveihug ceremonies. * The ceremony was pened with the singing of that very sweet and appropriate hymu, "Nearer my God to Thee,'' which was sung by a special quartette. Acting Clerk K E Tarte then placed a pike pole at the foot of the I?; tgrave, after which Consul Comjf ~ mander W J Smiley delivered the v-' service or me wooumeu. Sov J L Richardsim then recited 'fs the poem entitled,4'0h Why Should %^ the Spirit of Mortal be Proud?" The veil was then removed by Master of Ceremonies P M Brockinton - ' and the inscription read by Consul Commander W J Smiley. The won amen t was then saluted, with Camp honors by all of the members and was anointed with words of love,honor and remembraoce.44 Rock of Ages,"was tkeu sung,after which \ ; the honorable J W Ragsdale of Florence was introduce i and 8B, v\. ' made an appropriate address o n the \ IJL U# V^V/UVffCOS I and Co/c/sj Ey There is a remedy over sixty jj & years old ?Ayer's Cherry n Pectoral. Of course you have ij heard of improbably have used jj it. Once in the family, it stays; 1 ^ the one household remedv for i coughs and hard colds on the g chest. Askyourdoctoraboutit. 1 J v'"v "I have bad pneum.-uia three time"!, aud 9 Ayer*? Cherry h.s brought me.-ately 9 through each time. I have lu?t recovered fl from ay last attack, aped sixtv seven. No M wonder I praise it." ? K. V. Higgins, t>tcven? 3 Point. Wl.. 0 ^A ywr CoTLowtriTvMiMl JU AUo m&cutaoturere of \ JLm 7 SARSAPARILLA. 9 \ zJtyersJs^L . V Ayeg' ? ?li. - iru the activity of liver. u.vJ cid recovery. r\. ^?WtVWVTVMYMVWTYti i I \ ?' ? | TXrasiii t ^ . The Best Washi ^ y this Market. W ~| One. A Great La ^ Our l atent SMC T ^ t Make a Useful A il&v >; Fine Thteg. Eve ^ Your Home Can *- ware , or Furnitu life und and upon the order of Woockraft. The monument was again saluted with Camp honors and, "Among the Dead our Sovereign Sleep9," was sung. The procession then rei 11 viin/1 fr% tlia hoi I tvhoro fh/i A/irp. I monies were concluded. This is the first monument that I has been unveiled by the Woodmen' of the World at Cades, anu the : ceremonies were witnessed by a large' concourse of friends. There were about two hundred members of the j order jrresent and in line. Woodman. OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS. I Thousands of little ones die every , . year of croup. Most of them could I have beeu saved by a few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar, and every family with children should keep it I in the house. It contains 110 opiates and is safe and sure. Mrs George II Picket, Sail Francisco, C'al., wiites: , "My baby had a dangerous attack of croup and we thought she would , choke to death, but oue dose of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved her , at once after other remedies had failed. We are never a minute without it in-the house." Sold by Dr J) U Scott. Money is not always the balance of power, gentlemen. There are those scales in which au ounce of I ' integrity is worth a gold mine. , FURIOUS FIGHTING. "For seven years," writes Geo W Hoffman, Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle with chronic [ stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won and cured my diseases 1 by the use of Electric Hitters. _ unhesitatingly recommend them to all and don't intend in Mi- future to be without them in the hou>e. They are certainly a wonderful medicine to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold, under guarantee to do the same for you, by Dr \V V Brockinton, druggist, at 50c a bottle. Try them today When he cau wear his left shoe on his right foot your pessimist will be pleased. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddisui to another,when if they would only eat Rood food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr King's New ; Life Pills, their troubles would all ; pass away. Prompt relief and quick i cure for liver and stomach trouble, I 25c at Dr W V Brockinton's Drug ' More. i You can lead a man to college, but yon cannot make him think. Auditor s Notice. Notice is hereby given that I or my agent will be at the places mentioned and dates given for the purpose of taking tax returns for the year 1906. . Next year (19o6) is the 'year for making returns of real estate, as well as i personal property, and all parties mud be prepared to make said returns. All lands and other property mu?t be retnrnc.i in Tftwnsliin anil School Tins. ?u.uv? t.. " ' T trict in which it is located and each piece, parcel or tract with buildings thereon and number of acres cleared must l>e returned separately. All persons liable to Poll Tax only, are required by law to make a return of same. Fifty per cent, penalty, as the law requires, will be strictly enforced against all persons failing to make returns from January l?t to February 20th. 1 PLACES AND DATES OF MEETINGS. January. Kiturstree l-G Greel.vville 8 9 i Gnurdius 10 , buttons 11 , Trio 12 ' Harpers 13 K'.ngstree 15 Scrantou . lb , Lake City 17-18 Cades " 19 Kingstree 20; j W P Cooper's Store 22 | | Lamberts 23 j .Iiihiivnnvillo * 24 I !* 25 j1 I Leo 26 : | C W Hannu's Store 27 ! | Kinjrstree 29 i S W (iowdy's <:ore do j Kin its tree* a J \ February Sailers * 1-2 Kingati'ee . 3-5 Cedar Swaui|> 6, Bloomin^vaie 7 , i Morrisville 6-9 j Kennedy's store 1 0 ' Kin?r?tree 12-20 inclusive J J B Monigombuy, Co Auditor \V(u?burjf Co. * 10USE Lngr iMaciaines. ng Hachine Ever Brought 1 e Have Them. Come and G< bor Saving Device. NOTHING IRON HEATER wi ddition to Your Laundry, rything Useful for Furnishiri Be Found Either in our Hare re Store. COFFI ^KINGS' lift feDocfor CURES Liver Complaints ; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver is the biggest trouble maker. If ycu would be well,try Ramon's Treatment. Only 25 cents. PY>r snlt> hv all dealers. Special Notice. It's value in sickness has been tried and proved. In the home it is not safe to be without it? SHAW'S PUKE MALT. For sale at the Dispensary. Notice. I will be at Vox P O on Monday, Dee. 18th, and at Leo on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, to collect taxes aud will not be in niv office until Wednesday afternoon ?Dec. 20th. G W Johnson, 9 Co. Treas. Kingstree, Dec, 8th, 1905. A FEARFUL FATE. It is a fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harrv Colson. of Musonville_Ia.. "that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles, Bueklen's Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns and injuries. 2oe at I)r W V Brockinton's Drug Store. The fact that someone else does it, is Society's excuse. DOCTORS COULD NOT HELP HER. "I had kidney trouble for years," writes Mrs Raymond Conner of Shelton, Wash., "and the doctors "could not help me. I tried Foley's Kidney Cure, and the very first dose /- */! T nr.ii* or* ha/1 me icuci anu jl am hum tiucu. I cannot say too much for Foley's Kidney Cure." It makes the diseased kidneys sound so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. Unless they do this, good, health is impossible. Sold by Dr D C Seott. Anyone can be a power for evil? it takes character to be a power for good. , no caseof"pneumonia on RECORD. We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneumonia or consumption when Foley's Honey aud Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not lake chances with some unknown prepar ation which may contain opiates, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Houey^ and Tar and refuse any substitute* of fored. Sold by Dr D C Seott. There is a tide in the affairs of co-education which, taken at the Hood, leads straight to matrimony. CURES 1 COUGHS anw ' COLDS Jj yuyyywyyyyyyyuyyyy^yyyyyy .1 W1 cit I u , . We carry at / In Our Ui " i / County, n 4 Can be gx H If you are A you EVE! ig Paints. I" ' 2W? JUavo t 'Universal ? (NS and CASKETS, All Si; rREE H ikkkkkikkkkkkkiliAiikiikkii PROGRAMS OF PEE BEE UNION. ! Te Meet With Black Mingo Baptist Church. December 29 31. Questions for discussion: I. Should the Pastor's Call be Periodical or Indefinite? Speakers: D S Avant and .1 E Williams. II. What are Some of the ; Perils of Our Church and Religious Life, and How May They be Averted? Speakers: S T llussell and .1 J Power-. III. What are Some of the Essential Factors in. the Development of Our Churchest Speakers: John Pipkin and II G White. II G White, l For Committee. Strayed, or Stolen. . One large, Hlue Speckled ! Hound Dog. A liberal reward will be given for any informa- I tion as to where he is, or for his ! deliv rv to me. ' ' R W Marshall. Morrisville, S C 12-11-tf. Sorneoratois have a fine com mund of other men's language. Clear thinking, decisive action,vim and vigor of body and mind, the i sparkle of life comes to all who use Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Lake City I bug Co Money talks and stops talk. Ilollister's Rockv Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity, It goes to every part of your body, bringing hew blood, strength and new vigor, i It makes you well and keeps you well. 35 cents. Lake Citv Drug Co. * . J ? Chamberl^^s ji (^ough Remedy j i The Children's Favorite c ?CURFS? . I . 1 Coughs, Colds, Croup and TTTl ! il i w aoo?:r-fj C/ougn. Thta remedy i.? famou* 'or iti> euro.' over J largo nart of ttu> civilized world. It can ' I always bo depended upon It < < ntaina no opium or other harmful drug and may be If given as confidently to a baby as to an adult j Price 25 cts; Large Size, 50 cts. j i 1' WWwa#*a>w<^wr.w>^?w)wirfia.jjya3w>Mwa^ai " ~~ I Hot Supper at Mouzons. > Notwithstanding- the Inclem- j ency of the weather, the hot'r supper at Mr'Brown's on Dec. j 7, for the benefit of Mt Vernon church, was quite a success. The | I good people of Black river never do things by halves, especially when they are backed up by some of the generous hearted people of Greelyville. Therrowd was not large but the sum of $55 was realized. Many thanks to the good people who helped us in our causeRespectfully, J T Frierson, I For the Mt Vernon People. I . Mouzons, Dec. 11, 1905. g t Foley's ONEY AND M bold by ? EXCEL niVTICHl I\1 HOI 11 J&ei. JT, leaacnoexl the Largest and Best Stock< nes Ever Shown in Willia ind Our Prices are as Low as )|d for, Quality Considered. going to build a House we c ^YTHING m Building Mjater M t? ?* % tt ft ho Celebrated 2/nivorsal CqA i ?read Zfcaiscrs, zes. S ARDWAt A' - i-.. For Babies Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why babies are fat. If your habv is scrawnv. Set A is Emulsion is what lie wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat surrounds their little nerves and cushions them. When they are scrawny those n^rriK mv hurt rt t <=>vf?rv un gentie touch. They delight in Scott's Emulsion. It is as sweet as wholesome to them. Send for free sample. _ Be sure that this picture in the form c: a iabe is on the u.raprcr o' every bottle of Emulsion you i -iyScott Sr Bourne n^Tlf Chemists "!Ml . If 409-4/S Peart Jtreet L U P5" 'VeU' Y?rk 50c. and SI.00 AD Druggists Certain men are determined to ;et their share of what does not bedng to them. *1 RATING FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated lonev ai.d Tar as a throat and lung emedy, and on account of the great nent and popularity of Foley's lone/ and Tar many imitations are ffered for the genuine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse ny substitute offered, as no other reparation will give the same satisaction. It is mildly laxative. It . ontains no opiates and is safest for hildren and delicate persons. Sold V Dr I) C Scott. Notice. Dr M D Nesmith will be away rom his office until after the lolidays. Lake City, S, C., December 4. I SAW MILLS. LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENGINES AND BOILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. ASK FOR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY | COLUMBIA, S C. Tho ?<3*1^*10 is in a YeSloiv package Refuse substitutes r. D C Scott 'vvwvwrvwvywwtwyvwv IN i. :nq r?mXtCTHSMPM?M?WW LjWiil nllii'l .1 i= Goods ! i rnsDurg ? Goods Nic :an Self Elg ial and Tat J Var 7rxcr and i ?VT? ervices Rendered Dav or N IE COM I 'M CUt J I Headquarters. j I ( We Have the Presents You Want to Buy aftd \.''M | J Make Your Frie :ds and the Children Happy \ \ ? by Giving Them Xmas Gifts. /UVr We Have Presents Suitable for Old and Young f ?Rich and Poor. No Matter what you Want }'M ( for a Christmas Present, We Have It. ; JpflH t Stfaejldey's CasM j < ; I Kmgstree, South Carolina. ^ ^ t) MEET ME AT WM f) THE SKYSCRAPER ? 1 And we will inspect |?) S, Marcus' New Line Of jij /Men's Business and Dress Suits. Also a New Fall Line of Boys' School and Dress Suits. New Fall Line of Under- JL *.'.. IjK wear and Hosiery for Ladies and Gentlemen. 7A We carry the following line of fall goods and we are (S\ selling therr> at the lowest possible prices: , Ul DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES f) and SHOES. In facta New Line of Fall Goods yl of Every Description. (Mm fl SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR fl X NEW FALL LINE OF HILLINERY. *S. MARCUS ii X K1NGSTREE, S. C. /jUw ScSSSCSCSSSCS >fl ii ii?i mm mi i Mm*??| 9 I /VI III AC yHAPCAC I I CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED FROM Driving, Saddle and Draft Horses Cheap ,> I For Cash. Mules to Suit Every Customer. COME QUICK AND GET + YOUR CHOICE. + BtlMiE IIMOK MIT, 'I ^1 Greelyville, S. C. I am After you. L. J. STACKLEY.-! THE FURNITURE MAN. Kiagrstxee. . - . - S. C. v,| WHEN NEEDING ANYTHING IN I THE FURNITURE LINE DO NOT FORGET THAT I CARRY THE BEST * Household Furniture. Rugs. 3 I Carpets. Mating and Every- | thing to Make the Home R Comfortable- . | rncciiic ?n,i r/icmc ??burrmo Gnu uhoi\c !?)* = KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SERVICES" RENDERED DAY OR NIGHT. .< ~" r.nnnc; 1 SOMETHING NEW FOB KIKGSTREE. |; | e ine of Watches for Gentlemen and Ladies, in and Other Standard Makes. Also Solid Silver ^ )Ieware, Plated Tableware and ut Glass in Large ' ^ | Come and See them. ? PANY. - | :'M