v ; . ... ERS A MERCHANTS feANK S/^f U /^\ ^ "m. We Xnow Year Wants and Want Yont f LAKE ctrr.s.^. /^ |/^ ^ Mm 3 Sflk We Strive to'Oblige and Accommodate the 'i M oaiNtal^ stock s25.ooo.oo. ? l/ji^ I I 9 || | i| niC |/J I g Pnbiic. IV Wv Ml lilj AlWvi li B. WALLACE JONES, JR. CASHIER. * V I f n n.sixGr.ETARr. w.a.j. MOORX. V .^F \ > ^ s. II, I'tWTOX, CItAS, M. ItELLT. ' VOL XIX , K1NGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 23, 1905. NO 48 WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY,; | GOES FOR PROHIBITION. I MAJOR!*! INDICATED LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED?NOT. OVER HALF THE ELECTORS VOTED. It looks now as if the dispen f; Stfry has been voted out by less & tjhan a hundred votes as the result of last Tuesday's election. ^ The total number of votes cast will approximate one thousand, v which is about one-half the voting strength of the county,based upon the returns of the Democratic primaries. Unofficial relic turns have been received as fol - lows: DISPENSARY. DISPENSARY. l**l^'Kingstree 65 60 - . Cades 30 8 & Scran ton 43 51 * Lake City 96 tl r Greelvville 54 23 Alters 25 0 ^ McAlisters . 58 1 s gjFohnsonville 21 95 ( Prospect 55 5 I Gourdins 6 13 Nk ^Hebron k 18 18 - ImU^ntown 13 17 Blooming vale 9 2 Sjk Buttons 2 33 3 ^ r'3wamfr22 17 Ir*. "Altaians \* 21 v 3 .v Morrisville '1 , 23 I gf";,' . Total 558 " 473 Majority for no dispensary, 85. tylen's Clothing and Hats, Ladies' Jackets, Skirts, Fine ' Dress Goods, Silks, Neck \Tear, i including Furs, etc., to be sold cheap. Remember the name and T~^lace?J LC Moore's, Lake City, Will Close oo Thanksgiving. We,th?-undersigned,merchants of town of Kingstree, S. C., dc hereby promise and agree to close g^v*or respective places of business on Thursday,the 30th day of November, the same being Thanksgiving Day. BJjf? '^Signed.) Kingstree Dry Goods Co. L Staclriey. Wilkins. % J B Steele. Bp*. * MrsC G Harper, Bp Jacobs & Stt. 0g?. J S Eron. ff . ? Marcus. L J Stackley. BpSsP S Courtney: R, G"OllieEppe. Kennedy -Montgomery Co. ' Kingstree Hardware Co. f; rM J Porter. H D Reddick. Sol Peres. ^ Tinney's Chocolate Cream Bon Bons 50c, 25c and 10c boxes at DrW V Brockington's Drug f > ' Store. Tbanksgiving Celebration. | < We are requested/to announce I |u that there will^e a Thanksgiv />i?l?Kr9fir\n af fWinth Pres. Pterian church, three miles t of Greelyviljf, on next, irsday. The- hospitable peoof that community are preing to make the day one long >e remembered. The public lordially invited. Hymeneal. Married?On Friday, Novem|e^-' ber 7, 1905, by Rev Mr Wilder, E. at the Presbyterian church, Georgetown, S. C., Miss Maud I Jfttfelop and Mr J L Blakeley.; [ The bride is a daughter of the | i_- late Rev J E Dunlop and the j F groom is a well known and popl: ular young man of the vicinity of Harpers. K& Goto'DrW V Brockington's fo' Drug Store for fine Xmas Can[ RED 1TO ANY CHEWER of tobacc THE VAN AMSURG SHOW. I A Large Crowd in Attendance but the Show Was not Much Good. Yesterday was circus day and the usual contingent foregath-|j ered here "to see the animals."! The menagerie of a circus has a drawing power superior to any lode-stone known to scientists? especially for the children. The grown-ups of course have to go along to look after the young- s sters,and on tie average it takes 5 iKrvnt eiv- a/liii!^ trv rhanprnn i CWUUl OlA UU U1VO v\/ VMU^'VI I one small child. The crowd/ under the canvas of the "big 4 show" was estimated at from 2,000 to 2,500, just about enough 1 to comfortably fill the tent. * The Van Amburg show is said ' to be one of the oldest on the { road and it makes no effort to ^ conceal the ravages of time. The 1 few mangv-looking animals pre- ( sented the appearance of be- 1 ing left-overs from Noah's just- ' ly celebrated menagerie, and c even the baby elephant looked blase and dissipated, as did the 1 '' gentlemen" and "ladies' wno did the hair-raising equestrian stunts. About the only really meritorious feature of the .show was the acting of several juvenile "artists", who did their turns well and elicited liberal applause. Tne usual concert "after the puffawmance" was unusually poor, yet it raked in quite a quantity of superfluous dimes. The evening date was canceled, very wisely, no doubt. Special Sale at J L C Moore's Lake City, S. 0., Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 28th and 29th. Lome one! Come all! Don't mis$ these bargains. Obituary. * C Mrs Emma A Kirton,nee Grier, a was born November 11, 1882, and w as married to Davis J Kirton in October, 1902. On Oc- 1 c tooer31, 1905, in Charleston, S. C., she departed this life. . . i' Shu is emtio hut still we niissht*r. Friends may think the wound is healed. But there's none who knows the sorrow Deep within our hearts concealed. She is goue but not forgotten; Never will her memory fade; Loving thoughts will ever linger, 'Round the grave where she is laid. Father and Mother. Many children inherit diseases and are weak and feeble, others due to ehilhood troubles Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will positively cure children and make them strong. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Lake City Drug Do. Character is a composite picture of our virtues and vices. Pain may go by the name of rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, pleurisy. No matter what the pains are called, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will drive them away. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Lake t'ity Drug Co. Never judge a man's salary Ku thiA rnst of hi? dn?k* "I THANK THE LORD!" [ erie 1 Hannah Plant, of Little Rock ( Ark., "for the relief I got from . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured 1 my fearful running sores, which ( nothing else would heal, and from j which 1 had suffered for o years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, ? burns and wounds. Guaranteed at s Dr W V Brockinton's drug store; 25c. ? , Notice of Sale. i State of South Carolina, j s County of Williamsburg ) * By virtue of a Chattel Mortgage exe- " c?ited by Messrs Lee and Clements to < Messrs Sileox & Company, dated 17th t day of March, 1903 and records in the office of the Register of Mesne Convey- a ance for Williamsburg County, on the 23rd day of March. 1903, and upon which default has been made, I will sell at Public Auction, on 4th day ot December, A. I)., 1905, at 1 welve (12) c o'clock in front of t1 e Court House, . in Kingstree, S. the following de- 1 scribed personal propertv:? I One (1) Black horse mule named i v "Roily". One (1) black horse mule 1 named "Jordan". One (1) black horse 1 inulo named "Jack". one [1] bay horse mule named "Bonnv". One[l] J Two horse wagon. One [J] one horse ( wagon. Two buggies. One farm cart. GEORGE J GRAHAM. 1 Agt. for Mortgages. Dated Nov 21st, 1905.?2t. j TO THE MEI MEA ^o^Hiojvill^cu^utj ?* mail us*-*-' TTST EPFS SNOWDEN WILL HMO FRIDAY. iOVERNOR l2FUSES TO INTERFERE -1 COUNSEL HAVE ABANDONED APPEAL INTERVIEW WITH CONDEMNED MAN. Ilurivard roct/.niav IVfPi'ilVll V.H'* lit* ???!?.? UOVMUIt I i ? vvx > l jv tit ion for the commutation of sentence of Epps Snowden, a Wiliamsburg negro who is to he hanged it Kingstree Friday?unless the !.-w ihould interfere in his behalf The petition was sent in by Messrs Lee & Askins, attorneys,and iov Hevward is disposed to think hut they had given him very little into in which to investigate the case, in the petition no reason for re-j jrieve is given other than that the iffense was committed "in heat of j passion" and that the verdict should j lave been "manslaughter" instead) >f "murder." j Immediately upon the petition 'rom Kingstrec.Gov Hey ward called ip Judge Watts at Florence over he long distance 'phone and conerred with him in regard to the natter. Judge Watts has not yet Missed upon the case in an official ecommendation to the governor,but t is said that he is not inclined at iresent toward leniency. Gov Ilevvard did not receive a transcript of he evidence in the ca-e until just is he was leaving the office at dinler time-yesterday. He carried the wicket home with hin. and as is his mstoiu in such matters lead every vord of the testimony l^st night. The evidence shows that the homi :ide occurred in the store of Holt | irowu, at Lambert, on the 3rd of r une of this year. The physician' n attendance stated that the deal | nan had been stabbed in four plae-1 s, one wound producing almost in-: taut death. The evidence in file; ase is dramatic, the court stenog- . apher having caught tile vernacular j tf the witnesses m such a manner hat the statements in court sead ' ike a weird narrative. The principal witnesses, it is true, vere relatives of the deceased, but i * . i heir evidence is cumulatively dam iging, and there was evidence from li si uteres ted parties that will very learly put the halter around the leek of the convicted man. In s|K*akin?r of this matter yesterlay, Gov Heyward said that he does lot understand why when a man has )een convicted aud for several weeks j las been under sentence of death, a petition should be presented at the ast. hour askiug for executive cleinmcy. The law .gives a man the 'ight to ap]?eal to the governor for mrdoii, and he does not like to deiv a convicted man this privilege, >ven at the last moment, but he Jeels very much at a loss how prop:rly to act in such a contingency as ;his. Gov Hey ward had a case of this vind recently when the petitions :'rom Greenville kept him on the ack for a miserable 24 hours, be;ause parties who up ,to the very eve >f execution had evinced no nterest in the fate of the negroes ;ame to him then with such pleadngs that even after he hau firmly | .aid "no" he was forced to recouuder. Gov Hey ward will try to get the1 natter all in hand today in this case rom Williamsburg anu win prooibly announce his decision within 54 hours. He may grant a respite md he may giant a commutation, >ut yesterday he appeared "to think hat insufficient reasons had been idvanced.?The State,Nov. 21. WILL HANG TOMOKKOW. Governor Heyward has dedined to reprieve or commute be sentence of Enos Snowden ' * * " ~ X X md all probability he will be tanged to-morrow. At the time :he sentence was passed Messrs Lee & Askins, the prisoner's :ounsel, gave notice of an appeal to the supreme court, .vhich appeal, if taken, would lave stayed sentence pending fcCHANT: If you haven't TWe give you ou made of better to tty than any oth Wn:c a?nii; mad addresi | tilt* result. Messrs Lee A As- < 1 kins luive j^iven the sherifl no- * tice that the appeal has been abandoned and there seems now i to be no reason why the execu- ( tion should not take place. To be on the safe side, however, a Sheriff Graham has wired So- 1 jlicitor Wilson about the matter, ^ I thnt oftieinl advises j- I ; otherwise, which is hardly ' j probable, on tomorrow between i the hours of 11 and 3 o'clock, j ' Epps Snowden will expiate his ;, j crime on the gallows A representative of The Rkc- j > okd interviewed the condemned man on Monday, lie is very | much emaciated. hollow e\*\d I and gaunt. He >sa coal-blac.t ! I negro of slender build, and ( claims to be only twenty-three 1 | years old. Is married and has i i two children. He talked freely, j' i and appeared glad to do so, but i most of his talk was rambling [J and incoherent. Has lived all ; l of his life in Williamsburg", near Lambert postoftice, and declared ; that he had never been a rowdy ] negro. The man be killed. K W | Brown, he referred to as "Cousin Bob,'* whom he said he loved and would not have harmed a hair of his head had he (Snowden) been in possession of his \ senses. But he said he bought a a cup-full of whiskey from l'rown | and that, with the soda water * he drank afterwards, made him drunk. The witnesses, too, were against him?five against one? j and Joe Mention had testified! falsely. "But," he added, "I! have made my peace with (iod ! and if I did wrong to any one I j ask him to pardon me. " When asked how he had been i treated in the jail he answered, "Fine, only I find it a little; cold here." THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS. Will Meet Tuesday and Declare Result of Election. The board of canvassers for the recent election on the ques''/licnHnunrA''' nr "no IIV/II VI uiopvii-jui j v -- ^ | dispensar}T"will meet next Tues- . [day and declare the result. The j returns given this week are un- j j official, having been obtained || by telephone, telegraph and by I word of mouth. The figures ij I given are of course subject to1! j modification when the election ij | commissioners meet and declare !( j the result. Still we believe it jj safe to predicate that "no dis-1 pensary" has won by a small j I but safe majority. A Lj;s t;< the Capito . A in the S : ntiiic Amcri- I j vim ... the fanioa- wl:ring j isalKiv i:t the capitol at Wa hington j ! ha.- aiiiti catifually been <1. .roved J I by the replacing of the old painted I j wooden ceding with one composed ' of phvtcr supported on ron and covered witli coffering in relief. On the old celling the coffering was I simply i.idica'ted by painted lines and shadows. v?hieh did not inter- j fere with the reflection of the sound V waves. Hut the raised work does J inu rfere. especially with the sounds i of a whi per, which are of short L wave length. Before the changes > 4 this whispering gallery, which was j \ formed by the dome of the old house 1 of representatives, now the hall of j statues, was one of the most perfect known and constituted one of the I popular attractions of the capitol. Quebec's Military Works. The Dominion government is,' about to enter upon the construction I of gigjfntie military works in the ' city and district of Quebec. The old citadel is to he overhauled and the j three forts at Point Levis and big j guns put on all of them. At Beau- ) mont, nine miles from the city, on the south shore, two large fortresses j are to he constructed, commanding j, a full view of-the channels up anil j' down the river and costing about 1 * $3,000,00<>. When they are done Quehec can go to sleep at night with ' an added scn.-c of security, though j it is a question whether it will be a bit safer than it is now and has been ever since Wolfe and Montcalm for ' the time being settled its status on the heights of Abraham. ? New York Tribune. Red Meat Tobacco in stock, v TO-THE CONSUMER: ' 7iiirinfBA that narh Iftpr i flUBuiuiv SUUA r ibacco and contains more gofcd solid j er |Qc plug of ?ny weight off< i d or t IpMr**! C>'f HHBV w SPECIAL NOTICES Transient Notices will In* Published j ii Ibis Column at the Kate of One 'cut a Word for Each issue. WANTED?"l i.r: ompctent men j ' nut rood salesmen i:i our mercantile | Mildness. Must be well recommended.! F RHI:M A -ons, ll-i'il-tf. Khcms. S. C. i| WANTED?A few loads of stove ,\ood on subscript ion. t A tonic which is not pleasing, to the taste, lacks at least one; rvan f T'irf iu? stllAWS PIT RE . MALT is delicious For sale at j ilie Dispensary. i Registration Notice. ' Theofiice of the Supervisor of Rear- t >tration will he opened on the first j Monday in every mouth for the pur-I |?ose of the rejjisterinj; of any person i A lio is qualified as follows : Mho shall have heen a resident of lie State for two years, and of the ounty one year, ami of the polling pre- , inet in which the elector oilers to rote four months before the day of lection, and shall have paid, ?ix lionths before, any poll tax then due mtl payable, and who can own rcau i uid write any section of the eonstitu; ion of 1>W> submit ted to him by the supervisors of Registration, or who an show that lie owns, and has paid ill taxes collectable on during the rqpscnl year, property in this State issessed at three hundred dollars or nbre. J. J. EADDY, t.lcrk of Hoard. A Hot Supper. There will be a hot snpjM*r for the renelit of Mt Vernon Methodist church ' it the residence of .Mr It row n at Marin's Cross Roads on Thursday night, liec. 7th,1905. A good time is anticipat d by all who attend. Come one,come ill. and have a good time. .1 T Frierson, for Committee. Nov. 15th, Lit 5 * iiSHPf AEJ3KJ THE "MOSS" COTTON PKCSS! smitT, BMMPl, I EST . Tms Murray Cimmq iSyvtui tin Ftiltn, CibIiiiri. Etc. GIBBET NACHtKttT CO. Colombia. S. C. J ?^^^jj1P?^I w ? II am still Agent for?1 j i//ic (3If/ Ffteliable Florence Steam Luuudry. 8 you can leave package at I Stack ley's Cash Store not ,j later than 5 o'clcck Tuesday I afternoon. I S. !P. Stack ley, I Kingstree, S. C- I 1 Wanted. r>' ^3arms. \ ^ 33uy at Once | i CX first "* ~""v / CoiYTTrrnng 100 Acres; With One Horse Farm Cleared ^ - . . ' _ ^sintainmg bO Acres i with Two Horse Farm Cleared. jhird ' Containing 200 Acres] With Three Horse Farm Cleared. jach of TJ/icac ^Places 77/ust Have 'Dwelling JHousc and Out\ Duildings and Situated 7/ear A *# ? /> Jt rv rt rJ //?/>/ I Stoll SRroj.j 9fea/ Sstate SSrokerj, j Jfingstree, S. C. /rite the factory?we will sup ?=?3cofa III -i? rrn ilug of Red Meat is uicy chewing qua .- H | joldby^ajniyJaeto^ Clothes Pf I that Talk w the m I W.T. Wilkins, Kingstree, S. C.Jm SPECIAL LINE* 1 Crockery Ware, I \ Glass Ware, | Wine Setts, | - 'Jl Water Sets, China Images, j Just Opened Up. |l P. S. COURTNEY. MAIN STREET KINGSTREE, S. C. 1 \ i I' - ? (f /? >, JLemoco Say St !Plain to 71}r Carr and Sou 10ill Set the Sdest Goer7 JCinystree Jffarchvare Company. 2 Carlds Of ' ' ' i 1 Horses and Mules ' " " M '' -v Just Received at j HELLER'S STABLES. ' ^ ^ Come and Get Your.HlJk, M. F. HELLER, 1 ' KINGSTREE, - S. C. . * _ ^