I <^t: ' .. . _ ? ^ rARMEftg 2MERCHANTS BANK //4^ M . ^ We Know Yoor Wants and Want Tour I : (ILnf fflotlltiTl w" I ?CHAS.M. KELLEY, V/PRES. ^ "W ^ /W JB JP W' W' ^ H. WALLACE JONES. J.CYOOW, ?* WALLACE JONES, JR. CASHIER. 7^^ J Qp? CT ^ ^ ^ W JTS'SSEKW. PerCtnt in erect Allowed in the Savings Department. V ?- " ^ ** u" 1*oa'ro^r- ^ " KJKXV' VOL XIX K1NGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 7, 1905. NO 50 J . ON TRIAL FO?s THfi LIVES. I ? i iiicccn uiTDncDCDC nr ud iiinifti < flLLLULU nuBVLnLBu ui mn vuunn : WILSON ARRAIGNED?PROGRESS OF A 1 NOTABLE TRIAL-WILL LAST THROUGH TODAY. j c-.; % *' ? ' The special term of court to * try the alleged murderers of Mr ' Julian Wilson, .vho was killed ' \ at Cooper postoftice on the night 1 of October 13, 1905, convened 1 l here Tuesday morning-. Judge 1 Ik i/Bydrick, of Spartanburg, hav- 4 ing been appointed t<* preside, ( was promptly on hand, as were 1 Solicitor W;lson and Stenogra- 1 pheV Lathan, and the machinery of the court was set in motion | with the least possible delay. In charging the grand jury 1 Judge Hydrick congratulated * the county of Williamsburg on B setting an example to the State, . and the community where the c ** crime was committed for its ex- \ * ? ? 1I f /.mint,. f IV IUC 1E3I. VI Wil\. LUUUt-jy V in restraining the natural inc.ig- ( nation excited by so atrocious a 1 murder and allowing the law to take its course. His Honor also ^ ^ clearly defined the difference between murder and man-slaughter and, in a general way, indi- < y^K'afecTtlve duties of the jurors j nT who were to pass upon the guilt or innocence of the prisoners j U; .. at the bar. The grand jury found true bills against the three negroes j charged with crime, viz: .fen- s 1 kins Burrows, Arthur Williams I and Robert Scott, who were * arraitnied and DleadeJ. "not _ \? ?? * I guilty." The prisoners being without counsel the court appointed the following attorneys to conduct the defense: For Arthur Williams, Gilland & Gilland; for Jenkins Burrows, Kelley & Fairey; for Robert , % Scott, Stoll & Stoll. Messrs Lee ? & Askins were retained to assist the So'icitor in the prosecution. The trial opened with the tes * timony of three physicians who ( were present at the coroner's 2 v inquest, Drs J R Brockinton, W r V Brock; nton and W F Haselden, 7 who testified as to the position 1 and the nature of the wounds, * r [j which were four in number? j. ' "three being on the head and c one on the neck at end of the spi- c nal column. Ttiese wounds, three of which were described as fatal, t were evidently inflicted by a j f*\ heavy, blunt instrument, such as the blood-stained wagon-jack j found near the scene of the kill- ' ing and which, according to the ! i State's theory, was the deadly implement employed by the j murderers. The main points of evidence | against the prisoners are tracks j found near the store where the murder was committed, which; were traced to within a short I distance of the houses of the ne- jv groes implicated. These tracks j x * made by old, broken shoes, | [ ber nines, which is the size /Oe worn by all three defen- v ?low fell he (Williams) ran out it the back door. Later 011,his ac-! :omplices rejoined him and the 1 itolen money and merchandise vere divided. In all, thirty-nine witnesses! :or the State have testitied. I' | Witnesses for defendants will!1 testify today and this afternoon )r tomorrow the arguments!1 ivill be made. h Tuesday the court room was i1 lensely packed and many; i ould not get in at all. Yes-' erday though the crowd was j j liminished, it was still filled to p iverttowing and the keenest and j' iveliest solicitude is manifested 1: it every stage of the trial. ij NOTICE j All persons wbo bold keys to the ' Money Box" will please bring them ; 0 promptly W.T. WILKINS. I' 12-7-lt. Lines From Lambert. , Lambert, Dec. 5:? Harvest- { ng time is about over in this ; ection and the young folks ; lave begun to gather to gether ind enjoy some grand enter- ] ainments, one of which took < dace at the Muddy Creek grad- ? d school building on last . Thursday night. This was the ( nost enjoyable event that has < aken place for some time in ] his vicinity. Rev J E Carter preached his ' arewell sermon for 1905 at 1 lohnsonville Methodist church >n last Sunday. Mr Carter has >een a faithful minister, and we lope that his circuit will not oe ' hanged for the year of 1900. 1 Mr Robert Baxley and sister >f Choppee have been spending \ i few days with friends and ' elatives near here. Mr 11 P Snowden of Church i md Miss Lizzie E Wall of Eu 1 onia, S. C., were happily marled on last Thursday, Xovem >er 30, All wish the jroung :ouple a pleasant and prosper>us voyage through life. j Mrs J T Baxley and daugh- i er. Miss Reck Tina, are spend- : ng a few days this week in1 ] jake City. The young- folk of this localty are rapidly petting mated. This is as it should be and we ill like to see the pood work go ] >n. I wonder if my time is too ( ar ahead to be overtaken by j December 25? , Hay Coon. < ~ < Suttons Sittings. < Reivivcfl loo late for la*t week'# issue. i Suttons, Nov. 18:?Mr John M '* 31akeley went to Georgetown last 1 reek. . s Mrs H E Ogburn and Miss Ruth linuant visited friends in Manning ast week. Mr W C Ogburn went to Greely- f ille last Friday on business. Miss Clara Blakelev visited < riends at Saaipit last week. Mr W C Ogburn, Misses Annie ( )gburn and Clinnie Henderson, Mrs 1 E Ogburn, and little Miss Dodie linnant went to Kiugstree Mon-| lay. MissFlorie .stubbs visited friends ,t Taft last week. 1 Little Miss Minnie Walters of Berkeley is visiting relatives at this dace. ( MrS J Altman visited friends at c Sampit last week. Rosebud. \ FURIOUS FIGHTING. t "For seven years," writes Geo ] y Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I t tad a hitter battle with chronic ^ tomacn and liver trouble, tiut at ast I won and cured my diseases c >y the use of Electric Bitters. _i( inhesitatingly recommend them to c ill and don't intend in the future | r o be without them in the house, t rhey are certainly wonderful 2 nedicine to have cured* such a bad , ase as mine." Sold, under guaran- * do the same for you, by Dr ; Brockinton, druggist, at 50c a ( . Try them today tC? TO THE MB ITEMS OF INTEREST AROUND SCRANTON. BURGLARY (7 STORE-LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS. Sckanton', Dec. 5:?The store, of Mr J M Parker was broken into on last Wednesday ni^ht. The thief ?,rot in by knocking a hole in the side of the chimney and raising the bar from the back door. He found but little mnrmv in flip (Inner, which lie tore away from the counter. Mr Parker says that there were only a few "brownies" left in the j drawer on that night, but there) were several articles of mer:handise missing. No clue to) the thief has yet been found. Miss Estelle Coward spent Thanksgiving with her parents :it Cowards, Mr W J Wi Hough by and family paid his brother, Mr T C" Willoughby, near Florence, a pleasant visit last Thursday, which of course was Thanksgiving Day. Mr () 11 Carter has purchased the beautiful lot adjoining the Methodist parsonage,on the corner of Dickson and Church streets, and he will soon erect a nice residence thereon. We all know what this new resilence means and those that don't know will soon find nut?eh, Mr Carter? Dr W S Lynch and Mr R E McKnight went to Kingstree Tuesday on business. Mr P M Lee of Conway was a ; visitor in town last week. Mrs Frank Cannon returned dome Sunday morning after spending a few days very pleasantly with relatives and friends it the North. M iss Lillie Graham left last i Friday night for Columbia,where die will take in the Baptist State Convention. Mr and Mrs F W Stackley, ac:ompanied by three children, spent last Sunday in town with Mr S O Byrd. Miss Olive Lavender returned tome one day last week after a week's visit to jier sister,Mrs R VI ( 'nnvspr " I Dr It G Gregg of Florence and | Mr Wbisnant, the popular sales-1 nan for F W Wagener & Co.,1 tvere in town one day last week. I)r Covington Lee and tamily >f Warpers passed through town Sunday morning going to visit j the Doctor's parents near town. ! Messrs E L Hirsh and R K Wallace of Kingstree were noted in town last Friday. Mr John E Godwin went to Kingstree this morning on business. Mr D P Spell leaves tonight For Charleston, where he will be placed at some point as operator for the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. M KM. Important Notice. We need Sow on suoscripnon by January 1. Now, we do not expect a cent of this amount Prom those who have already! paid; but there are about six or i ?even hundred subscribers'on )ur books who have not paid a ' rent for a year or longer, and | :hese are the ones to whom we ( ippeal. Are you one of them? I [f so, either call at this office or .end us a dollar on subscription. 1 Notice to Teachers. All white teachers of Wiliamsburg county are cordially j nvited to meet at Kingstree, in he graded school building, on j Saturday, Dec. lt)th,for the pur- j >ose of formally organizing a ounty Teachers' Association. P P Bethea. 12-7-2t. FIRE AT GREELYVILLE. wo Stores Burned Belonging to Mrs. Keels. Greelyville, Nov. 0?Special: j )ur town was visited by quite a lestructive tire this morning, in ' vhich Mrs Keels lost two stores,' me occupied by H H Brown and he other by J T W McDowell. Mr Brown's store was discovered on tire about 0 o'clock ajjd. r- /a Vki/11ir f ti f nnf B imr ;ui lieu. iuimui) uuu iiuuhu^ :ould be done to save it or the >ther adjoining, which was oc:upied by McDowell. There was 10 insurance on the buildings, >ut I understand Mr Brown had ismall policy on his stock of foods. Other nearby building's vere only saved by the heroic ;fforts of our bucket brigade. B E Claukson. j &RCHANT: If you haven't V, mil n simp MOM. ! R PARIS McALISTER SLAIN BY J M SPORTS. J M Sports,white.was brought I in yesterday by' 'unstable Moore ami lodged in jail for the killing" 1 of R l'aris McAlister. another ' white man, near Suttons postioff.oe, on Kridav evening. Re jcember I. The particulars of the tragedy are rather meaner up to this time; but from what can be learned it seems that several men were gathered at Sports* house, McAlister a 'ong the number, and that whiskey was at the bottom of the trouble. The row began in the yard and Sports was cut with a knife by one of the men. He then went into his house saying that he was going after his gun. When he returned with the gun only McAlister remained, the others having business elsewhere. Sports advanced within close range of McAlister and shot him in the groin, inflicting a fatal wound. Whether or not McAlister was the man who had cut Sports, we have not been able to learn. After the shooting Sports put the injured man in a buggy and took him over to his home near by. On Sunday night shortly after TJ o'clock, McAlister died from the effect of his wound. On Monday an inquest was * * , * i -? r i \ j i Held over tne ooo.y or ueau man by Magistrate W P Moore and the verdict rendered tha.. the deceased came to his death b^, a gun-shot wound at the hands of J M Sports. Mr McAlister leaves a wife | and tive small children. The remains were interred at Sutton* i church on Tuesday following the- j homicide. A Thanksgiving Dance. Avery pleasant dance was! given on Thanksgiving even-.! ingat Mr ET llamer's residence i near Salters Depot. The music j was furnished by Messrs Alton Salters and Manson Hrown on j the violin, and Miss r.mmie: Brown on the guitar. The large j crowd present found the occasion highly enjoyable and the Terpsichorean exercise was i kept up until the small, weej hours. Among the participants; were the following from Kings i tree: Missis Bessie and Alma! Kelly, Emma Wilson, Kate i Saunders, Lillie Cunningham,| Massey Estes, Mamie Jacobs;: Messrs P II Stoll, H T Mc'.'lary, | Tom McCutchen, R K Wallace, A C Swails, Burrie Epps and F \V Fairey. m- I ? Hot Supper at Benson. ,. . ! The Ladies' School Aid society j of Cedar Swamp will again serve j a hot supper on Wednesday the! 13th inst at the home of Mr J ' G McCullough. Besides the supper, there will be other features j of novelty and interest. The I proceeds of all are wanted for ! the new school building. Thank you, Mr Wolfe, foryOtir i kindness in giving us space. Thank you, all those who came| before. Won't you come again? | Dec. 5, 190."). A. 3 j n i i. ?_?_! :L^amDeri^^ s; Cough Remedy I The Children's Favorite* -- CUKF.8-" j Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy U famous for its cures over alarge parr <>f the civilized world. It can J I always be depended upon It contains no 2>ium or other harmful drug and may ! ? ven as confidently to a bal>y as to on adult Price 25 cts; Largo Size, 50 cts. j ' wm#e*iwwN#Bw*? Cleared." Tjhird * Containing 200 Acres; With Three Horse Farm Cleared. Cach of Xjheee tPlaces Tffust Jffavo ^Dwelling Jffouse and Out' Ofuitdings and Situated 7/ear Church and SchocJ. ( Stoll tfirof.j! Sieal Gstate ffirokerz. JCingstree, S. C. ?. r - write *^e fa**0 ?we v BUY THE mm |i W. T. Wilkinsi Kingstree, S, C. i SPECIAL LINE I 1 * ?