The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 07, 1905, Image 5

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jl/r INVITI - -HBf raiEf Hi sraf bPs ^bbbsb |;Wr ; ? p ?Co Come and See On. *Dress Soodo. J >} Cravenettes, Prunellas, { rT*l V' Serges, 1'rilliantines, V' J[ Jjg J Broad Cloths, Henriettas, > ^ ^ Venetian Flannels, mA VJ .. I |A11 the Latest Designs / '\ in Silks Such as -j\. Whk I. c Stripes, Plaids, and Two Tone Call v.- Taffeta Si Iks. Selected line of I ^ V Trimmings to match Dress Goods | ~ KINGSTRE m 232 & 234 KING is I i llie Hoose fdot "i^ "Suiisfocfion" or your Money e WRITE US OFTEN FOR YOUR WANTS?WE'LL _ IN THIS SMALL SPACE WE CAN |y Ladies' Waists- j Ladies' Wf * This is a White Waist Season and as usual Ladies Walking ^ ^ our line is the strongest. i Panama Cloth, Meant ?*" j Retail regularly at &' Ladies'White Mercerized Oxford Wuists j ut ^d.00 ea^h. I?Embroidered Fronts?Value Si.50. Ourj BL^ IP I Spefcwl pri(* Sl-00 eac,K Til? best in the < \ Ladies' White Heavy Quality P. K. Waists, Made" Blankets, tha P^;| Tucked?Value SI.50. Our Special prior $1.19 Marked out Special a Hileacb TRY A PAIR OF ( LH 1 L-idies* All Wool Sweaters. Black, V/hiteL The best in the \r 'M and all colors?A $2.00 Sweater elsewhere.Our ? r-v pan ailJlllU JLprice*1.50 each. Agents for DR. Misses Sweaters, Guaranteed All Wool? i a m^c^! Itr Siz.s, 28, 30, 32 and 34. A regular SI.25 and LADIfcj? I QlTaT.f. Our price *0 cents taeh. , PATTERNS. >; ?:@\?:@:?:?:?:?j:?:?:?:?:@:?;?:?:?:@:@:?<! jM/eWant j I your trade* * ?MP WE ARE W:LLDT5 TJ PAY YOU FOR "T IP IS DUALITY AND PRICES, i I ? You are cordially invited to call at our (S i 1 ^ HiV store in the Brick Block R. R. Street ^ I * an?^ conv*nced that we are offering the > | biggest and best selected stock of f I, ^ Shoes. Hats, Clothing, Dry Goods, | i ?Groceries, Furniture. Hardware, Etcl r 'S ever displayed in this section of the State. v i? It pays us to carry the best lines and we (c Si shall mak* all this pay you by selling- you g I I & much better goods for the same prices g IT ? you've been paying foi inferior grades. g \ I Our $1 25, $150 $2 00, $2 50 & $3 001 a'T @ Shoes for Men and Women and $4 00 gu?i and $4 50 for Men are the Goods which i ? city Dealers Have to Get Higher Prices ^ 1 I* ' ^ | ?f SOUR DRY GOODS I ? AND CLOTHING .? ? ?i ? j ? stock is superb; and in fact fo ?ive us your I @ orders in any line will prove equal to an advance in the price of vour : TOBACCO OR COTTON ? Kg 5CH00L BOOKS FOR ALL. jg yTU> ^ t ?MILLINERY DEPT.I I . Up-to-date in Every Particular. jfigf ? (j Ml MMias Ci,j I | Lake Cityt S. C. j E EVE TO1 r vCctrge u h'ilinery *Departm Pretty Hats Cont io Out in Numbi :h is Good Proof thai on fliss Saunders V to be Interested.-EE DR loy & A CHARLES M. Ill Until Relf toil Order CHEERFULLY SEND SAHP f ONLY MENTION A FEW SPE liking Skirts CI Skirts in Black ;miu (Jrev ()ne IA ifullv pleated, Skirts that j Wool Chevi ".nO, Mai ked out Special ]^eai value % Special prie NKETS- dela.v*ountry f'?r the money. ?ite Blankets, "Carolina j t retail generally at $5.0C L t $3.88 prr pair. L?(liwj, 3UR $1 KID GLOVES. Ptticoats. world for the liionev. Special at > d. ' i JAEGER'S SANE Ladies' 5N UNDERWEAR with , HOflE JOURNAL li.iishnl it $1.50. l*ri. ^ WEEKLY NEWS LETTE R | FROM LAKE CITY. ?1 ?gj A FARMERS' INSTITUTE?REAL ESTATE BOOMING?NEWS AND COM ^! MENT. 2: Lakk City, Dec. 5:?Mrs L O 9! j) Holloway lias gone home with her sister-in-law, Miss Sallie : i Holloway, to Durham, N. C. : Mrs Holloway will probably not >) i return until after the holidays. ?) A party consisting of Messrs j^J A H Williams, L 0 Holloway, jj, \V S Moore, J D Harrow, A P ^ | Parker, J E Brunson and others < spent Thanksgiving" day out at >). the "Burgess" place on Clap ^ , Swamp. The day was spent in ^ | hunting birds and eating barba^jcue and the succeeding night in % j remorse ol stomach, jj1 Mr Thomas T Mil burn lias j) gone to Columbia, having sold i out his brick plant here, fj! Mr J Nelson McKenzie is buildn ! ing a nice cottage on his lot on jAcline avenue. When complet";ed, which will be about the first >) of February, this house, we un| derstand, will be occupied be occupied by .Mr and Mrs L *G C , Atkinson. N 1 Mr J S McClam will move in? to his house at the corner of ^jAcline avenue and Dansing jj | street the early days of the com^ I jng year. Mr Mct'lam's present ) residence is some six miles from < j town and he, no doubt, ljnds it | very inconvenient to liye so far sj I far iropi his business, which is ^ large and of several kinds, < Hence the move. Mr W P Jordan has altered his plans and in consequence 5) will nut go to Timmonsville, as |) he. thought of doing,but will re^ main in this section. A lot on Main street, thirtyf ppe feet front by two hundred ^land twenty iVut deep and twen5) ty feet wide at the. back, cold jjjone day last week for one thousa[ and dollars cash. '1 his is at the j' rate of eight thousand dollars 3)1 per acre. 5) 1 It really seems that our laws |)\ ip many respects are made exgj pressly for the foeae/ft of ^crim RVBO ATM AM fin i i Splendid Stock cnt. ! Tiie amount t ? * m * 4-^v >(1e(1 fXpeCl HTltlO tO 1 minds of Shu ers, t if You [ T 1 \\ e a 1 s o ou are ( -?I1 These are a ;Y GO< f - -***&> mk&ehp Cd.ll >TON. S. C.| liKHiikSnl ii ?LES & QUOTE PRICES. :CIALS._9!^@ " ? . nldren's Cloaks. ?t of Children's Cloaks, made of All of and cloth,sizes from G'to 14 \ears. of these Cloaks is $?.00. Our e$4.y8, Order one at once. Don't ADIES' PETTICOATS. $ Guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk gi A regular SG.00 Value. Priced 55.00 each. Black Mercerized, Satine Petti-1 it lG inch Accordion Pleated flounce H h a two luqh mine. Regular \ uuu-i eed here Special at S1.00 each. t - i ???i >? temptible. AVc need a new criminal code and one founded upon l _ . , .. com in on sense and justice-justice to humanity as well as to the prisoner at the bar. The prisoner should be given the benefit of the doubt, but he should not be given the benefit of everything. As it is today the accused occupies the fortress. His castle must be stormed; he must be dislodged. And dislodged how? Only by open, well advertised, longrrange tiring,while he may resort to deceits and stratagems without limit and without question. Is this putting the matter too strongly? Ask any honest lawyer. Speaking of an honest lawyer reminds us. A lawyer by the name of John Strange came to die. He requested liis wife to I have placed over his grave a J headstone bearing1 only this inscription: "Here lies an honest lawyer.'' "What, you don't want your name nor anything else?" "No, any passer-by read-^ ing that inscription; 'Here lies an honest lawyer' will at once say: "That's strange.'" A Farmers' Institute will be held at Lake L'ity on December 15. Some of the best speakers of the country will be here and ;;f "Atyut a year ago," 1123 Broadway, Augusta, Ga \. headaches and backaches, ?.nd nine I n I OF vA I A NorMntoxicati I immediately commenced tc j I like a new woman, and wi all sick wome;i, for I know H them as it did me." Cardui is a pure, medicir vegetable herbs, which xeliev H| pains, regulates female fun Bj tones up female organs t 9 proper state o f health. Try DY DCOUI of 9/ew 1l Ohoe 'Department. >f business done in this depart me :ations. We handle the followin ies: 5VJiles' Shoes, land f/ielle Shoes for j? have a m a g n i ti c e n sh Shoes for Sen/A II High Class Goods. None^ DPS will make addresses on farming1 and industrial subjects. A car billed with exhibits illustrating the work* at Clemson will accompany them. I'rof .1 N Harper, of Glemson, is tile director of tiiis work. Besides the addresses above referred to, several leading fanners of the county have been invited to make short talks. Tlfis meeting can be made interesting and exceedingly profitable if tha people will attend and take part as they should and are expected to do. We understand that the local committee is preparing for a large and enthusiastic attendance and a successful occasion in every way. Hemember the date, Dec. 15th, and the place,Lake City. I Dr Courtney has purchased i the lot on Church street just j north of Mr J W Floyd's resi| dence. Among the Lake City visitors to Kingstree Monday the following are the names of a few: ; Messrs IS Poston, J J Eaddy, i S 13 Poston, M L Webster, W F Kennedy, J S Lynch, J) N Cameron, II L Whitlock, W W Burrows, L B Roper, H E Godwin, ; W L Bass, W E Severance. Principal Frank Eppes spent | Sunday at his home in Due 1 West There was an enjoyed supper at Mr W E Carter's Friday night in honor of Miss Sue Carter. The Methodist Parsonage Aid Society will give an entertainment next Friday night at Mr W E Severance's. Each person i attending is expected to carry five cents for each foot or frac tional part Uiereot he or she measures in height. lie freshments free. All over eight feet will stay in the yard. Mr P G Gourd in came to town ; ...onday night from Kingstree. WL B I OF INTEREST TO MOTHERS. Thousands of little ones die every year of croup. Most of them could have been saved by a few doses of i Foley's Honey and Tar, and every : family with children should keep it in the house. I contains'no opiates Jund is safe and: re. Mrs George H Picket, San Fra^isco", Gal., wiites: | "My baby had a dangerous attack ! of croup and we thought she would choke to death, but one dose of Foley's Honey and Tar relieved her ; at once after other remedies had I failed. We ate never a minute without it in the house.'' Sold by Dr I) G Scott. aadache I writes Mrs. Mattie Allen, of fi "I suffered with blind sick B I could get no relief until I tried 9 RDUI 11 ng Female Tonic 1/ > improve, and now I feeJ sh to recommend it to BP ' that it will cure ^ H tal extract of WkITE R es female ^yyi Y I fryCVA1Jf I *i^r mm/SM ?2S!L' iTS 1 I NTRY ALIKBH p - to - date Merchandise. i?< " I Cloaks and jacketJ. nt has far ex- i We have them, New, Stylish'" -rjgj ig celebrated Nj. and Stunning in Effect, yjjj 'Jmj \?/. Don't buyjyour Cloaks and ^ * l|M 'p /? Jackets until yon have sjeen adiGS, / x Sole Agents for the famous P " - J 1 1 1 n e ? ] JEFFERSON Hats for Qents. i M 9771677* \ye ijandle the well known ^ . JB better made. DIXIE Blankets. M '] COMPANY ? Farming Tools Of 1 All Kinds. Also a full line ot Horse Collars, Hack Bands, Traces, Single? ; ;|jj T~? Til 1 i. i.. . n?AAl-l,A? An n4i?<V . t-r^ J? i UUr U1X1C nuw is wuai yuu w<iul, <x ncavici, auiwiuu ra and it costs us more than the ordinary kind, but no extrachargljM || See our large stock o* Pee Dee and Orangeburg Sweeps, Shovel/* .", ?? ' Plows, and in fact everything needed in the preparation of youri$} land and cultivation of your crop. "\'-P Agents for Johnson's Dislr Cultivators, the money saver. ^ Just received a car Anchor Lime, always the'best. Try us on Sashes and Doors; Come and inspect our stock, yoja ^ are alway welcome. , LAKE CITY HARDWARE CO. J LAKE CITY, S. C j Big Shipment of Jj Horses and Mules. 9 We have just received a big lot of fine Horses and Mules. Gentle family horses, fine matc& teams of mules, stylish driving homes. Moderate Prices. Full Line Standard Make Buggies and wag^ ! i m ons. No Better made; no lower prices. ?:? I Stuckey& Flowers,) Lake City, J 9 8 . THE- -mmi 8 HOUDA^SEASON WM j) Brings Suggestions of Tokens of Remembrance for Your W ' w) Friends and Loved Ones. What Could be Prettier or More Wl ^ (i Appreciable than a Piece of silver or Jewelry. (m j y) Our Stock is Unusually Large and Replete with Suitable -w) .: y&f? (j Xmas Gifts. ' (p We Will Meet Prices from any Catalogue. X X y) 8 Moil Orders Receive Prompt i Coil 8 8 S. THOMAS ABRO. 8 ^ 257 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. W * ? cnnn mnun uuuw vau uvuv | OF ORGANS. Now being sold in Kingstree and Williamsburg Co. by THE CABLE COMPANY. , :$M We have just finished selling two rarloads at l\xet City and in the country out from, theffcT* ^ Our prices are right, our terms are reasonable. Any one de- w ^ siring to purchase either an organ or piano will please communi cate with Mr A j Thompson, Superintendent of our force a* tfingstree. In addition to selling and delivering organs our salesman a . prepared to take orders and sell our complete line of pianos con v? 1 sisting of MASOK&HAMLIN--CONOVER-KINGSQTOY-;WELIANGTO^^^p -Largest^nanufacturers ot pianos audio? HnHHnK, >>